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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、Water is the cheapest drink. And its also _.Ahealthier Bhealthiest Cthe healthier Dthe

2、healthiest2、一Alex is planning to climb the mountain without even using a rope. 一What? Ive never heard of idea before.Aa crazierBthe crazierCa craziestDthe craziest3、We dont know the love of our parents _ we become parents ourselves one day.AuntilBafterCwhenDsince4、 What happened to Miss Liu just now

3、?Oh, she suddenly _ and was taken to the hospital.Apassed outBpoured outCworked out5、Although you failed four times, I still hope you can have _ try.Athe fifthBa fifthCthe fourthDa fourth6、 Excuse me, could you tell me ? In front of the gate of our school.Awhat time should we arrive at the parkBwher

4、e should we meetCwhere I can find you tomorrow morningDwhat we need to take with us7、Bobs mom is happy to see that he is full of energy and _for knowledge.AfamousBcarefulCfamiliarDthirsty8、 When shall we meet again next week? _ day is possible. Its no problem with me 。AEitherBNeitherCEveryDAny9、 Mus

5、t I go to medical school and be a doctor like you,Dad? No,you_,sonYoure free to make your own decisionAcantBmustntCshouldntDneednt10、How is everything going in the school , my boy?AI am all right , thank you.BNot at all.CNot too bad, I guess.DVery well, thank you. 完形填空11、I was standing in line behin

6、d a woman in her 60s. When it was her turn to pay, the shop owner greeted 1 and asked how she was doing.The woman looked down, shook her head and said, “Not so 2 , my husband just lost his job. I dont know how I can 3 the holidays.” Then she gave the shop owner the food stamps (食品券) for poor familie

7、s.My 4 hurt, I wanted to help but didnt know 5 . Should I offer to pay for her food, or ask for her husbands resume (简历)? 6 I walked towards my car, I met the woman again. I remembered something in my wallet. It wasnt any money or an offer of a job, but 7 it would help.“Excuse me,” I said, “I heard

8、what you said to the shop owner. It sounds like youre going through a really 8 time right now. Im so sorry. Id like to give you something.” I 9 her the small card from my wallet.When the woman read the two 10 on the card, she began to cry. Through her tears, she said, “You have no idea how much this

9、 11 to me.”To tell the truth, her reply was a little 12 . Having never done anything like this before, I didnt know what could happen. All I could say was, “Would it be OK to give you a hug?”After that, I walked into my car and began to 13 too.The words on the card?“You Matter.”A few weeks earlier,

10、a friend gave me a similar 14 as encouragement for my work. When I read it, I really felt 15 . So I ordered my own box of You Matter cards and started sharing them.1AhimBherCmeDus2AbadBbusyCfunnyDgood3Aget throughBgive upCput offDtalk about4AhandBheadCheartDleg5AhowBwhenCwhereDwhy6AAfterBAlthoughCAs

11、DOnce7AagainBinsteadCmaybeDoften8AdullBhardCpleasantDspecial9AhandedBlentCreadDsold10AexpressionsBletters.CsentencesDwords11AexplainsBintroducesCmeansDsuggests12AboringBexcitingCrelaxingDsurprising13AchatBcryCdriveDshake14AcardBresumeCstampDwallet15AsillyBsorryCwellDwarm. 语法填空12、Henry was an office

12、1 (work) in a big city. He worked very hard and enjoyed traveling in his holidays.He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw 2 advertisement in a newspaper. “Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at West Hill Farm. Good food, Fresh air, Horse riding, Walking, Fishing, cheap and interesting.

