1、第一部分:安装ThingWorxTask 1. Install the Java Development Kit.Double-clickjdk-8u40-windows-x64in Windows Explorer.ClickNext .ClickNext .ClickNext .ClickClose.Task 2. Install Apache Tomcat.Double-clickapache-tomcat-8.0.20in Windows Explorer.ClickNext .ClickI Agree.ClickNext .Type80in the HTTP/1.1 Connecto
2、r Port field to overwrite the default.Typeadminin the User Name field.Typeadminin the Password field.ClickNext .ClickNext .TypeC:PTCTomcatin the Destination Folder field to overwrite the default contents.ClickInstall.Clear theRun Apache Tomcatcheck box.Clear theShow Readmecheck box.Click theFinishbu
3、tton.Task 3. Configure server.xml.Navigate toC:ptcTomcatconfin Windows Explorer.Right-click theserver.xmlfile.SelectSend to.SelectNoteTab Light.SelectSearchfrom the NoteTab Light menu.SelectReplace.Typeprotocol=HTTP/1.1in the Find what field.Typeprotocol=org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocolin
4、the Replace with field.Click theReplace Allbutton.Click theOKbutton.Click theSave Documenticon in NoteTab Light.Click theCloseicon in NoteTab Light.Task 4. Configure Tomcat settings.Click theWindows Starticon on the Windows taskbar.SelectAll Programs.SelectApache Tomcat 8.0 Tomcat8.SelectConfigure T
5、omcat.Click theStartup typedrop-down list to expand it.SelectAutomatic.Select theJavatab.Copy the following four lines to the end of the Java Options section to append the current contents:-XX:+UseNUMA-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC-XX:PermSize=128m-XX:MaxPermSize=1024mDepending on your system and data need
6、s for the ThingWorx Composer, you may want to set the MaxPermSize larger than 1024 MB.Clear all of the content in the Initial memory pool field.Clear all of the content in the Maximum memory pool field.Click theApplybutton.Select theGeneraltab.Click theStartbutton to start Tomcat.Task 5. Install the
7、 ThingWorx Composer Web application.SelectNew Tab - Google Chromeon the Windows taskbar.Typehttp:/localhostin the address bar and press ENTER.Click theManager Appbutton.Typeadminin the User Name field.Typeadminin the Password field and press ENTER.Click theChoose Filebutton in the WAR file to deploy
8、 section of the user interface.Double-clickD:StudentThingWorxLabFilesThingworx.war.Click theDeploybutton and wait for the browser page to refresh.Task 6. Open the ThingWorx Composer.Click/Thingworxin the Applications section of the Tomcat Web Application Manger.If you want to complete the MySQL data
9、base integration exercises in this course, you must either use a PTC University cloud-based virtual machine or install MySQL and the sample data. MySQL, along with installation instructions, is available as part of the lab files package. However, we are using a PTC University cloud-based virtual mac
10、hine, so MySQL is preinstalled.TypeAdministratorin the User Name field.Typeadminin the Password field and press ENTER.Click theI acceptbutton.第二部分:开始使用ThingWorx2.1、Creating a User LoginTask 1. Create a user login.ClickExpandto expand Security in the Explorer.SelectUsers.Click in the spotlight search
11、 field to select it.Type + to list objects you can create in ThingWorx.Type U to list objects you can create in ThingWorx that start with the letter U.Select+User.TypeThingWorxStudentin the Name field.TypeStudent Userin the Description field.Click theChange Passwordbutton.Typeptcin the Enter New Pas
12、sword field.Typeptcin the Retype Password field.Click theChange Passwordbutton.Click theUser Extensionslink in the ENTITY INFORMATION section of the Explorer.Type the e-mail address that corresponds to your SMS text messaging number in the smsAddress field.In a future exercise, a text message will b
13、e sent to this user. For the upcoming exercise to work, the valid e-mail address that corresponds to your SMS text messaging number must be set. For more information on how to determine the correct e-mail address to use for this purpose, visit HYPERLINK /how-to-send-email-to-a-phone/ /how-to-send-em
14、ail-to-a-phone/.Type a valid e-mail address in the emailAddress field.Click theSavebutton.2.2、Adding a User to a GroupTask 1. Add the ThingWorxStudent user to the Administrators group.TypeAdin the spotlight search field to locate all objects with names that begin with Ad.Select theAdministratorsgrou
15、p.Click theCancel Edit (View)button.Click theEdit Membersbutton.SelectThingWorxStudentin the left panel.DragThingWorxStudentinto the right panel.Click theSavebutton.SelectMembersin the Explorer.2.3、Importing Entities, Mashups, and DataTask 1. Import entities.ClickImport/Exportin the ThingWorx header
