1、 lec-6Lec-6 教学内容:2-4 国际货物买卖合同的效力2-4.1 承诺的生效 & 要约的生效2-4.2 承诺的生效 & 合同的成立2-4.3 合同的成立 & 合同的效力2-4.4 订约意图(legal intention)& 达成合意(consent) & 合法目的(legality)辨析 2-4.5 合同的形式 (form)编辑课件2-4 国际货物买卖合同的效力编辑课件上周主要内容回顾:国际货物买卖合同的成立 要约 & 承诺(概念、构成条件)理清各个国际货物买卖合同几个的基本关系:-要约的构成, 到-承诺的构成, 到-合同的成立, 到-合同的生效, 到-合同的履行,到-合同消灭或争
2、议 编辑课件2-4.1要约的生效&承诺的生效 1.要约的生效时间、地点和意义-到达受要约人 (世界法则)-约束要约人和受约人2.承诺的生效时间、地点和意义-到达要约人(CISG和我法,postal rule除外)-合同成立,(非合同生效)3.要约的生效和承诺的生效的关系 ?编辑课件2-4.2 承诺的生效 & 合同的成立有关承诺生效与合同成立关系的若干问题1. 承诺如果有效,合同必然成立吗?2.如果合同成立,承诺必然有效吗?3. 承诺一旦生效,合同立刻成立吗? 如何理解待生效的合同?编辑课件2-4.3 合同的成立 & 合同的效力合同成立的概念和法律意义- 在词汇上:formation & val
3、idity- 双方合意 :通过要约和承诺- 合意法律效果:合意不一定合法编辑课件合同生效的概念及其法律意义- 合法, 产生对当事人的法律拘束力- 合同成立 + 合同生效的其他条件即: 2. 订约意图 legal intention; 3. 订约的行为能力 capacity; 4. 意思表示真实 genuine consent; 5. 对价 consideration; 6. 合同形式 form 7. 合同合法 legality编辑课件合同生效的其他条件-订约意图 legal intention Presumption 1 (type 1 of objective test):it is pre
4、sumed that parties to an agreement of domestic or social or volunteering nature do not intend to be legally bound unless it is rebutted. Presumption 2 (type 2of objective test): it is presumed that parties to an agreement concerning commerce or business intend to be legally bound unless it is rebutt
5、ed. 编辑课件 (Rose & Frank Co. v Crompton & Bros Ltd) a business agreement drawn up between a British company and an American firm . It had all the signs of being legally binding agreement but contained the following clause “this agreement is not entered into, nor is this memorandum written as a formal
6、or legal agreement and shall not be subject to legal jurisdiction in the law courts but it is only a definite expression and record of the purpose and intention of the parties concerned to which they each honorably pledge themselves ” legal intention involved by the parties ? 编辑课件 “this agreement is
7、 not entered into, nor is this memorandum written as a formal or legal agreement and shall not be subject to legal jurisdiction in the law courts but it is only a definite expression and record of the purpose and intention of the parties concerned to which they each honorably pledge themselves ” (参考
8、译文:所订立的本协议或备忘录并不是正式文件或法律协议,也不受法院管辖,它只是记载了合同当事人订约的愿望和目的,为此当事人为了荣誉承诺如下) 编辑课件the legal effect of honor clause: Contract containing an “honor clause” is not legally effective . The contract is actually regarded as honorable agreement , which has no any legal binding force upon the parties, although the
9、contract functions to promote both parties to carry it out morally. Therefore, “honor clause ” in contract rebuts the presumption that agreements of a business nature are intended to be binding.编辑课件Rebuttal of presumption 2 TEEN RANCH PTY LTD V. BROWY (1955) FactsBrown was a volunteer worker at a no
10、n profit Christian youth centre. He received accommodation, food and the use of the camp facilities and was expected to obey camp rules but he received no wages. While working at the camp he was injured and claimed workers compensation. Question: was there a contract of employment that would in retu
