1、English for International Academic Communication1IntroductionOver the Language2LOREM IPSUM DOLORCompetence VS. Performance3PsychologyPressureDistressAnxiety4LOREM IPSUM DOLORSocial &. Cultural:What is to say?What is not to say?How to make a conversation go?The proper way to express your ideaTo under
2、stand the real meaning in a sentence5I. How to Obtain Conference Information 1. Journals, magazines, circulars, call for papers, specialized academic journals and newsletters carrying up-to-date information2. Computer searches 3. Meeting Announcements Periodicals 6LOREM IPSUM DOLOR4.Writing to Organ
3、izations or Email 5. Making Tel. calls 7Meeting Announcements Periodicals综合性会议预报期刊(各学科的世界性会议)World Meetings: United States and Canada美加地区世界会议World Meetings: Outside U.S. & Canada 美加以外地区世界会议(这两个刊物均是权威的McMillan Publishing Co.出版的,每期预报的会议一般都在5,000个以上)Annual International Congress Calendar国际年会要览,预告十年内的学术
4、会议Year Book of International Organization国际组织年鉴内容,预告详细International Association国际协会月刊,英、法文版,(以上三份为欧洲主编) World Convention Dates世界会议日期预告(美国出版) Scientific Meetings(美国出版)学术会议8II. Main conference forms(1)Meeting 会议的总称,可指正式也可非正式,规模大小时间长短,人数多少均无明显的介限。系一普通词。(2)Conference (of/on) 正式名称,常指专业性的学术会议。国际会议常用这个词,在前
5、加一个International即可。(3) Symposium (on) 专题学术讨论会,比Conference规模小一些,范围窄一些,但具体些。一个Conference里可包括多个Symposium。政治上的会就可用Conference (political)但一般不用Symposium. 9LOREM IPSUM DOLORSymposium A meeting where experts discuss a particular subject. E.g. a Symposium on Protecting EnvironmentConference A large meeting o
6、ften lasts a few days where people come to discuss ideas. E.g. An International Conference on the Control of Illegal Drugs; An Annual Conference 10LOREM IPSUM DOLOR(4) Convention 多为政治性会议 (5) Forum 论坛,讨论会。由某一领域的专家学者参加,围绕一个内容发表演讲并回答问题,展开讨论。(6) Seminar (on) 也称研讨会,讲习班,讲座。与一般会议不同之处是邀请某一领域的一个或多个专家主讲,其他人员听
7、,具有明显的讲学授课特点。(7) Workshop 专题讨论会,分组讨论会, 中文也可称为研讨会(会中会)。特点在不须讲理论而是动手,演示,这是大多数大型会议都有的分组讨论,如医学会议中胸外科小组,消化小组,内分泌小组讨论会等等 11LOREM IPSUM DOLOR(8) 其它 Advanced Course (高级班)Special Panel (专题讨论会)Exhibition (展览会)Trade Exhibition (展销会)Round Table (圆桌会议)School(进修班) 等等12Organizing UnitOrganizer and sponsorSecretari
8、atOrganizing Committee/Logistics Committee13Main activities MeetingPlenary session Keynote session (full length paper)Parallel session panel session Oral session (full length paper)/poster session (abstract or full-length paper on communication board) Research-in-progress session Discussion/Question
9、 & Answer Session 14Other Scientific exhibitionBusiness MeetingTea partySightseeingSocial Activities15III. Letter Writing 16询问常用句型用于句首:I am writing to you in connection withI am writing to you with reference toI was very interested to see your advertisement in17LOREM IPSUM DOLOR询问信息:Iwould be gratef
10、ul if you could (would) send me?Could (Would) you please give details of?I would like to know18Resume or Curriculum Vitae1 Personal data2 Education3 Working experience4 Publication and Presentation5 Affiliation (membership)6 Honor7 Language Skills8 Hobbies and Interests9 Reference (referee) 19Fill o