16、 to expand a drop-down list.SelectFrom File.Verify that the Entities radio button and the Single File tab are selected. Then, select theUse Default Persistence Providercheck box.Click theChoose Filebutton.SelectD:StudentThingWorxLabFilesThingWorxFundamentalsPreloadEntities.xml.Click theOpenbutton.Cl
17、ick theImportbutton.Task 2. Import data.Wait for the Import Successful message and then select theDataradio button.Click theChoose Filebutton.SelectD:StudentThingWorxLabFilesThingWorxFundamentalsPreloadData.json.Click theOpenbutton.Click theImportbutton.Viewing Imported ContentTask 1. View imported
18、content.ClickMashupsin the ThingWorx Explorer.Click under the scroll bar to scroll down to VendingMain.Click theVendingMainlink.Click theInfobutton.Click theView Mashupbutton.Click thePop-ups were blocked on this page.icon in the Chrome address bar.SelectAlways allow pop-ups from localhost.Click the
19、Donebutton.Click theView Mashupbutton again.ClickCloseto close the mashup window.Click theMashup Previewlink in the Explorer.Typehttp:/localhost/Thingworx/Mashupsin the Chrome address bar.Click under the scroll bar to scroll down to VendingMain.Click theVendingMainlink.2.5、Importing a Widget Extensi
20、onTask 1. Import a widget extension.ClickImport/Exportin the ThingWorx header to expand a drop-down list.SelectImportunder EXTENSIONS.Click theChoose Filebutton.SelectD:StudentThingWorxLabFilesGoogleWidgets_ExtensionPackage.zip.Click theOpenbutton.Click theImportbutton.Click theClosebutton.Click the
21、Yesbutton.Task 2. Verify the widget is viewable in the imported mashup.TypeVin the spotlight search field.SelectVendingMain.Click theView Mashupbutton.2.6、Adding a Model Tag Term to an Existing VocabularyTask 1. Create the ThingWorxTraining tag in the Applications vocabulary.ClickModel Tagsin the Mo
22、deling section of the ThingWorx Explorer.Click theApplicationslink.Click theManage Termsbutton.TypeThingWorxTrainingin the Add Term field.Click theAdd Termbutton.Click theDonebutton.Task 2. Tag the ThingWorxStudent user.TypeThingWorxStin the spotlight search field.SelectThingWorxStudent.TypeThin the
23、 Tags field.SelectThingWorxTraining.Click theSavebutton.2.7、Creating a Model Tag Vocabulary with TermsTask 1. Create the EquipmentTypes vocabulary.ClickModel Tagsin the Modeling section of the ThingWorx Explorer.Click theNewbutton.TypeEquipmentTypesin the Name field.TypeApin the Tags field.SelectApp
24、lications: ThingWorxTraining.Click theSavebutton.Click theEditbutton.Task 2. Add terms to the vocabulary.Click theManage Termsbutton.TypeVending Machinein the Add Term field.ClickAdd Term.TypeVending Machine Communication Serverin the Add Term field.ClickAdd Term.Click theDonebutton.Task 3. Use the
25、REST API to view the vocabulary.Navigate tohttp:/localhost/Thingworx/ModelTags/in Chrome.Click theEquipmentTypeslink.Click theVocabulary Termslink.2.8、Creating a Thing ShapeTask 1. Create the VendingMachineShape thing shape.Click theThing Shapeslink in the ThingWorx Explorer.Click theNewbutton.TypeV
26、endingMachineShapein the Name field.TypeShape for the Vending Machinein the Description field.TypeAin the Tags field.SelectApplications: ThingWorxTraining.Task 2. Add a property for the vending machine humidity.ClickPropertiesin the ThingWorx Explorer.Click theAdd My Propertybutton.TypeCurrentHumidi
27、tyin the Name field.TypeVending Machine Current Humidityin the Description field.Click theBase Typelist to expand it.SelectNUMBER.Type%in the Units field.Verify thatPersistentis not selected and then clickDone and Addto add the property to the VendingMachineShape.Task 3. Add a property for the humid
28、ity set point.TypeVMHumiditySetpointin the Name field.TypeVending Machine Humidity Setpointin the Description field.Click theBase Typelist to expand it.SelectNUMBER.Type%in the Units field.Select thePersistentcheck box.ClickDone and Addto add the property to the VendingMachineShape.Task 4. Add a pro
29、perty for the current temperature.TypeCurrentTemperaturein the Name field.TypeVending Machine Temperaturein the Description field.Click theBase Typelist to expand it.SelectNUMBER.TypeFin the Units field.Verify that thePersistentcheck box is not selected and then clickDone and Addto add the property
30、to the VendingMachineShape.Task 5. Add a property for the temperature set point.TypeVMTemperatureSetpointin the Name field.TypeVending Machine Temperature Setpointin the Description field.Click theBase Typelist to expand it.SelectNUMBER.TypeFin the Units field.Select thePersistentcheck box.ClickDone
