



1、PAGE PAGE 4二中七年级英语科导学案主备人黄世兰复核人莫运娟 日期 班别 小组 姓名 学习流程:第一关:(10分钟)第二关:(20分钟)第三关:(8分钟)第四关:(5分钟)自我简评:(2分钟)课题U nit3 How do you get to school?课型New提示三:请各组同学参考以上对话并各组织一段对话,让我们来看看哪组最优秀。第三关(听力练习)提示四:请同学们根据听力完成课本内容。P13 1b Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture above.P14 2a List

2、en and repeat. Then write the correct number next to the word.P14 2b Listen and complete the chart.P14 2c Listen again. Check your answers in 2b.第四关(情景交际)提示五:请同学们根据2e部分的内容,完成下列对话。Lisa: Hey,Jane. Is this you new bike?Jane:Yes . I ride it to school .(每天) How do you get to school? Lisa:I usually take t

3、he bus.Jane:How far is it (从你家到学校)? Lisa:Im (不确定) about 10 kilometers? (坐公车)(花费)about 20 minutes. (多长时间)does it take you to get to school?Jane:About 15 minutes (骑单车). Its good exercise.Lisa: Yeah. Well,have a good day at school.Jane: You,too.反馈与诊断。How does Ben go to school? -He goes to school_ bike.

4、A. on B. in C. by D. take-How do they usually go to Beijing? -They_the train.A. take B. on C. ride D. byI live near school. So I usually _ to school.A. take the subway B. drive a car C. take a bus D. walk4. -_does it take you to go to school by bike? About twenty minutes. A. How often B. How long C.

5、 How many D. How much5. My mother _work at eight oclock every day. A. gets to B. goes C. reach to D. arrive知识目标:1.掌握本课单词和短语。2.How do you get to school? How does Mary get to school?3.交通方式的表达法。能力目标:学会询问并回答日常出行的各种交通方式。情感目标:培养绿色出行的环保意识。重难点:谈论自己及他人的出行方式。第一关 根据图片写出词组。第二关请翻译下列句子。我坐火车去上学。我坐公车去上学。我坐地铁去上学。我骑自

6、行车去上学。我走路去上学。第三关(你问我答)提示二:请同学们结合刚才所学过的词组运用以下的句子进行对话,并展示,看看哪一 同学表现最棒。A: How do you get to school? B: I(to school.)A: How does she / he get to school? B: She / He (to school.)此行请勿删除,并保持原位此行请勿删除,并保持原位正面版此行请勿删除,并保持原位此行请勿删除,并保持原位 U nit3 How do you get to school?【知识目标】 Mary wants to know how far he lives

7、from his grandparents home. Betweenand, come true For many students, it is easy to get to school. One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day【能力目标】通过听力和对话练习,学习如何从出行方式、学习如何从出行方式、距离远近和花费等角度描述去某地的情况。【情感目标】了解山村的学生上学的艰辛,珍惜自己的美好生活,好好学习。【重点、难点】学会谈论出行方式、距离及花费时间。【导学指导】1. P16 1a. Match

8、 the words with the pictures.2. Tell your partner how you get to school. Imagine you use two types of transportation.(交通方式)3. 听力练习 = 1 * GB2 1c Listen and check()the things that Mary wants to know. = 2 * GB2 1d Listen again. How does Bob get to his grandparentshome? Check() 4. 根据P172b的课文内容将下列内容补充完整。

9、Crossing the River to SchoolHow do you get to school? Do you walk or ride a bike? Do you go by bus or by train?(对于大多数学生来说), (做很容易)get to school.But for the students in ,(在中国的一个小村子里)it is difficult.(有) a (很大的河) their school (在和之间) the village. There is (没有桥)and the river (河水湍急) for boats.So these stu

10、dents go on a (索道) to (过河) to school. One 11-year-old boy, Liangliag ,crosses the river every school day.But he is .(不害怕) “I love to (与一起玩) my classmates. And I love my teacher.Hes (像个父亲) to me.”Many of the students and villegers never (离开村庄). (是他们的梦想)to have a bridge. Can their dream ?(实现)Read the

11、passage again. Complete the sentences with words from the passage. = 1 * GB2 For the students in the village, it is _ to get to school. = 2 * GB2 They have to cross a very _ river between their school and the village. = 3 * GB2 They cannot go by boat because the river runs too _. = 4 * GB2 It is not

12、 easy to cross the river on a ropeway, but the boy is not _. = 5 * GB2 The students and the villagers want to have a bridge. Can their dream come_?Read the e-mail from your pen pal Tom in the US. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. P18 3aWrite an E-mail to Tom and tell him how you get to s

13、chool.语法点:get to 意为“到达,”后接地点名词表示到达某地。拓展:get to = arrive in/ at = reach arrive in 后接大地点arrive at 后接小地点易错点:地点副词前面不需要介词to/in如get here arrive there reach home2. -How long does it take? 要花多长时间?Take 在此表示“花费(时间)”,它的常见句型是“It takees sb.+时间to do sth.” 意思是“做某事花费了某人多长时间”3How far is it from to? 从到有多远?这是一个询问距离多远的

14、句型。4Cross 动词,意为“横过,越过”go across表示动作是在物体(如河、马路和桥等)表面进行的,强调从一端到另一端。Cross the bridge.=Go across the bridge.横穿那座桥。注意:cross 是动词,across是介词。5Afraid 作形容词,意为“害怕的”。常用短语有be afraid of sth.(害怕某物),be afraid of doing sth (害怕做某事)和be afraid to do sth(不敢做某事)反馈与诊断。从太原到北京有多远?_ _ _ _ from Taiyuan to Beijing.2. 你认为乡村的交通怎么样?What do you _ _ the transportation in the countryside.3. 首先我步行到汽车站,然后坐86路车去上学 ._, I _ to the bus stop, _the No.86 bus takes me to school.4. 他通常骑自行车去学校。He usu


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