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1、不断变化的会计环境:国际会计标准和Assma Sawani大学摘要实施会计提供有用的信息给决策者,因此随着业务环境发生了改变,用于信息列报和披露的会计准则也应发生改变。国际会计准则是这个概念的中心。 国际标准最早产生于1960年代后期,但他们的重要性在今天的经济和商业环境达到了他们的巅峰。明显的是和政策制定者同样也认识到这种变化。这点在公开时,欧盟部长理事会通过了一个决议,这个决议要求在受市场上市的所有欧盟企业建账按照国际会计准则的会计期间即开始于2005年1月1日或之后,这决定性的变化在会计专业以及在公司会议室遭到了极大的。国际会计准则欢迎这项决议;令人高兴的是,欧盟是最早主动拥抱国际会计标

2、准主要的“民族国家”。欧盟认识到需要实施国际会计和审计准则的诸多好处。此外,交易(SEC)近日评选的路线图,要求上市公司于2014年采用国际财务准则。鉴于公司和财务信息的用户成为全球性的利益和活动建立一个全球公认的,高质量的财务交易的一份宣布其参与和支持框架。国际会计标准的好处可以是金融的,经济的人,投资者宁愿一个 与国际会计准则的趋同的国内和政治的。初步表明,公司,会计准则,以创造一个优质的财务框架。虽然实施国际会计准则有显著的好处,并且在重要性上也日益增加。但进一步发展和权威性的实施还是有很多。为了更好地了解这些,须看一下影响会计发展的。这些包括,社会和文化价值;政治和法律制度;商业活动和

3、经济状况;标准制定过程;资本市场和所有制形式;最后国家间的共同努力。这些如果正确理解,可以缓解甚至消除国际会计准则所来肯定更为重要。的。国际会计准则在今天是重要的,随着它的进一步发展,未:会计准则,资本市场,测量问题,协调介绍财务长期以来一直遵循国内会计准则。会计界在标准的重要性方面达成一致,以确保财务信息的可靠性和相关性。除了各个国家的国内准则;会计和教育工作者也在寻求国际准则的发展。然而,国际准则花了20年在金融界达到他们的顶峰。仅在过去的7年里,国际标准达成突出与一些国家采用国际标准代替自己的标准。从历史上看,一直是已同意最坚决要自己的公认会计准则(GAAP ),但是最近交易采用国际财务

4、准则(IFRS)和国际会计准则(IAS )。为了更好地欣赏这个决定及其含义首先必须了解的标准是如何制定在不同国家的差异,背后的国际标准,国际标准的优点,并实现在境内的国际标准,由于的发展史公认会计准则和国际财务发布2008)准则之间的主要差异。 (的发展交易国家会计准则的建立可能受多种的影响,它们中的一些受政治影响,一些受法律或税务制度影响。Mark Wahrisch确定以下五大影响:文化,法律/政治和资本市场。但是,Gerhard Mueller,经济,教育发现只有四个要素:国家经济的发展,业务的复杂性,政治派别和法律的特定系统上的一些依赖。会计学会的1975-76国际会计业务和教育成立了八

5、个,包括财务的目标,客户,/。因此,即使在会计领域对于所有的也没有达成一致-的可确定并且这些可以归纳不同于Wahrisch的或Mueller的分组。 (Wahrisch2001和1967)许多研究已经进行了证实文化环境和准则制定理念之间的联系。克罗伯和克洪(1952)关于文化的深入研究将其定义为:文化是由通过符号所获得并的显性及行为模式所,这种行为模部分是传统方面可被式形成人类群体的特征,包括它们在手工制品中的体现;文化的的(源于历史并经历历史选择的)观念,尤其是价值观。文化系视为人类行为的产品,另一方面又可被是规约未来行为的条件。会计研究像Bikki JAGGI已经用文化相对主义到文化价值到

6、会计准则的发展。 JAGGI推测,来自不同国家的管理者有不同的值集这会影响财务信息的可靠性。人类学家开发了一个文化(维度)模型,在这个模型中,他概述了四个主要维度。悉尼 J.通过定义四个会计价值进一步发展了的模型,这些会计价值是直接源于当时的社会价值观。这四个会计价值是:(1)职业主义与法律控制,(2)性与灵活性,(3)稳健主义和乐观主义,(4)性与。例如的研究发现,在或英国的社会中,关于观点(1)和(2)相对于亚洲社会有所不同。他还确定了“”文化和文化关于元素(3)和(4)之间的差异。因此,亚洲社会的会计准则强调的法律控制,部分是由于文化价值是基于规则和之上。然而,在大多数情况下,会计研究人

