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1、啟用畫筆產品解答PPT使用說明句型一點通目錄Getting Started參考解答活動式PPTReadingCan you imagine a car that can drive itself? You just get in, set your destination, start the automatic system, and the car will take you to the place you want to go. You dont have to touch the steering wheel or step on the pedals. 整課朗讀教冊中譯Readin

2、g part-2 Instead of driving, you can do your work, read a book, watch a movie, text your friends, or even take a nap. Does this sound too good to be true? Its not! With recent advances in modern technology, self-driving cars are just around the corner.教冊教冊一點通中譯Reading part-3Ever since cars were inve

3、nted, manufacturers have tried to reduce the need for human labor and to improve driving safety. Various automated systems have already been invented to help achieve these goals.一點通中譯Reading part-4In recent years, many carmakers, including Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla, and Google, a technology company

4、, have gone even further. They have been developing ways to use moderntechnology to make cars drive themselves.教冊教冊中譯Reading part-5In May 2014, Google revealed a new driverless car that is 100% autonomous. As of June 2016, the company had test-driven their autonomous cars more than 1,700,000 miles.教

5、冊教冊中譯Reading part-6Google plans to make self-driving cars available to the public in 2020.What makes full automation of self-driving cars possible?教冊教冊中譯Reading part-7Because of its built-in computersystem and digital maps, the car can be programmed to follow a route set by theuser. A scanner, along

6、 with a camera and GPS, can tell the car its location and precise distance from nearbyobjects.教冊一點通中譯Reading part-8This control system can keep the car in its own lane, and direct it to avoid driving into other cars.There are many advantages of self-driving cars. First of all, commuting and travelin

7、g will become easy and stress-free.一點通中譯Reading part-9People who are blind or too old to drive will be able to travel safely on their own. There will also be less traffic congestion and less air pollution because self-driving cars will make more efficient decisions. 教冊教冊中譯Reading part-10Among the po

8、tential advantages, however, safety is the most important. Self-driving cars would reduce the number of car accidents, most of which are caused by human error.教冊一點通中譯Reading part-11Do self-driving cars have any drawbacks? Of course they do. First, the technology needed is still very expensive. There

9、 is also a possibility for technology to go wrong.中譯Reading part-12For example, the programming that runs the car could be attacked by a computer virus or be hacked. Among the drawbacks, however, perhaps the most serious is that tens of millions ofpeople could lose their jobs as drivers.教冊一點通中譯Readi

10、ng part-13Many carmakers believe that the advantages are greater than the disadvantages. Before long, self-driving cars will very probably be a part of our daily lives.by Sarah Brooks & Maosung Lin教冊中譯返回Reading 中譯 part-1Can you imagine a car that can drive itself? You just get in, set your destinati

11、on, start the automatic system, and the car will take you to the place you want to go. You dont have to touch the steering wheel or step on the pedals. 你能想像汽車會自己駕駛嗎?你只要坐進汽車,設定好目的地,開啟自動駕駛系統,汽車就會把你載到你想去的地方。你不必碰觸方向盤或踩踏板。返回Reading 中譯 part-2Instead of driving, you can do your work, read a book, watch a m

12、ovie, text your friends, or even take a nap. Does this sound too good to be true? Its not! With recent advances in modern technology, self-driving cars are just around the corner.不必駕駛,你可以做自己的工作、看書、看影片、發簡訊給朋友、或甚至打個盹。這聽起來是否好到不可能是真的?錯了!拜現代科技近來發展之賜,自動駕駛汽車已經即將面世。返回Reading 中譯 part-3Ever since cars were in

13、vented, manufacturers have tried to reduce the need for human labor and to improve driving safety. Various automated systems have already been invented to help achieve these goals.自從汽車發明以來,汽車製造商一直試圖想減少人工操作的需要,以及提升駕駛安全。已有各式各樣的自動化系統發明出來,以協助達成這些目標。返回Reading 中譯 part-4In recent years, many carmakers, inc

14、luding Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla, and Google, a technology company, have gone even further. They have been developing ways to use modern technology to make cars drive themselves.近年來,許多汽車製造商,包括奧迪、賓士、特斯拉,以及科技公司谷歌,更是搶在別人前面。這些公司一直在研發能利用現代科技使汽車自動駕駛的方法。返回Reading 中譯 part-5In May 2014, Google revealed a ne

15、w driverless car that is 100% autonomous. As of June 2016, the company had testdriven their autonomous cars more than 1,700,000 miles.在2014年5月,谷歌公司發表了一款新型無人駕駛的汽車,它可以百分之百自動駕駛。自從2016年6月開始,谷歌已經在路上測試他們的自動駕駛汽車超過1,700,000哩。返回Reading 中譯 part-6Google plans to make self-driving cars available to the public i

