1、第二章营销调研的规划营销调研的流程;定义问题与确立调研目标;调研设计方案。12 营销调研的程序1 确定营销调研的必要性;2 定义问题; 3 确立调研的目标;4 确定调研设计方案; 5 确定信息的类型和来源;6 确定收集资料的方法; 7 问卷设计;8 确定抽样方案及样本容量; 9 收集资料;10 资料分析; 11 撰写最终调研报告.3确定营销调研的必要性为了确定营销调研的必要性,所有机构都必须持续地监视其周围的环境(正规的市场营销信息系统、财务报表的反馈、经理的努力观察),不断地查找公司的营销组合与市场不一致的可能性。4不需要营销调研的情况已获得所需信息;没有足够的营销调研时间;缺乏足够的资金;
2、成本超过营销调研所带来的收益。5分析 确定调研目标设计调研方案实施分析总结6定义问题和确定调研目标 Defining the Problem and Determining Research Objectives在营销调研过程中最重要的步骤是定义调研问题。7定义调研问题要正确地确定调研问题,营销调研者必须扮演好侦探的角色。营销调研者营销经理8营销经理和调研人员的区别9应该调研的情况当市场上出现直接影响你产品任务的问题或变化时;当营销调研有助于你选择营销活动以达到主要的销售目标时;营销调研将有助于你获取竞争上的优势时;营销调研将有助于你与市场保持一致时。10营销调研人员必须解决的问题营销管理问题
3、 (marketing management problem)营销调研问题 (marketing research problem)11Marketing management problemTwo ways to define the MM PROBLEMIf the symptoms of failure to achieve an objective are present, the marketing manager must select a course of action to regain the objectiveIf the symptoms of the likeliho
4、od of achieving an objective are present, the manager must decide on how best to seize the opportunity. 12定义问题的过程评估公司、产品和市场的背景;了解决策者的环境、目标和资源;阐明问题的征兆;确认产生问题的可能原因;列出可能缓解问题的行动;推测这些行动的预期结果;确认经理对这些结果的假定;评估现有信息的合适性。13Defining the Marketing Management ProblemBackground Decision-maker SymptomsAnalysis* Sus
5、pectedCausesPossibleActions PossibleConsequences14Defining the Marketing Management ProblemAssumptions InformationAdequacyMarketing ResearchObjectives151 Assess the Background of the Company, Product,and MarketFull sharing of background information between manager and researcherManager should inform
6、 the researchercompanys history,organizational structure, ownership situationproduct, composition, features or benefits ,physical productpricing, distribution, and promotional activitiesconsumer behavior, competitive players, 162 Understand the Decision Makers Circumstances, Objectives and resources
7、The researcher gain a feel for the managers operating CircumstancesThe researcher should know the managers Objectives and his resources , such as assets, capital, personnel173 Clarify the Symptoms of the ProblemSymptoms are changesContinually monitor their changesBe care for Iceberg phenomenonGo to
8、the Suspected causes183 Clarify the Symptoms of the Problem194 Pinpoint Suspected Causes of the ProblemChanges in market behavior do not occur randomly 没有无源之水Manager may have some ideas but the researcher must list all possible causesNarrow down the possible cause to a small set of probable causes20
9、5 Specify Actions That May solve the problemPossible solutions include any marketing actionPrice changesProduct modificationPromotion of any kindThe manager and the researcher brainstorm possible solution216 Speculate on Anticipated consequences of the ActionsHelp determine whether the solution is c
10、orrect or notmanagers ask “what if “ questions227 Identify the Managers assumptions about the ConsequencesThe managers assumptions should be analyzed for accuracyIf the price reduce 5%,customer to lose will come backThe researcher need to determine which assumption is true238 Assess the Adequacy of
11、Information on HandThe researcher assess the existing Information StateThe researcher identify Information Gaps which are the basis for MR objectiveCurrent information and desired informationResearch objectives are the basis for MRs work24信息缺口(information gap)是指现有信息程度与经理认为能恰当解决现有问题的期望信息程度间的区别。调研目标(r
