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1、 Unit 12 Art and literature基础落实.重点单词思忆1.The player injured his right (肩膀) during the game.2.Peter came in and (低语) something in daddys ear.3.The official (通告) was made one or two days later.4.What you know about him is not his real (性格).5.Following the national news we have the (当地的) news and weathe

2、r.shoulderwhisperedannouncementcharacterlocal1.考纲词汇拓展1. n.展览会;展览品 v.展 示;陈列 n.展览者2. n.能力;力量;权力 adj.强 大的3. vt.对待;视为;治疗;款待 n. 处理;治疗4. n.魔法;魔术;魔力 adj.魔术 的;有魔力的;奇妙的 n.魔术师 5. adj.痛苦的;悲惨的;可怜的 n.痛苦;悲惨6. n.村民 n.村子 exhibitionexhibitexhibitorpowerpowerfultreattreatmentmagicmagicalmagicianmiserablemiseryvillage

3、rvillage2.重要短语识记1.a of 一连串的2. trouble 在困境中3.turn 转过身;转过来e 偶然遇见5. against 为反对而斗争6.believe 信任7.grow 成长seriesinaroundacrossfightinup38. number of许多9.one another一个接一个10.get 从中穿过;通过11. the radio在广播中12.in other 换句话说13. a way 在某种程度上14. oneself in专注于aafterthroughonwordsinlose4.经典句式再现1.It is a world of magic

4、 and wonders, (一个任何事情都 可能发生的世界).2.He makes new friends and learns (成为好朋友是多么重要和艰难).3. (你必须对自己所做的事和自己的能力充满 自信)if you want to succeed in the world.4. (与朋友一起), Harry learns that it is not always easy to do what is right.a worldwhere anything can happenhowimportant and difficult it is to be a good friend

5、You must believe in what you do and who you areTogether with his friends55.The noise (好像来自那个房间)behind the statue in front of them.6. (要是他们能找 到条路就好了)to get to the room,or whatever it was,behind the wall.7.He (正要说 话)when Pete turned around.8.He knew that the church had many secret rooms and (他们并不是都安全)

6、.seemed to be coming from theroomIf only they could find a waywas just about to say somethingthat not all of them were safe6导练互动重点单词1.power Do you know of any other heroes who have strange powers? (回归课本P80)观察思考 She claims to have the power to see into the future. 她声称有能力洞察未来。 I will do everything in

7、my power to help. 我愿尽量协助。7归纳拓展power词性: 意思:come to power上台,掌权beyond/out of ones power超出某人的能力within ones power力所能及的in power拥有权力in ones power在某人掌握中have power over支配n.力量;能力;体力;智力;权力8拓展辨析energy,force,power,strength这些名词均有“力”之意。(1)energy用于人时,指工作时焕发出的精力或干劲。还指物理学定义中的“能,能量”。(2)force指“运用或发挥出来的力量,可以克服阻力,使人或物按要求

8、的方向运动”。也可以用来指武装力量。(3)power指“身体上、精神上或心理上的力量,不管是表现出来的还是潜在的”。(4)strength指“内部固有的力量”,表示物质力量时,着重“体格或构造健全、完善等方面的力量,如体力强度等”;表示精神力量时,指“持久、坚定、无畏、坚韧等”。9能力转化(1)那个男孩用尽全身的力气把石头搬起来了。 The boy lifted the stone with .(2)风力推倒了一棵树。 the wind knocked over a tree.(3)知识就是力量。 Knowledge is . all hisstrengthThe force ofpower1

9、0(4)You are always full of .Can you tell me the secret? Taking plenty of exercise every day. A.powerB.strength C.forceD.energy 解析 本题考查名词词义辨析。power权力,势 力;strength力气,优势;force力,武力; energy精力;be full of energy精力旺盛,符合 题意。D112.treat His parents are dead and he lives with a family that treats him badly.(回归课

10、本P80)观察思考 She admitted that her stepmother treated her very well. 她承认继母对她特别好。 The waste water has been treated before it is poured into the river. 在排入这条河之前,这些废水已经经过了处理。12归纳拓展treat词性: & 意思:treat.as.把当作对待treat sb.to.请某人吃treat sb./oneself to sth.让某人/自己享用特别好的东西;款待某人/自己treat sb.well待某人好ones treat某人请客trea