31、 and Addto add the property to the VendingMachineShape.Task 6. Add a property for the field service technician.TypeFieldServiceTechin the Name field.TypeVending Machine Field Service Technicianin the Description field.Click theBase Typelist to expand it.Click under the scroll bar to scroll down to U
32、SERNAME in the drop-down list.SelectUSERNAME.Select thePersistentcheck box.ClickDone and Addto add the property to the VendingMachineShape.Task 7. Add a property for the vending machine location.TypeLocationin the Name field.TypeVending Machine Locationin the Description field.Click theBase Typelist
33、 to expand it.SelectLOCATION.Select thePersistentcheck box.ClickDoneto add the property to the VendingMachineShape.Click theSavebutton.Task 8. View the thing shape using the REST API.Navigate tohttp:/localhost/Thingworx/ThingShapes/in Chrome.Click under the scroll bar to scroll down to VendingMachin
34、eShape.Click theVendingMachineShapelink.Click theInstance Property Definitionslink.2.9、Creating a Thing TemplateTask 1. Create the VendingMachineTemplate thing template.Click theThing Templateslink in the ThingWorx Explorer.Click theNewbutton.TypeVendingMachineTemplatein the Name field.TypeVending M
35、achine Templatein the Description field.TypeAin the Tags field.SelectApplications: ThingWorxTraining.TypeGin the Base Thing Template field.SelectGenericThing.TypeVin the Implemented Shapes field.SelectVendingMachineShape.TypeVin the Implemented Shapes field.SelectVendingMachineSupportShape.Click the
36、Savebutton.Task 2. Explore the properties, services, events, and subscriptions.ClickPropertiesin the ThingWorx Explorer.Click under the scroll bar to scroll down and view both properties inherited from the VendingMachineSupportShape and the VendingMachineShape.Click theServiceslink.Click theEventsli
37、nk.Click theExpandicon to expand Generic Events under the Base ThingTemplate events.Click theSubscriptionslink.Task 3. View the ThingShape using the REST API.Navigate tohttp:/localhost/Thingworx/ThingTemplates/in Chrome.Click theVendingMachineTemplatelink.2.10、Creating a ThingTask 1. Create a vendin
38、g machine thing.Type+Tin the spotlight search field.Select+Thing.TypeVM-TR1in the Name field.TypeVM-TR1in the Description field.TypeAin the Tags field.SelectApplications: ThingWorxTraining.TypeVin the Tags field.SelectEquipmentTypes: Vending Machine.TypeVin the Thing Template field.SelectVendingMach
39、ineTemplate.Verify that the Active check box is selected and click theSavebutton.2.11、Duplicating a ThingTask 1. Duplicate a Thing.Click theThingslink in the ThingWorx Explorer.Select the check box in theVM-TR1row of the Things table.Click theDuplicatebutton.TypeVM-TR2in the Name field.TypeVM-TR2in
40、the Description field, overwriting the current contents.Verify that the Active check box is selected and click theSavebutton.Task 2. Duplicate another Thing.Select theExplorertab.Select the check box in theVM-TR1row of the Things table.Click theDuplicatebutton.TypeVM-TR3in the Name field.TypeVM-TR3i
41、n the Description field, overwriting the current contents.Verify that the Active check box is selected and click theSavebutton.2.12、REST API Method and Headers2.13、Creating a Responsive Mashup to View and Edit Thing PropertiesTask 1. Create a responsive mashup.Type+Min the spotlight search field.Sel
42、ect+Mashup.Click theDonebutton.Task 2. Divide the layout area.TypeLain the Filter Widgets field of the Widgets panel.SelectLayout.Drag the Layout widget from the upper-left panel to the upper-center panel.Select theLeft Sidebarcheck box.Click theDonebutton.Select theWorkspacetab.Verify that the Layo
43、ut is selected in the Workspace panel. Then, click theSpacingdrop-down list for the layout.Selectnone.Type150in the LeftSidebarWidth property field and press TAB.Type40in the PctColumn1 property field and press TAB.Select theWidgetstab.Verify that La is still populated in the filter field of the Wid
44、gets panel and dragLayoutto the sidebar.SelectVertical.Validate that two rows, no header, and no footer are selected and clickDone.Select theWorkspacetab.Verify that the Layout within the left sidebar is selected in the Workspace panel. Then, click theCopyicon in the upper-middle panel.Click the cen
45、ter column in the upper-middle panel or Column 1 in the Workspace panel to select it.Click thePasteicon.Click the right-most column in the upper-middle panel or Column 2 in the Workspace panel to select it.Click thePasteicon. HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) Enlarge ImageTask 3. Add a list of the vendin
46、g machines to the upper-left corner of the layout.Select theWidgetstab.TypeLiin the filter field of the Widgets panel.Select theListwidget.Drag the List widget to the upper-left corner of the layout.Verify that the Data tab is selected in the upper-right panel and click theAdd entityicon.Click theSe