11、rn entitle Brown to workers compensation ?编辑课件Decision: No, contract existed because both parties had no legal intention as Brown s work was voluntary.In China voluntary contract is not regarded as legal contract as is of moral nature , and thus should not be governed by our contract law. 编辑课件 合同生效的
12、其他条件-合同的合法性(legality) 货物买卖合同合法性可有如下含义:出卖人转移标的物(货物)的所有权与买受人和买受人支付价款的-(1).法律目的合法,如不允许把公共所有物窃为己有;-(2).商业目的合法,如赚钱资助恐怖活动;-(3).转移标的物和支价行为本身合法,法律允许货物正常买卖行为;则会不允许货物大幅度贱卖;编辑课件-(4).买卖标的物合法,即法律允许标的物(如钢材)交易,则不允许毒品交易;- (5).买卖行为效果合法,即买卖行为所导致的直接后果法,如果所买卖卖的钢材直接用于制造恐怖工具则非法;-(6).还有交易主体资格、代理资格、等其他合法性问题。合同能够的合法性主要是合同的法
13、律目的合法性 编辑课件2-4.4 解析与合同效力有关的几个概念之间的相互关系合同生效的七大条件中,如下三个条件似乎相互有关联,容易搞混,应当区别:达成合意(meeting of minds :offer & acceptance)订约意图(legal intention) 合法目的(legality:contractual end)编辑课件达成合意 & 订约意图、合法目的达成合意未必具有订约意图,没有订约意图也可以达成合意(如:honor clause)达成合意也未必符合合法目的(如:达成抢劫合同)编辑课件订约意图 & 合法目的订约意图: 强调当事人主观上是否愿意踏入法律平台,它解决合意的“入
14、法或不入法”,即法律性和非法律性问题,它解决当事人是否要承担法律责任问题;合法目的:强调当事人的合意“此法或彼法”,即合法与非法问题,它解决合意的是否能够强制执行,以及是否要承担刑事责任的问题编辑课件三者基本关系一句话表述当事人在具有订约意图(legal intention)的前提下或平台上,经要约和承诺即合意(meeting of minds)以及其他法律条件(如:具有订约行为能力、意思表示真实、和对价),通过实现法律目的(legality)来达到其商业目标。换句话来说:均具有订立国际货物买卖合同意图(legal intention)当事人A和B ,经合意(meeting of minds)
15、和其他条件,通过合法地转移货物所有权这一法律目的(legality)来达到彼此盈利的商业目标。编辑课件辨析合同成立与合同生效的关系和法律价值两者关系:合同成立是合同生效的前提和条件;合同生效是合同成立的必然结果。法律价值:-合同成立:强调私法层面上的契约自由;-合同生效:强调管制法上的合同法制,依法自由和法律约束效果。问:我们订约目的是追求合同成立还是合同效力? 对国际贸易实务而言,何者对我们意义较大?编辑课件英美法有效合同条件:一句话英美法合同有效的七大条件可以用一句话概括:一个具有订约资格的人(capacity),内心想与他人订约(legal intention),他必须把他内心的订约思想
16、通过要约承诺的过程(agreement-as procedure)真实地表达出来(genuine consent),就某种交换事项(consideration)与他人达成一致(agreement as meeting of minds),这样才能以某种合同形式(form)达到建立合同关系的目的(legality)。编辑课件the 7-requirements of valid contract manifested in one sentenceA man with contractual capacity (capacity), who legally intends (legal inte
17、ntion) to make a lawful contract (legality) with other people must express it out genuinely (genuine consent) through offer-acceptance procedure (agreement-as procedure)to reach sort of (form) a agreement(agreement as meeting of minds) on exchange of something valuable (consideration)编辑课件the tree of
18、 validitybirth of contract-from formation to termination 阶段3: 合同完全生效 合同无效或消灭 可撤销合同 阶段2: 合同生效 待生效合同 阶段1: 合同成立 编辑课件STOP FOR THE TIME BEING编辑课件2-4.5 合同的形式 (form)4.5.1合同的形式与各种类似合同形式4.5.2要约与承诺的形式与合同成立的关系4.5.3合同的形式与合同成立的关系 4.5.4合同格式战 编辑课件4.5.1合同的形式与各种类似合同形式As the different forms of offer and acceptance th
19、e contract forms could be as well as follows:A. oral contractB. written contractC. contract in actionD. electronic contract编辑课件A. oral form of contract It is formulated through language. - Vis-a-vis negotiation - negotiation through telephone or MSN phoning system编辑课件B. written contract a. legal sig
20、nificance of contract in writing form -judicially It provides evidence of the contract;-practically, it provides clearly memorable and understandable obligations ;- certain laws request contract in writing form UCC : the amount of contract for sale of goods over $500Chinese law: sale of real estate.