11、tment n.对待;待遇;治疗under treatment在治疗中v.n.对待;冶疗;款待;请客;乐事13能力转化(1)他获释出狱时被当成英雄看待。 He a hero on his release from prison.(2)咱们到外面去吃晚饭,我请客。 Lets go out for supper .(3)哪位医生给你治病? Which doctor is you this trouble?was treated asmy treattreatingfor143.whisper “Did you hear that?” he whispered. (回归课本P83)观察思考 I wh

12、ispered the news to him. 我私下里把这个消息告诉了他。 They are speaking in a whisper/in whispers. 他们正在说悄悄话。15归纳拓展whisper词性: & & 意思:whisper to sb.对某人窃窃私语whisper a story 低声讲故事whisper a word to sb.和某人低声说话whisper sb.a secret 低声告诉某人秘密whisper to sb.about sth.对某人窃窃耳语某事whisper sb.to do sth.低声告诉某人去做某事whisper sth.in ones e

13、ar 跟某人耳语某事It is whispered that.有人私下说in a whisper/in whispers(=in a low voice)低声地n.vi.vt.耳语,私语;密谈;私下里谈;低声说16能力转化(1)Mum to us,“Be quiet!Your little sisters sleeping.” A.whispered B.shouted C.explained D.replied 解析 句意为:安静!你们的小妹妹在睡觉。根 据句意及情景,妈妈应对我们低声说,而不是大 喊大叫。(2)He told me the news a whisper as if it a

14、 secret. A.in;were B.with;were C.in;had been D.with;had beenAA17重点短语与句型4.be in trouble His friends help him when he is in trouble,. (回归课本P81)观察思考 He is always ready to help anyone who is in trouble. 他总是乐于帮助有麻烦的人。 If I dont get this finished in time,Ill be in trouble. 如不按时把这完成,我就要倒霉了。18归纳拓展be in trou

15、blebe a great trouble to对来讲是个麻烦look for trouble自找麻烦have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难have trouble with sth.某事有麻烦get into trouble陷入困境get sb.out of trouble使某人摆脱困境make trouble制造麻烦处在不幸、苦恼、困境之中(作表语、后置定语)19take trouble to do sth.费心做某事save/spare trouble省事,避免麻烦put sb.to the trouble of doing sth.麻烦某人做某事put s

16、b.to trouble给某人添麻烦take the trouble to do sth.不辞辛苦地做某事20能力转化(1)She is always ready to help those who are (处于困境中).(2)The boy got the foreign guests (摆脱困境).(3)I hope we have not (给你添麻烦).in troubletroubleout ofput you to any trouble21(4)(2008安徽,28)Are you happy with your new computer? No,it is me a lot

17、of trouble. A.showing B.leaving C.giving D.sparing 解析 give sb.a lot of trouble给某人带来很 多麻烦;leave sb.a lot of trouble给某人留 下很多麻烦。Ce across The magic,many strange creatures and the adventures Harry comes across at Hogwarts help him understand the real world. (回归课本P81)观察思考 I came across him in the street

18、yesterday. 昨天我在街上无意中碰到了他。 A good idea came across my mind. 我忽然想到一个好主意。23归纳拓展come across(=meet with)come up发生;出现;走近,靠近;生长,长出;被提出讨论;提及come out出现;被获知;出版;结局come about发生come along/on过来;赶快;进展come back恢复;重现于记忆中come to苏醒;发生;总数达;关于(其中to为介词)偶然碰上;和不期而遇24能力转化(1)How did it that he was hurt so seriously? A.come u

19、p B.come across C.come about D.come out(2)The plan at the meeting was practical. A.come up B.came up C.coming up D.comes up(3)He a dollar bill in the suit he was sending to the cleaner. A.came about B.came along C.came across D.came outCCC256.believe in You must what you do. (回归课本P81)观察思考 They need

20、a leader they can believe in. 他们需要一个可以信赖的领导。 Do you believe in God? 你信仰上帝吗?believe in26拓展辨析believe,believe in(1)believe sb.(=believe what sb.says)相信某人的话。believe in sb.(=have faith/confidence in sb.or trust sb.)对某人表示信任;依赖某人。(2)believe sth.相信某事是真实的,宾语可以是what one says,ones words,ones eyes/ears,this,tha

21、t,it等;believe in sth.则表示一种信仰或相信某一事物是好的、正确的、是可以按照它去做的等。(3)believe接that从句时,可转换成believe in接名词或动名词作宾语。27能力转化(1)(2009安徽,35)Im amazed to hear from my school teacher again. ,it is ten years since we met last. A.In a word B.Whats more C.Thats to say D.Believe it or not 解析 句意为:又一次收到我学校老师的信使我 很吃惊。信不信由你,自从上次我们