12、esearch objectives)是指需要收集的,用以缩短信息缺口的一部分特定信息。信息缺口是制定营销调研目标的基础。25案例:营销管理征兆: 可能的原因:可能采取的营销行动: 支持信息:ABC 公司销售额正在下降 销售额的下降可能因为竞争对手的降价 ABC 公司可以降价 5%. 我们流失的顾客是跑到降价的那个公司去了吗?我们降价,顾客的反应会怎样? 26营销调研问题定义 ABC 公司在过去两个季度里销售额有所下降. 销售额的下降可能与主要竞争对手XYZ公司的低价策略有关. ABC 公司正在考虑降价百分之五来应对销售额的下降. 现在需要信息来支持ABC公司决策是否降价百分之五.Specif
13、ic information objectives for this research project are:1. Are ABC customers switching to XYZ brand?2. If so, is this shift due to XYZs lower prices?3. What are customers reactions to a possible 5 percent price cut for ABC brand?征兆可能的行动所需信息27大学房产 问题定义和调研目标背景:去年,大学房产(目标市场主要是大学学生)的居住率从100% 下降到了80%. 经理
14、们和营销调研者们采用头脑风暴列出了可能的原因:Wait! You give it a try.28大学房产 问题定义和调研目标大学房产居住率下降的可能原因1.竞争对手的行为a.Reduced rentse.Better advertisingb.New, more competitorsf.Financial deals such as no depositc.New servicesd.New facilities2.消费者(现有的和潜在的租房者)a.Loss of base numbers of studentse.Gravitating to condominiums b.Change
15、in financial circumstancesf.Want more value for the moneyc.Better living opportunities elsewhere.Negative word-of-mouth d.Concern for personal safety3.大学房产自身a.Traffic congestionb.Aging of facilities & equipment c.Noisy neighborsd.Image as “old” apartmentse.Advertising cutback, changef. Upkeep issues
16、4.环境a.Less student financial aide.Cost of commuting increaseb.Increased crime ratef.Other living alternativesc.Housing market oversupply d.Students preferences change 29大学房产 问题定义和调研目标大学房产居住率下降的原因分析1. 竞争者行为Cable TV2.消费者 No change3.大学房产自身No change4.环境No changeProbable Cause30大学房产 问题定义和调研目标大学房产可以做什么?Ad
17、d Satellite TV150 channels 4 Premium channels Pay-for-view31大学房产 问题定义和调研目标大学房产的信息缺口和调研目标信息缺口调研目标How will prospective residents react to the inclusion of the satellite television programming package with the base apartment?To what extent do prospective student residents want satellite television?Will
18、 University Estates be more competitive if it adds a satellite television package?Will University Estates be more attractive than competing apartment complexes if it has the satellite television programming package?32确定营销调研问题的步骤详细说明构思与操作上的定义;验明关系;确定模型;指明营销调研的目标。33详细说明构思与操作上的定义构思(construct)是营销中的术语或者概
19、念,它包含于所需进行调研的营销管理问题中。操作定义(operational definition)是对于营销调研人员如何测定构思的描述。34CONSTRUCT A construct is a marketing term or concept that is somehow involved in the marketing management problem that will be researched3536Operational definitionsWhich describes how a marketing researcher measures the constructO
20、perational definition implies a specific question format that will be used in a survey to gather information about the construct at hand 37构思与操作上的定义构思品牌意识广告的回忆和认知产品特征知识品牌熟悉程度对产品利益的综合理解操作定义Question:Have you heard of Brand A? _ Yes _ NoMeasure: Percentage of respondents having heard of the brandQuesti
21、on: Do you recall seeing an advertisement for Brand A?Measure: Percentage who remember seeing a specific adQuestion: Indicate which of Brand As features you know about.Measure: Percentage who know about each featureQuestion: Are you “unfamiliar,” “somewhat familiar,” or “very familiar” with Brand A?
