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1、辅音破擦音复习:读一读,比一比leave leaf save safe ferry very fan van few view fail veilbath bathe worth worthy breath breathe thing singthin sin faith facepass path mouse mouth seem theme lose looserice rise race raiseshow sew shame same she see led redliver river rate lateread lead rice lice right light破擦音 破擦音也叫

2、塞擦音,发音时,发音部位先形成闭塞,然后气流把阻塞部位冲开一条窄缝,从窄缝中挤出,摩擦成声。英语中共有6个破擦音:t、d、tr、dr、ts、dz。t的发音 发音方法:舌前端抬起贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,同时双唇突出成喇叭状,气流冲出阻碍,通过舌和齿龈间的缝隙摩擦成音。t音为清辅音,发音时声带不振动。发t音的字母和字母组合:ch: child chicken lunch teach churchtch: catch watch match butcher ditch看音标读单词:tit kt tuz mt tan frent rt tend tif tldrn朗读句子:1. The teache

3、r tried to catch the rich child. 这个老师试图抓住那个有钱的孩子。2. A French man is watching the match at the church. 一个法国男人正在教堂看比赛。3. The man from China chose to have French chicken for lunch.来自中国的这个男人选择午餐吃法国鸡肉。d的发音发音方法:发音位置与t相同,舌前端抬起贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,同时双唇突出成喇叭状,气流冲出阻碍,通过舌和齿龈间的缝隙摩擦成音。d音为浊辅音,发音时声带振动。发d音的字母和字母组合:j: joke

4、join Japan joy jeepg: orange age gender gentle pagedge: judge fridge bridge grudge edge看音标读单词:dest derd ped dst dentl dip rnd dinz dmp mesd朗读句子:1. Jim in his jeans is in his jeep near the bridge. 穿着牛仔服的吉姆正在桥边的吉普车上。2. Jack from Japan got a good job in Germany. 从日本来的杰克在德国找到了一个很好的工作。3. John is playing

5、a joke on his major. 约翰正在拿他的专业开玩笑。tr的发音发音方法:发音时舌身与r相同,舌尖抵上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,气流冲出阻碍,发出短促的t音后立即发r音。tr音为清辅音,发音时声带不振动。发tr音的字母和字母组合:tr: trade try tree travel trick看音标读单词:trp trk tru trdk tren tri trfk tre dstrkt strend朗读句子:1. The stranger is treating me to some strange drinks. 这个陌生人正在请我喝一些奇怪的酒。2. Can I try to dr

6、ive the truck near the tree? 我能试着开一下树边的卡车吗?3. She is trying to play Trick or Treat with me. 她试图和我玩“不给糖就捣乱”的游戏。dr的发音发音方法:发音时舌身与r相同,舌尖抵上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,气流冲出阻碍,发出短促的d音后立即发r音。dr音为浊辅音,发音时声带振动。发dr音的字母和字母组合:dr: dress drink drop dry drive看音标读单词:hndrd drav dres dr drl drzl drim dr dres drm朗读句子:1. We shouldnt drive

7、 after a drink. 我们不应该酒后驾驶。2. The child has many strange dreams. 这个孩子有许多奇怪的梦想。3. Please put on the dry dress. 请穿上这条干的裙子。ts的发音发音方法:发音时舌端先贴住齿龈,堵住气流,然后下降,气流从口腔泄出;该音为清辅音,发音时声带不振动。发ts音的字母和字母组合:ts: cats scientists shorts seats gets看音标读单词:its dentsts kts stjudnts ets bts hts dlts bts mits朗读句子:1. He has lots

8、 of shirts and shorts. 他有很多衬衫和短裤。2. She hates pets and friends. 她讨厌宠物和朋友。3. He meets Kates cats and bats at the gate of the shop of shirts. 他在一家衬衫店门口见到了凯特的猫和蝙蝠。dz的发音发音方法:发音方法和ts相似,发音时舌端先贴住齿龈,堵住气流,然后下降,气流从口腔泄出;该音是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。发dz音的字母和字母组合:ds: birds leads words heads kinds看音标读单词:bedz stnddz frendz dz e

9、ndz sdz fndz kandz lidz rekdz朗读句子:1. Birds and dogs are our friends. 鸟和狗都是我们的好朋友。2. He finds there are lots of odds and ends in the fields. 他发现田野里有不少的琐事。3. She always holds lots of books in her hands. 她经常手上拿着很多书。读一读,比一比cheap jeep church judge choke joke train chaintrip chip treat cheattrees cheese truth choose trunk chunk trip driptree d


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