1、Vocabulary Describing and analyzing tablesWords of trend 趋势类词 上升类下降类持平类上升/增加 vs. 下降/减少rise/climb/increase/ascend /mount adv. slightly-dramatically-sharply-significantly fall/drop/decrease/descend/declineadv. slightly-dramatically-sharply-significantly Eg: The number of under-18s rises dramatically b
2、etween 1998-2000. Replacement: increases sharply/goes up significantly Eg: The number of under-18s falls dramatically between 1998-2000.Replacement: decreases sharply/drops significantly/reduces sharply/declines sharply 名词型句式There was a slight increase/dramatic rise in the number of married people b
3、etween 1998 and 2000. There was a slight decline/sharp drop/slight reduction/significant decrease in the number of married people between 1998 and 2000. 2000至2014年失业人口的数量急速上升。The number of unemployed people increased/rose dramatically between 2000 and 2014. Translation There was a sharp/dramatic ris
4、e/increase in the number of unemployed people between 2000 and 2014. 2011至2014年结婚人口的数量缓慢下滑/降低。 Eg: There was a slightdecline/decrease/reduction in the number of married people between 2011 and 2014. The number of married people reduced/fell/dropped slightly between 2011 and 2014. REASON & RESULT Bra
5、instorming of Words词汇联想Due to /Thanks to/Owing toSo as to/In order to/With the aim ofAs a result/as a consequenceOn account of ensue 引发 vi. Affect/influenceContribute to促成,有助于Attribute to -sth. is attributed toHas/have/exert施加 an impact/influence/effect on In order that为了On the grounds that基于,由于Sent
6、ence Construction造句Eg: Due to his laziness, he failed the exam. His failure in the exam was due to his laziness. Thanks to his cleverness, we finally achieved our dream. Owing to my family, I succeed. Eg: If the European did not reduce subsidies, a trade war would ensue. 如果欧洲部减少补贴,贸易战争随即爆发。The bad w
7、eather greatly affected the farmers harvest. .had a great effect/influence on the farmers harvest. Eg: In order to/So as to/To win the game, we practiced all day. The boss refused to lend me money on account of my bad behavior in the company. + Eg: Our partnership will contribute to global efforts t
8、o combat climate change and achieve energy security. The drivers carelessness led to/resulted in the traffic accident. The traffic accident resulted from his carelessness. They attributed the budget shortfalls to the scheme. 归因于The budget shortfalls were attributed to the scheme. Give rise to导致,引起惹起
9、Eg: Less rules and obligations in the company may give rise to laziness in the staff. Education1. What are the benefits of education/learning?2. Do you think it is true that you are never too old to learn? Why? Advantages学习技能获得知识丰富大脑开阔视野激发兴趣培养兴趣发挥潜力Learn skillsAcquire knowledgeEnrich mindWiden horiz
10、on Inspire/stimulate interestCultivate interestDevelop potentialAdvantages 培养道德和美德 培养守法公民 培养沟通技能 激发学习兴趣和动力 找到得体和高薪的工作 树立积极的世界观 cultivate morality and virtue nurture law-abiding citizens develop communicative skills stimulate learning interests and motivation obtain decent and well-paid jobs shape a
11、positive world view 分辨是非黑白 培养学生全面发展为将来打下坚实的基础tell/distinguish right from wrong cultivate the overall development of ss.Lay a solid foundation for the future Disadvantages of education 打击批判性思维学生们不去质问他们学习的东西有助学习表现负面的影响对产生负面影响以牺牲创造力为代价降低了的水平Discourage critical thinkingSs stop questioning what they are
12、being taughtConduce to academic performanceAdversely influence Exert adverse/unfavorable influence onCome at the expense/cost of creativityLower the standard of .Problems in education/learning缺乏约束力缺乏毅力应试型教育素质教育突击考试死记硬背背应试技巧Lack discipline/persistenceTest-oriented educationQuality education Cram for