16、n 2020.What makes full automation of self-driving cars possible?谷歌計畫在2020年將自動駕駛汽車量產上市。是什麼使得自動駕駛汽車的完全自動功能變成可能的?返回Reading 中譯 part-7Because of its built-in computer system and digital maps, the car can be programmed to follow a route set by the user. A scanner, along with a camera and GPS, can tell the

17、 car its location and precise distance from nearby objects.因為有了內建的電腦系統以及數位地圖,這種汽車可以被設定來遵照使用者設定的路線行駛。一個掃瞄器配合一部攝影機和衛星自動定位系統,就能告訴汽車它目前的位置以及與附近物體精確的距離。返回Reading 中譯 part-8This control system can keep the car in its own lane, and direct it to avoid driving into other cars.There are many advantages of self

18、-driving cars. First of all, commuting and traveling will become easy and stress-free.這套控制系統可使汽車保持在自己的車道上行駛,並引導它以避免跟別的車子碰撞。自動駕駛的汽車有許多優點。第一,通勤與旅行會變得容易又沒壓力。返回Reading 中譯 part-9People who are blind or too old to drive will be able to travel safely on their own. There will also be less traffic congestion

19、 and less air pollution because self-driving cars will make more efficient decisions. 盲人或年紀太大無法自行開車的人,將能自行安全地旅行。由於自動駕駛汽車能做出更有效率的決定,交通雍塞與空氣污染會減少。返回Reading 中譯 part-10Among the potential advantages, however, safety is the most important. Self-driving cars would reduce the number of car accidents, most

20、of which are caused by human error.然而,在這些可能實現的優點中,最重要的是安全。自動駕駛汽車將會減少汽車事故的數量,因為大多數的汽車事故都是人為錯誤造成的。返回Reading 中譯 part-11Do self-driving cars have any drawbacks? Of course they do. First, the technology needed is still very expensive. There is also a possibility for technology to go wrong.自動駕駛汽車有沒有缺點?當然有

21、。第一,自動駕駛汽車所需要的技術仍然非常昂貴。而且科技也可能出錯。返回Reading 中譯 part-12For example, the programming that runs the car could be attacked by a computer virus or be hacked. Among the drawbacks, however, perhaps the most serious is that tens of millions of people could lose their jobs as drivers.例如,控制汽車的電腦程式可能被電腦病毒攻擊,或被駭

22、客入侵。然而,在眾多缺點中,或許最嚴重的是數以千萬計的司機將會失業。返回Reading 中譯 part-13Many carmakers believe that the advantages are greater than the disadvantages. Before long, self-driving cars will very probably be a part of our daily lives.by Sarah Brooks & Maosung Lin許多汽車製造商相信,自動汽車的優點大於缺點。不久以後,自動駕駛汽車將很可能成為我們日常生活的一部分。返回句型-1Can

23、 you imagine a car that can drive itself?that can drive itself為關係子句,關係代名詞that代替先行詞 a car為子句主詞。例:My father bought me a new watch that is waterproof.我爸爸買給我一支防水的手錶。回課文句型-2Instead of driving, you can do your work, read a book, watch a movie, text your friends, or even take a nap.(1) Instead of driving,

24、you can do your work . = You dont have to drive; instead, you can do your work .回課文句型一點通文法/句型句型-2(2) text your friends 傳簡訊給你的朋友text v. 傳簡訊text message v./n. (傳)文字簡訊例:Its dangerous to text message your friend when youre walking.邊走路邊傳文字簡訊給你的朋友是很危險的。My phone beeps whenever I get a text message.我的手機一收到簡

25、訊就會響。回課文句型-3Does this sound too good to be true?sound + adj. 聽起來sound 為連綴動詞,後接形容詞,做為主詞補語。例:The idea sounds great.這個主意聽起來很不錯。too good to be true 好到令人不敢相信是真的例:My boss granted my request for two-week vacation. It was too good to be true.我的老闆准我兩週的假期,這實在是好到令人不敢相信是真的。回課文句型-4With recent advances in modern

26、technology, self-driving cars are just around the corner.(1) with recent advances in modern technology 因為現代科技近來的發展with + 原因 (= because of .) 因為例:Emma was shivering with cold.艾瑪因冷而發抖。(2) around the corner 即將來到例:Christmas is just around the corner.聖誕節即將來到。回課文句型-5Ever since cars were invented, manufact

