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1、.立体墙面建筑装饰板材的时尚趋势,三递板文化随着电脑技术的开展,建筑室内室外的墙面装饰越来越丰富,立体生动。平面和三维立体造型的时尚趋势越来越被人们关注和采用,创新不断。材质上也有纤维、金属、石膏、板材等等开展的越来越丰富。外墙装饰还与遮阳通风结合了起来,内墙装饰也注重了吸音防火等功能。?Jakob + Macfarlane sOrange Cube in Lyon is covered in a perforated steel mesh;photo: Roland Halbe-优选.?-优选The perforated steel fa ?ade of Piercy Conner Arch

2、itects Restello apartment buildingprovides natural ventilation and shade; image ? Piercy Conner Architects.?The etched pattern displays clear Eastern influences; image ? Piercy ConnerArchitects-优选.?The screens cast a dappled pattern of light and shade on the interior surfaces; image ? Piercy Conner

3、Architects-优选.?Two huge voids in the Orange Cube help provide light, ventilation and views of thecity; photo: Roland Halbe-优选.?The entire building is covered in a random pixellated pattern; photo: Roland Halbe-优选.?One of the large voids cuts a section through the floors, creating balconies andmunal

4、areas; photo: Roland Halbe-优选.?Polygonal apertures in the display wall mirror the form of the holes in the fa ?ade;photo: Nicolas Borel?Traditional Polish folk art inspired the perforated pattern applied to the surfaces ofthe Polish Pavilion at last year sShanghai Expo by WWAA Architects; photo ?WWA

5、A-优选.? ?.*世博会波兰馆也是这方面的代表作,外墙使用的胶合板装饰木板造型,配以剪纸图案立体墙面。白天和夜晚的效果非常独特。Internally, the patterns changed as the visitor moved through the exhibition; photo? WWAA?At night, the pavilion was lit from within, with multi-coloured lighting emanatingfrom the perforations; photo ? WWAA-优选.?6,000 holes allow light

6、 to enter the Umimirai Library by Coelacanth K&H Architects;photo: Satoshi Asakawa日本早川设计的图书馆?-优选.The holes provide soft, natural light to the cavernous interior; photo: SatoshiAsakawa?The reading room features 12-metre-high ceilings, supported by 25 slender pillars;photo: Satoshi Asakawa?-优选.Openness and light are the key characteristics of DGJ+NAU sbank building forRaiffeisen; photo: Jan Bitter瑞士苏黎世银行,利用室内墙面立体装饰板,打破传统的银行室内设计理念。开放空间 ,流动的墙壁 ,淡淡的窗帘 ,一个穿孔的屏风上。屏风是用来控制的私密区和开放区域光线变化的室内装饰。屏外表装饰的抽象与具象结合的当地文化的展示。展示的图像是一个白色的 Hi-Macs 研磨成复合外表处理的工艺。?The detailed pattern was created using digital processes


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