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2、和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Such beautiful flowers! I cant decide _ for my mom.For Mothers Day, it cant be better to take some carnations(康乃馨).Awhen to choose Bwhich to chooseChow to choose Dwhere to choose2、My brother always goes to the library Saturday morning.Aon Bin Cat Dto3、Which pair of the words with th

3、e underlined letters doesnt have the same sound?ApoemBpositionCperiod4、Was his father very strict with him when he was at school? Yes. He never praised him _ he became one of the top students in his grade.Aafter Bunless Cif Dwhen5、Whats this in the picture, Tony?Oh, its the building _ we built ten y

4、ears ago.AwhereBthatCwhatDwhen6、Have you watched the latest TV program Running Mat?Of course! Its popular with_the young_the old.Aeither; orBneither; norCboth; andDnot; but7、-The story is so amazing! Its the most interesting story Ive ever read.-But Im afraid it wont be liked by_.AeverybodyBsomebody

5、CanybodyDnobody8、Tasting good food is an interesting part of traveling. When in , Germany, we can enjoy sausages, potatoes and cheese as well as many different kinds of beer.AMoscowBBostonCMunich9、-Everyone knows that knowledge is the most valuable for human beings. -Yes. As a student, we should stu

6、dy hard.AstandardBtreasureCinventionDinstruction10、Does Michelle _ her father?Yes, a little.Atake after Blook after Crun after Dread after. 完形填空11、Once there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He loved the tree and the tree loved to 1 with him.Time went b

7、y - the boy had grown up and he 2 played around the tree. One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked 3 “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. “Im no longer a kid. I 4 play around the tree any more.”the boy replied,“I want toys. I need 5 to buy them.” “Sorry, I dont have money. Bu

8、t you can 6 all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy picked all the apples on the tree and left 7 . The boy never came back after he picked the apples.The tree was sad. After that the boy returned and asked the tree for help again and again. First, he asked the tree for a house

9、, and the tree gave the boy all its branches. Second, he told the tree he needed a 8 to go sailing, the tree offered its trunk. 9 , the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I dont have anything for you any more. The only thing left is my dying root(根),” the tree said wit

10、h tears.“Good! Old tree root is the 10 place to lean on and rest”. The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears.This is a story of everyone. The tree is like our parents. When we were 11 ,we loved to play with Mom and Dad When we grow up,we 12 them,and 13 come to them when we need so

11、mething or when we are 14 . No matter what,parents will always give everything they could to make us happy. We may think that the boy is 15 to the tree but thats how all of us are treating our parents.1Alive Bchat Cfight Dplay2Anot longer Boften Calways Dno longer3Asad Bsorry Cdelighted Dhappy4Acant

12、 Bwouldnt Cdidnt Dmustnt5Aapple Bmoney Ctoys Dhelp6Abuy Beat Ccut Dpick7Aeasily Bhappily Csadly Dpeacefully8Acar Bboat Cticket Dsails9AThen BFinally CSoon DLast10Aold Bworst Cbest Dnew11Ayoung Bold Cdying Dborn12Alove Bleave Cknow Dhate13Aalways Boften Conly Dseldom14Ain condition Bin return Cin red

13、 Din trouble15Akindly Bcommonly Ccruel Djustly. 语法填空12、阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。Think before we speak!It was a sunny and enjoyable day. Everyone in the railway station was waiting for the train1(arrive). Among the crowd, there was a group of young friends who were on board for vacation.It was

14、 a busy station with a lot of people and some juice shops, coffee and tea stalls, newspaper shops, etc. The train was arriving and everyone prepared to get into the train to their seats.The group of friends made loud noise2(welcome) the train as it moved into the station. They ran to get their seats

15、 before anyone entered the train.The empty seats were3(fill) and the train whistled (鸣汽笛) to move. An old man with a young boy4(age) around 15 had their seats just next to the friends group. The young boy was so5(surprise) to see everything. He cheered, Dad, the train is moving and the things6(move)

16、 backward.His father smiled and7(nod) his head.As the train started moving fast, the young boy again screamed (尖叫) , Dad, the trees are green in color and run backward very fast. His father said, “Yes, dear, and smiled.Just like a kid, he was watching everything with great8(interesting).A fruit sell

17、er passed9(sell) apples, bananas and oranges. The young boy asked his dad, I want to eat apples. His father bought some for him. He said, Oh, this apple looks a lot10(sweet) than it tastes. I love this color. The group was watching all the activities of this boy and asked the boys father, Is your so

18、n having any problem? Why is he behaving so11(different)?His son is mad, I think, a friend from the group made fun of him and shouted.The father of the young boy, with patience, replied to the friends group, “My son was born blind. Only a few days ago he12(operate). He is seeing different things in

19、his life for the first time.The young friends became very quiet. 阅读理解A13、Can you remember a face quickly and never forget it? If so, then you could be a super recognizer.Usually it is easy for someone to recognize the faces of their family members and friends. But it could be difficult for them to r

20、emember faces that they have only seen once. However, studies have found that super recognizers have amazing face recognition skills. They can remember at least 80 per cent of faces they have ever seen. According to the Daily Mail, at least one in 50 people are super recognizers.A study was carried

21、out in Bournemouth University of UK recently. Researchers tried to find whether super recognizers have a different way to remember faces. They found that when these people look at faces, they spend more time looking at the persons nose. They also found that these people are not smarter than others.

