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1、2014高考英语完形填空基础练习精品题(25)及答案扫荡狂练:完形填空一夹叙夹议27.When Chinese Americans visit family and friends in their homeland, gifts from the U. S. are a must. But fashionable clothes aren t rare any more, and anything “Madein China won t do.George Bao felt like a 1 man the first time he 2 back to China from America

2、.He had so many gifts for his 3 and friends; he was lugging eight cardboard boxes4 his suitcase. That was in the 1980s,5 flights weren t crowded. The airlinedidn t even 6 him for the extra luggage.As for what the gifts were, the memory makes him laugh. He had 7 secondhand clothes bought from yard sa

3、les.“My father was so happy, said Bao, who watched the elderly farmer8 his firstWestern suit. China had nothing back then. Anything I broughtback from the States10 fast especially in the11 itself from backwater to12 where it comes from thatwas considered 9 .”“Times have changed. Living standards in

4、China have wealthier coastal areas. And now that China has manufacturing powerhouse, it s not what the gift ismatters, “ said Bao.“They may not all speak English,but everyone in China 13 thosethree words, “ hesaid.When they see the 14Made in China , they will think,15 come youThese days, in other wo

5、rds, buyinggave me this? 16 to take to China is a major headache forChinese Americans.Yunxiang Yan is a professor from UCLA who has written extensively about gift-giving in Chinese 17 . But even for him, figuring out what to take has become18 troublesome that he now chooses not to give any gifts.“On

6、e 19 I don t give gifts is that I go back so frequently, a couple of timesa year, said Yan.We are living in a shrinking global village with increasedcommunication and 20 . So there is no more need. ”A. fatB. richC. foreign D. cleverA. sailed B. floatedC. flewD. traveledA. students B. officialsC. fel

7、lows D. familyA. in return for B. in relation toC. in addition toD. in regard toA. whenB. where C. which D. whoA. change B. chargeC. shareD. leaveA. carried B. fetchedC. took D. broughtA. came onB. focused onC. put onD. took onA. special B. expensive C. fortunate D. successfulA. risenB. fell C. rais

8、edD. appliedA. carried B. transformedC. promoted D. generatedA. orB. and C. butD. forA. imagined B. contacted C. learned D. recognizesA. labelB. board C. paperD. letterA. WhatB. HowC. Which D. WhyA. books B. thingsC. goodsD. giftsA. sports B. business C. cultureD. societyA. soB. such C. too D. enoug

9、hA. motivationB. reason C. design D. planA. trade B. money C. exchange D. traveling参考答案 27.BCDCA BDCAA BCDAB DCABD.(典型例题量检测)A friend in needBrownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs who met every day to play together. Like pairs of dogs you 1 find in any neigh borhood, these two 2 each other and played

10、together so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their own houses.()ne evening, Browniesfamily 3 that Brownie hadnt returned home. Theywent looking for him with no 4 Brownie didnt appear the next day, and despite(尽 管)their 5 to find him, by the next week he was stil

11、l missing.Curiously,Spotty 6 at Brownies house alone,barking. Busy with their ownlives, Brownies family just ignored the 7 little neighbor dog.Finally, one morning Spotty 8 to takenofor an answer any longer. He followed Ted about,barking strongly, then running towards a nearby wood, as if to say, 9

12、me! Its urgent !Then Ted followed the anxious Spotty. The little dog led the man to a 10 spot a half mile fromthe house. There Ted found his beloved Brownie 11 , but. one of his hind legs stuck in a steel leg-hold trap. Horrified, Ted now wished hed taken Spottys earlier requirement 12 Then Ted noti

13、ced something quite remarkable. Spotty had done more than simply 13 Brownies owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around the 14 dog, Ted found some dog food,which was later 15 as the remains of every meal Spotty had been fed that 16 ! Spotty had been visiting Brownie 17 in a single-minded quest

14、to keep his friend alive by offering his own comfort. Spot- ty had obviously 18 with Brownie to protect him from being hurt,snuggling(依偎)with him at night to keep him warm andtouching him gently with its nose to keep his 19 up. Brownies leg was treated by a veterinarian and he recovered. For many ye

15、ars afterward, the two 20 watched the faithful friends frolicking(嬉戏)and chasingeach other down that wellworn path between their houses.A. must B. should C. can D. need答案:C指导:此题考查情态动词的含义。该句的意思是“就像在任何街上都能见到的成对 的狗一样”,所以选CA. loved B. hated C. stayed D. fought答案:A指导:由后文中两只狗经常在一起,把两家间的草地都踩成了一条道,可知两只小 狗非常

16、的好,所以选 A.A. watched B. heard C. feared D. noticed答案:D 指导:notice的意思是注意到,此句的意思是“发现小狗Brownie没有回来。”A. hope B. success C. failure D. information答案:B指导:由后文可知道当时没有找到Brownie .A. wishes B. demands C. efforts D. worries答案:C指导:根据句子含义,应该是一直在尽力找。所以选 efforts .A. showed upB. showed offC. turned outD. turned off答案:

