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1、 2022简单大三留学入学申请书 2022简单大三留学入学申请书 Dear _, I would like to apply to do a Management degree. Having acted as Managing Director on a Young Enterprise Team whilst doing my AS levels, I came up with innovative ideas that made a very successful company. Having held management positions within Human Resourc

2、es, Operations, and Finance, I quickly realised that pursuing a management degree at university would be ideal for me. After my GCSEs, I held a temporary job as a junior in an Insolvency practice, in order to gain work experience. Having to work to tight deadlines taught me how to work independently

3、 as part of a professional team. I learnt that in business, if one person lacks productivity, then everyone else can suffer, and also how to motivate others as a means of preventing such issues. I used the skills learnt to enhance my role as the Managing Director of my young Enterprise company, part

4、icularly methods of motivation and delegation, and the significance of being accountable for others. Having spent nearly three years working part time in a Health food shop alongside my studies, I developed my communication skills, with both colleagues and customers, and proved to be a trustworthy e

5、mployee. Being appointed as Deputy Head Boy in the sixth form was a great honour to me. My skills were greatly enhanced by holding this position, as I would often have to listen, and respond to issues brought up by fellow prefects, and students lower down the school. Through activities such as Lunch

6、 duty, I learnt the worth of different leadership skills, and that it is important to treat everyone as an individual in order to get results. I was always keen to stay into the evening to help out at school events. Socialising is very important to me, and I am always keen to meet new people. I enjo

7、y trying new foods to increase my knowledge of different cultures, and my culinary skills will prove very useful in independent university life. I enjoy travelling, and learning about modern history. Having recently returned from Prague, I visited a concentration camp. This was a moving experience f

8、or me, and something I will never forget. Music is one of my biggest hobbies, and I use music to help me unwind and reflect on things. I use the internet to keep up with current affairs and sports news. I have always been a keen sportsman, representing my school in many sporting activities. I enjoy

9、running, particularly competing in sprint races, but also long distance running as a means of keeping fit. I always try to go for a run every evening, during breaks between my A Level studies. I represented my school as a keen member of the district and Maccabi Great Britain athletics teams, particu

10、larly in the relay. I formally played tennis and table tennis in national competitions, and more recently I have played in football, rugby, and cricket leagues outside of school. I believe that my experiences have prepared me for independent university life. My social skills together with my ambitio

11、n to succeed in life prove me to be good candidate for a Management Degree. Yours sincerely, 新西兰留学学校类型 新西兰的教育水平和投入处于世界前列,公立还是私立没有明显的升学率差别,知名中学中各类学校都有。新西兰公立学校大都是非教会学校,适合绝大多数孩子,只是在学术、艺术、体育等方面各有所长。而新西兰私立学校历史悠久、教学严苛,或者有宗教信仰,家长们多做了解,看是否认同学校的文化价值观,再决定是否送孩子入读。 1. 公立学校 公立学校State-funded schools,也是新西兰最主流的学校,受

12、到新西兰政府资助,并由新西兰教育部管理。新西兰本地学生可以免费就读,但多数需每年缴纳100-200纽币的捐助金。 2. 私立学校 私立学校Independent Schools Private Schools,由学校独力董事会进行管理,这种学校大多有着优良的教学质量和设施,管理严格,并且会添加很多额外课程。私校只能从政府接收很少的资金,所以,无论学生是否有新西兰居民身份,都需要缴纳昂贵的学费。 新西兰三大类学校中,出于宗教方面的考量,来自中国的新西兰移民大多数只考虑公立和私立学校。不过,新西兰公立和私立学校的学费差异巨大,就读私立学校的花费每年可能高达数万纽币。 3. 教会学校 综合性学校St

13、ate-Integrated Schools,也称为教会学校,大多过去是私立学校,后被政府合并,但同时保留了一些宗教传统。这类学校尽管得到新西兰政府一部分补贴,由于土地和建筑物还可能属于私人财产,因此需要收取学费,但是大大低于私立学校。 目前,有越来越多的中国家长开始经受教会学校。客观来说,新西兰教会学校的教学水平普遍较好,学费适中,并且宗教尤其是基 督教是西方文化的重要组成部分,理解和接纳对移民新西兰后的生活大有裨益。 4. 其他类型学校 (1)小学Primary Schools,通常从1年级到6年级。 (2)初级中学Intermediate Schools,相当于国内的初中,但在新西兰只有

14、两年,也就是78两个年级。 (3)中学Middle Schools,一般接收78910四个年级。 (4)高中Secondary Schools,接收910111213年级。 (5)特定学校Designated Character Schools,属于公立学校,但可以根据自身教学目标设定教学内容,通常这些学校有自己的宗教信仰。 (6)函授学校The Correspondence School,提供远程教学,接收从学龄前到13年级的学生。 留学新西兰读哪些专业好移民 一、商科类专业 对于一个服务产业占据极大比重的国家而言,商业类别的职位需求一直位居首位。但是这不代表着商科类专业就必然成为移民首选。

15、商科类别波及的专业方向比较多,选择就更需要慎重。管理、市场营销、旅游管理等专业方向因为本身在新西兰适用范围比较宽泛,所以职位的需求量也。 二、建筑类专业 新西兰作为移民国家,每年均有大量的移民流入,这对住房市场需求有着极大的刺激作用,加上政府10万套公房的建设计划,使得建筑行业的人才短缺情况在未来十年期间内将长期存在。建筑方面可以选择的专业范畴比较多。通常而言,建筑设计、项目管理、结构工程、土木工程、工程造价、道路施工与给排水等专业方向一直处于供不应求的状态。 三、健康及社区服务类 临床医学、理疗、药剂师、X光、超声波、助产士等当然是特别好的专业,但是雅思通常都要求7分以上,适合语言非常好的学生就读。 四、教育专业 在奥克兰地区教师紧缺的问题一直困扰着大多数中小学,因此教育专业的毕业生就业选择余地很大。幼教属于另一类别全国范畴内紧缺的职业


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