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1、Module 6Section Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner 课时作业.单句语法填空1He is a frequentfrequently visitor to our house.He often comes to see us. 2 We aim to help disabled students to live and study independently independent3The team will definitely definite lose if he doesnt play. 4With his attention conc

2、entrated concentrate on a book,he didnt notice me come in. 5We couldnt eat in the restaurant because none of us had money with us. 6Is this film interesting. Yes,but I am sure it wont interest everyone. 7The letter is too long.Can you shorten short it a little. 8Kicking kick a wet football can hurt

3、your foot if you are not careful. 9Compared compare with his room,my room is even smaller. 10Tom is one of the top students in our school and the scores hes got in each exam are always far above average. .单句改错1 By average, women live between five and seven years longer than men.ByOn 2 Production in

4、the factory stopped because of frequently power failures.frequentlyfrequent 3The job will make him independent on his parents.onof4 I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with anything.anythingeverything 5With his attention concentrating on a book, he didnt notice me come in.concentrat

5、ingconcentrated .阅读懂得A Have you ever had a troubling problem that has left you wondering where to turn for help. Eve Hobsbawm is a life adviser.She offers advice to people struggling with all kinds of problems, from relationship difficulties to what to cook for dinner.She does this through a website

6、 inviting people to email her with their problems.Theres nothing unusual about that, except for the fact that Eve is only eight years old. This junior trouble-shooter, who also goes by the name “ Miss Evie Mouse” livin London with her parents.Not only is Miss Mouse willing to lend an ear to her clie

7、nts, she will also offer them a helping hand, for a fee of course.She charges between 10p for advice on little, everyday worries and 1 for more complicated problems.Her areas of expert knowledge, if not of experience, are problems about love, life and work-life balance. A problem shared is a problem

8、 halved, but Eve cant always help.A note on the site states that she cant answer questions like “ Does space ever end?”and she wont solve schoolwork-related problems, especially not maths. She explained to the Guardian newspaper that she was inspired to set up the company by her father who runs a te

9、ch start-up.Eve said,“ As soon as I saw his business and understood the kinds of things businesses do, I thought thats what Im going to do.”But since setting up her company in December she has been so overwhelmed with messages that she has had to take a step back.“ There has been a lot of sudden int

10、erest in my site, which is nice,” she says,“ but I need to do my homework too, so I wont be solving any more problems for a bit.”【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文, 叙述了一个只有 8 岁的小女孩成为了一个不同平常的顾问, 她通过自己的网站帮忙别人解决问题,来自于她的爸爸;她表示她的创业灵感1Eve Hobsbawm is an unusual adviser because she _. Aasks for fees for her advice Bis just a

11、pupil at primary school Cis an expert in work-life balance Danswers questions on the Internet 解析:选 B 细节懂得题;依据第一段中的 “Theres nothing unusual about that, except for the fact that Eve is only eight years old.”可知, Eve 是一个不同平常的顾问是由于她是一个只有 8 岁的学校生,故 B 项正确;2What is peoples attitude towards Eves website. AIn

12、terested. BDisapproving. CDoubtful. DUnconcerned. 解析: 选 A 观点态度题;依据最终一段中的“There has been a lot of sudden interest in my site, which is nice”可知,人们对她的网站很感爱好,故 A 项正确;3Which of the following can best describe Eve. AShe has a lot of experience in life. BShe is very popular among students. CShe has a natur

13、al talent for business. DShe is warm-hearted and ready to help. 解析:选 C 推理判定题; 依据倒数其次段中的 “As soon as I saw his business and understood the kinds of things businesses do, I thought thats what Im going to do.”可知, Eve 一看到爸爸的公司和明白全部的业务就知道这是她要做的,由此可知她很有经商天赋,故 C 项正确;4Where is the passage most likely to hav

14、e been taken from. AA book review. BA speech. CAn advertisement. DA news report. 解析:选 D推理判定题; 本文叙述了一个只有8 岁的小女孩通过自己的网站帮忙别人解决问题的故事,再结合倒数其次段中的“She explained to the Guardian newspaper”可知,英国卫报 也采访过 Eve,由此推知本文可能来自一 篇新闻报道,故 D 项正确;B2022 陕西省渭南中学高一第三次质量检测 Every time your fingers touch your cell phone, they le

15、ave behind trace of amounts of chemicals.And each chemical offers clues to you and your activities.By studying them, scientists might be able to piece together a story about your recent life, a new study finds. A molecule 分子 is a group of atoms.It is the smallest amounts of some chemicals.Your skin

16、is covered in molecules picked up by everything you touched.With each new thing your skin contacts, you leave behind some small share of what itd touched earlier. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego UCSDrecently studied such chemical leftovers on the phones of 39 volunteers.The st

17、udy was led by biochemist Amina Bouslimani.To explore those residues 剩余物 , the UCSD team wiped the surface of each volunteers phone with a cotton swab 药签 The scientists also swabbed each persons right hand.Then the researchers compared the chemicals found on each cell phone. The scientists discovere

