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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、一The manager has come back from his business trip. Hes asking you for the report.一Oh, my god! I h

2、avent finished it yet. But he back at the company tomorrow.Ais expected Bexpected Cwas expected Dwill be expected2、My back hurt badly I went to see a doctor.AsoBorCandDbut3、Wimbledon Championships(温布尔登网球锦标赛)of 2019_in London in July. Lets watch them to relax ourselves after our final exam.AheldBwas

3、heldCwill be heldDis going to hold4、-How can I get some _ about the Boao Forum for Asia(博鳌亚洲论坛)?-Why not search the Internet?Ainformation Bexperience Cpractice5、The mark of PE was increased to 60 points in Hefei in order to _students physical quality(身体素质)AProduce Bimprove Cmake Dachieve6、Fred got a

4、 job easily in a school because of his _ as a part-time teacher.AknowledgeBconditionCexperienceDexample7、Im very tired and really feel like _.Ato restBrestCrestingDto resting8、 I love the Internet. Ive come to know many friends on the Net._. Few of them would become your real friend.AI cant agree mo

5、reBIm pleased to know thatCThats for sureDThats not the case9、Everyone in my class except Liu Fei and Lin Yang _ to Sanya more than once. We all like the beautiful beaches there.Ahave beenBhave goneChas beenDhas gone10、This is one of the most interesting cities I have ever visited.AwhoBthatCwhichDwh

6、ere. 完形填空11、There are many kinds of pollution around us, 1 air pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution and light pollution. They are bad 2 our health in many ways.Burning gas, oil and coal creates air pollution. It can cause sore eyes and 3 problems.With the increase of pollution and the 4 of ind

7、ustry, litter is everywhere. Itmakes our environment dirty. People put lots of rubbish in the land. Farmers use too many chemicals in the fields. They destroy the soil. So soil pollution has become serious.Noise pollution can make people 5 . For example, people may lose theirhearing if they work in

8、a 6 place for a long time. Too much noise can cause high blood pressure 7 .Working for a long time in strong, changeable light 8 cause some kind ofillnesses. It makes people feel 9 and is especially bad for the eyes.With 10 pollution, our planet will become greener and our health will be better. Let

9、s be greener people.1Asuch as Bfor example Csuch like Das well as2Ato Bin Cfor Dat3Abreaths Bbreathe Cbreathed Dbreathing4Adevelopment Bdevelop Cdeveloped Ddeveloping5Ablind Blame Cblack Ddeaf6Anoise Bnoisy Cnoisily Dnoises7Aas well Btoo Ceither Dalso8Amust Bshould Cmay Dneed9Aterrible Bcomfortable

10、Cterribly Dcomfortably10Alittle Ba little Cless Dfewer. 语法填空12、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Taking public transportation in the United States, you can often see people reading books on 1 way to school or work. But in China, I hardly see people reading 2 their free time.

11、Are peoples attitudes toward reading 3 (difference) here? Not really. Data (数据) released by Amazon China show that Chinese people still read a lot. They 4 (simple) prefer e-books over regular books.However, other data show that reading is still 5 (popular) in the US than in China. Is there a reason

12、for this difference? Im not sure. What I do know is that China has a rich history of literature (文学). From classic novels like Romance of the Three Kingdoms to the modern science-fiction epic The Three-Body Problem, Chinese authors 6 (create) many fantastic works so far.Perhaps the difference starts

13、 from childhood. Reading textbooks and doing homework can make you feel quite tired. By the time you finish it, you might not feel like reading for 7. Chinese students surely have to read more and do more homework 8 American students. So its no wonder that they might not want to read much in their s

14、pare time.9 learning to love reading can be great. Reading can open doors to places, people and ideas that you cannot imagine. Even just a single book has the power to change your own 10 (person) beliefs and attitudes. Where will your next book take you?. 阅读理解A13、Who could forget those sleepless nig

15、hts last summer watching Germany beat Brazil(巴西) and Argentina(阿根廷) to win the 2014 World Cup in Brazil?It was their fourth World Cup, and it gave them the No.1 position in FIFA(国际足联). Germany is becoming the most important soccer team in the world. But how has this change happened? A newspaper offe

16、rs a clue: “For over 10 years, German teams have been building in the right way.”After Germany scored only one goal at the 2000 European Championships, Germans wondered why the country no longer produced good young players. So in 2001, the German Football League required that all Bundesliga (德甲) clu

17、bs set up schools with youth teams from Under-12s to Under-23s.The clubs now spend over 100 million (764 million yuan) on youth development every year. And they have improved young German players enough to put them among the best in Europe. For example, Bayern Munich(拜仁慕尼黑队) player Thomas Mueller, 2