13、” “This 3 (sound) a good idea,” he thought. “Ill spend a month at West Hill Farm. I think I can enjoy horse riding, walking and fishing. Theyll make a change from 4 (sit) by the seaside and swimming.”He wrote to the farmer. In the letter he said that he would like to spend all of July there. Then on

14、 the first day of July, he left 5West Hill Farm.But four days later, he returned home.“What was wrong 6West Hill Farm?” his best friend, Ed, asked him. “Didnt you enjoy country life?” “Country life was very good,” Henry said. “But there was another problem.”“Oh. What?”“Well,” he said, “the first day

15、 I was there a sheep died, and we had roast mutton for dinner.”“Whats wrong with that?” Ed asked. “Fresh meat is the best.”“I know, but on the 7 (two) day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.”“How 8 (luck) you are!”“You dont understand,” Henry said. “On the third day a pig died and we had r

16、oast pork for dinner.”“A different meat every day,” Ed said 9 (loud), “and what are you complaining!”“Let me finish,” Henry said. “on the fourth day the farmer 10 (dead), and I didnt dare (敢) stay for dinner!”. 阅读理解A13、 Do you know anything about email?Email is a kind of communication that is changi

17、ng, for the worse, the way we write and use language, say some communication experts. Email has helped the spread of careless writing habits,” says Baron, a professor at an American university. She says the poor spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure in emails show the growing unconce

18、rn about the way we write. Baron argues that we shouldnt forgive and forget the poor writing in emails. “The more we use the email, the more it becomes the normal way of writing,” the professor says.Others say that though it has poor writing, email has done what several generations (代)of English tea

19、chers couldnt do. It has made writing fashionable again.“Email is a new communication technology,” says Ian Lancashire, a professor of English at Toronto University. “It fills the gap (缺口)between spoken language and the formal (正式的)methods of writing. It is the purest form of written speech.”Lancash

20、ire says email can help people who are usually afraid of writing to get their thoughts flowing easily onto a blank screen. He says this is because email is close to speech. “Its like a circle of four or five people around a campfire,” he says. Still, he accepts that this freedom to express themselve

21、s often gets people into trouble. The number of emails sent in a day almost is the number of letters mailed in a year. But more people are recognizing the content (内容)of a typical email message is not often exact.1What can we know according to Baron?AEmail changes the way people communicate in every

22、day life.BPeople should check the email many times before sending it.CMore people dont take the mistakes seriously when writing an email.DEmail has become a normal way of writing.2What does the underlined word “it” refer to?AEmail.BThe poor writing.CThe good writing.DThe communication technology.3Ia

23、n Lancashire thinksAemail makes writing become popular againBit is helpful for people to use email to express themselvesCemails are easier to write than lettersDpeople should remember the mistakes in emails4Whats the main idea of this passage?APeople should stop using email to communicate.BPeople ha

24、ve different opinions about email.CPeople should learn to write email correctly.DPeople have realized the importance of good writing.B14、Success does not belong to a select group of individuals(个人). Success belongs to those who are willing to go after it and try their best to do what they have to do

25、. Here are some useful practical ways for you if you want to be a success.Desire. Desire is the strong wish to achieve a goal. Without desire you have nothing. Before you can run with desire, your goal must be plain, clear, and it must also be exciting.Show up. Seventy percent of success in life is

26、showing up. You cant have a best seller, if you have never written a book. You cant get your dream job, if youre afraid to turn in an application. Showing up doesnt guarantee(保证) success, but if you dont show up, you wont succeed.Fail. Unless youre willing to have a try, fail unhappily, and have ano

27、ther try, success wont happen. To have success you have to do things the right way, but often the only way to do something right is to first fail at it. As Thomas J. Watson said, a simple formula(公式)for success is to double your rate of failure (失败). So welcome failure, become a student of failure,

28、learn from failure, and soon you will succeed.Work Harder._Success is not about doing what the common person cant do. Its about doing what the common person is unwilling to do. And on a deeper level, its about creating habits that the common person is unwilling to create. Its the habit of doing thin

29、gs with excellence that causes success.Enjoy the Journey. Success is a journey, not a destination(终点). Success is not a certain car or a certain house or a certain happy marriage. Success is the enjoyment of the journey. You have to enjoy the journey.Someone once said, “Unless you change how you are

