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1、1234第一届高考考场情景.5 An Introduction to English Language Testing Dong Jiali 6Chapter One A General picture of English language Testing: its past, present and future7 Questions for discussion :What do you know about the course ? Do you like exams in your college study and life? Why? ( list three reasons)

2、What kinds of English exams have you had before? Are they good or bad for your English learning?What do you want to know about the course?What do you expect to get from the course through 10 weeks learning? 81.Past of English Language testing: “语言测试,这里主要指外语测试,是随着外语教学而出现的。教学和测试有着密切的关系,要了解测试的历史,必须了解教学

3、的历史”(李筱菊,1997)。 语言观 :语言教学,教的是什么?语言测试, 测试的是什么?How do you view language and its function can influence the testing approach 9I.Four types of English Language Testing Approaches 1. The Grammar-translation or the essay- translation approach.Before 40s 60s :the traditional teaching approach Language test

4、ing :pre-scientific testing period ( no established as well as scientific theory base. 主流的外语教学基本上是一种凭经验、遵传统的教学,把语言当纯知识教,当纯知识测。10Characteristics :- no established scientific theory to underpin it - address the rote learning and memory -very subjectivity -manual marking totally -no particular language

5、 skills or ability is requiredForm of Testing paper : translation ,grammar analysis and writing112. The structuralist-psychometic approach ( 结构主义心理测量法或分离分析测试法) the early 60s70s 人们开始认识到,关于语言的规则的知识不等于语言本身,学了前者不等于学到后者,有人提出:教语言,教的应该是语言,不应该是关于语言。以美国语言学家Bloomfield,1933;Fries,1945;Lado,1957等为代表的结构主义语言学派(st

6、ructural linguistics),第一次对语言的形式系统作了客观的科学的分析。观点:语言是一套符合系统,一套形式结构。语言观的内涵:语言是一套形式系统。学语言考语言,学的考的正是操作这套形式系统的技能(skills)。教学语言观点的内涵从知识变为技能,体现了第二代体系对第一代体系的反叛。Or The discrete analysis approach12Theory base: the structural linguistics and psychometrics Language : pronunciation,vocabulary ,spelling, grammar ,se

7、ntence, discourse , Characteristics :- language could be tested as a discrete items. -=established linguistic theory underpin it -very objectivity -multiple choices -no listening and speaking testing -particular language sills could be tested individually 133.The Integrative approach (综合测试法)Since th

8、e middle of 70s and the 80s 最早对第二代体系提出猛烈抨击的是来自生成语法学家乔姆斯基(Chomsky 1957,1959 ),他从心理学和语言学两方面驳斥了结构主义,提出了能力(competence)的概念。到底人的言语行为需要的是仅仅表面的技能,还是比技能要深得多的能力?Theory base: Socio-linguistics ( the idea of communicative competence) Psycho-linguistics ( link between language and psychology) Applied Linguistics

9、 Speech Acting Theory (言语行为学说 ) Discourse Analysis (语篇分析学说) Second Language Acquisition Functional linguistics (function in use )Present of English Language Testing :14(It is a psycholinguistic-sociolinguistic era)Characteristics : objectivity-subjectivity centred put language in a certain context (

10、know- why ) stress know-why and know-use properly cloze test, dictation, error identification, listening ,translation and writing at least more than two language sills are tested 15这个体系认为,学语言不仅仅是学语音、语法、词汇知识,也不仅仅是训练操作形式符合的技能,而是获取人与人交际的一种能力。能力不排除知识和技能,但也不等于知识和技能,而是把知识和技能包容进去的、性质起来变化的综合体。语言教学不停留于教知识,教技

11、能,而要教能力。( What do you think of this view? ) 164. The communicative approach ( 交际测试法 ) at the end of 80s and beginning of 90s 语言学家Hymes(1972)首次提出了交际能力的概念(communicative competence)。认为交际能力大于语言能力 。该体系的主流观点是:交际能力由多种因素构成论。好几种交际能力的组成模式,其中影响较大较深的是美国应用语言学家Bachman的交际能力模式。它一诞生,就成了语言测试和教学领域的里程碑式的理论框架。将语言置身于语景和情

12、景中教和考。How do you comment this view about language and its function? 17Theory base: Socio-linguistics ( the idea of communicative competence) Psycho-linguistics ( link between language and psychology) Functional linguistics (function in use )Pragmatics ( know-how and its appropriateness in authentic

13、situation)Characteristics : - oral testing is necessary - Direct test and indirect test combined (interview) - Emphasis on real communication with language -qualitative models of assessment took the place of quantitative models of assessment, more mature and scientific.185. Analysis of the four lang

14、uage testing approach :First and second : discrete items could be tested independently Third one: clear language context Fourth one : combine the two together , an ideal one. 19II、The hot issues that the language testing areas debating currently考试的方式方法对考试成绩的影响考试分析从定量分析转向定性分析 考生特征成为考生设计过程中的重要因素对语言能力性质的再认识在语言能力理论方面,美国的应用语言学家Bachman(1990) 提出的交际语言能力模式,代表了90年代语言测试界在探讨语言能力性质方面的巨大进展,成为语言测试的历程碑。Bachman 的语言测试模式由三个部分组成:语言能力(language competence )、策略能力(strategy competence)和心理生理机制(psycho physiological mechanism)20Future of English L


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