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1、Unit FourMarketing Management1精选pptLearning ObjectivesDefine marketing List the marketing management philosophies.Learn marketing mixDescribe the product life cycle2精选pptPhilip Kotler The S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, North

2、western Univ. 3精选ppt the worlds foremost expert on the strategic practice of marketing. -Management Centre EuropeAuthoritative textbook12th edition 4精选pptFlop or not / Why? Motorola cellular phone world-wide capabilities couldnt be used inside buildings or cars5精选ppt What Is Marketing?Marketing is t

3、he business function that identifies customer needs and wants, determines which target markets the organization can serve best, and designs appropriate products, services and programs to serve these markets.6精选pptWhat Motivates a Consumerto Take Action?Needs - state of felt deprivation for basic ite

4、ms: food and clothing complex needs: for belonging. 7精选pptWants - form that a human need takes as shaped by culture and individual personality. 8精选pptDemands - human wants backed by buying power. 9精选ppt Todays smart marketers dont sell products; they sell benefit packages. They dont sell purchase va

5、lue only; they sell use value. - Philip Kotler in Kotler on Marketing10精选pptMarketingMarketMarketplace11精选pptMarketing Management Philosophies12精选pptproduction conceptproduct conceptselling conceptmarketing conceptsocietal marketing concept13精选pptProduction Concept favor productsavailable highly aff

6、ordablemanagementconsumersimproving production distribution efficiency.Demand supplyproducts cost is too highimproved productivity14精选pptmarketing myopia”. CustomersContinuousimprovementProduct Conceptmost quality performanceinnovative features.15精选pptSelling Conceptconsumers will not buy enough of

7、the organizations products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort. overcapacity:16精选pptCompanys profitsCustomersvalueMarketers17精选pptMarketing ConceptAchieving organizational GoalsDetermine needs wants, interests of target markets.Deliver the desired Satisfactions to custome

8、rs18精选pptdeliver superior value to customers in a way that maintains or improves the consumers and the societys well-being.The Societal Marketing Concept19精选pptMarketing ProcessAnalyzing marketing opportunities;Selecting target markets;Developing the marketing mix;Managing the marketing efforts.20精选

9、pptProduct (e.g., What features do customers care most about?, Should we sell the same product to women and men, or have two different designs?)Price (e.g., How much should we charge? Should we offer quantity discounts?)Promotion (e.g., How should we advertise our product?; Which features should we

10、emphasize? What is the best way to make customers aware of our product? What image do we want to project?)Place (e.g., Where should we sell this product - to wholesalers, to retailers, or directly to customers?Developing the Marketing Mixfour Ps21精选pptProduct planners need to think about the product

11、 on 3 levels. Core products Actual products Augmented products augmented: adj. 扩张的22精选pptCore ProductsThe core product addresses the question: What is the buyer really buying? It consists of the problem-solving services or core benefits that consumers seek when they buy a product. 23精选pptActual Prod

12、uctsActual products may have as many as five characteristics: quality level features design brand name packaging24精选pptAugmented ProductsFinally, the product planner must build an augmented product by offering additional consumer services and benefits. 25精选pptProduct Life Cycle Development stage. In

13、troduction stage. Growth stage. Maturity stage. Decline stage.26精选ppt27精选pptIntroduction Stage of the PLCSales: Low salesProfits: NegativeProduct: Offer a basic productPrice : Use cost-plus Distribution : Build selective distributionAdvertising: Build product awareness among early adopters and deale

14、rs28精选pptGrowth Stage of the PLCAdvertising: Build awareness and interest in the mass marketSales: Rapidly rising sales Profits : Rising profitsProduct: Offer product extensions, service, warrantyPrice: Price to penetrate marketDistribution: Build intensive distribution29精选pptMaturity Stage of the P

15、LCSales: Peak salesProfits: High profitsProduct : Diversify brand and modelsPrice : Price to match best competitorsDistribution: Build more intensive distributionAdvertising :Stress brand differences and benefits30精选pptDecline Stage of the PLCSales : Declining salesProfits : Declining profitsProduct

16、 : Phase out weak itemsPrice : Cut priceDistribution: Go selectivephase out unprofitable outletsAdvertising: Reduce to level needed to retain hard-core loyal customers 31精选pptII. PricePrice is all around us and goes by many names: rent for your apartment, tuition for your education, fee to your phys

