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1、retrieval mechanism characteristic classification manner document Interpret automate assortment principle arrangement access browser catalog index materialUnit 1【Ex1.】根据课文内容,回答以下问题。In human terms and in the broadest sense, information is anything that you are capable of perceiving.It includes writte

2、n communications, spoken communications, photographs, art, music, and nearly anything that is perceptible.If we consider information in the sense of all stimuli as information, then we cant really find organization in all cases.No.Traditionally, in libraries, information was contained in books, peri

3、odicals, newspapers, and other types of recorded media. People access it through a library s catalog and with the assistance of indexes, in the case of periodical and newspaper articles.Computerized a information systems .The problem for most researchers is that they have yet to discover the organiz

4、ing principles that are designed to help them find the information they need.For library materials, the organizing principle is a detailed subject classification system available for searching in an online catalog.The one thing common to all of these access systems is organization.No, it isnt.【Ex2.】

5、根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词类写出相应的英语单词。每词的首字母已给出n.取回,恢复,修补;检索n.机械装置,机构,机制adj .特有的,表示特性的,典型的n.分类,分级n.风格,方式,样式,习惯n.文件,公文vt.解释,说明vt.使自动化,自动操作n.分类n.法则,原则,原理n .排歹U,安排n. &vt .访问,存取n.浏览器;浏览书本的人n.目录n.索引n.材料,原料,物资,素材n.媒体;介质median.安排,配置,计划scheme【Ex3.】把下列句子翻译为中文。.有人认为领导只出现在组织的顶层,而管理在组织的下层。.项目经理负责开发某一项目。.职责经理负责一个主要的职责。.同样地,产

6、品线经理负责相关的一组产品。.词语“主管”通常指一个人工作时的顶头上司,即在组织中你直接向其汇报工作的人。.达到计划过程中设定目标的关键是建立组织的结构。.组织的目的就在于充分使用组织的资源来实现组织的目标。.正式组织可以用图的形式表示。.非正式的组织是一个雇员之间互相社交的网络,它与该公司的正式职权结构无关。.主管必须意识到非正式组织影响正式组织。【Ex4.】从下列词中选择适当的词填空。lossless 2. compression 3. crossroads4. statistics 5. engineering6. crucial 7. mobile 8. Internet9. theo

7、ry 10. measures【Ex5.】根据文章所提供的信息回答问题。Information design has only gathered recognition within the last 25 years.It means “The field of information design applies traditional and evolving design principles to the process of translating complex, unorganized, or unstructured data into valuable, meaningfu

8、l information.The practice of information design requires an interdisciplinary approach which combines skills in graphic design, writing and editing, instructional design, human performance technology, and human factors.”With the electronic delivery of information and the Internet, information is be

9、coming more complex.In the past, information was designed for a single output. Today, through the use of these technologies, information is being designed for display in multiple outputs.Today, the practice of information design requires multiple skills such as graphic design, human factors design,

10、writing and programming.The next generation of information designers will learn, practice and perfect several of the skills currently performed by multiple people.Information designers will become a workplace chameleons “ switching from one skill to another depending upon the project requirements an

11、d timings.If you re an existing information designer, you should be thinking about this evolution from both a financial and job security perspective. If you re an employer, you should be looking at it from a productivity and financial perspective.We believe that adding new skills to your inventory w

12、ill enable you to command a higher salary.They are traditional print medias and new electronic medias.For those individuals who are flexible and savvy enough to add multiple skills to their inventory, the next decade promises to be at least as rewarding as the last.Unit 2【Ex1.】根据课文内容,回答以下问题。An infor

13、mation economy is where the productivity and competitiveness of units or agents in the economy (be they firms, regions or nations) depend mainly on their capacity to generate, process, and apply efficiently knowledge-based information.It is also described as an economy where information is both the

14、currency and the product.We have always relied on information exchange to do our jobs and run our lives.It is the pervasive use of information and communications technology.First, the information economy is global. Second, the information economy is highly productive. The third characteristic of the