18、d as many of the molecules as they could.They then compared those to a database of chemicals.Pieter Dorrestein, a UCSD pharmaceutical chemist, had helped set up that database a few years earlier, which contains various substances, including spices, caffeine and medicines. Traces of everything from h

19、undreds to thousands of different molecules turned up on each phone.The molecules suggested what had been in the body, and what each person had handled before touching the phone.From all these molecules, Bouslimani says,“ We could tell if a person is likely female, uses high-end cosmetics 化妆品 , colo

20、rs her hair, drinks coffee, prefers beer over wine or likes spicy food.”Police already use molecular analyses to look for traces of explosives or illegal drugs.To date, Dorrestein says, hes never heard of police using phone residues to narrow down behaviour clues to search for a suspect.But detectiv

21、es might one day use such data to track down someone who left a phone behind at a crime scene. 【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文; 文章叙述的是 “ 手指在你的手机上留下关于你的线索; ”通过讨论手机上的残留物,我们可以得出手机用户的生活方式;5By studying the residues on the phone, we can conclude its users _. Apersonality Blifestyle Cappearance Dintelligence 解析:选 B 推理判定题;

22、依据第一段 “Every time your fingers touch your cell phone, they leave behind trace of amounts of chemicals.And each chemical offers clues to you and your activities.By studying them, scientists might be able to piece together a story about your recent life, a new study finds. ”每次你的手指触碰手机时,都会留下微量的化学物质; 每种

23、化学物质都为你和你的行为供应线索;一项新的讨论发觉, 通过讨论它们, 科学家们或许能够拼凑出一个关于你最近生活的故事; 可知,通过讨论手机上的残留物,我们可以得出手机用户的生活方式;应选 B;6What was the first thing the researchers had to do for the study. AComparing different chemicals. BHiring volunteers with cell phones. CCollecting different kinds of phones. DBuilding a database containi

24、ng chemicals. 解析:选 D 推理判定题;依据第四段 “The scientists discovered as many of the molecules as they could.They then compared those to a database of chemicals.Pieter Dorrestein, a UCSD pharmaceutical chemist, had helped set up that database a few years earlier, which contains various substances, including s

25、pices, caffeine and medicines.”科学家们发觉了尽可能多的分子; 然后他们将这些数据与化学数据库进行比较;加州高校圣地亚哥分校UCSD 的药理学家彼得 多瑞斯坦 Pieter Dorrestein几年前帮忙建立了这个数据库,其中包含各种物质,包括香料、咖啡因和药物; 可知,讨论人员要做的第一件事是建立包含化学品的数据库;应选D;7Whats the authors attitude towards the application of the research finding. ADoubtful. BDisappointed. CPositive. DUninte

26、rested. 解析:选 C 推理判定题;依据最终一段 “Police already use molecular analyses to look for traces of explosives or illegal drugs.To date, Dorrestein says, hes never heard of police using phone residues to narrow down behaviour clues to search for a suspect.But detectives might one day use such data to track dow

27、n someone who left a phone behind at a crime scene.”警方已经使用分子分析来查找爆炸物或非法毒品的踪迹; Dorrestein 说,到目前为止,他从来没有听说过警察使用手机残留物来缩小行为线索来查找嫌疑人; 但是有一天侦探们可能会利用这些数据来追踪某个把手机落在犯罪现场的人;由此推知,作者对讨论发觉的应用持“ 积极的态度” ;应选 C;8What should be the best title for the text. ACell Phones Will Be Used in More Fields BMolecules Are Used

28、to Search for Illegal Drugs CYour Phone May Be Home to Various Chemicals DFingers Leave Clues About You on Your Phone 解析:选 D 主旨大意题; 依据第一段 “Every time your fingers touch your cell phone, they leave behind trace of amounts of chemicals.And each chemical offers clues to you and your activities.By study

29、ing them, scientists might be able to piece together a story about your recent life, a new study finds. ”每次你的手指触碰手机时,都会留下微量的化学物质; 每种化学物质都为你和你的行为供应线索;一项新的讨论发觉, 通过讨论它们, 科学家们或许能够拼凑出一个关于你最近生活的故事; 由此可知, D 项“Fingers Leave Clues About You on Your Phone”是本文主题;应选 D;.七选五 How to Have a Successful Teenage Life

30、Everyone dreams of success in their life, dont they?Even as a teenager, you can achieve success in your life;it really isnt that hard._1_ Do well in school. No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society.Try your best for excellence in school;listen to the

31、teachers, do your homework, study, and get good grades.Doing so will help you get into a better university, which will enable you to have a bright future._2_ Do good in your community 社区 Volunteering can not only improve your communitys status, but it could make you happier.Studies show that people

32、who volunteer are less likely to develop depression 抑郁 than people who dont._3_ For example, if you love animals, volunteer at an animal shelter.If you love helping the environment, plant trees or pick up litter.When you help others, it will make you feel better about yourself. _4_ Remember, theyre there to help you be the best that you can be.Respect them and value their opinions, even if they annoy you sometimes._5_You dont get to choose your teachers or your family, but you still have to pu


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