7、员一致认为文化对财务的影响是模糊的,并且可能会产生误导。法律和政治提供的有关标准制定和实施比文化价值提供了更为实质性的影响。纵观会计文献中存在多种根据法律/政治相似之处为标准设置模式分组的国家。这些模型大多寻求基于不论他们是普通法或法点法状态来划分国家。该模型还包括税法的变化,以及各国是否专注于和。这种划分是不完美的,但它确实产生了一个模型,即类似国家的松散团体。例如, “普通法”的国家,如英国,澳大利亚和新西兰在一组;而“法”的国家,如法国,德国,埃及,形成另一个宽松组。需要注意的是,即使在这些分组里,大多数的模型还有进一步的划分。会计研究员(2006年),是许多已经的人中的一个,大多数发展


9、一个墨守成规的做法。因此服从会计的代名词是遵律。此外,税法对会计准则及有独特的影响。的代码。在在一些国家,特别是,税法是独立和区别于一般会计惯例的其他国家,税法和会计制度都是一样的。这很重要,因为税法对企业和个人的行为方式一个显著的影响。(2001 Washrisch)政治环境是由法律环境自然演变而来的。会计文献中一致认为,政治环境特别是稳定和程度会影响会计原则。例如在一个国家中,和公民的水平对财务信息披露的程度有直接的影响;有表明,不的国家没有那么广泛的披露。人们选择自己的,支持或商业政策,没有必要的工具或资源,建立透明的会计。尽管这些说法是合乎逻辑的,显著的经验仍在试图通过研究进一步支持这

10、些的有效性。随着经济的可用性和资本市场的变化也影响到国家的会计专业。显然,国家会有不同的经济制度,一些被归类为,还是国家,而有些则是资本或( Gastil 1978) 。经济发展包括增长,以及伴随它的社会和结构性变化。一个更发达的经济体系需要一个会计结构,捕捉关于各行业的生产力和绩效所需的相关信息。这显然是显而易见的,最全面的会计制度存在于经济发展程度最大的国家。例如,这一点并不令人吃惊,经济发达的澳大利亚,拥有发达的会计惯例,而利比亚,经济停滞不前,也几乎没有会计制度或准则。经济,尤其显著的另一个方面是资本市场的结构。已经做了很多研究,研究资本市场对会计准则的影响。资本形成无论是通过上市融资


12、国界的理念开始成为现实,会计专业认识到对于国际准则的需要。 1971年,国际会计准则(IASC )成立。在来自于澳大利亚,法国,德国,墨西哥,荷兰和英国的会计令下,国际会计准则标准是一个松散的有着相似的框架。大。它和,英国以及澳大利亚的财务会计同一时间,根据国际会计师组织了来自不同国家的会计团体的国际专业活动。国际会计准则和国际会计师联合会有着共同点,但是国际会计师成员。在此框架下,国际会计准则的成员自动会成为国际会计准则的制定国际会计准则以及发布与国际会计事务相关的文件。从20世纪70年始,国际会计准则已经约40条标准,这些标准很大程度上为那些未制定标准的大型企业和国家建立了会计系统。其中最


14、)。国际会计准则理事会(IASB2007)定义为“一个独立的准则制定, 此由只对公共利益负责的国际会计准则中来自不同地域不同专业背景的受托人任命和监督。”因此,国际会计准则理事会的14名董事会成员是由来自于9个不同国家,不同的学术或专业背景的人组成。它的主要目标是“国家会计标准制定者合作,以使会计标准在全世界实现。”但最重要的是它的使命是有目的性的促进准则而不是简单的国家准则的更换。这意味着国际会计准则理事会希望能在其准则和国家准则之间达成一致。为此,国际会计准则理事会开始了在欧洲的努力。这是行之有效的,因为欧盟为之提供了一个强大的资本市场,欧盟部长也对国际财务准。事实上,截止2005年,公司






20、活动会确认为不同的数量。测量库存成本的不同方法为这一现象提供了一种全面的示范但是国际财务的公司可以使用各种的库存成本计算方法,包括后进先出法,准则不允许后进先出法的运用。因此,一个登记在的外国公司可以使用后进先出法,但是它必须要重申财务报表来符合高级准则。其他测量问题起因于lower of market or cost method中重申存货价值,公允价值市场成本的差异,这与衡量资产完全不同。尽管存在强大的无数的差异,在2000年早期,财务会计标准和国际会计准则理事会一同发展一致行计划。2002年,会议上这两个机构就努力加快实现兼容性,以及保持取得的兼容性达成一致。这项计划基于六项措施短期趋同