17、A 指导:show叩揭露、露出、露面; show off炫耀,卖弄;turnout 结果是;tumoff 关掉,避开。A. clever B. eager C. angry D. nervous答案:D指导:Spotty显然是非常急于让人去救护Brownie .A. decided B. refused C. wanted D. pretended答案:B指导:由后文可以看出Spotty对于人们的态度要采取措施来引起人们的注意,所以选择refued . FA. Love B. Feed . Forgive D. Follow答案:D指导:这里Spotty是在给人们指示说明。A. beautif

18、ul B. distant C. wild D. clean答案:C指导:由文中可以看出没有找到Brownie的原因就是它的出事地点比较偏荒芜。A. alive B. dead C. brave D. sleepy答案:A指导:Ted认为Brownie可能已经死了或丢失了。结合所给四个答案比较,故选择alive .A. immediately B. seriouslyC. directlyD. honestly答案:B 指导:Ted现在后悔了当时没有认真地对待Spotty的表现。A. asked B. told C. informed D. led 答案:D 指导:Spotty把Ted领到了

19、Brownie出事的地方。A. injured B. defeated C. frightened D, worried答案:A指导:Brownie的腿夹住了,受了伤。A. regarded B. determined C. recognized D. showed 答案:C指导:Ted辨闪出是Spotty的食物。A. month B. day C. evening D. week答案:D 指导:由文中可以看出Brownie失踪了一个礼拜,所以 Spotty给它送了一个礼拜的食物。A. particularlyB. regularlyC. usuallyD. especially答案:B 指导

20、:为了 Brownie活下来,Spotty是每天都来照顾 Brownie .A. lived B. slept C. stayed D. played答案:C 指导:这段时间 Spotty和Brownie呆在一起保护它,安慰它。A. headB. spiritsC. temperature D. mind答案:B指导:keepones spiris uq在这里的意思是“鼓励,让某人充满勇气” 。A. families B. parents C. dogs D. friends答案:A 指导:文章中涉及的就是两只狗以及它们的主人。所以这里根据内容选择families .扫荡狂练:完形填空一夹叙夹

21、议(江苏省泰州中学20102011学年度第一学期高三质量检测)God s coffeeA group of class friends, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon 61 into complaints about stress in work and life.Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the 62 and returned wit

22、h a large pot of coffee and a couple of63 porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some64looking, some expensive, some delicate telling them to 65 themselves to the coffee.Whenall the students had a cup of coffee in 66 , the professor said, “If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken

23、up,67 behind the plain and cheapones. While it is normal for you to68 only the best for yourselves, that is the69 of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself70 no quality tothe coffee. In most cases it is just the more expensive and in some cases it even hides what we drink. 71 all o

24、f you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you72 went for the best cups. . . And then you began73 each other s cups. Nowconsider this:Life is the 74 ; the jobs, money and position in society are thecups. They are just tools to hold and contain life, and the type of cup we have doesnot 75 , nor

25、 change the quality of life we 76 . Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we 77 to enjoy the coffee God has 78 us. God brews the coffee, not the cups. . . Enjoy the coffee!”The happiest people don t have the best of everything. They just79 the best ofeverything. Live simply. Love generously.

26、Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the80to God.A. stopped B. looked C. grew D. turnedA. living-room B. waiting-room C. bedroom D. kitchenA. cups B. pans C. bowls D. bottlesA. plain B. clean C. ugly D. fineA. devote B. help C. dedicate D. enjoyA. stomach B. hand C. mind D. mouthA. falling B. leaving C.

27、 hiding D. keepingA. hope B. wish C. need D. wantA. source B. resource C. energy D. reasonA. adapts B. puts C. adds D. appliesA. As B. What C. That D. WhichA. consciously B. cheerfully C. deliberately D. bravelyA. looking B. glaring C. eyeing D. glancingA. tea B. water C. wine D. coffeeA. sign B. me

28、an C. define D. signalA. spend B. live C. hateD. loveA. fail B. succeed C. tend D. manageA. shown B. taken C. sent D. providedA. keep B. take C. make D. holdA. complex B. remainsC. rest D. complaints参考答案 28. DDAAB BBDAC BACDC BADCC典型例题.短文内容逻辑性强,文章结构严谨,层次分明。.文体由单一向多样性转化。近几年文体出现故事、新闻报道、应用文、夹叙夹议等文 体,已经

29、突破了单一的叙述文体。其考察的热点依次为:故事类、教育类、社会类、文化类、 体育卫生类。所选文章情节曲折,趣味性强,结.文章基本长度在 270290词之间,设空为 20个,挖空密度在 1012词之间,体现 了 “在稳定中求发展”的命题指导思想,多为第一句不设空,考生可在第一句得到相关信息, 如时间、地点、人物等,从而预测全文。.备选答案以实词为主,虚词为辅,虚词又以连词为主。要求学生不仅能够熟练地掌握 基础知识,还需综合文章前后逻辑,根据具体语境,从语言的准确性出发,排除干扰项的迷 惑,选出最佳答案。应试高分瓶颈随着完形填空朝着语言交际化,情景生活化,词汇应用灵活化方向性,要求语言应用与情景交