18、5, who scored five times at the 2014 World Cup, was educated in one of the schools.More than anything, though, it is team work that has pushed the Bundesliga forward. Bayern is the richest team in Germany, but the team helps its rivals (竞争者) when needed.Through the countrys World Cup performances(赛事

19、), the German soccer tradition is doing better than ever. Germany can play on top of the world for a few years yet.1What is the passage mainly about?AWhy soccer is so popular in Germany?BWhat has made Germany a successful soccer team.CThe failures and successes of the German soccer team.DHow the Ger

20、man soccer team became the world champions(冠军) this summer.2What has helped Germany to the No.1 position in FIFA according to the passage?a. learning from other countries.b.developing young playersc. improving team workd.having competitions with other teamsAa, b Ba, d Cc, d Db, c3Which of the follow

21、ing is TRUE according to the passage?AThis year was the third time that Germany had won the World Cup.BSince 2001Bundesliga clubs have spent over 100 million on youth development.CIt is believed that the German soccer team will perform well in the coming years.DIn the first ten years of the 21st cen

22、tury, Germany produced many top young players in Europe.B14、Recently, a three-part BBC documentary Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School has become a hot topic. The TV documentary followed five Chinese teachers who spent a month working with 50 teenagers, aged from 13 to 14 at Bohunt School in t

23、he southern English county of Hampshire. The Chinese teacher used Chinese ways to teach the students instead of British ways.The first part, broadcast on August 4th, showed the students performing morning exercises, taking part in a long-distance running race and learning how to do eye exercises dur

24、ing breaks.It was tough on the teachers, because they had to spend a great deal of energy and time keeping the noisy students quiet, and the leading teacher complained that the classroom was always “chaotic(混乱的)”. At the same time, many students complained that the teachers were too strict, the less

25、ons were boring and they found it difficult to get used to the new ways.The TV documentary causes a debate(争论). Some people say that Chinese teachers are too strict and fail to engage students interest. In their opinion, Chinese teachers prefer spoon-feeding education that will help students pass ex

26、ams, but it will be useless in the real world. However, supporters say that the Chinese education system can produce hard-working and polite students.1Which of the following things was NOT showed in the first part?AHaving breakfast with teachers.BTaking part in a long-distance running race.CPerformi

27、ng morning exercises.DLearning how to do eye exercises during breaks.2Many students at Bohunt School said that the Chinese teachers were too _.Afriendly Bstrict Ckind Dpatient3What does the underlined word “engage” in the last paragraph mean?ATalk with. BKeep. CAttract. DTeach.4Whats the main idea o

28、f the passage?AChinese teachers are helpful.BChinese education system is better than the British one.CBritish students are very good.DThe debate about a BBC documentary.C15、Making friends might seem to come easy for some persons, but its maybe very hard for most persons. No matter how many friends y

29、ou might already have, it is always a good idea to make new friends.Being shy keeps a lot of people from making friends. Also, making friends might need a person to step outside of their comfortable places, which are hard for a lot of people, whether they are shy or not. However, overcoming the shyn

30、ess to step out of your box is an important step in making friends.There are lots of ways to meet new friends. First of all, remember that a good friendship is based on interests, so if you are ready to make friends, start to join clubs or go places where you have interest. For instance, if you like

31、 to play sports, join a sports team or after school sports club. If you have interests in music or writing, join clubs or organizations that you are interested in. When you see someone in a place like that, and you think that they look nice, it is always a good idea to go up to them and introduce yo

32、urself and ask interesting questions so that you can start a conversation. Dont put too much pressure on yourself, and remember that friendships dont always happen quickly.Some friendships happen right away, and youll be able to tell if someone will be a great friend right after you meet them. Some

33、friendships take a long time to develop. Anyway, the friends that you meet are going to be worth it. If a friendship develops quickly, it doesnt mean that it is extra valuable, and if a friendship takes a long time to develop, it doesnt mean that it isnt worth it because its too hard.Making friends

34、might be a bit difficult for you, and the friends you will make may not look anything like you. However, even though it might be scary to start conversations, you are worth doing it. All friendships start with a single hello.1From the passage, its _ to make friends for most people.Aeasy BconvenientC

35、impossible Ddifficult2If you want to make friends, you should _.Aask your parents for helpBgo out of your own boxCobey others requestsDtalk more with shy persons3What are the friends like after you have them?ATheyll do the same things as you.BTheyll go to the same places.CThey may not look anything

36、like you.DThey may give all you need4According to this passage, we know _.Aif we have many friends, it isnt necessary to make new friendsBstepping out of the comfortable places is easy for outgoing personsCfriendships always happen quickly if you introduce yourselfDthe same interests among persons m

