1、 澳洲知名学校的留学申请书 澳洲知名学校的留学申请书 Dear _, For Knowledge Itself Is Power. This is one of my favorite precepts and at this point in my life when I am about to complete my graduation and my future spreads in front of me like a dream, this adage has never influenced my life more than this before. Knowledge and
2、 proper training are essential to succeed in todays highly competitive world. The best place where I can achieve this is in the United States of America - the undisputed leader in developing new products and processes. Not only is America the birthplace of my chosen field of study, it has also nurtu
3、red it for its full growth and continuous development. To achieve my goals, I want to pursue a Masters program in Computer Science. It is the ideal way for me to gain the knowledge and skills to stand tall as a computer professional. During my undergraduate studies, I acquired a comprehensive knowle
4、dge of computer hardware in all its complexity. I also learnt of diverse software and their applications. The highly dedicated teaching staff of my college taught me the various concepts involved in the field of computer engineering. Some of the subjects I studied were computer graphics, computer me
5、thodology and algorithms, logic circuits, principles of communication engineering, C programming, object oriented programming as well as programming using different tools. I take a keen interest in Networking and Database Management Systems. As a part of my final year curriculum, I am working on a p
6、roject with one of the Indias finest web-site designing companies - MicroGiga Info. Sys. Ltd. The aim of the project is to create a web-site. The web-site, called Jobs4All, aims to provide the user with a job depending upon his qualifications. Various database concepts, programming scripts and the m
7、aintenance of a server are some of the features included in our web-site. Some of the products and tools used are ASP scripts, Java scripts, Microsoft Access 97, Personal Web Server, etc. I am also interested in System Programming. For this very reason, I have selected Compiler Construction as the e
8、lective subject for my final year. There is truly no end to learning, as this has become a world where a constant addition to abilities is the key to growth in a dynamic world. I am fortunate to belong to a family that places a high value of education. I have been given all the encouragement and fac
9、ility to develop my talents and interests. I have completed several courses in public speaking and leadership training. Sports, music and reading also fill my life. I was also one of the organizers for the Open Software competition in TECHNOMANIA 98, which is an inter-college festival annually, orga
10、nized annually by my college. I am also an active participant in various events held in other institutes. I seek to fulfill my goals in an environment that encourages creativity and motivation. I feel confident that the staff and facilities in your institute will provide me with such an environment.
11、 I am well aware of the demands of studying in the more competitive American environment. I am certain that I am mentally and physically competent to succeed at your school. I am basically a hard working and a sincere person. My enthusiasm and urge to excel will help me to make the best use of every
12、 learning opportunity. In conclusion I would like to say that the knowledge gained from 4 years of engineering has provided me with a solid foundation. This will certainly help me in my desire to specialize in my chosen field. My country India has a thriving software industry. I aim to study abroad
13、and return with the skill and competence to find my mark and be a vital part of this booming, futuristic industry. I assure you of my sincerity, dedication and hard work. Yours sincerely, 澳洲八大名校介绍 1)澳大利亚国立大学,排名澳洲第一。 陆克文总理毕业于该校更为该校的知名度树立了良好形象。商科的会计、市场管理、工程(计算机、环境管理)、国际关系、法律、艺术、人文(语言应用研究)都是该校的强项。 2)墨尔
14、本大学,在澳洲一直是无冕,可以和国立大学媲美(二者交替首位排名)。商学院当之无愧为澳洲翘楚 (最早要求GMAT的澳洲大学),工程也是中国学生申请最多的专业之一。 3)悉尼大学,在澳洲稳居前3。人文、商科、医学、法律都是该校强项。 4)莫纳什大学,信息技术、商科、工程都是该校比较好的专业,由于位于墨尔本,并且该校的录取要求相对在八大中比较宽松,加上学校的教学一直比较得到学生的认可,因此也是中国学生申请比较集中的。 5)新南威尔士大学,工程和商科专业设置齐全,一直是该校的强项。由于出了澳洲首富施正荣(太阳能专业的领军人物之一,导师获得过该项诺贝尔奖),工程专业更加名声大振。 6)昆士兰大学,稳居澳
15、洲前4,泰晤士报排名世界前43。商科(会计,金融)、翻译(同声传译)、工程(水资源管理,城市规划,电子工程)、信息技术、商法都是中国学生申请的首选。 7)西澳大学,西澳洲最负盛名的大学,工程(石油,矿业方向)、商科(市场,会计)、医学法律都是久负盛名的专业。 澳大利亚留学成本低的城市一览 一、昆士兰州 是澳洲知名的阳光州,这里拥有特别好的自然环境,经济的发展水平也不错,不过知名的院校不多,所以对留学生来说吸引力不是非常大,相应的留学收费也比较便宜。 这里的只有昆大和昆科大,大家本科专业的学习一年需要2-3.5万澳币之间;研究生学习在2.8-3.5万澳币之间,生活支出一年只需要1.5万澳币左右,
16、还是比较合适的选择。 二、西澳州 知名城市是珀斯,这里的工业尤其是能源产业特别发展,偏向基础工业的发展,所以在城市的人文建设上不太出色,此外留学生可以选择的大学也比较少,不过这里的生活还是比较舒适的。 可以选择西澳大和科大,学习的环境比较单纯,留学生的数量较少,本科的学习一般需要2.7-3.3万澳币之间,硕士至少准备2.8-3.8万元,每年的生活费也在1.5万澳币之间。 三、南澳州 和西澳相对应的,这里的基础资源不多也不丰富,因此城市的发展中心在文化、教育和医疗方面,社会的便利程度高并且舒适,是特别宜居的城市,这里有八大之一的阿大,还有南澳大。 学校的阶段收费区别不大,基本都在2.7-4万元之
17、间,和其他几个州相比会稍贵一些,而生活开销一年准备1.3-1.6万元就基本足够了,这里的物价还是比较亲民的。 四、塔斯马里亚州 如果大家想要享受更加正宗的澳洲真实生活,可以去塔州,相对独力的环境,能够更好的感受生活,并且这里的物价开销也会低上不少,一年的留学生活,准备1-1.4万澳币足够了。 而大家在这里也可以选择他大和塔理工,同样是很优秀的学校,每年的学费只需要2.8-3万澳币就可满足需求。 澳大利亚留学要注意安全问题 一、家居安全篇 作为留学生来讲,经常搬家是很常见的现象。提醒大家当选择新房时,应该充分考虑家居安全问题。门窗配备防盗锁;门上应该装有插锁,安全链以及猫眼;有警报系统的房屋是最
18、理想的选择。检查住所内有无完备的防火设备(如灭火器、报警器等),并熟悉住处的求生通道。了解住房最近的警察局位置,以备不时之需。独自在家时如果点了外卖,送外卖的人来时要核实其身份,并在门口接过送来的物品,不要让其进门。切勿将大量现金放在房间,应存入银行账户。 二、外出安全篇 1.时刻注意周围环境,堤防身边的陌生人,尤其是当你独自外出或者天色昏暗时。平时应多注意学习防身,脱身的知识和技巧。 2.走路不要听音乐,或者将音乐调小,否则可能会觉察不到危险的临近。 3.如果发现有冲突暴发或者其他犯罪活动发生的任何迹象,请立刻离开现场,并通知警方。 4.谨慎对待陌生人的请求,例如向你要一支烟或者换些零钱的人,他们中或许会有居心叵测的人。 5.不要把钱包放到后裤袋,这样既显眼又不安全。 6.外出聚会时,小心饮料被人做了手脚。 7.走路时要与路人进行眼神接触,让他们知道你注意到了他们的存在。 8.不要回应
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