15、 information economy is the change in the manner of obtaining profits.Stephen Cohen observes that the mobility of labor is undermined by peoples xenophobia and stricterimmigration laws. Multinational corporations still maintain their assets and strategic command centers in their home nations, and ca

16、pital is still limited by banking and finance laws.Castells concludes that economic statistics do not adequately capture the movements of the new information economy, precisely because of the broad scope of transformation under the impact of information technology and related organizational change.R

17、obert Reich observes that profits in the old economy came from economies of scale long runs of more or less identical products.Those in the lead cannot stop innovating lest they fall behind the competition.To maintain leadership in the new economy, the social position of knowledge professionals and

18、the social acceptance of their values should be guaranteed.【Ex2.】根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词类写出相应的英语单词。每词的首字母已给出vt.强调,着重emphasizen. 全球化,全球性,(合伙)商号firmadj.灵活的,柔软的,能变形的,可通融的flexibleadj .固有的,内在的,与生俱来的inherentn.投资,可获利的东西investmentn. 限制,局限性limitationn.装配,集结,汇编,牌子brandn.扩散,传播diffusionn.资产a

19、ssetn . 流通;货币currencycompetitormultinationalreorganizeproductivityutilizeprofitinterchangeablyprofitabilityn.竞争者adj .多国的,跨国的,多民族的vt.改组,重新组织n.生产力vt.利用n.利润,益处,得益adv.可交替地,可互换地n.收益性,利益率【Ex3.】把下列句子翻译为中文。.扁平组织强调分散管理,鼓励员工积极参与决策。.管理人员和员工在一个互有信心、互相信任的友好环境中互动。.机械组织最适合重复的运行和稳定的环境。.商业计划有多种形式。.计划过程本身远比计划文档更重要。.每

20、一个任务都应该包括一个执行方案。. 一个执行方案可以帮助主管组织、协调他的团队行动,并使项目按计划进行。.执行方案详细阐述完成该任务所需要的步骤和工作。.项目管理软件程序可以帮助主管制定执行方案。.最基本的项目管理软件程序帮助用户把自己的想法整理成一个简单的进度表。【Ex4.】从下列词中选择适当的词填空。1. term 2. informational 3. sources 4. regarding 5. when6. fact7. focused 8. economy 9. indicators 10. agreement【Ex5.】根据文章所提供的信息填空。Software; geogra

21、phic data; geographically referenced informationa serious discipline; businesses and governmentsa geographic information system (GIS)a mapthe database View; the map View; the model viewfind places that have the features you re looking for; see where to take actionsimply mapping the locations of feat

22、uresmeasure the number of features using a uniform areal unit, the distributiona Vulnerability-Exposure-Sensitivity-Resilience model, exposed to flood riskmapping changeUnit 3【Ex1.】根据课文内容,回答以下问题。Information technology is the use of technology to enhance the speed and the efficiency of the transfer o

23、f information.At first, computers were big, costly, and available only to universities and big corporations.Before the 1990s, full time researchers having access to the high priced equipment drove most discoveries in information technology.A personal computer or PC is generally a microcomputer inten

24、ded to be used by one person at a time, and suitable for general purpose tasks such as word processing, programming, editing or playing a personal computer game, and is usually used to run purchased or other software not written by the user.International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) developed

25、 the first open standard personal computer.They are used to store both information and allow discussion with chat and messages.The Internet was originally conceived as a distributed, fail-proof network that could connect computers together and be unaffected by failure at any point. DARPA mainly crea

26、ted it; its initial software applications were e-mail and computer file transfer.World Wide Web was invented in 1989.In 1875, for example, the invention of the telephone breached distance through sound. Between 1910 and 1920, the first AM radio stations began to broadcast sound. By the 1940s televis