47、lect Entitydrop-down list to expand it.SelectThing Templates.TypeVin the Search ThingTemplates field.SelectVendingMachineTemplate.Typegetiin the Select Services filter.Click theAddicon for the GetImplementingThings method.Select theMashup Loaded?check box.Click theDonebutton.Select theGetImplementin
48、gThingsservice.Click theExpandicon next to All Data in the Data panel.Click theExpandicon next to Parameters in the Data panel.Select theAll Datarow of the Data panel.Drag theAll Datarow to the list.SelectData.Select theTo-Dotab.Select theConnectionstab.Click under the scroll bar in the lower-left p
49、anel to scroll down so that AutoSelectFirstRow and DisplayField are both visible in the list of properties.ClickDisplayFieldto expand the drop-down list.Selectname.Select theAutoSelectFirstRowcheck box. HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) Enlarge ImageTask 4. Save and test the mashup.Click theSavebutton.Ty
50、peVendingMachineMashin the Name field.TypeTin the Tags field.SelectApplications: ThingWorxTraining.Click theSavebutton.Click theView Mashupbutton.SelectVM-TR2. HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) Enlarge ImageTask 5. Add a temperature gauge for the selected vending machine.ClickCloseto close the VendingMac
51、hineMash mashup tab.Click theEditbutton.Verify that the Data tab is selected in the upper-right panel and click theAdd entityicon.Click theSelect Entitydrop-down list to expand it.SelectThing Templates.TypeVin the Search ThingTemplates field.SelectVendingMachineTemplate.Click theDynamiccheck box.Cli
52、ck under the left-most scroll bar to scroll down to the Properties category.Select thePropertiescategory.Click theAddicon for the GetProperties method.Click theDonebutton.Click under the scroll bar in the Data panel to scroll to the bottom.ClickExpandfor the Selected Row(s) of GetImplementingThings.
53、Click under the scroll bar in the Data panel until both the name of the selected row and the EntityName are visible.Select the name row for the selected row of the Data table.Drag thenamerow to the EntityName row.Click above the scroll bar in the Data table to scroll up to GetImplemetingThings.Selec
54、t theGetImplementingThingsrow of the Data table.Click under the scroll bar in the Data table to scroll down to GetProperties.Drag theSelectedRowsChangedevent to the GetProperties service.ClickExpandfor the GetProperties service.Scroll down to view some of the properties, including CurrentTemperature
55、.TypeGin the filter field of the Widgets panel.Drag a Gauge to the upper-middle Layout panel.DragCurrentTemperaturefrom the Data panel to the Gauge.SelectData. HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) Enlarge ImageTask 6. Save and test the mashup.Click theSavebutton.Click theView Mashupbutton.SelectVM-TR2. HYPE
56、RLINK javascript:void(0) Enlarge ImageTask 7. Add a panel with an LED display of the current humidity.ClickCloseto close the VendingMachineMash mashup tab.TypeLEin the filter field of the Widgets panel.Drag an LED Display to the lower-middle Layout panel.ClickYes.Drag the LED Display to the upper-le
57、ft corner of the newly created panel.DragCurrentHumidityfrom the Data panel to the LED Display.SelectData. HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) Enlarge ImageTask 8. Save and test the mashup.Click theSavebutton.Click theView Mashupbutton. HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) Enlarge ImageClickCloseto close the Vendi
58、ngMachineMash mashup. Task 9. Add a panel indicating the location of the vending machines.TypeGin the filter field of the Widgets panel.Drag a Google Map widget to the upper-right Layout panel.DragLocationfrom the Data panel to the Google Map.SelectSelectedLocation.Click under the scroll bar in the
59、lower-left Properties panel until the ShowSelectionMarker property displays.Select theShowSelectionMarkercheck box.Select theTo-Dotab in the bottom-center panel.Select theConnectionstab in the bottom-center panel. HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) Enlarge ImageTask 10. Save and test the mashup.Click theS
60、avebutton.Click theView Mashupbutton. HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) Enlarge ImageClickCloseto close the VendingMachineMash mashup tab.Task 11. Add components to the mashup that modify vending machine properties.Click theAdd dataicon in the DynamicThingTemplates_VendingMachineTemplate row of the Data
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