13、examinationRote learningmemorizeTest-taking techniques背景词curriculum /coursesubject discipline -school discipline/rulesNurserykindergardenattend primary/elementary schoolattend secondary schoolsenior middle school/high school 高等教育进修学位本科 研究生 招收录取higher education degree/ Bachelors Degree/ Masters Degre
14、e/Doctors Degree/ PhDgraduate studypostgraduate studyFurther education enroll school enrollmentbe admitted into admission 家长给孩子的教育 parenting n. Positive/bilingual 学校对学生的教育 schooling n. length of schooling 培养 cultivate/bring up/nurture n. cultivation /upbringing 激发 inspire/stimulate/motivate n. inspi
15、ration/stimulation/motivation意识 awareness=sense=recognition n. Sense of humor/responsibility 6.有创造力的 creative/original adj. Creativity/creation7. 身体的 physical adj. Mental8. 心理的 psychological adj. Psychologist9. 同龄人 peer n. 10. 动力 motivation n. (形容词 motivated 有动力的) 11.适应 adapt to12. 纪律 discipline n.1
16、3. 记忆 memorize vt. Memory14.获得 acquire vt. +knowledge/skills15. 有趣的 stimulating/interesting 16. 使具有资格 qualify be qualified to do17. 天赋 talent n./ adj. be talented 18. 团队精神 team spirit19. 合作 cooperation-cooperative collaboration teamwork 20. 竞争 competition compete with sb. Competitive21. 榜样 role mode
17、ls22. 全面的 overall/ all-round/ universal 基本词汇搭配Collocation1.促进学生身心发展 promote the students physical and mental development2.心理健康 psychological wellbeing/ a healthy mind3.学习能力 learning ability4.给学生动力 give the students motivation to do sth. 5.传授知识 instruct/ impart knowledge to / equip ss. with knowledge
18、6.获取知识 acquire/gain/attain/obtain/get access to knowledge -knowledge acquisition7.掌握知识技能 grasp/master skills-masteryShape ones life 8.就业技能 employment skills9.死记硬背 learn sth. by rote10.传输高尚道德观 instill high moral values11. 限制创造力发展 extinguish/restrict ones creativity Media大众传媒 mass media 新闻业 journalism
19、 新闻审查 news censorship/scrutiny新闻报道 news coverage社交媒体 social network websites记者 news reporter/journalist 娱乐 entertainment 时事新闻 current affairs公共事件 public affairs丑闻 scandal 绯闻 affair曝光 exposure 收视率 viewing rate 小报 tabloids大报 broadsheets商业广告 commercial 公益广告 public service advertising 登广告者 advertiser 市场
20、营销手段 marketing tool促销 promotion目标受众 target audience购买决定 purchase decision建立品牌形象 shape/build brand image 发行量 circulation number揭露 reveal, disclose, expose掩盖 cover, disguise无处不在的 prevalent客观的 objective 主观的 subjective 名人 celebrity新闻界 the press有误导性的 misleading Work 工作保障 job security-a secure/steady job
21、稳定的工作晋升 promotion加薪 increment工作环境 working conditions工资 wage , salary incentives激励 额外津贴 perks养老金,退休金 pension-after you retire退休/retirement 佣金 commission 疾病补贴 sickness benefit Welfare 福利 蓝领 blue-collar白领 white-collar制造工业 manufacturing industry服务业 service industry全职工作 full-time job兼职工作 part-time job 员工
22、 employee雇主 employer工作狂 workaholic 简历 resume Money and Finance Extravagant adj.奢侈的, 浪费的, 挥霍无度的 Dont be so extravagant; spend your money more carefully. Frugal/economical adj. 节俭的 经济实惠的 be frugal of with money 节省金钱 eg: The coat is a real bargain. It is very economical. exorbitant adj. 过度的, 过分的, 过高的 o
23、verpriced adj. 定价过高的 The fur coat is overpriced. Economize v. 经济 节俭 节省 我们必须节约一点了,最近生活开支(expense/expenditure)太高了。 Expense/expenditure n.开支, 消费额, 费用 Deposit n. 存款, 堆积物, 定金v. 存放; 堆积; 沉淀 To deposit money - to withdraw 撤回 收回 money a deposit account debit n. 借方; 借v. 记入借方 eg: Debit his account with $700. =
24、 Debit $700 against him.将七百美元记入他的借方帐中。 credit n. 赊帐, 赊欠; 银行存款; 信誉; 信用, 信赖v. 归功于, 信任, 赞颂 discount n. 折扣, 贴现率v. 打折扣; 打折扣出售商品; 贴现 I bought the bag by discount. refund n. 退还; 退款; 偿还; 偿还金额v. 退还, 归还; 偿还 Can you refund the cost of postage in a case like this? inherit -get money/property from the former gen