27、ion was broadcasting both sound and visuals to a vast public. In 1943, the worlds first electronic computer wascreated.The one characteristic of computer technology that sets it apart from earlier analogy technologies is that it is digital.【Ex2.】根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词类写出相应的英语单词。每词的首字母已给出。adj.二进制的binaryv.&n

28、.聊天chatn.&v .发展advancevt.转变,变换convertn.模拟analogyv.开发developadj . 数字的,数位的digitaln.应用,应用程序,应用软件applicationn.设备devicen.电子邮件e-mailn.文件filen.装备,设备,器材,装置equipmentvt. 提高,增强enhancen.消息,通信messagen.因特网Internetn. 运转,操作operationvt.记录recordn.信号signaln.任务,作业taskn.发射,传送,传输,转播transmission【Ex3.】把下列句子翻译为中文。.数据库是有机组织起

29、来的信息集合,以便容易存取、管理和更新。.在处理过程中,数据库可以根据其组织方式进行分类。.面向对象的编程数据库适合用对象类和子类数据来定义。.典型的计算机数据库包括数据记录和文件的集合。.关系数据库是由旧M公司的E. F. Codd于1970年发明的。. SQL语言是标准用户和应用程序与关系数据库的接口。.在处理过程中,数据被转换成更便于传输和处理的形式。. 一般来说,在科学领域中,数据是指一系列所收集的事实。.当信息被输入和存储到计算机中时,它常常被称为数据。.当信息被整理或用来理解或完成某事时,它就是知识。【Ex4.】从下列词中选择适当的词填空。1. measure 2. quantif

30、ies 3. length 4. absolute 5. representation6. symbols 7. entropy 8. lower 9. human 10. random【Ex5.】根据文章所提供的信息填空。a series of points or nodes; communication pathsthe bus; star; Token Ring; mesh topologiesshare a common communications line or wireless linkEthernet; Token Ring; FDDIit is cheaper to inst

31、all and maintaina network; larger; smallera geographically dispersed telecommunications network; a local area network (LAN); owned or rented; the inclusion of public (shared user) networks“ the Net”; a worldwide system of computer networks; get information from any other computer; talk directly to u

32、sers at other computersthe Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. government; 1969; the ARPANETthe World Wide Web; “WWW” ; “the Web ; hypertextUnit 4【Ex1.】根据课文内容,回答以下问题。Information, including access to the Internet, will be the basis for personal, economic, and political advancement.Th

33、e popular name for the Internet is the information superhighway.The Internet is a network of networks that spans the globe. We call it a metanetwork.In the 1980s, the National Science Foundation, whose NSFNet linked several high speed computers, took charge of the what had come to be known as the In

34、ternet.It stands for National Research & Education Network. NREN s goal was to develop and maintain high-speed networks for research and education, and to investigate commercial uses for the Internet.There is no clear answer to this question because the Internet involves many things. Basically, ever

35、yone who uses the Internet in some way pays for part of it.The unique thing about the Internet is that it allows many different computers to connect and talk to each other. This is possible because of a set of standards, known as protocols, that govern the transmission of data over the network: TCP/

36、IP .It is a piece of software that displays documents for you and carries out your requests.The Web server is a computer running another type of Web software which provides data, or “serves up an information resource to your Web client.The advantage of the client/server model lies in distributing th

37、e work so that each tool can focus or specialize on particular tasks .【Ex2.】根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词类写出相应的英语单词。每词的首字母已给出。n.资源resourcevt.检索,重新得到retrieven.协议protocoln. &v t. 分享sharevt.保护protectvt. &n .请求,要求requestn.对话期sessionvt.送,寄,发送sendn.过程,方法,程序,步骤process_n.客户clientvi.合作,协作cooperaten.代理处,行销处,代理,中介agencyn.档案,