21、 编辑课件b. commercial documents similar to written contractThose similar document include: (1). memo(备忘录); (2). general agreement(原则协议书);(3). letter of intent (意向书);(4). preliminary agreement (初步协议书).编辑课件(1). memo (备忘录)-a record of negotiation, -non-legal document(2). general agreement (原则性协议)a legal d
22、ocument but it needs to be further detailed in order to be workable. 编辑课件(3). letter of intent (意向书) A document where one party gives a strong indication to the other that he is likely to place a contract with him. Usually it is worded not to create legal obligation,However,in some cases, it may be
23、phrased to include a invitation to commence a preliminary work, In such circumstance, it creates an obligation. Case follows. 编辑课件Case: letter of intent legally bindingFacts: The defendant asked the claimant to supply certain type of goods, and sent the claimants a letter of intent stating their int
24、ention to place an order on their standard terms. The claimant stated that they were unwilling to make contract on such terms, but started to manufacture and eventually completed and delivered all the goods requested by the defendant. The claimant sued for the value of the nodes, but the defendant c
25、ounter-claimed for damages for the late delivery. 编辑课件Decision:As the parties had no contract , so there would be no question of damages for late delivery requested by the contract.However, since the claimant had undertaken the work at the request of the defendant and the defendant had accepted the
26、work, the claimants were still entitled to a reasonable remuneration for the rendered services. 编辑课件(4) preliminary agreement (初步协议)preliminary agreement often occurs where the negotiation takes months or even years, for instance, negotiation for joint venture or technology transfer or investment .I
27、t may well happen that the negotiators have entered into a preliminary agreement without being conscious of it. 编辑课件Furthermore, the parties intention not to create legally binding relation does not produce the same consequences under all legal systems. For example, under French law, the principle o
28、f consensualism(协商一致) implies that a contract is concluded when a party demonstrates the existence of a meeting of minds, without any further condition being required. Comment:French law intends to explore the existence of the contract form what the parties are thinking, rather than from what they h
29、ave expressed out. (the construction of contract)Thus, the oral contract becomes more judicially practical.编辑课件This sort of rule of French law applies to any contract including Preliminary agreement and thus lead to the contractual obligation simply because , in the course of discussion, they have e
30、xpressed an agreement on certain points. So the negotiators need to be externally watchful for situations that create unintended legal obligations The best way to prevent such situation from happening is :discuss编辑课件C. contract in actionIt is also called 事实合同 in Chinese terminology. The type of cont
31、ract is formulated through actions of both parties ,rather than by language or by writing. E.g. the case of letter of intent above mentioned. 编辑课件D. electronic contract (电子合同形式)The recent development of e-commercea. the standard business message that are being developed for both national and interna
32、tional trade.b. standard procedure being introduced between seller, buyer ,trade-related services, customs, etc to support the implementation of the massage. 编辑课件c. the hardware ,software, and network services required are not restricted to national boundaries and should not need to be altered for c
33、ommunication with parties abroad. d. language independence is built in through the use of UN data elements and international code sets- e.g. Terms of payments and deliveries, harmonized coding system for commodities and services, codes for identifying the parties and location ,etc.e. the reduction o
34、f paperwork is required in cross-board trade.编辑课件The benefits of e-commerce E-commerce (1). it creates high management by quickening decision-making process and facilitating easy-to use system for management data analysis (2). it provides accuracy, speed and efficiency(3).it raises the organizations
35、 international profile and access.(4).it makes the cost more effectiveFailure to become involved in E-commerce will result in businesses or companies no longer being competitive in the future marketplace. 编辑课件The web-based or electronic or online business(B2C/B2B) creates a new category of contract.