17、ician or dentist.32精选pptThe airline, railway, taxi, and bus companies charge you a fare;the local utilities call their price a rate; the local bank charges you interest for the money you borrow. The price for driving your car on Floridas Sunshine Parkway is a toll. toll:n.通行税(费), 费33精选pptNew Product

18、 Pricing StrategiesPrice-Adjustment StrategiesSetting Price34精选pptNew Product Pricing StrategiesMarket Skimming: Setting a high price for a new product to maximize revenues from the target market. Results in fewer, more profitable sales.Market Penetration: Setting a low price for a new product in or

19、der to attract a large number of buyers. Results in a larger market share.35精选pptCertain conditions the market skimming makes senseThe products quality and image must support its higher price, and enough buyers must want the product at that price.The costs of producing a smaller volume cant be so hi

20、gh. Competitors shouldnt be able to enter the market easily and undercut the high price.36精选pptCertain conditions the market penetration favorsThe market must be highly price sensitive so that a low price produces more market growth.Production and distribution costs must fall as sales volume increas

21、es. The low price must help keep out the competition, otherwise the price advantage may be only temporary.37精选pptPromotional PricingSegmented PricingPrice-Adjustment Strategies38精选pptPromotional Pricing:Temporarily reducing prices to increase short-run sales.39精选pptSegmented Pricing:Adjusting prices

22、 to allow for differences in customers, products, or locations.CustomerProduct FormLocationTime40精选pptIII. PlaceConsumer Marketing ChannelsIndustrial Marketing ChannelsDirect marketing channel Indirect marketing channelsintermediary level.41精选pptConsumer Marketing Channels & LevelsDirectIndirectMWJR

23、CMWRCMRCMCChannel 1Channel 2Channel 3Channel 442精选ppt43精选pptDistribution channel decisions often involve long-term commitments to other firms Note:44精选pptIV. PromotionPromotion mix AdvertisingPersonal selling Sales promotion Public relations45精选pptAdvertising46精选pptAmazons commercial with a group of

24、 old people singing a boring song; this conveys the idea that the on-line buying experience is boring. 47精选pptIt can reach masses of geographically dispersed buyers at a low cost per exposure. It enables the seller to repeat a message many times, and it lets the buyer receive and compare the message

25、s of various competitors. dispersed: adj. 分散的Advantages48精选pptBecause of advertisings public nature, consumers tend to view advertised products as standard and legitimate. Large-scale advertising says something positive about the sellers size, popularity, and success.49精选pptAdvertising is also very

26、expressive- it allows the company to dramatize its products through the artful use of visuals, print, sound, and color. On the one hand, advertising can be used to build up a long-term image for a product. On the other hand, it can trigger quick sales.50精选pptdramatize:v.使戏剧化;夸张artful: adj. 巧妙的作出或设计b

27、uild sth up: 增强某事物eg. build up ones strength after an illnesstrigger: v. 发动,引发51精选pptAlthough it reaches many people quickly, advertising is impersonal and cannot be as persuasive as company sales people. Disadvantages52精选pptFor the most part, advertising can carry on only a one-way communication wi

28、th the audience, and the audience does not feel that it has to pay attention or respond. In addition, advertising can be very costly. for the most part: .在极大程度上53精选pptInformative AdvertisingPersuasive AdvertisingComparison AdvertisingReminder AdvertisingSetting Objectives54精选pptPersonal Selling55精选p

29、ptSales PromotionWhereas advertising says “buy our product”, sales promotion says “buy it now”.56精选pptSamplesCouponsPatronage rewardsContests/Sweepstakes/gamesAdvertising SpecialtiesdiscountConsumer-Promotion Tools57精选pptCash refund Offers Price packs/ cents-off dealsPremiumsPoint-of-purchase58精选ppt

30、They attract consumer attention and provide information that may lead to a purchase.They offer strong incentive to purchase by providing inducements or contributions that give additional value to consumers. Advantages 59精选pptSales promotions invite and reward quick response. Whereas advertising says “buy our product”, sales promotion says “buy it now”.Companies use sales-promotion tools to create a stronger and quicker response. 60精选pptSales promotion can be used to dramatize product offers and to boost sagging sales. incentive (to do s


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