25、eration v. 继承; 经遗传而获得; 接受遗产他从祖父那里继承了一大笔财产。 rebate n. 折扣; 贴现v. 退还; 对.贴现; 对.给回扣 eg: You are allowed a rebate of $ 10.你可以获得十元的退款。 Food and DietTask1 食物中的重要成分营养素包括:水、蛋白质、碳水化合物、矿物质、维生素、脂肪,纤维等。 nutritionnjutrn 营养malnutrition 营养不良 nutritionist :营养学家 1.water :水 2.protein:蛋白质 such as: egg, meat, legumelegju:
26、m(豆科植物), Poultrypltri家禽, Aquatickwtk水生动植物, internal organs. eg: Eggs are a rich source of protein. 3.carbohydratek:bhadret 碳水化合物(化学物质a chemical substance) hydratehadret水合物 Bread and rice are good sources of carbohydrate. Carbohydrate contains carbon(碳), hydrogen(氢) and oxgen(氧). such as:watermelon,
27、banana, grape, nut, wheat,ipomoea ,ipmi:番薯, oat燕麦,rice 4.mineral mnrl 矿物质 it can be found in food and can be dug out of the earth. such as : spinachspnt菠菜, lean瘦肉 5.vitamin vtmn 维生素 substance which is not synthesized by the body but is found in food. Synthesize :v. 综合;合成 The two elements are synthes
28、ized by a chemical process. 这两种元素已经化学合成。 Vitamin deficiency:维生素缺乏病 deficient: adj.不足的,缺乏的 Because of the deficient regulations, we lose the chance. 6.fat 脂肪 A white substance from plants or animals. It can be used for cooking. We can fry the meat and drain off (排干)the fat. such as :nut, sesamesesmi芝
29、麻 7. fibre 纤维 can not be digested and passed out of the body(物理排出), if a diet does not contain it,it can cause intestinal problem. Digest:v.消化(食物) digestion Babies are too small to digest meat. 领悟,融会贯通 I have digested most of the important points in the book. Intestinal intestainl :肠的膳食纤维食物: legumel
30、egju:m豆科, carrot, celery芹菜, oat, barley大麦 wheat Have TOO much food1.calorie: units of measurement of energy in Food. 卡路里Measurement: n.测量,测定Measure: v.测量;计量We measured the distance. eg:A glass of wine does have quite a lot of calories.You should count calories if you want to lose weight. 高卡路里食物摄入过多:
31、overweight, (must go on a diet). obese低卡路里食物: apple, tomato, banana, egg, oats, fish. 2.Cholesterol:klestrla fatty substance found in fats and oils. if you eat too much, it can be deposited on the walls of arteries ,causing them become blocked.胆固醇 Deposit:使沉淀;使沉积The river deposited silt at its mouth
32、. N.保证金;押金;定金 artery:动脉:tri vein 静脉 Block: v.阻塞,堵住,封锁A piece of rock had fallen and blocked up the path. 高量胆固醇的食物: lard猪油, internal organs ,egg-yolk ejuk. 3.overweight: adj 超重的 A majority of high school students in America are obese or overweight. If you are overweight, it means that you must go on
33、a diet.节食 overweigh: 使.负担过重 Dont overweigh yourself! To my mind, the advantages far overweigh the drawbacks. weigh: v 有.重量The elephant weighs 5 tons. Have less food malnutrition: mlnrt the result of not having enough food to eat or having too much wrong food. Malnourished: adj.营养不良的 mal:-不良 不当 坏 Nou
34、rish:v.养育;滋养We need good food to nourish the starving infants. 怀抱(希望,仇恨等)She had nourished the dream of becoming a movie star. Task 2 no serious natural disaster,such as drought,flood -a good annual harvest/yield 产量 if not: -a bad harvest -a terrible scacityof food n.缺乏,不足;匮乏-death from starvation n
35、 饥饿 st:ven Over three hundred people have died of starvation since the beginning of the year.Food 多少 ? 1. fast food: hamburgers , pizzas, fried chicken. unhealthy lack essential minerals and vitamins. contain large amounts of fat and carbohydrates-can result in obesity. 2.battery chicken: life is co
36、nfined in the cage. Confine: v.限制;使局限 Well confine our discussion to the main issue. V.禁闭;幽禁;使卧床He was confined to/inbed by illness. battery farm 养鸡场 battery (层架式的)farming 层架式鸡笼饲养 3.genetically modified food: alter the composition of the cells. (safe or not? we dont know) Alter: v.改变Has she altered