11、ut traveling documents1. Passport application 2. Visa application a. F-1_F-2b. J-1_J-2c. B-1d. H-120 护照,至少有效期为6个月以上1-20表格(由持有人亲自签名),所谓1-20表格即为“资格证书”,即“经济担保” Financial Sponsorship入学通知:Admission letter和奖学金通知: Assistantship notification中英文官方成绩单学位/学历证书非移民签证申请表F-121LOREM IPSUM DOLORGRE, TOEFL 官方成绩非移民签证申请
12、表收据。原为405元RMB,2003年起为595元RMB。交钱后可领到DS-156收据。财力证明(银行出具),如获奖学金者勿须此项有时签证官还要你出示身份证,结婚证,房屋证,户口薄乃至学术论文,因此尽可能将个人有关的资料一次带全备用,否则又将推迟三个月或半年。22F-2a.护照有效期至少6个月(小孩也要办理)b. 己在美国持有F-1签证亲属的1-20表格(经济担保)c. 去美国探望亲属的邀请函d. DS-156表格(非移民签证申请表)e. 非移民签证申请费收据f. 有时签证官还要你出具证明你探视期满会回国的证明文件如财产证,高收入工作单位证明,银行存款证明等23J-1护照(有效期至少6个月)I
13、AP-66表格(访学资格证明书),由接受方(赞助方)发出学位/学历证书论文/著作邀请函DS-156表格(非移民签证的申请表)DS-156表格非移民签证的申请费收据24J-2与F2同25Ready answers for visa officer(1) Why do you select this school?(2) Why do you love this major?(3) What is your salary?(4) How much will you earn after you receive your PhD degree and return to China?(5) How
14、can you convince me that youll come back?26LOREM IPSUM DOLOR(6) Tell me why youll come back.(7) Why were you refused (rejected) last time?(8) Will your wife go to the US with you? Why or why not?(9) Whats your plan after you finish the program in the U.S.?(10)How many universities have you applied f
15、or?27Note:1. Take documents with you in case of check.2. ENTRY CLEARANCE for U.K. application. 28IV. How to Orally Present Scientific Papers 1Optimizing the Psychology 2Controlling the Voice 3Adjusting Stagewise 29To begin your presentation1. Begin with straight forwardnessE.g.a. Mr. Chairman, Ladie
16、s and Gentlemen, the title of my presentation isb. First, Id like to tell you briefly the background of my paper and then present my three hypothesesc. Im very glad to have the opportunity of reporting my research on such an occasion. Ill now talk about 30LOREM IPSUM DOLOR2. Begin with appreciation3
17、. Begin with wits and humors4. Begin with background introduction5. Ways of deliverya) speaking without any referenceb) speaking with short notesc) speaking from the outlined) reading the full text 31报告人登台演讲之前,主席通常要对报告人先作一简单介绍,报告人听后,在宣读论文前应简单致谢,然后再转入主题。 32学术会议是件严肃的事,但也有轻松风趣的时刻。科学家大多不仅学有专长,还多才多艺,说起话来
18、灰谐幽默,妙趣横生,特别是在前一个人发言结束,下一个发言人刚上场时,会场较轻松,因此在此气氛下作一个生动活拨风趣出众的开场也是不错的。 幽默要得体,最好与主题有关! 33通常宣读者就是论文作者或作者之一,但因某种原因作者本人不能参加,或原作者想推出年轻人而委托他去宣读,因此在宣读前应征得会议主持人的同意,必要时还需向听众作简要说明。34演讲中常用口语35Usual startersTo begin with, we may sayTo start with, Ill tell youI want to begin by sayingThe first thing I want to say i
19、sFirst, we must 36Connectives Next, we beg to point out thatThe next point we must make isAnother thing isI want to make one more pointSecondly, well explainThen, we can obtainThe second point isThere is still another thing37Usual fussy words/evasive tagsSomething likeA sort ofIts a kind of thing (t
20、hat we often encounter in our medical practice)I meanWell, ehmeh, nowHere you see, you knowIm afraid38LOREM IPSUM DOLORI supposeI thinkIm sure as you knowAs a matter of fact, It goes without sayingSo to speakTo make a long story short39It is + adj./p.p.It is advisableIt is apparentIt is availableIt
21、is clear/evidentIt is conceivableIt is certainIt is desirable40LOREM IPSUM DOLORIt is notableIt is preferableIt is agreed that It is demonstratedIt will be said thatIt is enumeratedIt is reportedIt is reviewed 41LOREM IPSUM DOLORIt is essentialIt is enoughIt is noticedIt is outlinedIt is assumedIt i