27、urers have tried to reduce the need for human labor and to improve driving safety.(1) ever since從那以後一直,用法跟since一樣,後面可接表過去某一點時間或動作的名詞或子句,常和現在完成式連用,不過ever since比since的語意更強。回課文句型一點通文法/句型句型-5例:Shes been too busy to come to KTV with us ever since her baby was born.打從她小孩生了下來,就忙到沒空跟我們去唱KTV。Ever since six y

28、ears ago, I have lived in Taipei.我打從六年前起就一直住在台北。(2) need for + NP 有的需求例:There is an urgent need for qualified nurses.這裡急需要合格的護士。回課文句型-6In recent years, many carmakers, including Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla, and Google, a technology company, have gone even further.(1) in recent years 最近幾年recent和recent

29、ly一樣,常和現在完成式連用。例:Peter has been dating a new girl in recent weeks.最近幾個星期彼得都在和一個新的女生交往。回課文句型-6(2) go further (程度上)進一步例:I dont think we should go further until there is enough money to fund the project.直到有足夠的資金可以資助這項計畫之前,我想我們不應該再更進一步。(3) even 甚至(更)even為副詞,修飾形容詞或副詞比較級。例:Brian is 185cm tall; his brother

30、 is even taller.布萊恩185公分高;他的哥哥甚至更高。回課文句型-7They have been developing ways to use modern technology to make cars drive themselves.have been developing 現在完成進行式例:I have been learning painting for six months.我學畫已經六個月。 有關現在完成進行式的文法,請詳參本課 Grammar Focus I。回課文句型-7(2) make + O + V例:I tried to make my daughter

31、 study harder, but in vain.我試圖讓女兒讀書更用功點,但沒用。回課文句型-8In May 2014, Google revealed a new driverless car that is 100% autonomous.that is 100% autonomous 為關係子句,關係代名詞 that 代替先行詞 a new driverless car,其為子句的主詞,故動詞用 is。100% (one hundred percent) 完全地 (= completely)例:My son wants to study abroad. I have 100% su

32、pport for his decision.我兒子想要出國念書,我完全支持他的決定。回課文句型-9As of June 2016, the company had test-driven their autonomous cars more than 1,700,000 miles.as of (= as from) 自起例:As of tomorrow, this new traffic regulation will take effect.從明天起,這項新交通規則將開始生效。test-drive v. 測試駕駛,試開例: Before I decide to buy the car,

33、I would like to test-drive it.在我決定買那輛車前,我會想要試開一下。回課文句型-10Google plans to make self-driving cars available to the public in 2020.(1) make + O + available to sb. 使(人)都可買得到或取得某物例:The Internet has made information available to everyone.網路讓每個人都能取得資訊。回課文句型-11What makes full automation of self-driving cars

34、 possible?make + O + possible 使變可能例:Your support has made this project possible.你的支持使得這項計畫變得可能。make it possible (for sb.) to V 做(對某人而言)是可能的例:The Internet makes it possible for more people to work at home.網際網路使得更多人可以在家工作。回課文句型-12Because of its built-in computer system and digital maps, the car can be

35、 programmed to follow a route set by the user.(1) because of NP (= because S + V) 因為本句可以改寫為because it has built-in computer system and digital maps。例:Because of the typhoon, all the flights were canceled.= Because the typhoon came, all the flights were canceled. 因為颱風的到來,所有的班機都被取消。回課文句型一點通句型-12 有關bec

36、ause of和because的文法,請詳參 本課Grammar Focus II。(2) set by the user 為表被動的分詞片語,修飾前面的route,此用法是由關係子句簡化而來,可以改寫成which is set by the user。例:My brother picked up the pieces of the window broken by his baseball.我弟弟撿起地上被他的棒球打破的窗戶玻璃碎片。回課文句型-13A scanner, along with a camera and GPS, can tell the car its location an

37、d precise distance from nearby objects.along with (= together with) 和;以及例:Mr. and Mrs. Wang went to the church, along with their daughter. 王先生和王太太,以及他們的女兒,都去上教堂了。回課文句型-14This control system can keep the car in its own lane, and direct it to avoid driving into other cars.(1) direct + O + to V 指導、引導O做

38、例:I directed the newcomer to operate themachine. 我指導新人如何操作機器。回課文句型一點通句型-14(2) avoid + N/V-ing 避免avoid 後面要加動名詞作為受詞,其他類似用法的動詞有finish(完成)、practice(練習)、mind(介意)、enjoy(喜歡)、imagine(想像)、suggest(建議)、quit(放棄)等。例:To avoid getting hurt in an accident, you should fasten your seatbelt. 為了避免意外時受傷,你應該要繫安全帶。Im worr