37、her mind? V. 修改The tailor altered the jacket to fit me. Composition: n. 组成,构成 a chemical composition n. 成分, 作品 ,作文 We examined the rock to find out its composition. 4.organic food: they are cultivated naturally, without using any fertilizers and pesticides. Organic: adj.有机的 organic chemistry 有机化学 Cu
38、ltivate: 耕种,耕作Only one third of the land can be cultivated. 培养;陶冶 She cultivated her mind by reading. 5.free -range meat: animals are given enough space to express their natural behavior. Free- range:自由放养的 Range: n. 放牧地, 牧场 ,范围 a range of colours. V.排列, 将.排成行The cards were ranged in order. range fro
39、mto.从.变化到. No matter what kind of food we have, we should eat a balanced diet. consume sufficient quantities of the different food. Balance: v.使平衡;保持.的平衡In order to balance their trade, they would have to buy lessgoods in the United States. n.平衡,均衡I lost my balance and fell. Consume: v.吃完,喝光,消耗,花费;耗
40、尽The kids soon consumed all the food on the table. She consumed most of her time in reading. Consumption n 花费,消费 or we will be malnourished .or more serious/make matters worse 1. food poisoning:食物中毒-hospital Poison: n.毒;毒药;毒物Gas is a poison. 有害之物;(对社会的)毒害;弊害Some people say that selfishness is a pois
41、on in our society. V. 毒害;败坏;玷污;破坏Jealousy poisoned their friendship. Salmonella ,slmnel沙门氏菌 listeria: listri李氏杆菌 2.allergic : physically reactably. Allergic: adj.过敏的 be allergic to sth. allergy n.过敏症 physically adv. 身体地After his vacation, he was in fine condition both physically and mentally. Physic
42、al adj. 身体的Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise. HealthcareProblems: 1.sedentary life:they do no get enough exercise. Sedentary: sedntriadj.坐着的,需要(或惯于)久坐的Im bored with sedentary work. 2.stress-related illness:the pressures of job can cause strain. stress-related:劳累过度 stress : n.压力;紧张;
43、压迫Susan was completely weighed down by the stress of examinations . Pressure:n.压力;压迫;紧迫;催促He works well under pressure. V.对.施加压力;迫使(+into) Some young people are pressured into staying on at school. Strain:失常;扭伤The athlete is suffering from muscular strain. 3.infections: they can be spread from one m
44、an to another. Infections:感染 infect:v.传染;侵染;感染/使受影响; The captains courage infected his men. The flu virus infected almost the entire class. Spread:撒;散布,传播;普及She was told not to spread this secret around . 2.使伸展,使延伸 I spread my arms as far apart as I could. 3.摆好(桌);上(菜) The table was spread. 4.virus
45、is incurable(AIDS): drugs can slow down its cell-destroying properties. Virus:病毒 Incurable:无法治愈的;不可救药的;无法矫正的Some diseases are still incurable curable:可医治的 this disease is curable Cure:治愈(+of)Penicillin cured him of pneumonia. Slow down: 减速同义词: decelerate, slow, slow down Cell: 细胞 properties. n.特性,性能
46、,属性CHe is studying the medicinal propertiesof wild plants. 财产,资产;所有物U 5.cancer:cells start growing abnormally. Cancer:癌症 Abnormal:bn:ml不正常的,反常的;不规则的It is abnormal for a man to walk in his sleep. 变态的;畸形的It is important to make a study of abnormalpsychology. 6.premature babies are vulnerable to illnes
47、s : immune system is not properly developed. Premature:比预期早的,过早的/;早产儿的This disease produces premature aging of the brain. Vulnerable:易受伤的 Be vulnerable to The potato is vulnerable to several pests. immune system: (身体内的)免疫系统 7. rheumatism: pains or stiffness in the joints or muscles.rheumatism:风湿病rum
48、tz()m Joints:关节 muscle:肌;肌肉He developed the muscles in the legs by running. stiffness: n.僵硬;生硬,不自然;顽固UThe stiffness and self-consciousness soon disappeared. Stiff: adj.僵直的,僵硬的(+with)I felt stiff after a long walk. Stiffen.V.使顽强,使坚定;使强硬 You will only stiffen his resolve. 8.arthritis: inflammation of