22、s well-knownIt is calculatedIt is estimated42句式变化及特点43长短变化1. Short sentences2. Long sentences44LOREM IPSUM DOLORShort sentence:e.g.War is hell.Time flies!Punctuality is the thief of time.45LOREM IPSUM DOLORLong sentence:e.g.Few themes have gripped the imagination of Americans so intensely as the dis
23、covery of the talent in unexpected placesthe slum child who shows scientific genius, the frail youngster who develops athletic ability, the poor child who becomes a captain of industry. 46LOREM IPSUM DOLORAlternation of short and long sentences.47长短结合e.g.In the last two decades there has occurred a
24、series of changes in American life, the extent, durability, and significance of which no one has yet measured. No one can. If we read of one man robbed, or murdered, or killed by accident, or one house burned, or one vessel wrecked, or one steamboat blown up, or one cow run over on the Western Railr
25、oad, or one mad dog killed, or one lost of grasshoppers in the winter, we never need read of another. One is enough. 48LOREM IPSUM DOLOREven though Britains population is not growing very fast, the number of new houses and flats built every year is not quite enough to meet the demand. Consequently,
26、prices rise. 49(1) Cumulative sentences (loose sentences)e.g.The writers sat at his desk, his fingers frozen, his lips a grim, straight line, his eyes staring at the white sheet of paper before him. 修辞变化50LOREM IPSUM DOLOR(2) periodic sentencese.g.Pulling my tie off and throwing it onto the sofa, st
27、retching and sighing with the ease of homecoming, listening to the familiar silence of the place, I feltas usual the welcoming peace unlock the tensions of my outside world. 51c.f. She decided to study English though she was interested in music.Although she was interested in music, she finally decid
28、ed to study English. 52LOREM IPSUM DOLOR(5a) Instead of morphine, the patient was given opium.(5b) Instead of morphine, opium was given to the patient.The principle of end-focus predicts that the reader will find (5a) a happier sentence than (5b)53俗语的运用及英语表达口蜜腹剑调虎离山攻其不备54LOREM IPSUM DOLOR粗枝大叶Cf. Wit
29、h big branches and large leaves To be crude and careless扬眉吐气Cf. To raise the eyebrows and let out a breath To feel proud and elated55Examples我要有个三长两短,你给玉山捎个话!刘雨生把老谢的话,一五一十,告诉了邓秀梅和李月辉。56LOREM IPSUM DOLOR不学无术长吁短叹断子绝孙57LOREM IPSUM DOLOR充耳不闻To turn a deaf ear to赴汤蹈火To go through fire and water乱七八糟At six
30、es and sevens58LOREM IPSUM DOLOR挥金如土To spend money like water掌上明珠The apple of ones eyes对牛弹琴To cast pearls before swine59LOREM IPSUM DOLOR她一个单身人,无亲无故。Version: But this girl was all by herself and far from home, without a single relative or friend to help her. 60LOREM IPSUM DOLOR司马昭之心,固已路人皆知。Version:
31、This Sima Zhao trick is obvious to every man in the street.(Note: Sima Zhao was a prime minister of Wei (220-265) who nursed a secret ambition to usurp the throne. The emperor once remarked: “Sima Zhaos intention is obvious to every man in the street. )61Establishing a Creative “Finishing Off”The fi
