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1、Group 11. microscope显微镜; c. an instrument used to make small object large enough to see or study一种用来使小物体大到可以看或研究(ynji)的仪器2. phonoscope验声器 d. an instrument which tests the quality of strings for musical instruments乐器演奏(ynzu)乐器质量的乐器3. audition 听力(tngl) b. the act or sense of hearing听觉的行为或感觉4. audiolog

2、y听力学a. the science of hearing听力科学 Group 21. audiometer听力计 b. an instrument for measuring hearing一种测量听力的仪器2. gramophone留声机 a. an instrument that records or reproduce sound一种记录或再现声音的乐器3. chronometer 天文钟 c. an instrument for measuring time accurately准确测量时间的仪器4. chronology 年表 d. the science which measur

3、es time and gives dates to events科学(kxu)的措施时间和日期(rq)的事件Group 31. micrograph显微照片b. an instrument for doing extremely small writing一种非常小的书写(shxi)工具2. chronoscope记时器 c. an instrument used to measure small periods of time用于测量小时间的仪器3. phonogram形声字 d. the sign or symbol representing a sound or word声音或单词的符

4、号或符号4. microphone 麦克风 a. an instrument used to make weak sounds louder一种用来使声音变弱的仪器Group 41. phonology音系学 c. the study of speech sound言语声音研究2. audiphone 助听器 a. an instrument to help the partially deaf hear一种帮助部分耳聋的乐器3. chronic慢性(mn xng) b. long-lasting; habitual长期(chngq)持久的4. chronicler 编年史 d. one wh

5、o studies history研究(ynji)历史的人Group 51. anteroom套房 d. a room forming an entrance to another one一个房间,形成另一个入口2. flexible 灵活的 b. able to bend without breaking; not stiff能弯曲而不折断;不僵硬3. portable 便携式 a. capable of being carried easily能够轻易地被携带4. antecedent 先行 c. something which happens or exists before anoth

6、er thing发生或存在于另一件事之前Group 61. superscript 上标 a. letter or symbol written above or to the side of another one写在另一个或另一个侧面的字母或符号2. transport 运输 c. to carry from one place to another over a distance从一个(y )地方到另一个地方3. transmit 传输(chun sh) d. to send from one person or place to another从一个(y )人或地方发送到另一个人或地方

7、4. supervisor主管 b. a boss老板Group 71. revoke撤销 b. to call back; cancel取消;取消2. convene召开 a. to come together as a group作为一个群体聚在一起3. telemeter 遥测 d. an instrument for measuring the distance of an object far from the observer一种测量远离观察者距离的仪器4. circumscribe限制 c. to draw a line around画一条线Group 81. subsequen

8、t 随后 c. following in time, order or place在时间,顺序或地方2. introspection 反思(fn s)a. the examination of ones own thought个人(grn)思想的检验3. intervene干预(gny) b. to come between points of time and events来点时间和事件之间4. consequence 后果 d. a logical result or conclusion逻辑结果或结论Group 91. manual 手册 b. done by the hand or h

9、ands用手或手做2. polygamy 一夫多妻制a. the practice of or condition of having many marriage partners许多婚姻伴侣的做法或情况3. monogamy一夫一妻制d. the practice or condition of having one marriage partner的做法或条件有一个婚姻的合作伙伴4. misnomer 用词不当c. a wrongly applied name; a mistake in naming a person or thing一个错误的名字,一个错误的人或事物Group 101.

10、 monotheism一神论 c. the belief that there is only one god相信(xingxn)只有一个上帝2. polytheism 多神教 d. the belief in more than one god信仰(xnyng)不止一个上帝3. theology 神学(shnxu) b. the science or study of religious truth宗教真理的科学或研究4. anonymous 匿名a. giving no name; of unknown authorship不知姓名的作者Group 111. archenemy主要敌人 b

11、. a chief or main opponent一个主要的或主要的对手2. sympathy同情 d. agreement in feeling between persons人之间的协议3. anthropoid 类人猿 a. resembling man像人4. synonym 同义词 c. a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another具有相同或几乎相同含义的词Group 121. misanthrope愤世嫉俗者 a. a hearer or listener一个听者或听众2. archbishop大主教 b

12、. a person who hates his fellow man讨厌(to yn)他的人的人3. auditor 审计师 c. the chief bishop of a province一个(y )省的总主教4. misprint印刷错误 d. a mistake in printing印刷错误Group 131. psychologist心理学家 c. one who studies minds and behavior研究思想(sxing)和行为的人2. philanthropist 慈善家 d. one who shows love for man by doing good w

13、ork for society为社会做了一个好工作而为人所爱的人3. biochemist 生物化学家 b. one who studies the chemical compounds and process occurring in organism研究生物体内化学物质和过程的人4. biography 作者简介 a. written history of a persons life一个人一生写的历史Group 141. biology生物学 b. the science or study of life生命科学或研究2. asteroid小行星 a. resembling a star

14、像星星(xngxng)3. astronomer 天文学家 d. a scientific observer of the planets, stars and outer space行星、恒星和外层空间的科学(kxu)观察4. cycle 周期(zhuq) c. a period of time in which certain events repeat某些事件重复的时间段Group 151. semicircle 半圆 b. a half circle半圆形2. trilogy 三部曲 a. a series of or groups of three related novels, d

15、ramas, operas, etc. 一系列或三部相关的小说、戏剧、歌剧等。3. astrology 占星术 d. the study of the influence of the stars on human affairs. 明星对人的影响的研究。 4. triplet 三 c. one of the three children born at one birth出生于一出生的三个孩子中的一个Group 16 1. unilateral 单侧 b. belonging to, involving only one side属于(shy),只涉及一方2. bilateral 双边(sh

16、ungbin) d. affecting two sides or parties双方(shungfng)或双方的影响3. multicolored 多彩的 a. having many colors有很多颜色的4. multimillionaire千万富翁 c. a person who has many millions of dollars一个拥有数百万美元的人Group 171. lithoid liid 石质c. stone-like石状2. pedestrain 步行 d. a person who walks走路的人3. decentralize 分散 b. to divide

17、or distribute what has been concentrated or united要分裂或分配已集中或统一的4. by-product 副产品 a. something produced in addition to the chief product除了总产品之外的产品Group 181. corpulent 肥胖(fipng) c. fat; large of body身体(shnt)脂肪;大2. hydrate 水合物 a. to cause to combine with water使与水结合(jih)3. decapitate 斩首 b. to cut off the head of砍下的头4. hypercritical吹毛求疵 d. too critical, especially of small faults过关键,尤其是小故障Group 191. hydrometer比重计 d. an instrument which is


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