39、ied about your health. I think you should quit smoking.我擔心你的健康,我覺得你應該要戒菸。回課文句型-15People who are blind or too old to drive will be able to travel safely on their own.(1) who are blind or too old to drive為關係子句,關係代名詞who代替先行詞 people,為關係子句的主詞,故動詞用are。例:I had a conversation with the woman who was sitting

40、next to me.我跟那個坐在我旁邊的女子聊了一陣。回課文句型-15(2) too adj./adv. to V 太以致於不= so adj./adv. that S + cant/ couldnt + V例:The patient was too weak to get out of bed by himself.= The patient was so weak that he couldnt get out of bed by himself. 這個病人太虛弱以致於無法自己下床。 回課文句型-16There will also be less traffic congestion a

41、nd less air pollution because self-driving cars will make more efficient decisions.make decisions 做決定例:You should learn to make decisions foryourself. 你應該學習為自己做決定。回課文句型-17Among the potential advantages, however, safety is the most important.among/of . + 形容詞副詞最高級在之中among/of . 此介系詞片語通常與最高級連用,among和of

42、後面的名詞必須三者以上。例:Among my students, William is the most willing to help others.在我的學生之中,威廉最樂於助人。Jean is the tallest of my three daughters.我的三個女兒中,琴是個子最高的。回課文句型-18Self-driving cars would reduce the number of car accidents, most of which are caused by human error.most of which are caused by human error為關係

43、子句,most of which 為子句的主詞,關係代名詞which代替前面的先行詞 car accidents。most of which 可以改寫成and most of them。回課文文法/句型句型一點通句型-18例:There are many houses on the hill, most of which are painted white.= There are many houses on the hill, and most of them are painted white. 山坡上有許多房子,其中大部分被漆成白色。回課文句型-19For example, the pr

44、ogramming that runs the car could be attacked by a computer virus or be hacked.that runs the car 為關係子句,關係代名詞that代替先行詞 the programming,為關係子句的主詞,為第三人稱單數,故動詞用runs。run v. 使(汽車、火車)通行例:He ran the car onto the freeway.他把車開上高速公路。回課文句型-20Among the drawbacks, however, perhaps the most serious is that tens of

45、millions of people could lose their jobs as drivers.the most serious 後面省略了前面提過的名詞drawback。S + be + that S + Vthat 所引導的為名詞子句that tens of millions of people could lose their jobs as drivers,做為主要子句的主詞補語,此處that不能省略。回課文句型一點通句型-20例:The good news is that no one was badly hurt in the accident.好消息是沒有人在這場車禍中嚴

46、重受傷。(3) tens of millions of . 數以千萬計的tens of thousands of . 數以萬計的hundreds of thousands of . 好幾十萬的例:Tens of thousands of people gathered in the square to support the campaign.好幾萬人聚集在廣場來支持這項活動。回課文句型-21Many carmakers believe that the advantages are greater than the disadvantages.S + V + (that) S + Vthat

47、 所引導的為名詞子句that the advantages are greater than the disadvantages 做為動詞believe的受詞,此處that可以省略。例:Jerry believed (that) Amy would come back to him someday.傑瑞相信愛美總有一天會回到他身邊。回課文文法 / 句型-1. not . Instead, S + V .= Instead of + NP/V-ing ., S + V .(1) instead取而代之;反而是副詞,經常置於句首或句尾。 I didnt go shopping. Instead,

48、I stayed home reading a novel. = I didnt go shopping; instead, I stayed home reading a novel. = I didnt go shopping, but stayed home reading a novel instead. 我沒有去逛街,而是待在家裡看小說。回課文返回文法 / 句型-1(2) instead of取代;沒有是介系詞片語,後面接的是名詞或動名詞片語。 Instead of Josh, Tim was chosen to enter the speech contest on behalf

49、of the class. 被選代表全班參加演講比賽的是提姆而非 賈許。 Instead of living with her son, she moved into her daughters place. 她沒跟兒子住在一起,而是搬去跟女兒住。回課文返回文法 / 句型-1(3) 轉折副詞 instead 和介系詞片語 instead of 兩者之間可以互換。 He didnt tell the truth. Instead, he lied to all of us. = Instead of telling the truth, he lied to all of us. 他沒有說實話,

50、而是對我們全部的人說謊。回課文返回文法 / 句型-1(4) instead of 也有對等連接兩個介系詞片語的用法,這樣的用法類似rather than。 This morning John went to school on foot instead of by bus. = This morning John went to school on foot rather than by bus. 約翰今天早上走路上學而不是搭公車。回課文返回文法 / 句型-2常跟現在完成式連用的,除了since,還有for:since後面接過去的某一點時間,而for 後面接一段時間。例:We have liv

