1、基于单片机的智能路灯控制系 统-外文文献作者: 日期:XiBan TeChnoIOgiCal UniVerSity NOrth InStitUte Of InfOrmatiOn Engineering毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 别光电信息系专业 测控技术与仪器班级B090102姓名马丽娜学号36夕卜文岀处SPriger Link附件 1原文;2.译文2013年3月BaSed on SingIe ChiP microcomputer intelligent Street IightCOntrOl SyStem【abstract 】 A Street Hght automatic COntrO
2、l SyStem design, COmbined With the COntrOL electric IamP SWitCh COntrOl function; And Street IaInP fault detection and fault Street IamP according to the function Of the number USe On STC 89C51 as the COre COntrOl unit; USing DS1302 ClOCk ChiP to COntrOl the POint OPen to turn Off the IightS When St
3、reet lamps; By a PhOtOSenSOr COlnPIete COlleCtiOn Of ambient Iight and Street Iight fault detection, SO as to realize the number Of OPtiCany COntrOned OPen to turn Off the IightS and fault Street IamP display ThiS SySteIn Can through the RS 232 COmmUniCatiOn POrt With the Street Hght COntrOl room Of
4、 the UPPer machine COmnllIniCatiOn key WOrelS) STC 89C51; ClOCk ChiP DS1302; PhOtOSenSOr IntrOdUCtiOnFOr the InOSt Part at PreSent domestic CitieS and regions Of the Street IamP Lighting adopts electric COntrOh time COntrOl and Single POint Of electrons Control, maintenance management and manual ins
5、pections and the InaSSeS The traditional way, because Of the IaCk Of SCientifiC and effective monitoring Means, Iarge area Iighting during the day, night not Iarge area Light PhenOnIenOn OCCUrS frequently, Often can,t find and in a timely Inanner Processing, not Only CaUSed POWer resources, IIUnIan
6、resources Cost, improve the OPerating COStS Of the SySteIn and to CitiZenS Life bring inconvenienceIntenigent road Iighting SyStem Can according to different area DOmain Of different functional requirements, at different times and Ciifferent every day NatUral Iight Or Under different traffic flow co
7、nditions, the PreSS ACCOrding to a SPeCifiC setting, realize dynamic WiSdOm Of road Iighting Can management, namely the TPO management (TIME/PLACE, TIME LOCatiOn/OCCASION OCCaSiOns). Intenigent road Iighting COntrOl system, through the COnIPrehenSiVe COnSideratiOn and analysis and road Ming is CIOSe
8、Iy related to the intensity Of illumination time, road, environment and hand it in SCene COntrOl me什IOdS Of factors SUCh as flow rate, in the microcomputer ACCOrding to the PreSet COntrOl strategy, the road Iighting into action Street IamP intelligent management and COntrOl in different COnditiOnS n
9、ormally In Clifferent StateS implement diversified road Iighting scene, TO improve the quality Of Iighting at the Same time get the best SeCtiOn Can effect.1 The SyStem hardware designCOntrOl CirCUit mainly to light, temperature Signal acquisition, data COmPUting andanalysis, and COntrOl Of Street I
10、amP driver CirCUit according to the results Of theOPeration. CirCUit InUSt have MD COnVerSiOn function, adopt STC12C5608AD SingleChiP IniCrOCOInPUter as COntrOl unit, the Single-ChiP COmPUter as a SingIe ClOCk CyCIeenhanced 8051 kernel microcontroller, it COntainS 8 KB FLASH PrOgram memory,eight roa
11、d IO MD COnVerSiOn interface, Can meet the need Of data acquisition. Lightintensity, temperature SenSOr USing PhOtOSenSitiVe resistance and thermal resistance,respectively LNFigUre 2PhOtOSenSitiVe resistor RX and resistance R2 bleeder circuit, Iight intensity Changes, IniCrOCOntrOner Pl.7 Pin input
12、VOItage changes, and Pl.7 Pin Can be Set UP for MD COnVerSiOn interface, Set a threshold VOItage for Iight intensity Can distinguish between day and night. Thermal resistor RX and R3 bleeder CirCIlit, the temperature Changes, Pl.5 Pin VOItage change, the figure 1 WatCh NA L/D COnVerSiOn COntrOl CirC
13、Uit green quality Can CalCUIate the actual environment temperature and time COntrOl to modify ParameterS Sl for four dial the COde switch, Can be USed to think.1 1 hardware designSyStenl hardware modules include: COntrOl module, mining USe 89 c51 to realize On STC; SenSOr module, USing PhOtOSenSitiV
14、e resistance On the SUrrOUnding environment Iight Sample, USing PhOtOSenSitiVe diode On-Off to Street IamP equipment ObStaCIe detection; The ClOCk module. USing DS1302 ClOCk ChiP Slice; DiSPlay module, WhiCh is made UP Of four LED digital tube, USe TO display the fault Street IamP number; SOUnd and
15、Iight alarm module, ImPlementatiOn Of malfunctioning Of the Street IamP Iight hint; COmmUniCatiOn InoduleBlocks, USed to transmit COmmandS from PC.1.2 module functionOn STC 89 c51 based On DS1302 ClOCk ChiP PrOVide the ClOCk Signah according to the following time implementation COntrOl TUrn Off the
