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1、Sample 1 Directions: This part is going to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Resume according to the following information in Chinese. You should include all the points listed as the following. The five main topics of the resume have been written for you 根据下列汉语提示

2、,填写个人简历表。 王丽,1979年3月19日出生于中国山东省济南市,未婚,身体健康。爱好阅读、音乐、运动。曾于1998-2002年在北京大学计算机系学习,获理学士学位。2002-2004年在北京光明软件公司做程序员。欲申请计算机软件开发工程师工作。 :中国北京市前门大街53号, :100012 联系 : 证明人:备索AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting ResumeName:_Address:_ _Tel:_Job Objective:_Work Experience:_ _Education:_ _Major:_Personal Data: Date of Birth:_Place

3、 of Birth:_Marital Status:_ Health:_Interests:_Reference:_Wangli53 Hepin Street, Beijing, The peoplesRepublic of China,1000123An engineer in computer software development2002-2004, Beijing Guangming SoftwareCo., Programmer1998-2002,Bachelor of Science Degree,Department of Computer Science, Beijing U

4、niversityComputer ScienceMarch 19,1979Jinan, Shandong Province, ChinaSingleExcellentReading, music and sportsAvailable upon requestAB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 2个人情况: 李冰,女,1980年1月5日出生,身体健康,未婚;现住湖北省武汉市解放大道58号,职目标: 谋求一个能够充分发挥本人英语翻译能力和经验的职位,并可根据能力和表现而获得晋升的机会学习经历: 19921998年 武汉经济开发区第一中学1998

5、-2002年 武汉大学外国语学院工作经历:2002-2003年 凡谷电子技术有限公司翻译助理;2003-2004年 神龙汽车有限公司翻译专 长:英语、日语、计算机Words for reference : 发挥本人的能力display my ability on;晋升机会 advancement opportunityAB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting RESUMEPersonal Details:Name: Date of Birth:Sex: Health: Marital Status:Address: Telephone No:Job Objective: Education

6、: Work Experience:Specialties:Li Bing5 January, 1980femalegoodsingle58 Jiefang Avenue. Wuhan, Hubei Provincosition in which I can fully display my abilityon Chinese-English translating and can get advancement opportunities based on ability and performance 1998-2002 Foreign Studies Coll

7、ege ofWuhan University ;1992-1998 No. 1 Middle School in Wuhan Economic Development Area2003-2004 Assistant Translator,English, Japanese, ComputerAB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 3 根据以下招聘广告,以Pacific Rim College毕业生、学士学位获得者、现该学院电子工程实验室工作人员Alex Gavin的名义写一封求职信。 学院地址: 140 Weymouth Street Charlottetwon, Price

8、 Edward Island, Canada CIA 4z1AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting MACRO EMGINEERING CO. invites applications from ENGINEERS, TECHNOLOGISTS, AND TECHICIANS We operate a first-class Standards Laboratory that is a calibration center for precision electrical, electronic, and mechanical measuring instrument maintenan

9、ce programs . Applicant for Senior positions should hold a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. Technologists and Laboratory Technicians should be graduates of a recognized electronics or mechanical technology course who have specialized in precision measurement. All applicants must be able to start work

10、 on Oct. 1, 2004 Apply in writing to: Mr. F. Stokes Chief Engineer Macro Engineering Co. 600 Deepdale Drive Toronto. Ontario M5W4R9AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting140 Weymouth Street Charlottetwon Price Edward Island Canada CIA 4z110 September 2004Mr. F. StokesChief EngineerMacro Engineering Co.600 Deepdale D

11、riveToronto. OntarioM5W4R9AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting Dear Mr. F Stokes, Im applying for the senior position in your first-class Standards Laboratory advertised in your advertisement. I graduated from Pacific Rim College in 1998 and got a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering. After graduation I have bee

12、n working at the Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Pacific Rim College and have got much experience. And I trust Im qualified to fill your position. Im enclosing my CV and looking forward to hearing from you shortly. Yours Sincerely, Alex GavinAB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 4 根据下列汉语提示,写一封求职信。 李丽:现年

13、25岁,毕业于文秘学校,打字速度为每分钟120字。已 做了三年的簿记员工作。现欲求打字员一职。自信可以胜任贵公司所需的工作。 求职信须包含如下内容: 1.Position Sought 2. Education 3. Experience 4. References 5. Request for InterviewAB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting Dear sir. I would like to apply for the position of a typist advertised in todays China Daily. I was born in 1980 and g

14、raduated from a secretary school . My typewriting is at 120w.p.m. I have been handling most of the bookkeeping for the past 3 years and I trust I can cope with the job you required. If more detailed information is needed, I shall be glad to give upon request. I look forward to hearing from you soon