22、Measure: Percentage for each familiarity categoryQuestion: For each product benefit statement, indicate if you agree or disagree.Measure: Percentage who agree with each benefit statement38构思与操作上的定义构思对品牌的态度和感觉购买意愿过去购买和使用品牌忠诚顾客满意操作定义Question: Rate Brand A on a 15 scale, where 1 = “poor” and 5 = “excel
23、lent”Measure: Average ratingQuestion: What is the probability that you will buy Brand A the next time you purchasethis product?Measure: Average probabilityQuestion: Have you used Brand A in the past three months?Measure: Percentage who have used itQuestion: With your last five purchases of the produ
24、ct, how many times did you buy Brand A?Measure: Percentage of timesQuestion: Rate Brand A on a 15 scale, where 1 = “unsatisfied” and 5 = “very satisfied”Measure: Average rating39验明关系营销调研人员必须考虑到各种构想之间的关系(relationship)如:价格下降时,顾客会购买更多的产品;而价格上升时,顾客的购买力显然就降低了。调研人员有义务帮助经理共同将调研的框架搭建起来。40确定模型a logical arran
25、gement of constructs and relationships based on theory or experience41 “结果的等级体系”模型分类不知道者知道者较熟悉者喜欢者有购买动机者购买者重复购买者忠诚顾客说明Not aware of your brandAware of your brandKnow something about your brandHave a positive feeling about your brandIntend to buy your brand nextHave purchased your brand in the pastPur
26、chase your brand regularly调研提问What percentage of prospective student residents are unaware of satellite television?What percentage of prospective student residents are aware of satellite television?What percentage of prospective consumers who are aware of it know that satellite television (1) has 15
27、0 channels, (2) premium channels, and (3) pay-for-view?What percentage of prospective student residents who know something about satellite television feel negatively, positively, or neutral about having it in their apartment?What percentage of prospective student residents who are positive about hav
28、ing satellite television in their apartment intend to rent an apartment with it?What percentage of the market purchased (tried) your brand in the past?What percentage of the market has purchased your brand more than other brands in the last five purchases?University Estates Example42形成正式的调研方案定义营销管理问
29、题;明确指出调研目标;详细说明营销调研方式。43定义营销管理问题有关公司、部门、负责人的情况;征兆;可能引起征兆的原因;对于营销调研所得的信息的预期效用。44明确指出调研的目标精确Precise详细Detailed清楚Clear可操作Operational45详细说明营销调研方式资料收集方式;问卷的设计;抽样方案;时间表;调研费用(预算表)。46如何编制调研计划书调研计划书的基本内容研究背景研究内容研究方法研究进度研究费用471 研究背景什么企业,什么人进行要进行市场调研企业存在什么营销管理问题这些问题的解决需要信息二手信息与手头的信息不能满足需要需要市场调研解决48例:通常的营销管理问题销售
30、额下降市场份额下降利润减少顾客抱怨增加竞争对手出现或增加49例恒客隆面临沃尔玛的进入非常紧张,担心10月份开业后会对其销售额具有明显的影响,同时,也会影响其天天低价的形象。同时,长春居民对于北京华联的进入与沃尔玛的即将进入,也抱有支持的态度。为此,希望了解长春居民对于沃尔玛进入长春零售业的看法,了解长春市居民对恒客隆的形象以及长春市居民的零售消费行为502 研究内容研究内容是将营销管理问题转化为营销研究的问题它需要与营销管理者进行沟通营销研究内容:可测定或操作性的营销术语用来提供可解决营销管理问题的信息51消费者研究模块523 研究方法目标对象即总体样本量及抽样方法收集资料方法分析方法534 研究进度内容进度时间方案与问卷设计8个工作日5月28日6月4日抽样、调查、访问15个工作日6月5日6月19日数据处理4个工作日6月20日6月23日分析报告6个工作日6月24日6月29日545 研究费用方案设计费用访问费用印刷费用研究报告费用55计划书 proposal引言研究目的与内容研究方法提交结果的形式调查进度表调查费用附录56研究背景吉林省烟草公司是吉林省烟草经营与销售的专卖企业,随着
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