38、公文archivesn.信道,频道,通道channeladj.商业的,贸易的vt.下载vt.显示adv.有效地,有力地【Ex3.】把下列句子翻译为中文commercialdownloaddisplayeffectively. 1992年美国总统大选中,副总统候选人戈尔许诺优先发展所谓的“信息高速公路”.要从数据库中读取信息,需要数据库管理系统( DBMS )。.不管选定了哪一种建店方法,都必须接受顾客使用常用信用卡支付。.什么样的产品和服务最适合因特网?.但是,这并不意味着因特网营销没有自己的特点。.好也罢坏也罢,计算机已经渗透到我们生活的每一方面。.消息通过信道从源传输到接收者。.最底层的处

39、理不可再分解。.就像系统必须要有输入和输出一样,处理也必须要有输入和输出。.传统的数据库是以域、记录和文件组织的。【Ex4.】从下列词中选择适当的词填空。1. method 2. another3. uniquely4. receive 5. into6. contains 7. destination 8. gatewayrecognizesspecified【Ex5.】根据文章所提供的信息判断正误。1 . T 2, F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. TUnit 5【Ex1.】根据课文内容,回答以下问题。Basically an IP addr

40、ess is a name for a computer. It is make up of four three-digit numbers divided by periods.No, they cant. Because an IP address acts as identification number, no two computers on the Internet can have the same IP address.Every IP address is divided into ports, so that multiple programs to send and r

41、eceive data at the same time can use one IP address.DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Control Protocol. It assigns an IP address, subnet, and gateway to each computer on your local area network.Domain Name Service (DNS) server basically translates a URL into the IP address of the server hosting the URL.N

42、o, it isnt.Usually this is your router s IP address.Network Address Translation.TCP/IP is the protocol your computer uses to communicate with other computers on the Internet, and within your network.When the router no longer sees data going out on the trigger ports, it turns off access to the incomi

43、ng ports.【Ex2.】根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词类写出相应的英语单词。每词的首字母已给出。vt.假定,设想;采取,呈现assumevt.重新启动rebootn. 域,领域,范围domain.避免,消除avoidn.端口portadj.保留的reservedn.行列,范围rangen.识别,鉴定;身份证明identificationadj .动态的,动力的dynamicvi.查验pingn.掩码maskvt.引发,引起,触发triggervt.划分,分开,隔开dividevt.代表representvt.阻塞,封锁blockn.子网络subnetn. 界面,接口interfacevt.

44、 提交,递交submitvt.引起,发明,发起originate【Ex3.】把下列句子翻译为中文。.网络由两个或多个连接在一起的计算机组成,以便共享资源(如打印机和光盘驱动器)、交换文件或进行电子通信。.网络上的计算机可以用电缆、电话线、无线电波、卫星或红外线光束连接。.局域网(LAN )是局限于一个较小范围的网络。.连接到服务器上的计算机被称为工作站。.在大部分的局域网中,人们用电缆来连接每个计算机的网卡。.网络提供了一个非常快的共享和传输文件的方法。.今天,它主要是通过网络或电子数据交换来完成。.企业能够通过因特网收集关于产品、购买者和竞争对手的信息,从而增强其竞争力。. OSI体系结构被

45、划分为七层。.网络一般是指一组计算机共同工作。【Ex4.】从下列词中选择适当的词填空。1. classified2. based3. Ring 4. signifies 5. use6. independent 7. placed 8. hub 9. operational 10. necessarily【Ex5.】根据文章所提供的信息判断正误。T 2, F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F 9. T 10. FUnit 6【Ex1.】根据课文内容,回答以下问题。The two core areas are operational technology and cry

46、ptography.The purpose of operational technology is to maintain and defend the availability of data resources in a secure manner. The purpose of cryptography is to secure the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data resources.System administrators face the dilemma of maximizing the availa

47、bility of system services to valid users while minimizing the susceptibility of complex network infrastructures to attacks.Because there are times when a password is required to initiate a connection before confidentiality can be protected.Its purpose is to eliminate from the stream those packets or