15、and appreciate your consideration of my application. Yours faithfully LiLi AB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingDirections: This part is going to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an application letter of 80-100 words based on the following points. 假如你名叫张明,从中国日报上看到北京某公司招聘一名英文秘书的启

16、事。你根据启事用英语写封简短的应聘信。寄往:北京2208信箱。说明你的简历,并请经理考虑予以答复。主要内容如下:1)姓名:张明 2)年龄:243)学历:湖北大学英语系系毕业,口语好。4)工作经历:曾当过二年英语导游5)对英文秘书工作感兴趣6)通讯地址:北京128信箱7)写信时间:2001年9月10日 Sample 5AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting P. O BOX 128 Beijing September 10 , 2001P. O BOX 2208BeijingDear Manager: Ive learned from China Daily that a secretar

17、y of English language is wanted in your company. I wish to apply for this position. My name is Zhang Ming, a girl of twenty-four. I have been working as a guide in English since I graduated from the English Department of Hubei University two years ago. I think I will take more pleasure in the job of

18、 secretary. Ill work hard for the company. Please reply if the above suits you. Thank you. Yours, Zhang MingAB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 6Directions: this part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter of complaint(投诉信)according to the information given belo

19、w. You should not translate the Chinese into English word for word. You should write more than 80 words on the Composition Sheet.请根据下述内容写一封投诉信:请根据下述内容写一封投诉信:你在某家商店买了一双皮鞋,穿了不到一个月就坏了, 你写信要求退货赔款。 AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting一封投诉信须包括三个最基本的方面:1)投诉内容。一般放在信的开头。常用的表达语有:I am writing to you about which we received

20、/ bought I am going to complain about 2)投诉原因。一般讲述对产品或售后服务不满意的地方。常用的表达语有:When we checked we noticed it did not work3)希望得到的结果。Please let me/us know what you intend to do in this matter.I am returning under separate post and look forward to receiving a full refund of AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting 10th August,

21、 2002Dear Sir, I am writing to you about the leather shoes which I bought from your shop while I was in your area last month. Yesterday morning I was about to put on the shoes when I found that the heel of the left shoe came off. As you will realize, I am really annoyed at this. At your price. I exp

22、ect top quality. I am returning the shoes by separate post. I also enclose the receipt. I am looking forward to receiving a full refund of 500 yuan.Yours faithfully, Wang LinAB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting内容:王华女士给某商店经理写信投诉该店的营业员服务质量差。昨天她赶上一场大雨,顺便进入此店,在卖戒指柜台前要求看一枚金戒指,但营业员(13号)服务态度不好,拒绝接待。时间:2001年2月28日Sample 7

23、AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting February 28,2001Dear Mr. Manager, Im writing to complain about the poor service in your store. Yesterday I was caught in a heavy shower and then entered your shop. When I found a gold ring which I liked, I asked a lady assistant (No.13) to show me the ring but she refused to s

24、erve me. Evidently she thought I was not the one who could afford it for I was not very well-dressed. I choose to complain to you because Im sure youll be able to make her understand how to serve as a shop assistant. Yours faithfully, Wang HuaAB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingDirections: this part is to test yo

25、ur ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter of request(请求信)according to the information given below. You should not translate the Chinese into English word for word. You should write more than 80 words on the Composition Sheet.内容:给出版社写一封信,请求索取该出版社最近出版的有关英语学习方面的书刊目录。Sample

26、8AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting July 5, 2002Dear Sir, I am interested in the books your company has published. I want very much to get the information about the various books on English learning that you are publishing. I should feel much obliged if you will kindly send me some catalogues of your latest boo

27、ks on this subject. Sincerely yours, Wang XiaolingAB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting请求信应包括两方面的内容:1.请求内容。常用的句型有: I wish Wed like to We would ask you to take the trouble of2. 无论结果如何,都应表示感谢。常用的句型有: We would fell much obliged would be greatly appreciated.AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting给美国普渡大学写封信,请求索取入学申请表。地址是:Michael S. Sto

28、hl, Purdue University, 105 Young Graduate House, West Lafayette, In 47096-6209, U.S.A.Sample 9AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting Wang Ling Class 1 Business English 2005 Dept. of Foreign Language He yuan College He yuan 517000 Guang dong P. R. China May 3, 2006Michael S. StohlPurdue University105 Young Graduate

29、HouseWest Lafayette, IN 47900-6209USADear Michael S. Stohl, I want to pursue a master degree in Mechanical Engineering at your university. My interested date of entrance is Spring, 2003. Your sending me application forms at your earliest convenience will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, Li H