32、nal part of the presentation should include:A clear signal that you are about to end.A brief, clear summary of what you have said.A conclusion or recommendation (if appropriate).An invitation for questions or comments to start a discussion. (This can be done by the chairperson.)62LOREM IPSUM DOLORTr
33、ansitions to introduce the beginning of the end part:In conclusion,In closing,In a word,In brief,All in all,Finally,63LOREM IPSUM DOLOR1. An ordinary way:-Thats all, thank you.-Thats the end of my presentation.-So much for my speech, thank you.64LOREM IPSUM DOLOR2. Signaling the beginning of the end
34、 part:-Lets look at what I have talked about.-Well, that brings me to the end of my presentation. This last slide is a brief summary of what I have talked about.-Before I stop/finish, let my just say-To close my speech, Ill show you the last slide.65LOREM IPSUM DOLOR3. Summarizing:Let me just run ov
35、er the key points again.Ill briefly summarize the main issues.To sum upBrieflyIn summary, definite evidence has been obtained indicating the existence of a radio-active substance in the sample.66LOREM IPSUM DOLORNow Id like to summarize my talk.To summarize, I have talked about three aspects of the
36、cancer problem:Finally, as a summary statement, I would like to sum up the major points I have made.67LOREM IPSUM DOLOR4. Concluding:As you can see, there are some very good reasonsTo sum up, my conclusion is that the present program is the best one.In conclusionLet me conclude my talk with the foll
37、owing comment.Allow me to conclude by listing out all the factors influencing the efficacy.68LOREM IPSUM DOLORIn conclusion, I would like to point out the following aspects.Id like to leave you with the following conclusion.69LOREM IPSUM DOLOR5. Quoting: Let me close by quoting Dr. Einstein, the fam
38、ous physicist, who said thatI would like to come to a close by quoting what Sir Issac Newton once said70LOREM IPSUM DOLOR6. RecommendingTherefore, I would suggest that weId like to suggestAs far as Im concerned, the only solution to the problem is71LOREM IPSUM DOLOR7. ClosingThank you for your atten
39、tion.Thank you for listening.72LOREM IPSUM DOLOR8. Inviting QuestionsSo, lets throw it open to questions.Now Id like to answer any questions, if you have any.Now I am ready to answer you question, if any.Id be glad to try and answer any questions. Any questions?73Design some ways to introduce the re
40、sults: The new assessment method of animal model of choroidal neovasculation (CNV) is feasible and reliableEndoscopy is the preferred method for the diagnosis and treatment of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding. we should take appropriate preventive measures in accordance with the patients specific
41、 situation in the clinical work, so as to prevent the occurrence of depression in drug users receiving methadone maintenance treatment. 74Visual Aids75LOREM IPSUM DOLOR1. title of the paper, author, affiliation2. literature review3. concise outline4. body partsNote: A slide should focus on one idea.