16、IightS: Winter time 18:00 IightS at night, The next morning at 7:30 to turn Off the IightS age SeaSOn time: the evening number is turn On the light, The next morning at 6:30 to turn Off the lights.in the SUmmer time: 20:00 IightS at night, The next InOrning at 5:30 to turn Off the Iights.DynamiCany
17、ChangeS Of this PeriOci Of time, ChangeS in the OPeratiOn A machine to complete, through the COmmUniCatiOn InOdUle Wiil hold instructions Written to STC 89 c51 chip, then Changed the POint OPen to turn Off the IightS DUring WOrk time.PhOtOSenSitiVe resistance, by appropriate WaVelength Of Iight, the
18、 CUrrent Will along VVith the increase Of Iight intensity, thus ReaIiZe the PhOtOeleCtnC COnVerSiOn TO die by ADC0832 device HOId number COnVerted to PrOVide Single-Chip, STC 89 c51 according to The default PrOgrain realize the electric IamP SWitCh function.automatic metering, during the day (Or Iig
19、ht) When IightS go out, night (dark Or Iight) Street IightS automatically Light up.the SenSitiVity is adjustable, Can adjust according to need Any WOrk Under the light.to PreVent the instant bright Iight interference, the AD hoc DeIay Off function (to StrOng light, the Iight SWitCh When 30 SeCOndS t
20、o ShUt down automatically).PhOtOSenSitiVe diode is to USe SiIiCOn PN knot When the Iight is PrOdUCed A PhOtOeleCtriC device, Iight CUrrent WOrk in reverse bias BeCaUSe Of the PreSSUre DUring the day Iight Or IamP Iight PhOtOSenSitiVe 2 directly DiOde reverse resistance decreases, and diode COndUCtio
21、n; Light is Very HOUrS PhOtOSenSitiVe CliOde reverse resistance increases, the diode The CheCk USing PhOtOSenSitiVe diode, detection Of Street IanIP is night NOrInal WOrk When the PhOtOSenSitiVe diode as ShOWS that Street IamP EqUiPnIent failure Or theft, acousto-optic quote On STC 89 c51 StaIIed Al
22、arm device, at the Same time in four LED Cligital tube display the COrreSPOneling The Street number.The SyStem SOftWare designThe SOftWare CleSign Of this SySteIn is divided into SeVen parts, mainly InCklding the LED CiigitaI tube CliSPlay PrOgram design; Light to CheCk the TeSt PrOgranl design; EqU
23、iPment fault detection PrOgram design; When ClOCk driver ChiP design; OPen to turn Off the IightS PrOgraln design; COlnlnUniCatiOn PrOgram design: AUdibIe and ViSual alarm PrOgram design, etc.SOftWare Ineludes: main program. SyStem initialization, anti-fuzzy functions.A/D COnVerSiOn SUbrOUtine, COmm
24、UniCatiOn PrOCeSSing subroutine, keyboard PrOCeSSing subroutine, WarP/weft ClOCk COmPUting functions, dial the COde SWitCh handle child, SWitCh input PrOCeSSing function, the SWitCh quantity OUtPUt treatment function, CliSPlay function. MCU SOftWare PrOgramnIing to COdeViSiOnAVR C COmPiIer as a deve
25、lopment PIatfOrm, USES C Written in a high-level IangUageTAGUSES the WireleSS transceiver module and SingIe-ChiP integration design, Can reduce the hardware COSt Of the system, COnVenient installation, easy maintenance AdOPt type a 15 STR IniCrOPOWer WireIeSS digital module, high efficiency forward
26、error COrreCtiOn Channel COding technology, improves the data the abrupt interference and random interference resistance ability. USing high-speed microcontroller W7E5& improve the IneaSUreInent PreCiSiOn Of the IiqUid IeVeL SiInPlified the hardware StrUCtUre Of the SyStem. The SyStenl not OnIy for
27、IeVel measurement is a kind Of Safe and effective solutions, Can be applied to Other material IeVel measurement Under the bad environment.Street IamP Iighting SyStem is indispensable to the road traffic FaCilities, design a kind Of intelligent Street Iight COntrOl system, right InCreaSe induced by r
28、oad, improve the driving Safety at night And comfort, effectively PreVent CrinIinal activity, beautify the environment, SaVe POWer resources, has a Certain PraCtiCal SignifiCanCe and Can be DeVeIOPment VakIeReferenCeS, truth, SCienCe and technology. 8051 SerieS Single ChiP microcomputer C PrOgram de
29、sign manual M. COInPIetely PeOPIe POSt and telecommunications press, 2006.realistic technology. MiCrOCOntrOner PeriPheral devices and applications M. TYPiCal PeOPle POStS and telecommunications press, 2006, 2.BianChUnYUan, Wang Zhiqiang MCS 51 Single ChiP microcomputer application development PraCti
30、Cal SUbrOUtine M. PeOPIe,s POStS and telecommunications press, 2005, 9.Shen Gongwei. BaSed On SingIe ChiP microcomputer intelligent SySte CleSign and implementation M. EIeCtrOniC IndUStrial press, 2005 mWan Guangyi. nine Sun Ann, Cai JianPing SOC SCM experiment, PraCtiCe and ShOUld be With design -
31、based On C8051F SerieS M. Beijing UniVerSity Ofaeronautics and astronautics PUbIiSher, 2006XU AijUn Peng XiUhUa Keil Cx51 V7.0 microcontroller PrOgramming in a high-level IangUage and MU ViSiOn2 application PraCtiCe M. Beijing: electronic industry press, 2004blockbuster, SPeCial expensive, Were yu.