30、ongAB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 10Directions: this part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter of Introduction (介绍信) according to the following information. You should not put the Chinese into English word for word . You should write more than 80 words on

31、 the Composition Sheet.内容:张明给李强写信介绍他的助手和好友李雷。 李雷毕业于北京大学, 主修化学。在校学习期间成绩优秀,研究工作亦非常出色,是一位有才华,有抱负的年轻人。此次到纽约深造希望得到帮助和指导。时间:2001年4月2日AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting Apr.2, 2001Dear Wang Qiang, The bearer (持信人)of this letter, Li Lei , is one of my assistants and good friends.He graduated from Beijing University, ma

32、joring in (主修)chemistry. So far as I know, he was the best student in his class and he did exceedingly well in research work. Since I have known him for three years, I can truthfully say that he is an intelligent and ambitious young man. I am sure he will become an excellent scientist some day if yo

33、u do give him good advice and help him in every aspect while he undertakes further studies in New York. Your kindness will be warmly appreciated. Yours, Zhang Ming AB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 11Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. Suppose you want to give up your p

34、resent job and want to look for a new one. Now write a letter to apply for the job advertised in a newspaper. Your letter should include the following information given below. You should write no less than 60 English words on the Composition/ Translation Sheet.请以某大学教师于爱华的名义写一封介绍信,向你的外国朋友威尔逊(Wilson)先

35、生介绍你的学生李丽。该生在你校学习,即将毕业。毕业后她拟到贵校继续深造,攻读硕士学位。李丽聪明刻苦,且乐于助人,肯定会成为好学生。如能给予帮助将不胜感激。AB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingDear Mr. Wilson,I would like to have the honour of introducing my student, Li Li to you . Miss Li is studying in our university and she is graduating soon. I understand that Miss Li has planned to go t

36、o study at your university for her M.A. degree. Miss Li is very clever and is always ready to help others. From what I know of her , I am sure that she will become one of the top students in your university if she can be accepted. Ill appreciate it very much if you can give her any help.Yours faithf

37、ully,Yu Aihua . AB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 12Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Letter of Certification (证明信) according to the information given below. You should write no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet. 写一封证明信证明人:芦常春 吉林大

38、学数学系教授被证明人:李微 芦教授从前的学生,现在的下属内容:芦先生给有关部门写信证明李微在校学习四年,成绩优秀,与同学相处融洽。毕业后受聘该校任助教。在此期间,身体健康,工作努力,忠于职责,诚实可靠。写信时间:2001年2月26 AB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingTo Whom It May Concern:This is to certify that Mr. Li Wei, one of my former students, had studied Mathematics in the Math Department of Ji Lin University for 4 ye

39、ars. His academic record was constantly maintained at the top level. He got excellent scores in all the subjects. In addition, he was on good terms with his classmates. After graduation, he has been engaged in our university as a teaching assistant for 3 years. Being physically and mentally healthy,

40、 Mr. Li has faithfully attended to his duties and has proved himself to be industrious and thoroughly reliable.Yours faithfully, Lu ChangchunProfessor of Math Department Ji Lin UniversityAB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 13Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are req

41、uired to write a Letter of Expressing Sympathy(慰问信) according to the following information. You should not translate the Chinese into English word for word. You should write no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet. 日期:2001年3月6日写信人:马丁收信人:大卫内容:马丁得知朋友大卫期末考试没及格,因此写信安慰他,劝他不要沮丧。建议他认真复习,不清楚的内容可以请教老师

42、和同学。相信大卫下个学期一定会赶上其他同学。如果需要帮助,一定不要客气。AB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingMarch 6, 2001Dear David,Im very sorry to hear of your failure in the final examination. I know you must feel discouraged. But that is not necessary. I know you are a hardworking student. Id like to suggest that you should always ask “ why”. I

43、f you are not clear about the points in your study, review them or write them down and ask your teachers or classmates. Im sure youll catch up with the other students next term. Pleas feel free to ask for my help if you need it. Yours,MartinAB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting常用的句型有:I was shocked / saddened / dis

44、tressed / grieved to hear thatI just cant tell you how sorry I was to learn of / thatWe are hoping / hope for / to / thatAB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting就下述内容写一封道歉信:你的一位朋友昨天来看望你,你正巧外出未遇,对此你写信表示歉意。 Sample 14AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting July 7, 2001Dear Mr Ma, I am very sorry that I was out when you called yesterday.