42、 Keep slides simple with plenty of open space. 76LOREM IPSUM DOLORFormat:1. use no more than 4 fonts in a presentation.2. bold text is better than underlined text for emphasis. 3. light backgrounds for projected slides; dark backgrounds for computer slides.4. each slide can have at most 3 colors.77L
43、OREM IPSUM DOLORYou should avoid:1. avoid using chart or tables full of figures in slide.2. avoid using verbal scraps. (but sentences can be incomplete ones)3. avoid red and green letter all together4. avoid standing in front of the screen to point at an object with fingers. 78V. To Chair/Preside ov
44、er meetings791. (President) announcing the opening of the conferenceE.g. Id like to call the conference to order.I am very pleased/very honored/very delighted to declare the XX conference open.On behalf of the XX conference, I have the pleasure and honor of welcoming all of you to this conference.80
45、2. Making a self-introductionFirst of all, Ill introduce myself. Im XX fromI am XX, chairman of this conference. This conference is organized by XX and co-sponsored by XX Foundation and other organizations.813. Making a short welcoming speech I am honored to have the opportunity to welcome you all t
46、o XX and join in this opening ceremony.As the chairman of this conference, I have the pleasure and honor of welcoming all of you to this conference.It is with a profound feeling of pleasure and privilege that I, on behalf of the Organizing Committee of this conference, extend a hearty welcome to you
47、 all, especially to the many distinguished guests from abroad.824. DONT forget to introduce the program and express good wishes83How to make a meeting go841. Call on the ParticipantsAre there any questions about his talk?As we still have a few minutes left, may I ask if there are any questions and c
48、omments?You appear to have some objections regarding this matter, could you please tell us what you think about it?Is there anyone who wishes to add some thing to Prof. XXs presentation?852. Remind the speaker Could you please make your point more concretely / directly?It seems to me weve gone too f
49、ar for that point. Lets go back to our theme. Im afraid that what has just been said falls a bit beyond the range of our present topic. Lets go back to the main theme.863. Moderate the dispute What do others think regarding the points debated by Mr. A and Mr. B?Since we do not seem to be able to res
50、olve this differences now, could we move on to the next point?Due to the time limitation I would suggest that we discuss todays problem once again in our next session.874. Keep the allocated time We are running about 20 minutes behind the schedule. There is no discussion after Prof. Xs talk.Excuse m
51、e, sir, our time is quite limited, so Im not willing but have to ask you to stop here. Maybe, we may have another chance to discuss about the topic later.According to my watch, weve scheduled to finish this afternoons discussion in about 3 minutes. Is there a final comment?885. Maintain the discussi
52、on Mr. X, Im afraid we cant hear you. Would you speak louder or make use of the microphone. Please come to the microphone.Well, just now, some of the audience have suggested that smoking be refrained here. If you must smoke, please go to the lobby or one of the lounges.May we hear now some of the pa
53、rticipants who have not expressed the opinions yet?89VI. Handling Questions901. Choosing your questioners1. To choose your own questioners2. To choose questioner from different areas of the hall912. Listening carefully to the questionUseful expressions:Pardon, I couldnt hear what you said.I beg your
54、 pardon, I didnt catch what you said.Would you be so kind as to repeat your first question?Im not quite sure what your question is.92LOREM IPSUM DOLORI didnt get the last point of your question.If I understand you correctly, you are saying/askingI didnt quite catch that.Could you go over that again?
55、933. Welcoming the questionUseful expression:This is a very good question.Thank you for that question.Im glad this question has been brought up.I appreciate that question.That is an interesting question.94LOREM IPSUM DOLORIn answer to your question, I would say thatI have only a partial answer to yo
56、ur question.That is a challenging question, and Im afraid I can only provide a partial answer to it. Anyway, Ill try my best to answer it. 954. Repeating or paraphrasing the questionFor what good if we do so ?Some audience might have missed the question.To confirm your understanding of the questionT
57、o give you extra time to think of an answer96LOREM IPSUM DOLORE.g.Questioner: Have you tried it on human bodies?Presenter: This gentleman would like to know whether we have tried this on human bodies.975. Replying the questionAs a questioner, he is expecting a succinct, to-the-point answer.CBP princ
58、iple_ clearly, briefly, and positively 986. Responding to difficult, challenging questions or questions you do not knowI think your question can be better answered by Professor Smith. Fortunately, Professor Smith is here. He has much experience in this experiment. I think no one is more suitable tha
59、n he to answer your question. Professor Smith perhaps is in a better position to tell us something about it. 99LOREM IPSUM DOLOROur study has not come to the end. If you agree, Ill answer your question later.I think it will be possible to answer your question when this experiment is completed.1007.
60、Responding to improper questionsI appreciate your interest in my research, but I just dont want to talk about it now. lets talk about something else.Id rather not say.Why do you want to know?Before I answer you that question, let me ask you: where do you think we should have the project?1018. Referr
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