30、, you will always have what youve got.” You have to changeyou will change, you will succeed.1Which of the following is NOT mentioned in achieving success?AWorking hard. BGood education.CStrong desire. DEnjoying failure.2What does the writer really mean by saying “Everyone runs, but everyone is not w

31、illing to run for an hour every day.” ?AIts not easy for people to develop their health.BYou are sure to meet with some difficulty in your life.CKeeping working harder is necessary when you go after success.DMost people dont want to spend too much time running.3What does the writer mostly want to te

32、ll us in the fourth paragraph?AFailure is the mother of success.BMany hands make light work.CEvery dog has its day.DActions speak louder than words.4Which of the following is TRUE about success according to the passage?AIf you want to succeed, you should have special talents.BIf you want to succeed,

33、 youd better not show up.CSuccess is about doing what the common person cant do.DSuccess means the enjoyment of your gain or loss on the journey.5The best title of the passage might be_.AThe Importance of SuccessBThe Meaning of SuccessCSuccess or FailureDThe Five Main Steps to SuccessC15、 What! You,

34、 too? I thought I was the only one. Have you ever said this to someone? If so, you may have ended up becoming friends with this person.It seems that similarity often helps from friendships. The Greek philosopher (哲学家) Aristotle once said, Some define (下定义) it (friendship) as a matter of similarity;

35、they say that we love those who are like ourselves.Now, there is some science behind this idea. Scientists from University of California said friends have similar brains, Scientific America reported.The scientists invited 42 university students to take part in an experiment. Each student watched the

36、 same set of videos, which included a comedy, a debate (讨论) and a soccer match. At the same time, scientists scanned(扫描) their brains and recorded their brain activity.Similar parts of their brains became active while watching the videos, especially parts that are connected with motivation (动力), lea

37、rning and memory. According to their scans, friends who watched the same videos parts reacted in similar ways. However, people who werent friends has different reactions to the same video parts.Having close friends whose brain react like ours may be useful because it makes ones own value, opinions,

38、and interests stronger, lead scientist Carolyn Parkinson told Business Insider.But brain similarity is not the only thing that can result in friendship. Scientists from the University of Leipzig, Germany, found that friendship is also based on how physically close you are to someone. They did an exp

39、eriment with first-year college students who met in class for the first time. Is this experiment, students who sat in neighboring seats were more likely to become friends.1What does this idea in Paragraph 3 refer to ?AMany friendships start with small chatsBFriends try to develop similarities betwee

40、n themselves.CPeople with similarities may become friendsDWe like those who like us first.2What did the scans of the students brain show?AThey had watched the same video partsBFriends had similar reactions to the same video partsCWatching videos improves ones memoryDIts good to have friends who reac

41、t similarly3According to the story, what else may help build friendship?ABeing fun and helpfulBStudying at the same collegeCHaving similar appearanceDBeing physically closeD16、We go to school every day to become a betterperson. So how can we become powerful and startchanges in our own life? Perhaps

42、we can get tips from the USFirst Lady Michelle Obama. During her visit to China, from March 20-26, Mrs. Obama shared her views on education and youth empowerment with students.The first lady encouraged Chinese students to aim high and get a good education* In Chengdu No. 7 High School, she told stud

43、ents that having humble (贫寒的) roots doesnt matter as long as you have perseverance(毅力)Mrs. Obama said her family was not rich. Like many Chinese students, her parents had big dreams for her. She felt the weight of her parents sacrifices(牺牲) on her shoulders and worked hard to make them proud. Persev

44、ering was not easy, though. Sometimes she had to wake up at 4:30 am and study late into the night. But whenever I got tired or discouraged(气馁 WJ). I would remember something my mother. always told me. She said: A good education is something that no one cart take away from you.Mrs. Obama also encoura