45、 Could you come again tomorrow afternoon as I have something important to talk with you? Yours truly Chen Nan AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting常用表示道歉的句型有:Im very / terribly / awfully sorry for / that / toPlease accept our apologies for I regret that / to say that AB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 15Directions: This

46、 part is to test your ability to do practical writing. Please write a thank-you letter according to the outline given below in Chinese.以Frany的名义于2004年12月4日给Susan写一封感谢信。内容如下:感谢提供了很好的住宿。到美国后,您是第一个帮助我的人。虽然身处不同的国家,但是希望保持联系。希望有机会到中国来,可以报答在您家时受到的热情款待。再次表示感谢。AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting Dec.4, 2004Dear Susan, of

47、fering me such a nice place to stay. You are the first person who gave me a hand when I first arrived in the United States. I hope we can often keep in contact even though we are in different places of the world. I also hope you can come to China some day when I will be able to pay back some of the

48、hospitality I received during my stay at your home. Thank you again. Yours sincerely, Frany Thank you forAB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 16就下述内容写一封感谢信:你是王微,暑假到你一位家在上海的同学白雪家做客,受到了热情款待,写信表示感谢。AB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingDear Bai Xue, those wonderful days in Shanghai this summer vocation. I will always remember

49、 this visit. You and your family gave me a very warm welcome and I felt at home. Thank you for arranging me so many interesting things. The visit to the Oriental TV Station was unforgettable. I will never forget your kindness and hospitality. Yours faithfully,Wang WeiIm writing to thank you forI app

50、reciate it more than I can say.AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting感谢信 受到别人赠送的礼物,或得到别人的某种帮助后,都应写信表示感谢。感谢信的特点是:时间及时、简明扼要、着重事由、感谢真诚。 以下句型仅供参考: It was kind and generous of you toThank you very much for I am so grateful to you for Many thanks to you for We are indebted to youAB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 17Directions:

51、 This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. Please write a notice according to the outline given below in Chinese.拟一张邀请教育系的全体师生听“计算机辅助语言学习”的通知。AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting NOTICE All teachers and students of the Education Department are requested to meet in the auditorium at . on Wednesday

52、, May 5, to hear a report on “ Computer Assisted Language Learning ”.AB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 18Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. Please write a playbill according to the outline given below in Chinese.拟一张英语演讲比赛的海报,主办单位为英语系学生会。AB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingthe Union

53、of the English StudentsAnnual English Speech Contest in the Department Conference Room on Friday evening, May 10, 1999 at 7 p.m.Takes pleasure in inviting you to itsto be heldAB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting 征稿启事 “英语角”在大学生专刊上刊发后, 受到广大英语读者的广泛关注和欢迎。为刊发更多更好的优秀英文作品,我们特向社会各界征集稿件。我们欢迎大学生们、广大英语学习者、外国留学生及外国朋友们踊跃投稿。 1

54、、一则简短的故事; 2、发生在你身边的趣事。 文章字数不要超过500字。来稿请寄:北海市新民大街10号 北海晚报 王平 收 : 230034 电子邮件:Monuica public. cc. cngd. com(words for reference:各界 all walks of life.)Sample 19AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting To provide it with more and better English writings, we would like to ask for contributions from readers from all walks

55、of life. College students, English learners, foreign students and foreign friends are all welcome. 1) A short story; 2) Interesting things happening around you. Remember your writing will not be over 500 words. Here is our address and E-mail: Wang ping, supplement Dept, Beihai Evening Post; 10 Xinmi

56、n Street, Beihai 230034 Monuica public. cc. cngd. ComAB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 20Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. Please write a Request for Leave according to the outline given below in Chinese.以Mike的名义在2005年3月4日给Peter经理写一张请假条。内容如下:想在3月5日(即星期三)请假一天。请假原因:昨晚半夜

57、肚痛得厉害,今早去看医生时,他要求我留医观察病情。表示对此带来工作不便的歉意。AB级考试题型系列训练PartWriting Peter, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on March 5th, this Wednesday. During the past fortnight I have been experiencing a severe stomach-ache. This morning when I went to see the doctor, he wa

58、rned me to stay at hospital, otherwise the situation could be worse.Concerning my workload: As Wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, I think a one-day leave this Wednesday may be the best solution. I apologize for the inconvenience I shall be very obliged if you will grant me my applicatio

59、n for one days leave tomorrow. Yours respectfully, Mike FordTo: Peter Stone, Manager From: Lynn Chen, Financial Department Date: March 4th , 2005Subject: Casual Leave of AbsenceAB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingSample 21Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. Please write a Reques

60、t for Leave according to the outline given below in Chinese.写一张因牙痛而不能去上课的请假条。AB级考试题型系列训练PartWritingMaths 1st Year, Class 1 April 10, 2005To Department OfficeMs. Smith, a severe toothache, I am unable to attend classes today. I now submit a medical certificate issued by the doctor. Yours respectfully


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