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1、河川生態工程 (3)國際案例探討德國尼塔河整治美國佛羅里達州埃佛格雷生態系統復育日本富良野市近自然河川排水路日本土生川整治工程韓國首爾市清溪川的經驗德國尼塔河整治尼塔河整治背景法蘭克福市位於尼塔(Nidda)河下游,記憶中尼塔河是法蘭克福人喜愛的野外休閒空間,而尼塔河污染相當的嚴重,尤其在六個堤壩的水質特別糟糕。隨著環保意識的提昇,法蘭克福境內尼塔河段的污染狀況成為法蘭克福地方行政80年代後期的重要課題,改善的呼聲也愈來愈強。記憶中美好的尼塔河尼塔河環境政策親水空間自然生態工法廊道自然生態環境保育尼塔河整治目標 改善水質保育及規劃現存的河川窪地恢復河川自然環境保留水中沙洲舊有河道預留為洪氾區尼

2、塔河民眾參與、經費籌措公開籌措經費城鎮財政命令籌措財源(義務性)自然保護 補償稅捐推動民眾參與參與河川整治計畫整治後維護管理工作健全民眾參與機制持續性教育宣導整合管理集水區周邊計畫長期生態、環境調查追蹤後續管理工作與展望美國佛羅里達州埃佛格雷生態系統復育佛羅里達州埃佛格雷生態系統(Florida Everglades Ecosystem) 美國最大的淡水沼澤地:北起奇色米湖(Lake Kissimmee),南至佛羅里達海灣,西起墨西哥灣,東臨大西洋。總面積達四萬餘平方公里:區內有邁亞密、羅德島堡、奧蘭多及西棕櫚灘等大城、俄奇卻比湖(Lake Okeechobce)以及二個國家公園。人口密集,農

3、產豐富,也是世界級的觀光勝地。 人口增加,沼澤地遭填平以供他用主要河流截彎取直以滿足防洪與供水需求大量的污染,棲息地遭破壞埃佛格雷的哀愁From 1962 to 1970 the United States Army Corps of Engineers dredged the C-38 Canal down the Kissimmee valley for flood control, shortening the 166 km distance from Lake Kissimmee to Lake Okeechobee to just 90 km. The Kissimmee River

4、 was cut and dredged into a 9.1-meter-deep straightaway: the C-38 canal. It has since been realized that this project damaged the river, with the faster water flow leading to major environmental problems in the Kissimmee Valley and Lake Okeechobee. Kissimmee River 截彎取直 After the river channel was st

5、raightened, 160km of floodplain dried out, reducing the quality of waterfowl habitat by 90 percent.Waterfowl numbers fell more than 90 percent.Catches of largemouth bass in the river were consistently worse after the channelization. Deteriorate water quality of Lake Okeechobee contributing about 25%

6、 of the nitrogen and 20% of the phosphorus flowing into the Lake.渠道化之衝擊 Effects of Channelization 回復洪水又能控制洪水Restoring Flooding while Controlling FloodsAfter dramatic floods on the Kissimmee River in 1940s hurricanes, the river was given a deep-water flood control channel in the 1960s. But to answer

7、environmental concerns, the old river are being restored. But is flood control is being eliminated?The restoration project itself has one major constraint, and that is a constraint to maintain existing levels of flood protection.We cannot restore the entire length of the channelized Kissimmee River.

8、 In fact were only restoring about half of the historic rivers length.Backfilling(回填) 18.5km of the C-38 canal. Reestablishing 64m of the meandering(蜿蜒) Kissimmee River. Seasonal rains and flows now inundate(淹沒) the floodplain in the restored area. Acquisition of 400km2 lands needed to complete Kiss

9、immee River Restoration. Kissimmee River Restoration Kissimmee River before 1960The river and its floodplain have improved in remarkable ways, surpassing at times the anticipated environmental response. The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP)The Comprehensive Plan is a framework and gui

10、de to restore, protect, and preserve the water resources of central and southern Florida. The Plan has been described as the worlds largest ecosystem restoration effort and includes more than 60 major components. Because the regions environment and economy are integrally linked, the Plan provides im

11、portant economic benefits. Thus, the Plan will result in a sustainable south Florida by restoring the ecosystem, ensuring clean and reliable water supplies, and providing flood protection. The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP)The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, or CERP, was

12、 submitted to Congress in April 1999 and was approved with overwhelming bipartisan support in December 2000. Implementation of the Plan began immediately. The Plan will take more than 30 years to construct, and will cost an estimated $7.8 billion (now $10.9billion), $3.9billion for land acquisition.

13、 日本富良野市近自然河川排水路富良野市近自然河川排水路基本考量確保排水路之機能自然環境之考量 工法配置 規劃構想圖自然環境之考量多樣化的河川型態:強調讓水的路線成蛇形,讓水的表面積或水流域或範圍有變化。魚類生息的考量:以土水路為基本,不使用水泥。水邊植物的多樣化:利用複斷面,強調作出濕地帶。河畔林的重要性:為減輕對環境、景觀的傷害,將樹木的採伐縮到最小限制。表現出地域的個性:利用鄰近農地便於大量取得石礫。依照計算出來的洪水量來決定斷面。改良鄰接農地之排水:考量暗渠排水之高程。工法配置護岸工:在高水斷面內可能會被沖刷面要用自然石保護。水際工:考慮魚類的生息環境,即使平時水深應確保30cm的低水路

14、設計。用自然石保護沖刷面。這是為了確保水生昆蟲的生息場所。水制工:就算經過洪水,也要確保蛇行的低水路,形成淺灘和深淵。根據這個創造出魚類,水生昆蟲所須的多樣化之底質和流況。函渠工:無法抑止或使用水泥設計暗渠時,在函內做自然河床以保持上下流的連續性。落差工:利用石組所做的落差工,保持魚道的機能之落差設為30cm。民眾參與與構想民眾參與舉辦製作地域研究會,使施行區內之居民能夠瞭解生態工法之重要性激發民眾重新省思之動機透過自由討論的方式,用所看到的景觀意象做為規劃和整備的藍圖 構想以前的規劃重點在於確保排水機能、整修水泥道路、河道取直等新的規劃方向修改成確保排水機能、修改近自然河川的工法,以及確保生

15、態、景觀、親水等柔性機能 工程施工盡可能保護工程區內的魚類將皮珍珠貝遷移至施工區間外的砂地濕性植物也會因為工程而受到傷害,有必要時得移植到他處,並注意移植的時機盡量保留河畔林盡量使用該地區內可以再利用的自然石利用現有河道增加分水線條的變化,其中還可於溪流中做出島嶼以作為濕性植物的保護區建造低水路,考慮上下游的連續性。並在可見處利用鋪石頭調和周邊景緻富良野市近自然河川排水路施工整合性思維規劃河段主要功能:結合社區型態及生活機能,並提供供水、排水等功能生態考量:提升動植物族群健全性、歧異度,以及良好生態環境關係居民意識:建立環境保護與義工服務機制,並確保更寬廣的活動空間日本土生川整治工程整治前景緻單調,舊有之構造物嚴重裸露,影響視覺及生態 施工後富有瀨與淵等多元流況,植生豐富且生氣盎然 3個月1年5個月2年3個月2年9個月 自施工前的不自然而單調的河川景觀,直至竣工初期的生澀,以及其後2年餘的發展,現今繁茂的植生幾乎已經看不到原先植入之石頭。原先規劃之瀨與淵,也如預期地逐一呈現,創造更多樣之


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