22、见面到现在 已经10年了。believe it or not(信不信由 你);in a word总之,一句话;whats more 而且;加之;Thats to say也就是说。D28(2)Do you him? Yes,I do.But still he isnt a man to .(3)I believe you because I you.(4)“I that he is honest.” can be replaced by “I his honesty.”believebelieve inbelievebelieve inbelieve in297.If only they cou

23、ld find a way to get to the room,or whatever it was,behind the wall.要是他们能找到一条通道进入墙后的那 个房间,或无论什么地方就好了。典例体验 I another chance. 要是我再有一次机会就好了。 She would be a very good player she could get it together. 她若能控制得当就能成为很好的选手。If onlyhadif only30归纳拓展if only意为“要是该多好”,指一种不能实现或难以实现的愿望,用虚拟语气,分别表示对过去、现在和将来的虚拟。(1)if o

24、nly表示 不能实现的愿望,含有后悔、惋惜之意,谓语动词使用had done形式。If only I had gone to Beijing.我要是去了北京就好了。(2)表达现在不可能实现的愿望,谓语动词用 。若用be动词,无论主语的人称和数如何,一律用 。If only I were you.我要是你该多好。过去一般过去时were31(3)表达 难以实现的愿望,谓语动词用would/could等情态动词+动词原形或一般过去时。If only she could come tomorrow.她要是明天能来就好了。(4)if only还可相当于if,引导条件状语从句。If only he goe

25、s there,it will make a lot of difference.要是他去那儿的话,情况就不大一样了。将来32拓展辨析if only,only if(1)if only多用于虚拟语气。(2)only if多用于陈述语气,only修饰if,表示“只有在条件下;只要,只有”(用于句首,主句应进行部分倒装)。33能力转化(1)Look at the black clouds.It looks as if it soon. If only we out. A.is raining;didnt come B.is going to rain;hadnt come C.will rain;

26、havent come D.is to rain;wont come(2)但愿我很富有。 If only I were rich.(3)只有闹钟响了,我才会醒。 I wake up only if the alarm clock rings.B348.It looked as if the creature had moved. 那个东西看起来像是移动了位置。典例体验 Why doesnt she buy us a drink?It isnt she had no money! 她为什么不给我们买杯饮料?她又不是没有钱! We have missed the bus.It looks well

27、 have to walk. 我们错过了公共汽车。看来我们只好步行了。as ifas if35归纳拓展(1)若表示的情况是事实或可能性很大,as if引导的从句多用 语气,常与look,seem,taste,smell,sound等词搭配。as if后的方式状语从句常为省略形式,即也可接动词ing形式、过去分词、不定式、介词短语或形容词等。The little girl rubbed her eyes and yawned as if waking up after a long sleep.这个小女孩又揉眼睛又打哈欠,好像睡了一大觉刚醒似的。(2)若与客观事实相反时,须采用 ,其虚拟语气的构

28、成与wish的虚拟语气的构成形式相同,即:陈述虚拟语气36表示与 相反的假设,从句谓语应使用过去式。She looks as if she were ten years younger than me.她看起来似乎比我年轻十岁。表示与 相反的假设,从句谓语应使用 “had+过去分词” 。He talks about England as if he had been there before.他谈起英国来好像他曾去过似的。表示与 相反的假设,从句谓语应使用 “would/could/might+动词原形” 。The little boy cleared his throat as if he

29、would say something.这个小男孩清了清嗓子,好像想说什么。一般事实过去事实将来事实37能力转化(1)她总是像姐姐一样对我说话。 She always talks to me as if my sister.(2)他保持冷静就好像什么事也没有发生一样。 He kept calm as if nothing .(3)他谈起未来就好像他将来会主宰全世界一样。 He talks about the future as if he the world in the future.(4)看起来我们似乎会迟到。 It looks as if we .she werehad happened

30、wouldcontrolwill be late38【例1】Stand over there youll be able to see the oil painting better.(全国高考) A.butB.till C.andD.or 解析 本题句式:祈使句+and/then/or+一般将来 时的句子。 课文原文 The creature spoke again,“Come here and Ill whisper the question in your ear.” C39【例2】Mozarts birthplace and the house he composed “The Mag

31、ic Flute” are both museums now.(上海高考) A.where B.when C.there D.which 解析 由birthplace和house.are.可知,句 中 he composed “The Magic Flute”是一个定 语从句,且定语从句中主谓宾成分齐全,因此缺 少的是状语,即“在地方”作的魔笛这 支曲子,因此用where。 课文原文 It is a world of magic and wonders,a world where anything can happen.A40【例3】Modern equipment and no smokin