48、 requests that fail to meet the security criteria established by the organization.Because firewalls are typically the first line of defense against intruders.Because of the increasing sophistication of intruder methods and the vulnerabilities presented in commonly used applications.Critics argue tha

49、t such tools, especially those freely available to the Internet community, pose a threat if acquired and misused by intruders.One of the primary reasons that intruders can be successful is that most of the information they acquire from a system is in a form that they can read and comprehend.Encrypti

50、on is the process of translating information from its original form (called plaintext) into an encoded, incomprehensible form (called ciphertext). Decryption is the process of taking ciphertext and translating it back into plaintext.【Ex2.】根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词类写出相应的英语单词。每词的首字母已给出n.病毒virusn.威胁,恐吓thre威vt.检验,

51、校验,查证,核实verifyadj.合法的,有效的,正当的,正确的valdn. 签名,署名signaturevt. & vi .使同步;同时发生synchronizeadj.任意的,随机的randomn.密义ciphertextvi.转发,转播relayv.扫描,审视,浏览scanvt.捕获capturen.代理人proxyn.小包,信息包packetvt.监控monitorvi.伪装,冒充masqueraden.安全securityvt.识别,鉴别,确定identifyn.门,通路;网关gatewayvt.译成密码,编码encoden.防火墙firewallI Ex3.1 把列句丁翻评力中乂

52、。1 .链接是最简单但最有效的因特网营销方法。2.电子邮件签名文件可以有效地宣个网站。. EDI通常用于两个公司的两个终端设备的通信。.很快大部分企业都将成为某种程度上的电子商务企业。.安全电子交易(SET)是保证因特网财务往来安全的系统。.发证机构(CA)是网络中的一个机构,它负责发放和管理的安全信用证和用于信息加密的公 共钥匙。. CRM固然包含许多技术,但认为 CRM主要是技术则是错误的。.多用户操作系统允许不同的用户同时利用计算机资源。.操作系统(OS)是最先装入计算机的软件。.没有什么能比计算机更好地体现现代生活。【Ex4.】从下列词中选择适当的词填空。1.protecting2.

53、unauthorized3. modification4. share5. integrity6.differences7. approach8. methodologies9. concerned10. form【Ex5.】根据文章所提供的信息回答问题。A vulnerability is a weakness that a person can exploit to accomplish something that is not authorized or intended as legitimate use of a network or system.Engineering or d

54、esign errors, or faulty implementation may cause vulnerabilities.Because of the inherent openness of the Internet and the original design of the protocols.No, he doesn t have to.Because the technology is constantly changing and intruders are constantly developing new tools and techniques, solutions

55、do not remain effective indefinitely.Because much of the traffic on the Internet is not encrypted, confidentiality and integrity are difficult to achieve.If a protocol has a fundamental design flaw, it is vulnerable to exploitation no matter how well it is implemented.Software may be vulnerable beca

56、use of flaws that were not identified before the software was released.The way protocols or software programs are set up and used causes the vulnerabilities in the category of system and network configurations.When sites misconfigure their anonymous FTP archives, unauthorized users can get authentic

57、ation information and use it to compromise the system.Unit 7Ex.U 根据课文内容,回答下列问题。In computer science, data is anything in a form suitable for use with a computer.They are bibliographic, full-text, numeric, and images.What does DBMS stand for? What is it?It stands for database management system. It is

58、a computer software program that is designed as the means of managing all databases that are currently installed on a system hard drive or network.A relational databaseis a collection of data items organized as a set of formally-described tables from which data can be accessed or reassembled in many

59、 different ways without having to reorganize the database tables.The standard user and application program interface to a relational database is the structured query language (SQL).In object-oriented programming, field is also called date member, and it is the data encapsulated within a class or obj

60、ect.In database, index is a data structure, which orders data of one or more columns in database table.A unique index acts as a constraint on the table by preventing duplicate entries in the index.SQL stands for structured query language. It is a standardized query language for requesting informatio


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