36、However, on the whole, the website sales activities on the internet are largely unregulated since the law is still in its infancy. 编辑课件Noticeable issuess for formation of electronic contract under common lawIn writing form : It provides evidence of the terms of contractSigned: some legislations, e.g
37、. UK and China , have given legal effect to digital signatureTiming of acceptance: the post rule ,with any problems arising from it, probably applies, although the point has not been tested.Because internet e-mail shares many qualities of conventional Mail ,which is not absolutely instantaneous and
38、may be subject to delayConsideration: the internet is largely insecure, this may cause problems when it comes to payment .编辑课件practical legal issues faced by the seller and buyer when negotiating online (7 issues)1.Website should be construed as shop windows, that is ITT rather than offers2.Terms an
39、d conditions governing electronic transactions should be made explicitly and clearly 3.An indication of interest by a purchaser visiting the website should be understood by both parties to be an offer , not an acceptance, which the seller then is free to accept or reject.编辑课件4.The law and jurisdicti
40、on governing the transaction should be made clear 5.The seller should make sure that any web pages do not contravene local laws (for example, those relating to advertising standard) in the countries targeted 6.Seller can continue to use disclaimers of liabilities, clearly displayed on the website, s
41、ubject to usual customer protection laws on unfair terms7.A time limit should be set for all offers made on the website, which should take account of potential delays in receiving email.编辑课件 4.5.2要约与承诺形式与合同成立的关系要约/承诺的形式与合同形式图表 要约当面谈判、电话信/电报/传真/电邮行为口头书面行为承诺当面电话口头口头合同书面合同?口头合同?信、电报传真电邮书面书面合同?书面合同书面合同?
42、行为行为 事实合同(法理是:事实合同的特点是合同的成立与合同的履行在同一个时间)编辑课件4.5.3合同的形式与合同成立的关系在通常情况下,合同具备法定形式后合同成立,但有时合同在形式上的缺陷并不影响合同的成立,我国法律似乎更重视合同履行所产生效果的社会价值,至于合同的形式的重要性则其次。只要合同能够双方认可了合同的履行即便是合同的形式有缺陷,也认定合同成立,除非法律有强制性的合同形式的硬性要求如房屋买卖的书面形式要求。 编辑课件2-4.5.3 我国法律:合同形式与合同成立关系形式意外与异议条件与合同成立法律效果口头合同一方对口头合同内容有异议合同已开始履行 合 同 认 定 成 立书面合同但实际
43、上没有采取书面形式一方已履行主要义务,对方接受的在签字或盖章前依据交易习惯履行双方对合同履行没有异议如果一方对合同内容有异议一方已履行主要义务,对方不接受可能认定合同不成立编辑课件4.5.4 标准条款与合同格式战 A:Definition of standard termsUNIDROTT principle: standard terms are provisions which are prepared in advance for general and repeated use by one party and which are actually used without negot
44、iation with the other party.B. rules regarding standard terms a. general rules on formation of contract apply but with the following exceptions (b-d)b. the term contained in the standard terms shall have no effect if the other party could not have reasonably expected;编辑课件c. in case of conflict betwe
45、en the standard term and term which is not standard, the latter prevailsd. where the contract is concluded containing the standard term used by both parties , the standard terms are in conflict with each other, the terms not in conflict are effective. 编辑课件C. battle of formBattle of form arises where
46、 the parties exchange inconsistent standard forms during the contract negotiation and reach the agreement on the principal terms without deciding whose standard form should prevail.编辑课件Resolution:1. classical last shot approach( usually used for offer/acceptance )-The party wins the battle if he sen
47、ds the last insistent form which usually will be regarded as counter-offer; or -the party wins if he is more persistent in insisting his own form.2. CISG approach 编辑课件CISG approach Art 19: acceptance with modificationsacceptanceWithMaterial modificationAcceptance is not effective it is a counter-offeracceptance withImmaterialmodificationAcceptance is effective unless offeror objects it orally or in writing form without delay .If the offeror does not object , the contrac
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