49、a joint may require surgery.rats Inflammation:炎症;发炎Many babies develop a mild inflammation in the eyes a few days after birth. Require: v.需要The roof requires repairing. 要求,命令 He required that we should work all night. surgery: 外科手术surgeon:外科医生 9.cardiovascular disease: affect the circulation of bloo
50、d. Cardiovascular:心血管疾病,kdvskjl affect:影响;对.发生作用The amount of rain affects the growth of crops. (病)感染,侵袭Her kidneys had become affected. Affection: n.影响,感染 n.爱,情爱,钟爱(+for/towards)She has a great affection for her hometown. circulation : n. 循环,环流;运行 We observed the circulation of blood in frogs. Circ
51、ulate v.:流通;发行In times of prosperity money circulates quickly传播,流传;传阅Rumor circulates rapidly. 循环,环行Blood circulates in the body. 10.eat food with cholesterol content: this isdeposited on the walls of arteries and block them. Cholesterol:胆固醇 Deposit: v.使沉淀;使沉积The river deposited silt at its mouth. v
52、.把(钱)储存,存放(银行等)(+in)He deposited5,000 dollars in the bank. n.保证金;押金;定金 You must pay a deposit if you want to reserve the room .沉淀物;矿床 The country is short of known depositsof coal. Artery:1.动脉vein:静脉 2.干线The Yangtse River is one of the main arteries of traffic in China. block v.:阻塞,堵住,封锁A piece of r
53、ock had fallen and blocked up the path. 阻挡,妨碍,阻止They were blocked from joining the club. n.积木. n.阻塞(物),障碍(物) There is a block in the pipe and the water cant flow away. n.一组,一批(+of) I hold a blockof shares. 11. suffer from cutbacks and underfunding: The government reduced its expenditure. Suffer from
54、:而痛或不舒服; 受.之苦She often suffers from headaches. Cutback: n. 减少, 削减 Many factories have made cutbacks. Cut back v. 减少 They are cutting back further on public spending. V.急忙返回He cut back into the wood. Underfund v.对.提供的资金不足 Both factors would underfund a pension . Underfunding n. 资金不足 Reduce: v.减少;缩小;降
55、低He is trying to reduce expenses. Expenditure:支出额;经费 My expenditures this week amount to $100. Cures: 1.therapeutic: if you suffer from a bad back, a Massage may be able to cure or relieve the Disorder .,erpjutk Therapeutic:治疗的,疗法的 Massage:按摩(术);推拿 Relieve: v. 缓和,减轻;解除The fund is for relieving distr
56、ess among the flood victims. Disorder:n.紊乱,失调;不适,小病CUShe suffered from a mild stomach disorder.混乱,无秩序U His room was in disorder. V.使紊乱,使失调;使不适Too rich a diet will disorderyour digestive system. 使混乱;扰乱His face flushed, and his hair was disordered. 2.diet: choose food to eat that is high in fiber and
57、low in fat. Diet:n.饮食,食物 Their diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables . V.进规定的饮食;忌食;节食She is dieting to lose weight. standard diet 标准饮食 diet therapy 饮食疗法 full diet 普通饮食 mixed diet 混合膳食 Fiber:纤维C 3.protein : pruti:n a compound which keep the human body working properly. Protein:蛋白质 protein mil
58、k 高蛋白乳 Compound:n.混合物;化合物;复合物 Proper:适合的,恰当的+to-v+thatHe wondered whether it would be proper to knock at her door. 4.vitamins:substances which are not synthesized by the body but in food. Vitamin:维生素,维他命 Substance:n.物质 Ice and snow are different forms of the same substance, water. N. 本旨,主旨;要义;真义UThe
59、 substance of his speech was that he was better than the other candidates. Synthesize:v.综合;合成 The two elements are synthesized . 5. minerals: calcium and zincare the most important substances in food. Mineral:n.矿物(Mineral water) adj.矿物的,矿质的 Those countries are rich inmineralresources. Calcium:钙U kls
60、mYou need calcium in your food to grow strong, healthy bones Zinc:锌UZinc can be used to cover other metals to stop them rusting . 6.consultant: refer the patients to a medical specialist attached to a hospital. Refer: v.指点,使求助于(+to)I knew the lady was referring toBill .论及,谈到,提及(+to)In his speech, he
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