51、ed in Taipei since six years ago.= We have lived in Taipei for six years.我們已經在台北住了6年。回課文返回文法 / 句型-3many/both/most/some/none . + of which/whom .本句型中因關係代名詞前有介系詞of ,故先行詞須為受格,先行詞為事物用which,先行詞為人則用whom。 There are a large number of foreign tourists in Taipei 101, many of whom are from other Asian countries

52、.台北101大樓有很外國觀光客,當中很多來自其他亞洲國家。回課文返回文法 / 句型-3 Along the sides of the path are cherry trees, some of which are in full bloom.這條小徑兩側都是種櫻花,當中有一些已經盛開。 I was glad to see my parents, both of whom came to my baseball game.我很高興看到我的父母,他們倆都來看我的棒球賽。 There are many umbrellas at lost and found, none of which is mi

53、ne.失物招領處有很多雨傘,但沒有一支是我的。回課文返回句型一點通1. instead/instead of 不是而是2. have + p.p. 現在完成式have + been + V-ing 現在完成進行式have + been + p.p. 現在完成被動式3. because + S + V vs. because of + N因為4. avoid + V-ing 避免做5. 數量詞 + of which/whom6. that + S + V that 引導名詞子句句型一點通1instead/instead of 不是而是舉例來說1. Instead of driving, you

54、can do your work, read a book, watch a movie, text your friends, or even take a nap.【課第 4 行】你不用開車,而可以做自己的事情、讀書、看電影、傳訊息給朋友、或者甚至打個盹。2. He never tries to take advantage of his colleagues; instead, he is very generous. 【統 105年】他從不會去佔同事的便宜,反而非常慷慨。句型一點通2練習回句型回課文原來如此instead of 是介系詞片語,後面接名詞或動名詞,instead 是副詞,

55、後面接子句,兩者常可代換。例:Owen didnt study for the test. Instead, he played video games all night long. = Owen played video games all night long instead of studying for the test. 歐文沒有讀書準備考試,反而整晚打電玩。練習回句型回課文句型一點通2牛刀小試( ) 1. We didnt go to Hawaii for our honeymoon. _ we went to Italy.(A) So that, (B) If so, (C)

56、Instead, (D) Instead of2. 克萊拉決定要自己創業,而不要為別人做事。Clara decided to start a business of her own_ _ _ for others.Cinsteadofworking返回回句型回課文句型一點通23.如果是數學問題,我想你應該要問古柏(Cooper),而不是布萊德(Brad)。If it is a math question, _.I think you should ask Cooper instead of Brad返回回句型回課文句型一點通2句型一點通2have + p.p. 現在完成式have + been

57、 + V-ing 現在完成進行式have + been + p.p. 現在完成被動式句型一點通3練習回句型回課文句型一點通1舉例來說1. Ever since cars were invented, manufacturers have tried to reduce the need for human labor and to improve driving safety.【課第 9 行】自從汽車發明以來,製造商就一直嘗試要降低人力的需求,並改善行車安全。2. Mr. Lee has been working in the company for more than ten years.李

58、先生在公司工作已經十幾年了。3. Of about 55 species of fireflies known in Taiwan, nine species have been found here.【統 105 年】在臺灣已知約五十五種的螢火蟲當中,這裡就已經找到了九種。句型一點通3練習回句型回課文句型一點通1上一頁下一頁句型一點通目錄原來如此1.現在完成式:(1) 從過去某個時間點開始,到現在已經完成的動作例:I have eaten only a sandwich all day long. 我整天只吃一個三明治而已。(2) 描述一種經驗。例:Keiko is from Tokyo,

59、but she has never gone up to the top of the Skytree. 惠子是東京人,但她從沒上去過晴空塔 頂。句型一點通3練習回句型回課文句型一點通12. 現在完成進行式:從過去某個時間點到現在一直持續進行的動作。例:We have been rehearsing for hours. Lets take a break. 我們已經排練了好幾個鐘頭了。休息一下 吧。3. 如果動作者不明顯或者很清楚,現在完成式可用被動語態來表示,即是現在完成被動式。例:The book has been translated into more than ten langua

60、ges. 這本書已經有十多種語言的譯本了。句型一點通3練習回句型回課文句型一點通1牛刀小試( ) 1. According to the news, those missing hikers _ .(A) are to being found(B) have found(C) have been finding(D) have been foundD返回句型一點通3回句型回課文句型一點通12. 歌手一直在尋找一個拍攝他新音樂帶的理想地點。The singer _ _ _ for the perfect place to shoot his new video.3. 即使我已經試著道歉,但愛瑪還


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