30、际融为一体,当然难度不断增加,学生便对完型填空产生厌倦恐惧心理。常会在做题 过程中,在未抓住文章主旨下,便以此为中心展开推测判断,往往断章取义,会导致偏差, 甚至与文章的中心相悖,或是受思维定势干扰,对文章分析不透,忽视特定语境中知识的运 用,以致处于应付的状态,做题能力得不到提升,这就要求学生不仅拥有扎实牢固的基础, 还要有一定的阅读能力与速度,以及综合逻辑与思维。当然,良好的心理素质是必须的,在做完形填空中做到“信息常识;上下呼应;搭配谴辞;逻辑贯通。”。命题点1记叙文命题点2人物故事命题点3夹叙夹议命题点4说明夹叙述命题点5说明文命题点6议论文本类考题解答锦囊完形填空是一项综合性较强的试

31、题,它往往被考生视为“老大难”题目。因为它不仅考查学生的语言、语法知识,而且还考查学生的英语背景知识,以及综合运用语言基础知识的能力。完形填空常考查考生以下七个方面:.同义或近义词的辨析。.词组固定搭配。.动词的时态和语态。.代词的复指。.主谓一致性(包括名词单复数问题)。.判断上下文的逻辑关系。.阅读理解(包括日常常用知识)。完形填空在高考中占有很大的比例;做好这道题是能否获取高分的关健。那如何做到准确,迅速地“完形”呢 ?概括有如下三个步骤:一、泛读一通读全文,抓住主旨有的同学总是急于求成,想要一步到位,或是由于原文设置空格所造成的理解障碍,担 心通读全文不但抓不住大意还浪费时间,未通览全

32、文即边读边填,结果是就句论句,无法形 成连贯的思路,或是“见木不见林” ,理解偏离文章的中心,欲速则不达。大家首先要克服不良心理,满怀信心,全神贯注,目光越过空格,注意把握短文的整体内容。任何短文都是围绕一个特定的中心话题展开,抓住了话题便可“举目为纲”掌握短文的脉络;同时可以避免思维断线或漂浮不定,从而准确、迅速地“完型” 。在通读全文的过程中,力求对文章的整体内容有个基本的认识,明确主题思想,认识文章结构,了解文章的层次(完形填空所给的短文一般是从交待背景开始,渐次推进,直至高潮,然后结局,环环相扣,条理十分清楚。)要想抓住主旨,关键在于首尾句。文章首句一般不设空,为一个完整的句子,通过此

33、窗口,可掌握一些信息,如时间、地点、人物等,尾句为一 篇文章总结,点睛之笔,由此可从整体上感知全文,进而理解全文。二、精读一细读全文,综合考虑,选出最佳词不离句,句不离文。针对任何一个选项,都要着眼于该选项所在句,并且要瞻前顾后, 不仅仅考虑语法、句型、习惯用法、固定搭配等,还需要根据不同场合、不同人、不同的文 化习俗,对生活常识的积累以及语感,文章的前后推论与照应,理清脉络,仔细推敲,去伪 存真,选出最佳答案,切忌走马观花,断章取义,应付对待。可总结如下:.在理解全文内容的大前提下,根据上下文相关内容进行判断选择,不要只考虑本句的意思需要和备选答案。例如:典型例题 Give girls ch

34、ance to 55 , and they willA . think B . succeed C . perfOrm D . feel答案且要确定这个答案必须理解全篇的内容,体会到作者写这篇短文的目的是通过讲自 己喜爱冲浪而使人们认识到女孩可以做男孩所做的事,告诉人们要给女孩成功的机会,她们 一定能成功。我们在做完形填空时,常会有这种感觉,开头几个空填不上,或者说不读完全文,无法 填空,这时切记冷静,克服急躁恐惧心理,那么不妨暂时放过这几个空,继续往下,先易后 难,随着阅读逐渐展开,逐渐入境根据下文的字里行间,直接或间接地找到所需要的信息, 待全文填完,很清楚的情况下,剩下的难题就可做出,有

35、一种“豁然开朗”之感,而不是“似 懂非懂”。本类考题解答锦囊.根据逻辑推理,从常识和常规的角度去考虑。例如:典型例题 The feeling l get when I msurhngacross that 44 , becomingone with the 45 islikeI mweightless .A . beach B . water c . board D.1ake答案B根据常识可判断出冲浪是在水面上进行的。45 . A. sky B . world C . earth D . ocean答案D冲浪是在海洋中进行的一项体育运动。作者感到自己与海洋成为了一体。.从词语意义辨析方面进行选择。例如:continued(NMET ,典型例题 ertheyears , the story of the Yctis has 41.A . developed D . Changed C.occurred D答案D根据这四个词的意思和上下文的内容可确定


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