22、Their super ability is restricted(有限的) only to face recognition.Another important finding is that there are two subtypes(子类型) of super recognition. Some never forget faces. But for some, if you show pairs of faces to them at the same time, they can quickly decide whether the faces are of the same pe

23、rson or two different people. In fact, many super recognizers say they are very good at recognizing faces in a crowd.These subtypes of super recognition could be applied to many areas of life. For example, the skills could be very useful at a passport control checkpoint. Super recognizers could also

24、 help police find known troublemakers and even missing people in the crowd.1The super recognizers can remember _ of the faces theyve ever seen.AallBat least 80 per centCat least 50 per centDhalf2What did the universitys study find about super recognizers?AThey spend the same time on ones eyes and no

25、se.BThey pay more attention to a persons nose.CThey are a lot smarter than other people.DThey are also very good at voice recognition.3What are the two subtypes of super recognition?a. One type can decide whether the faces are of the same person or two different people.b. One type can only recognize

26、 childrens faces.c. One type can remember faces theyve seen forever.d. One type can easily draw a picture of the faces they saw.Aa,c Bb,c Cc,d Da,d4What does the underlined word “applied” mean in the passage?Adeveloped BaskedCshown Dused5What does the last paragraph talk about?AMore subtypes of supe

27、r recognition.BReasons of different subtypes.CUses of super recognition in some jobs.DHow to be a super recognizer.B14、As long as everyone contributes a little, the world 吐 ll become a much better place.Most people are kind-hearted and want to lend a helping hand. Now lets share some memorable momen

28、ts.Linda: Once, when I was on my way back to my hometown, I lost my purse without even knowing it. I was told over the trains loudspeaker that my purse was at the railway stations lost and found office. But the train had already started. Seeing my helplessness, a kind hostess offered to lend me some

29、 money. I went back to the railway station and got my purse. I am still thankful to the railway staff and the person who found my purse.Scott: When I was a little boy, there was a time when I went to fish with my elder sister. All of a sudden, I slipped into the river. The next thing I remember is m

30、y father holding me in the hospital. Today I still dont know who got me out of that river. I have been trying to help other people whenever I can all these years.Tina: One of my neighbors is an old man who cannot speak. He makes money by recycling waste. Our other neighbors dont like his behavior. B

31、ut in my opinion, its his way to support his family. Once, after cleaning my house, I placed some cardboard boxes in his garden and left my rubbish beside my door. However, when I was about to go out, I found nothing outside my door but a note: I have thrown away your rubbish. You are a nice girl. T

32、hanks a lot!1According to the passage above, we know that Athe hostess found Lindas purseBLinda knew where she lost her purseCScott still doesnt know who got him out of the riverDsome cardboard boxes were stolen by Tinas neighbor2The writer is trying to tell us the value of AhealthBkindnessCmoneyDsa

33、fety3The passage above is probably a .AreportBdiaryCnovelDletterC15、Everybody in this world is different from one another. But do you know that understanding differences can help you better manage your money? As we grow up, we gradually develop a set of our own values or beliefs. These are influence

34、d by society, our family, the education we receive and so on. Once this value system is set up, its not easy to change later in life. Financial experts say that everyone also has their own belief of how to manage their finances. This is part of our value system and it has a great impact on the way w

35、e look after our money. According to our different values, experts put us in three categories. They are: the ant, the cricket and the snail(蜗牛). The antworks first Just like ants who work heart and soul in summer in order to store food for winter, these people dont care about enjoying the moment. Th

36、ey work very hard and save money they earn so that they can enjoy life when they get old and retire. The ant loves to save but they could make more out of their money if they were willing to invest in some funds and stocks with low risk. The cricketfun first The cricket wants to enjoy everything now

37、 and doesnt think too much about the future. They even borrow money when they really want something. Many young people now belong to this group. These people have little savings. When they get old, they might have problems. They should learn to save and buy insurance. The snaillives under pressure T

38、he snail refers to people who make life difficult for themselves. They take big longterm loans from the bank in order to buy things such as luxury houses. They are happy to take big loans even though they are not sure whether they can afford it. This can cause problems in the future. They should pla

39、n more carefully.1(小题1)What is the meaning of value system in this passage?ABelief of how to manage our finances.BThe way we look after our money.CSomething will not change later in life.DA set of our own values or beliefs.2(小题2)The ant refers to people who _.AWork very hard in summer in order to st

