1、Psychology and life Teacher: Chen Li E-mail:cl6822184 Chapter One What makes psychology unique?The evolution of modern psychology.What psychologists do What is PsychologyPsychology as a Science The definition of Psychology Goals of PsychologytheoryThe definition of PsychologyThe word Psychology lite
2、rally means science of the mind (psycho meaning mind, or mental, and -logy meaning science).Psychology - scientific study of the behavior of individuals and their mental processesScientific MethodApproach to knowledge that relies on a systematic method of generating hypotheses, collecting data, and
3、explaining data.BehaviorThe observable or measurable actions of people and lower animals.Individual Most psychological study focuses on individuals-usually human ones,but sometimes those of other species.Mental ProcessA lot of human activities occur within the individual ,thinking , planning , reaso
4、ning , creation , and doing dreams. A lot of psychologists believe that the Mental Process has represented the most important side that psychology explores. Goals of Psychologydescribe behaviorexplain behaviorpredict behaviorcontrol “some” behavior Describing Behavior First, the psychologist must ob
5、serve and accurately measure the behavior. Behavioral data includes the psychologists report of observations about the behavior and the conditions under which the behavior occursDescribing Behavior The type of behavioral data collected depends on the level of analysis. The focus of observations can
6、range from broad, general, and global aspects to minute details of the organism under study.Describing Behavior Objectivity refers to the scientific necessity to record behavioral data as facts - as they really exist - not as we hope them to exist. Explaining behaviorPredicting behavior Predicting B
7、ehavior involves statements about the likelihood of a specific behavior occurring.Scientific prediction is based on an understanding of relationships between behaviors and the mechanisms that link those behaviors to certain predictors.Controlling behaviorFor many psychologists, controlling behavior
8、is the ultimate, central goal.Controlling behavior means influencing a behavior to happen or not to happen,and influencing the nature of the behavior as it is being performed.Current psychological perspectivesThe Biological Perspective(生物学观点)Biological perspective: The biological perspective attempt
9、s to explain behavior in terms of the influence of genes, the brain, the nervous system, and the endocrine system by examining underlying physical structures and processes.Behavioral neuroscienceCognitive neuroscienceThe Biological Perspective(生物学观点)CAT: computerized axial tomography (计算机轴向体层摄影术)PET
10、: positron emisson tomography( 计算机辅助正电子发射断层扫描技术)The Cognitive Perspective(认知的观点)Cognitive psychologists are most interested in human thought and all the processes of knowing Cognitive psychologists view behavior as partly determined by past experiences but also influenced by an individuals inner wor
11、ld of thought and imagination. Cognitive psychologists often use the computer as a metaphor for the human mind and study higher mental processesThe Humanistic Perspective(人本主义观点)The main task of humans is to strive for growth and development of their potential.focusing on the subjective world experi
12、enced by the person, not an objective reality.Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow were influential humanistic psychologists. The Psychodynamic Perspective(心理动力学观点)Neoanalysts: contemporary followers of Fred who focus less on the role of unconscious impulses and more on conscious choice and self-direction
13、. Psychodynamic principles have broadened to include the role of social influences and interpersonal interactions over the life span.Behaviorist Perspective(行为主义的观点)The behavioral perspective: suggests that observable behavior should be the focus of study and emphasize environmental influences and t
14、he learning of habits through repetition and reinforcement. Behaviorist principles have yielded more humane approaches to the education of children and to the treatment of behavior disorders through the use of positive reinforcement, a more effective tool in learning than punishment.The evolutionary
15、 perspective The evolutionary perspective extends the idea of natural selection to explain how mental abilities evolvedEvolutionary psychologists identify adaptive problems that early humans may have encountered, such as avoiding predators, finding food, reproducing, and raising children, and then g
16、enerate inferences about the mental processes that might have evolved in response to these problems.The Socialcultural Perspective(社会文化观点)This perspective focuses on cross-cultural differences in the causes and consequences of behavior.What psychologists doTwo kinds of research:1.Pure research: rese
17、arch conducted without concern for immediate application.2. Applied research :research conducted in an effort to find solution to particular problem. Fields of Psychologyclinical psychologist临床心理学家Help people with psychological disorders adjust to the demands of life.counseling psychologist咨询心理学家Usu
18、ally work with individuals who have adjustment problems.Fields of Psychologyeducational psychologists教育心理学家Are more concerned with theoretical issues involving human learning.school psychologists学校心理学家Assist students with problems that interfere with learning.Fields of Psychologydevelopmental psychologists发展心理学家Study how people grow and change from the moment of conception to deathpersonality psychologists人格心理学家Study influences on our thought processes, feelings, and behaviorSocial psychologists 社会心理学家Focus on the nature and causes of behavior in social situationFields of Psychologyindustri
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