32、g are two of the things I like working here. (全国高考) A.with B.over C.at D.about 解析 句意为:关于在这里工作,我喜欢的两件 事情是现代化设备和禁止吸烟。about“有关,关 于”,符合题意。 课文原文 The books are about magic and strange cr eatures,.D41【例4】In order to find better job,he decided to study second foreign language. (四川高考) A.the;aB.a;a C.the;theD

33、.a;the 解析 第一个空表示泛指,“一份更好的工 作”,第二个空表示“又一门外语,另一门外 语”,都用不定冠词a。 课文原文 His life changes when a bird tells him to go to Hogwarts and become a student of witchcraft and wizardry.B42自主检测.品句填词1.The (村民) are holding an election.2.The player injured his right (肩膀) during the game.3.Peter came in and (低语) someth

34、ing in daddys ear.4.The official (通告) was made one or two days later.5.What you know about him is not his real (性格).6.Some of the paintings by the famous artist are on (展览) in the art gallery at present.villagersshoulderwhisperedcharacterexhibitionannouncement43be about to,if only,turn around,come a

35、cross,a series of,as if,treat.as1.They my suggestion a joke.2.She some old photographs in a drawer.3. textbooks will have been tried in these two provinces in the next three years.4.Suddenly I noticed that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction, he knew me.treatedasca

36、me acrossA series ofas if短语运用445. I could fly there to see such a wonderful party!6.The performance begin when the news came that a storm was on the way.7.The teacher when he heard someone whispering.If onlywas about toturned around45.翻译句子1.无论走哪条路,生活都不容易。(whichever) Life will not be easy whichever r

37、oad is taken.2.他们俩并不都是学生。(both.not) Both of them are not students.3.如果你和我一起去踢足球的话,我请你吃冰激凌。 (treat) If you go to play football with me,Ill treat you to an ice cream.464.要相信自己的能力。你能考过的,因为你一直在 刻苦训练。(believe in) Just believe in yourself.You can pass the test,since you have been practising so hard.5.这位巨星

38、住过的房子已经变成了一座博物馆。 (o.) The house which the pop star once lived in has been turned into a museum.47.单句改错1.The doctor will be free after ten minutes.2.There is a bit food left for lunch.3.He advised to start early.4.You can buy the cloth by metres or by the yard.5.Mr.Smith asked me to buy three scores

39、of eggs for the dinner party.afterinbitlittle或bit后加ofTo startstarting第一个byinscoresscore486.We shall discuss about the report in the afternoon.7.Does John know any other language except French?8.He looks too much tired.too9.You can believe him,and hell never let you down.去掉aboutexceptbesidesmuchmuch

40、toobelieve后加in49.单项填空1.They met difficulties when carrying out the new plan. A.a series ofB.a sery of C.a large amount of D.a great many of 解析 a series of一系列的,后常接名词的复数 形式。B项表达错误;a large amount of常用来 修饰不可数名词;a great many of后修饰的名词 前要有限定语,所以D项也不对。A502.Many people are still in habit of writing silly thi

41、ngs in public places. A.the;theB./;/ C.the;/D./;the 解析 be in the habit of有的习惯(或脾 气);public places用了复数,泛指“公共场 所”,其前不需要用定冠词。C513.Im glad to introduce Mr.Smith to you, without consideration our project would have ended in failure. A.whomB.his C.whoseD.who 解析 根据句意“要是没有史密斯先生的深思熟 虑,我们的计划就会以失败而告终”。可知,所 选词作

42、consideration的定语,故用whose。C524.The collection is at the British Museum. A.on the show B.in show C.on the exhibition D.on exhibition 解析 on exhibition与on show意思相同,意为 “在展览”。句意为:那件收藏品在大英博物馆 展出。D535.When you go abroad for further study,you should learn to adapt to the of the destination country. A.customs

43、B.habits C.practicesD.instructions 解析 考查近义词辨析。custom侧重指某个地区 长期固有的风俗习惯,此题的关键信息是 destination country。A546.How did you find this poem? I it while reading a classic novel. A.came downB.came about C.came acrossD.came up 解析 come across偶然碰见。A557.The new term will begin on September 1, is reported in todays newspaper. A.andB.as C.thatD.what 解析 as is reported为非限制性定语从句的固 定结构。B568.The girl came back home from school hurr


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