23、的运用已经严阵以待数十年。经营环境的不断全球化以及金融交易的复杂国际财务动着国际会计准则走上国际舞台。欧盟国家和其他国家已经运用了准则,同时其他国家也在朝着这个目标前进。但是这种进步和情谊并不代表不存在。现在最大的主要是政治性的,但是 IFRS 的支持者认为这些可以轻易扩散。的确,20 国的已经明确表示支持发展一套高质量的国际会计准则。FASB/IASB 的一致性计划已经成为帮助IFRS 站稳脚跟的最大利益之一。会计准则和 IFRS 是现在最突出和最广泛运用的会计准则,如果一致性项目能带来两大准则未来的,国际财务报表会基于一套准则。因此国际报表的最终目标终将实现,国际准则的时代也终将到来。Th

24、e creation of national accounting standards can be influenced by a variety of factorssome of them political, and some of them due to the legal or tax system. Mark Wahrisch identified the following five influential factors: cultural factors, legal/political factors, economic factors, educational fact

25、ors, and capital marketfactors. However, Gerhard Mueller identified only four elements: se of economicdevelopment, business complexity, political persua, and some reliance on aparticular system of law. The American Accounting Assotions 1975-76ernational Accounting Operations and Education committee

26、established eightfactors including objectives of finanl reporting, cnts, andeducation/training/licensing. Thus even withhe accounting field there is noconsensus on all the factors-more factors can be identified and the factors can begrouped differentlyMueller 1967)n Wahrischs or Muellers grou. (Wahr

27、isch 2001 andMuch research has been conducted to substantiate the link betn culturalenvironment and standard setting philosophy. Kroeber and Kluckhohns (1952) detailed study of culture defined it as:Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by

28、symbols constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups,including their embodiments in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists oftraditional (i.e. historically derived and selected) ideas and espelly their attachedvalues; cultural systems may on the one hand be considered as prod

29、ucts of action, on the other as conditioning elements of further action (p.181).Accounting researchers like Bikki Jaggi have used cultural relativism to linkcultural values to the development of accounting standards. Jaggi hypothesizedt managers from different countries have different value sets whi

30、ch can impact thereliability of finanl information.Anthropologist Hofstede developed a mfor culture in which he outlines fourmain dimens. Sydney J. Gray (1988) took Hofstedes mfurther by identifyingfour accounting values arising directly from prevailing sol values. These pos are:(1) profesalism vs.

31、sutory control, (2) uniformity vs. flexibility, (3)conservatism vs. optimism, and (4) secrecy vs. transparency. For exle, Graysresearch foundt societies like those in U.S. or U.K., differed in comparison toAsian societies with respect to po(1) and (2) . He also identified differenbetn Anglo culture

32、and Latin American culture withrespect to elements (3) and(4). Thus Asian societies accounting standards emphasize sutory control in partdue to the cultural value placed on rules and authority. Yet for the mostpart,accounting researchers are in agreement reporting is vague and can be misleading.Lega

33、l and political factors provide a mustandard development and implemeniont the impact of culture on finanlore substantial influence onn cultural values provide. Throughoutthe accounting literature exists a variety of standard setting ms groucountriesbased on legal/political similarities. Most of thes

34、e mbased on whether or not they are common law or cs seek to divide countriesaws ses. The ms alsoinclude the variations of tax law, and whether the countries focus on solism orcapitalism. Although this divigroups similar countries. For exis not perfect it does yield a mle, common law countriet loose

35、lych as England,United Ses, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are in one group; whereas codelaw” countriech as France, Germany, Egypt andform another loose group.It is important to notet even withhese grous most ms provide forfurther divis. Accounting researcher Nobes (2006), is one of many, who has

36、 notedt most develocountries follow the legal and political systems of their formercolonizers and this reflects in each nations accounting practice. The legal differenbetn the various grous are relatively easy to identify. For exleheUnited Sores, as a common law country, accounting rules are not law

37、s but standardsmendations; whereasaiwan, accounting practice is part of the legalsystem. Also the size and magnitude of regulatory authorities is a differentiating factor. Thus the U.S., England and Australia, as similarly grouped countries, have aproliferation of these authorities whereas in France

38、 and Germany these authoriivebodies are not as numerous. For exle:The United Kingdom presents a good exle of accounting as an independentdiscipline; of pragmatic accounting; of accounting based on the judgment offairness. West German accounting, on the other hand, is held up as an exle ofdetailed pr

39、escription (by company and tax laws) of formats, measurement rules anddisclosure; of accounting which seeks correctness and legality (Nobes 1999 p.139).In civil or caw countries the accounting system res entirely on alegalistic approach. Thus obeying accounting regulation is synonymous with obeying

40、the law. Moreover, tax law has a unique impact on accounting standards and regulations. In some countries, notably the U.S., the tax law is a distinct and separate code of regulations from general accounting practice. In other nations, the tax law and accounting regulation are the same. This is impo

41、rtant because tax law has a significantinfluence on how businesses and individuals behave.(Washrisch 2001)The political environment naturally segues from the legal environment.Accounting literature is in agreementt the political environment specificallystability and extent of freedom can and does in

