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1、Hearts and Minds:mainstreaming and working with in a legal framework to influence policy on companion animals爱心与智慧:如何在主流思想和法律框架内逐步影响政府关于伴侣动物的政策 王润东Darren Wang2019 10 19 Companion animal legislation 香港的伴侣动物立法Since 19th century, Hong Kong has developed various pieces of legislation to assist with comp

2、anion animal management.百余年来,香港制定了一系列法律,来协助管理伴侣动物。SPCA was formed in 1903, registered in 1921.香港爱护动物协会成立于1903年,于1921年正式注册。Legislation: 香港关于动物的法律可在此网站查找Why regulate? 为什么要管理伴侣动物?Public Health公共健康问题Dog bites犬只咬人问题Rabies狂犬病问题Other zoonotic diseases人畜共患病问题Hygiene公共卫生问题Road Traffic Accidents交通事故问题Animal W

3、elfare动物福利问题 Social Concerns社会关注(舆情)Nuisance麻烦事/人Animal management legislation 香港的动物管理立法CAP 139 Public Health (Animal and Bird Traders) 公共健康(动物及鸟类贸易)Regulate trade and livestock keeping 贸易管理和饲养牲畜本条例旨在综合和修订有关动物及禽鸟的检疫与疾病预防的法律,就规管涉及动物及禽鸟的业务、行业和其他活动订定条文,并就给该等业务、行业和活动及与之相关的人和地方发牌及制定条文,就关于规管饲养禽畜和相关活动制定条文,

4、就关于屠宰动物及禽鸟供人食用以及就该等动物及禽鸟屠体的加工与出口制定条文,并就关于规管和管制在奶场生产的奶类的销售制定条文,以及就展览野生动物及禽鸟的地方的公众的保护及安全制定条文。CAP 167 Dogs and Cats Ordinance犬猫条例To provide for the keeping, regulation and control of dogs and cats, for the prohibition of the slaughter of dogs and cats, and for related matters.本条例旨在就犬猫的饲养、犬猫管理规则、犬猫控制、禁止

5、屠宰犬猫以及相关事宜制定条文。Animal management legislation 香港的动物管理立法CAP 168 Pounds Ordinance羁留条例To make provision for impounding stray animals and for the disposal thereof.本条例旨在就羁留和处置流浪动物制定条文。Animal management legislation 香港的动物管理立法CAP 421 Rabies Ordinance狂犬病防治条例An Ordinance to provide for the prevention and contr

6、ol of rabies and for related matters.本条例对狂犬病的预防及控制以及其他有关事宜作出规定。(Any animal that can be affected by rabies focus on dogs)(包括所有可能被狂犬病感染的动物重点关注狗)Animal management legislation 香港的动物管理立法Companion animals in Hong Kong 伴侣动物在香港 Mirrors trends around the world 百年香港,折射全球The legal framework tends to focus more

7、 on operability, as well as solving problems quickly. However, this kind of solution often has a lot of repetitive work, which can not solve the problem fundamently.政府的法律框架往往更关注可操作性,以及让现有问题可以得到快速解决。但这种解决办法往往存在大量重复性工作,无法从跟本上解决问题。反对一刀切,简单化!反对懒政!Historical consequences 举例:流浪狗历史问题Roaming population unco

8、ntrolled breeding increased public health concerns and risks.无序繁殖不受控制的犬只数量增加了公众对安全和健康的担忧Legislation targets removal of free roaming animals especially of dogs.法律只规定如何清除游荡的动物,特别是狗。Government programme for animal removal. Once animal in the custody of the Government department could only be returned t

9、o the owner.政府的做法:移走动物。一但动物被移走,只有它的主人可以接走它。High annual humane destruction rates for population control tens of thousands of stray or unwanted dogs and cats each year.每年由于控制动物数量被抓走的动物非常多每年数万只不受欢迎的狗或者猫!What were the key problems 根本问题出在哪里? Owner behaviour Irresponsible abandonment and breeding.动物主人不负责任

10、的遗弃和繁殖Government policy focus on the resulting problem not the root cause, same strategy year after year.政策仅仅关注解决表面问题而不是根本问题,每年重复工作Lack of resources.缺乏资源Hearts and Minds 爱心与智慧1.Always put forward a lawful, complete and feasible solution提出合法的、可行的根本解决方案帮政府解决问题,而不是放大问题2. Always action first, before the

11、 government总是第一个行动行动才能带来行动,嘴炮只能带来嘴炮4.Always pay attention to social concerns注意引导舆情不居功,也不用拍马屁,实事求是,得到各方信任3. Always staycloselyconnectedwiththem保持紧密的沟通项目管理最离不开良好的沟通,两边都要有专人负责As a staff of a NGO, When I want to cooperate with the government on a sensitive issue, what will I do?作为公益组织工作人员,当我想就一项比较敏感的问题与

12、政府合作,我要怎么做? Always for the benefit of animals总是为动物利益着想Look carefully at the legislation仔细阅读法律,找办法 CAP 168 2.Impounding stray animalAny animal found at large without any person having the charge thereof, and which in the opinion of any officer appears to have been lost or to be doing damage, may be s

13、eized by such officer and impounded in any convenient placeCAP 168 2.流浪动物羁留条例凡任何动物被发现在无人管束下自由走动,而任何政府人员认为该动物看似丢失或正造成损害,则该人员有可能捕捉该动物并将其羁留在任何方便的地方May?!But what does that mean? 这里有什么隐含的意思?Cats can remain on the street unless there is a problem.猫咪其实可以留在街上,除非看似没有主人或者正在制造麻烦。Feral cats are not owned so can