37、ay make you get the friendship5What does the writer want to tell us?AHow can we make friends?BWhat is the friendship?CWho can we make friends with?DWhen do friendships happen?D16、In many countries, people celebrate Screen-Free Week. It is on the first week of May every year. People are encouraged to

38、 turn off screens during the week.Supporters of Screen-Free Week say turning off tech devices(设备)is good for kids. According to a study, kids slept better and got better grades when their parents limited(限制)their screen time. Also, some people think Screen-Free Week can help kids develop a good habi

39、t. They point out that many kids who took part in the event in the past now spend less time using tech devices.However, not everyone supports the idea. Some people argue that screen time is OK as long as kids dont overdo(滥用)it. Also, others say turning off tech devices completely for a week won t te

40、ach kids how to balance(兼顾)screen time with other activities.Heres what two students think:YES! Kids spend too much time in front of screens. According to a study, kids spend about seven hours a day in front of TVs, computers and other devices. Instead of sitting around playing video games, kids sho

41、uld be more active. They can make art, play sports or hang out with friends and family.Davis, 14, New York NO! Not all screen time is bad for kids. There are many educational television shows, apps and websites which help kids learn. Besides, its important for kids to use tech devices, because many

42、jobs depend on knowing how to use technology. Instead of working on cutting kids screen time, parents should help kids learn to use tech devices wisely.Moes. 12, Nebraska1What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?ASleep. BMoney. CScreen time. DScreen-Free Week.2How many hours do kid

43、s spend a week in front of screens according to a study?AAbout 7. BAbout 14. CAbout 24. DAbout 49.3According to Moes, it is important for kids to use tech devices because they_ .Aget kids prepared for future jobs Bmake kids lives fun and relaxingChelp kids get better grades Dmake kids creative4Which

44、 of the following is TRUE about Davis and Moes?AThey are the same age.BThey both use tech devices wisely.CThey are from the same state of the United States.DThey have different opinions on turning off tech devices.E17、阅读下列材料,选出最佳选项.Chicago Childrens MuseumImprove childrens lives by creating a place

45、where playing and learning connect.Hours TicketsFriday Wednesday:10a.m.-5p.m. Childrenadults:14Thursday:10.m.8p.m. Seniors: 13Children under one and members: freeChicago Childrens MuseumImprove childrens lives by creating a place where playing and learning connect.Hours TicketsFriday Wednesday:10a.m

46、.-5p.m. Childrenadults:14Thursday:10.m.8p.m. Seniors: 13Children under one and members: free1(小题1)When cant people visit the museum ?AAt 3p.m. on Monday.BAt 6p.m.on Thursday,CAt 9a.m. on Saturday.2(小题2)Mr. and Mrs. Black want to take their 10-year-old daughter to the museum, and they are not members

47、. They should pay_. .A14 B28 C42F18、Who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years? Jane Addams (1860 - 1935)Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She created shelters, education opportunities and services for people in need. In 1931, Addams became the first American woma

48、n to win the Noble Peace Prize.Rachel Carson (1907 - 1964)Rachel Carson was born in the rural river town of Springdale, Pennsylvania in America. The popular 1962 book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson made people realize the dangers and the harmful effects(影响) of pollution on humans and on the worlds l

49、akes and oceans.Angela Merkel (1954 - )In 2005, Germans chose Angela Merkel as their first woman head of the country. She had been a scientist in the past. As Germanys leader, she has had an effect on the whole world.Sandra Day O Connor (1930 - )When Sandra Day O Connor finished her class at Stanfor

50、d Law School, in 1952, she could not find work because she was a woman. However, she became the first woman to join the U.S. Supreme Court (最高法院) in 1981 after years of hard work.Margaret Thatcher (1925 - )In 1979, Margaret Thatcher became Britains first woman Prime Minister (首相). She served until 1

51、990, which made her the first British leader to serve three terms in a row. Because of her high standards and strong will, people called her Britains Iron Lady.Marie Curie (1867 - 1934)Polish-born scientist Marie Curie discovered that some types of metal give off energy called radiation (辐射能). Her r

52、esearch led to new medical treatments and arms. She received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1903 and in Chemistry in 1911.1Who once won the Nobel Prize?AJane Addams and Marie Curie BJane Addams and Margaret ThatcherCMarie Curie and Angela Merkel DMarie Curie and Rachel Carson2We can infer from the te

53、xt that Rachel Carson worked to _.Ahelp the poor Bspread geographic knowledgeCprotect the environment Dprotect the rights of women3What do Angela Merkel and Margaret Thatcher have in common?ABoth of them were scientists before coming to power.BBoth of them are the first woman head of their country.CBoth of t


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