42、fluence accounting doctrine. Forexle the level of freedom and civil liberties in a country has a direct influence onthe extent of finanl information disclosure; evidenhowst less free countrieshave less extensive disclosure. Peoplet do nove the freedom to choose theirownernment and support or ope bus

43、iness policies will nove the nesarytools or resourto establish transparent accounting. Although these sements arelogically sound, significant empirical evidence is still being sought by researchers to further support the validity of these sements.Economic factors along with the availability and vari

44、ety of capital markets alsoimpact the national accounting profes. Obviously nations differheir economicsystems, some are categorized as capitalist, or capitalist-sists, while others arecapitalist-solist or solist (Gastil 1978). Economic development includes growthas well as the sol and structural ch

45、angestpany it. A more developedeconomic system requires an accounting structuret captures the nesary relevantinformation about the productivity and performance of various sectors. This is clearlyevident as the most comprehensive accounting systems are present in countries withthe greatest extent of

46、economic development. For exle, it comes as no surpriset Australia, wiwell developed economy, has well developed accountingpractiwhereas Libya, wistagnant ill-defined economy has little accountingregulationsuidelines. Another aspect of the economic factort is espellysignificant is the structure of c

47、apital markets. Much research has been done to studythe effect of capital markets on accounting standards. Capital formation be it throughpublic financing, private investment or foreign private investment are nesaryingredients for economic development. All the relevant finanl information tomotivate

48、private investment or validate public financing res on accounting data.Accounting data is pivotal in creating a level of confidence for working capital marketstructure. Thus the structure of capital markets influenthe nature of accountingstandards in different countries. For exle in Germany, most of

49、 the financing forcapital markets came from creditors, mainly bs, this is reflected in it accountinggoals. The main pure of finanl reporting in Germany is protection of creditorshe U.S., where the capital market is equityand capital maenance. However,based, the main pure of finanl reporting is the p

50、rotection of investors. Thedominance of equity financinghe U.S. created an accounting structure concernedwith fair presenion and full disclosure but in Germany, accounting is concernedwith calculating distributablee, i.e., making sure creditors get their payment.Different countries with different ac

51、counting practiis an accepted situation,however it is not without its disadvantages. As the idea of global corporations andmarkets without borders began toe a reality, members of the accountingprofesrealized the need forernational standards. In 1971, theernationalAccounting Standards Committee (IASC

52、) was formed. It was a loosely formedcommittee at the behest of accounting boards from Australia, Canada, France,Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, and U.K. Id a similar framework tot ofthe US Finanl Accounting Standards Board (FASB) as well as the British andAustralian frameworks. At about the sa

53、me time theernational profesalactivities of accountancy bodies from different countriesanized under theernational Federation of Accountants (IFAC). The IASC and IFAC operatedtangent to each other. However IFAC members were automatically members of IASC.With this structure, IASC would have autonomy i

54、n settingernational accountingernational accountingstandards and publishing discuss relating toies. From the 1970s the IASC ied roughly forty standards;t went largelyunused by most large corporations and countries wilready established accountingsystems. Its greatest progress was in Europe and with d

55、eveloor newlyindustrialized countries. For exlehe 1990s Italy, Belgium, France andGermany all allowed large corporations to useernational Accounting Standards(IAS) for domestic finanl reporting. Yet in large part, the IASC found itself in asituation where it ied standards bud noer of enforcement, th

56、us no realauthority. (Nobes 1999)In light of its progress in Europe, the IASC focused its efforts at gainingauthoriiveers over accounting regulation in European markets. Europeanmultinational companies, having long suffered the finanl burden of filing undernational standards and filing under U.S. GA

57、AP for listing on U.S. exchanges wereerested in working towards authoriiveernational standardst would phaseout the use of U.S. GAAP. With this incentive, in early 2000, the IASC terminated itslink with the IFAC as thestn restructuring itself. In 2001, the IASCreanized as theernational Accounting Sta

58、ndards Board (IASB) and begandeveloernational Finanl Reporting Standards (IFRS) in addition to theexisting IAS. (IASB 2007) The IASB defined itself as “an independentstandard-setting board, appoed and overseen by a geographically and profesallydiverse group of Trustees of the IASC Foundation who are

59、 accountable to the publicerest.” Tot end the IASB has fourteen board members from 9 differentcountries and different academic or profesal backgrounds. Its main goal is to“co-operate with national accounting standard-setters to achieve convergence inaccounting standards around the world.” It is impo

60、rtant to note,t its misispurefully sed to work toward convergence not absolute replacement of nationalstandards. This meanst the IASB wanted agreement betn its standards and thenational standards of a country. Tot end the IASB began its convergence effortswithin Europe. This made sense because the E


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