14、not be “lost”流浪猫是没有主人的,所以没有办法“丢失”,也就是说不符合捕捉的条件。The government is not obliged to remove any cat found - they may choose not to.政府人员没有义务去清除任何发现的猫也就是说,面对任何猫,他们都可以选择不清除。In addition under another section the government could under the legislation choose how to dispose of any cats caught.此外,根据总则,政府可以通过立法来

15、决定如何处置被抓的猫,也就是说对政府而言安乐死其实不是唯一选择。Oh I see!我懂了!SPCA Cat Colony Care Programme 有了法律依据和政府认可,香港爱护动物协会开启了CCCP计划Commenced in 2000 项目开始于2000年Officially recognised in 2002 2002年正式被官方认可Over 70,000 street cats have been sterilized in the decade since the program began 自计划开始的十年内,有超过七万只猫接受绝育SPCA Cat Colony Care

16、Programme 有了法律依据和政府认可,香港爱护动物协会开启了CCCP计划Cat Colony Care Programme SPCA的CCCP计划捕捉Trap绝育(Neutered)免疫Vacc驱虫(Deworm/Deflea)芯片(Microchip)评估Assessment健康 (Healty)行为(Behavior)放回?Return?适合放归的猫 (Cats can be reture)98.5%志愿者照顾(Take cared by Volunteer)适合领养的猫(Cats can find home)1%很快找到领养(Quickly find a home in SPCA)

17、人道安乐的猫(Cats need euthanised)0.5%20-40+ operations/Day高效:每天20-40+手术(仅一名兽医/一到两名护士)Concise procedure程序简明易学:已拥有超过1000名专业的猫领域护理员Traceable and observable可追踪、可观察:每一只猫手术期间都会剪耳,并且植入微芯片According to the Law:Dogs cannot roam on the streets and people who care for them or take possession and return them could be

18、 liable for prosecution under different sections of CAP 421 and 167.根据香港法律:狗不能在街上游荡,照顾流浪狗或暂时保管并归将狗放归的人,有可能根据第421及167章的不同条文被检控。What about dogs? 关于狗狗的规定是如何逐步改善的呢?Are you kidding?整啥玩意呢?Look carefully at the legislation 让我们继续苦读法律条文CAP 421 Section 47. Exemptions(1)The Director may exempt a person or clas

19、s of persons or an animal or class, genus or species of animal from the application of any or all of the provisions of this Ordinance generally or for any purpose or by reference to any circumstances, where he is satisfied that public or animal health will not be endangered by such exemption.CAP 421

20、 Section 47.豁免(1)署长如确信豁免不会危害公众及动物的健康,可豁免任何人或任何一类人,或豁免任何动物或属于任何纲、属或种的动物,使其不受本条例任何条文或全部条文管制;而这项豁免可以是一般性的、为任何目的的或述明与任何情况有关的。There is a mechanism that would allow legal dog TNR这句话为我们合法的进行流浪犬TNR项目提供了可能But Policy maker and administrative resistance但我们面对的是决策者以及行政程序的阻碍于是我们不厌其烦的开始在各方面做工作:Advocacy and lobbyin

21、g 宣传和游说Education 爱护动物教育Mainstreaming TNR methodology 将TNR方法纳入主流思想Use the cat TNR programme to high light potential benefits 利用猫TNR的成功来彰显项目效益Recognise stakeholders concerns 认识到利益相关者的担忧,并解决问题Public Consultation 公众咨询/记者会Legislative consultation (at all levels) 立法咨询(包括各个层级律师及法官) Results! 结果如何?Finally in

22、 2014 Hong Kong went through the legislative process that made it possible for dog TNR to be carried our legally in Hong Kong. Feral unowned dogs in the designated trial TNR zone could be neutered and returned, carers and SPCA staff involved with feeding, trapping and returning the dogs could act wi

23、thout risk of prosecution.The trial commenced in 2015 and ran for 3 years. In 2018 it was extended for a further 3 years.最后,在2014香港通过立法过程,使得狗狗TNR项目能够在香港合法地进行。在指定的TNR试验区内的流浪狗狗可以被绝育和放归,参与喂养、诱捕和归还这些狗的看护人员和spca工作人员可以采取行动,而不会受到起诉。本条例试行于2015年开始,为期3年。2018年又延长了3年。Key take home use what you have already成功秘笈让

24、你手里的牌发挥出最大的价值Take time to read through your legislation 花点时间仔细阅读你们国家/城市的立法,创造性的利用它Wording and interpretation can make all the difference 措辞和解读能让一切变得不同Check out secondary legislation sometimes this is where the flexibility lies 检查二级立法(如司法解释),有时这是问题的突破口Get support 获取各界帮助Educate 教育活动Work with your stak

25、eholders 与相关者开展合作 Is it suitable for other places适用于中国其他地方吗? Since our Adoption and Education Center opened in Shenzhen, we were trying to cooperate with Shenzhen government to help them with the dog managementStart with huamen education.我们的深圳教育领养中心开业后,一直致力于与深圳政府合作开展养犬管理工作一切从爱护动物教育开始。2018年,深圳市城管局“文明

26、养犬大讲堂”44所小学7 个社区2 所图书馆 Is it suitable for other places适用于中国其他地方吗? In May 2019, Shenzhen officials visited SPCA and AFCD, and established a formal cooperation relationship with SPCA. Finally, Shenzhen decided to build official dog shelters integrating rescue, adoption and huamne education in each district of Shenzhen.2019年5月


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