40、ore food for winter.BCould make more money if they worked harderCSave money they earn for their later life when they get old and retireDOnly care about enjoying the moment by working very hard3(小题3)The crickets borrow money because _.AThey would like to enjoy everything nowBThey are youngCThey think

41、 they have no futureDThey want to buy insurance4(小题4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the last paragraph?AThe snails enjoy life because they have luxury houses.BThe snails live under pressure and they may have problems in the future.CThe snails will take more loans if they realize that th

42、ey can afford it.DThe snails take big long-term loans because the interest for the long-term loans is low.5(小题5)What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?ATo make fun of the three kinds of foolish people.BTo make us understand the differences and manage our money better.CTo make us understa

43、nd we should spend our own money.DTo state that we are the same as animals.D16、In ancient times, a king had a boulder (巨石)placed on a roadway. He then hid himself and watched to see if anyone would move the boulder out of the way. Some of the kings wealthiest business men and courtiers (朝臣)came by a

44、nd simply walked around it.Many people even loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none of them did anything about getting the stone out of the way. They just complained and went away. A peasant (农民)then came along carrying a large bag of vegetables. Upon getting closer to the b

45、oulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to push the stone out of the road. After trying and pushing for a long time, he finally succeeded.After the peasant went back to pick up his vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. In the purse there were many go

46、ld coins and a note from the king explaining that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. If you were on the way, what would you do? Complain it or move it away? Every difficulty we come across in life gives us an opportunity to improve our situations, and while the laz

47、y people complain, the others are creating opportunities through their kind hearts, generosity (慷慨大方)and willingness to get things done.1Why did the king put such a boulder on a roadway?AIn order to make the roadway special.BIn order to stop someone who are lazy from walking to his country.CTo see i

48、f anyone would move the boulder out of the way.2What did many people do with the big stone on the way?AThey just complained and didnt do anything about it.BMany of them tried to move it but failed.CMany thought it was the kings duty to move it away from the road.3The peasant got the stone out of the

49、 way successfully by _.Apushing it without any hard workBtrying and pushing hardCusing his large bag of vegetables4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AMany people didnt find the stone on the way.BThe peasant got a lot of money after moving away the stone.CThe king wasnt glad to

50、see the peasant removed the boulder from the roadway.5We can infer (推断)from the passage that _.Aall things are difficult before they are easyBit is never too late to mendCopportunities are for those who are willing to do something with kindness and generosityE17、Once upon a time a married couple cel

51、ebrated their 25th marriage anniversary(纪念). They had become famous in the city for not having a singleconflictin the period of 25 years. Local newspaper editors had gathered at the occasion to find out the secret of their well known happy going marriage.The editor asked, Sir. Its amazingly unbeliev

52、able. How did you make this possible?The husband, recalling his old honeymoon days, said, We had been to Switzerland for honeymoon after marriage. Having selected the horse riding finally, we both started the ride on different horses. My horse was pretty okay but the horse on which my wife was ridin

53、g seemed to be a crazy one. On the way ahead, that horse jumped suddenly, making my wife fall off. Standing up from the ground, she patted the horses back and said This is your first time. She again climbed the horse and continued with the ride. After a while, it happened again. This time she again

54、kept calm and said This is your second time and continued. When the horse dropped her the third time, she silently took out the gun from the purse and shot the horse deadl I shouted at my wife, What did you do? You killed the poor animal. Are you crazy? She gave me a silent look and said, This is yo

55、ur first timel The husband added, Thats it. We are happy ever after. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填人题前括号内。1What does the underlined word conflict in the passage mean?AChild. BPet.CHouse. DFight.2Why did the editor want to interview the couple?ABecause they had an accident.BBecause they have never argued after

56、marriage.CBecause they had an ordinary marriage anniversary.DBecause they saved a horse when they were on honeymoon.3How many times did the woman fall off the horse?AOnce BTwiceCThree times DFour times4What may happen if the man makes the woman angry several times?AThe woman will kill him.BThe woman

57、 will ask him to ride the horse.CThe woman will ask him to do something funny.DThe woman will make him do everything for her.5What is the best title for the passage?AThe happy honeymoonBThe success of marriage.CThe death of the horseDThe twenty _fifth marriage anniversaryF18、On day , a poor boy was

58、trying to sell things from door to door to pay for school . He was hungry . Then he decided to ask for a meal at the next house . However , when a nice young woman opened the door , he changed to ask for a drink of water . She thought he looked hungry and brought him a large glass of milk . He drank

59、 it slowly and then asked , “How much do I pay?” “You neednt do that ,” she said . “mother has taught me to be kind .”Years later , the young woman became seriously ill . She was sent to a big city . When Dr Howard Kelly , a very famous doctor now , heard the same of the town she came from , a stran

60、ge light filled his eyes . At once , he got up and went down through the hospital hall into her room . He recognized her at once and decided to do his best to save her life . He did it and they won at last !Before she left , the bill(账单)was sent to her . She was quite afraid to open it . To her surp


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