45、ges Chinese students to study abroad to broaden their horizons(开阔眼界) in her speech at Peking University. As the Chinese saying goes: It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books, she said. Its not enough to get good grades in school. Its also important to have real experience with l

46、anguages, cultures and societies different from your own, she noted.Studying overseas could also benefit future international relations. It could help young people from different countries work together to deal with shared problems such as climate change, Mrs. Obama said.1From the first paragraph ,

47、what kind of views did Mrs. Obama share with the students ?Aeducation and developmentBempowerment and perseveranceCeducation and youth empowermentDeducation and youth perseverance2From the last paragraph, what is the meaning of the word benefit?Abe good at Bbe good withCbe bad for Dbe good for3From

48、the passage ,we can learn thatAMichelle Obama lived a rich life when she was young .BMichelle Obama worked hard to make her parents proud.CMichelle Obama sometimes had to wake up at 4:30 pm and study late into the night.DMichelle Obama would remember something her teachers always told her whenever s

49、he got tired or discouraged.4Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe first lady encourages Chinese students to aim high and get a good education.BThe first lady thinks it terrible for students to have humble roots .CThe first lady thinks that a good education is something th

50、at no one can take away from you.DMrs. Obama encouraged Chinese students to study abroad to broaden their horizons.5Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AWe can get tips from the US First Lady Michelle Obama during her visit to Beijing No. 7 High SchoolBIts wonderful enough for st

51、udents to get good grades only in school.CIts not important to have real experience with languages, cultures and societies different from your own.DStudying overseas could help young people from different countries work together to deal with shared problems.E17、 Four years ago, 55-year-old Billy Ray

52、 Harris was homeless. He lived on a street corner in Kansas City, holding out a cup and asking passers-by for money. But then, one day, his life changed.On February 9th, a kindhearted woman named Sarah Darling passed Billy Ray. She reached into her purse, took out all the coins she had and dropped t

53、hem into his cup. Neither of them realized that this small generous act would change their lives.Sarah didnt realize that she had given Billy her $4000 diamond ring with all her change until the following morning. She and her husband, Bill Krejci, rushed to see if they could find Billy. To their sur

54、prise, the homeless man was not only in the same place, he also returned the ring at once. The grateful couple paid him back for his honesty by emptying out their pockets of all the money they had.But this was just the beginning of their story. Sarah and her husband, Bill, became friends with Billy

55、Ray. Bill Krejci, a web designer, felt that he needed to do something more for this amazingly honest man. So on February 18th, he set up a special page to raise money for him. In just three months, Billy received over $200,000. That is not enough. Billy is living with a person who is generous instea

56、d of living in the streets. And thats not allThanks to the news report, he got together again with his older brother, Edwin Harris who he had been unable to find for 16 years.All the good luck is just because Billy did the right thingreturning something that did not belong to him.1Why did Sarah give

57、 her ring to Billy?ABecause she wanted to help Billy.BBecause it was Billys ring.CBecause she did it by mistake.DBecause she wanted to test Billy.2The underlined word “That” in Paragraph 4 refers to “_”.Asetting up a special pageBreceiving moneyCliving with a generous personDreturning the diamond ri

58、ng3Where can you probably find this article?AIn a history book.BIn a magazine.CIn a guide book.DIn an ad.F18、Who could forget those sleepless nights last summer watching Germany beat Brazil(巴西) and Argentina(阿根廷) to win the 2014 World Cup in Brazil?It was their fourth World Cup, and it gave them the

59、 No.1 position in FIFA(国际足联). Germany is becoming the most important soccer team in the world. But how has this change happened? A newspaper offers a clue: “For over 10 years, German teams have been building in the right way.”After Germany scored only one goal at the 2000 European Championships, Ger

60、mans wondered why the country no longer produced good young players. So in 2001, the German Football League required that all Bundesliga (德甲) clubs set up schools with youth teams from Under-12s to Under-23s.The clubs now spend over 100 million (764 million yuan) on youth development every year. And


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