32、IntCIligent Street Iight COntrOl SyStem design and application research. The modern electronic technology, 2010. (1): 207-207.kang hua guang, Chen Taiqin. AnaIOg Part electronic technology foundation M. Beijing: higher education press, 2001.基于单片机的智能路灯控制系统【摘要】设计了一个路灯自动控制系统,具有时控、光控相结合 的路灯开关控制功能;以及路灯故障
33、检测并显示故障路灯编号的 功能。采用STC 89C51单片机作为核心控制部件;利用时钟芯片 DS1302对路灯进行时控开关灯控制;由光敏器件完成环境光照 度的采集与路灯故障检测,从而实现光控开关灯与故障路灯的编 号显示。本系统可以通过RS-232标准通信端口与路灯控制室的上 位机进行通信。【关键词1 STC89C51单片机;时钟芯片DS1302;光敏器件 引言Ll询国内绝大部分的城市和地区路灯照明控制采用光控、时间控制及单点电 子控制,维修管理釆用人工巡查及群众反映等传统方式,由于缺乏科学有效的监 控管理手段,口天大面积亮灯,夜间大面积不亮灯现象经常发生,往往不能及时 发现和处理,不但造成电力
34、资源、人力资源的浪费,提高了系统的运行成本,乂 给市民的生活带来不便。智能化道路照明系统能够根据不同区域的不同功能需求,在每天不同时段、 不同自然光照度或者不同交通流量情况下,按照特定的设置,实现对道路照明的 动态智能化管理,即TPO管理(TIME时间/ PLACE地点/ OCCASION场合)。 智能化道路照明控制系统,通过综合考虑和分析与道路照明密切相关的时间、路 段、环境照度和交通流量等因素的场景控制方法,在微机中按照预设的控制策略, 对道路照明进行动态智能化管理,控制路灯在不同情况下工作在不同状态实现多 样化的道路照明场景,从而在提高照明质量的同时获得最佳的节能效果。1系统硬件设计控制
35、电路主要完成对光线、温度信号的采集,数据的运算和分析,以及根据 运算结果控制路灯驱动电路。电路需具有MD转换功能,采用STC12C5608AD单 片机作为控制单元,该单片机为单时钟周期增强型8051内核的单片机,片内含 8KB的FLASH程序存储器,有8路IO位MD转换接口,可满足数据采集的需要。 光强度、温度传感器分别采用光墩电阻和热敬电阻。如图一所示:图二光敬电阻RX与电阻R2组成分压电路,光强变化时,单片机P1.7引脚输入电 压变化,P1.7引脚可设置为MD转换接口,为光强设置一个临界电压即可区分口 天和黑夜。热敬电阻RX与R3组成分压电路,温度变化时,Pl. 5引脚电圧变化, 经图1控
36、制电路绿色质量观察LNA/D转换可计算实际环境温度,以修改时间控 制参数。Sl为4位拨码开关,可用于认为设定参数,以增加控制器的灵活性。1硬件设计系统硬件模块包含:控制模块,采用STC 89C51单片机实现;传感器模块, 采用光敬电阻实现对周用环境光照度的采样,采用光敬二极管通断进行路灯设备 故障的检测;时钟模块,釆用DS1302时钟芯片;显示模块,山4个LED数码 管组成,用来显示故障路灯的编号;声光报警模块,块,用于传输来自上位机的 指令。1.2模块功能STC 89C51单片机根据时钟芯片DS1302提供时钟信号,按照下列时段实现 时控开关灯空。(1)冬季时间:傍晚18: 00开灯,次日早晨7: 30关灯。(2)春秋季时间:傍晚19: 00开灯,次日早晨6: 30关灯。(3)夏季时间:傍晚20: 00开灯,次日早晨5: 30关灯。这个时段可动态修改,修改操作在上位机完成,通过通信模块将指令写入 STC89C51芯片内,随即就改变了时控开关灯的工作时段。光敬电阻,受到适当波长的光线照射时,电流就会随光强的增加而变大,从 而实现光电转换。通过ADC0832器件进行模数转换后提供给单片机,STC 89C51 按照预设的方案实现如下
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