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1、小升初英语翻译(整句)真题训练100题(含解答)学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、汉译英:整句1.这个沙漠是如此的壮观!(汉译英)2 .汤姆在大学时唱歌很好听。(汉译英)当她听到这个好消息时高兴得跳了起来。(汉译英)王兵来看刘涛。Wang Bing comesLiu Tao.这位老爷爷艰难地爬上楼梯。(汉译英)她丢失了她的身份证。(汉译英)我恐怕要迟到。(汉译英)8 .打架是粗鲁的。(汉译英)9.我们稍后做什么?(汉译英)10 .她不开心是因为她错过了火车。(汉译英)我们必须快点!(汉译英)我也饿了。他不久就会回来。(汉译英)我将要去与一些朋友见面,然后一起吃顿午餐。(汉译英)昨天发生了什么?(汉译

2、英)迈克有时在早上感到困。略We must hurry up!【解析】略Im hungry, too. Hell come back soon.【解析】略13 Im going to meet some friends and have lunch.【解析】略14. What happened yesterday?【解析】略15 sometimes feels sleepy【解析】略brush our teeth【解析】略listens to at school【解析】略Who won the game?【解析】略Can you clean up the room?【解析】略I put awa

3、y the books for you!【解析】答案第2页,共11页略throwing into【解析】略shouldnt do【解析】略23 slips on skin falls【解析】略up makes messy【解析】略Smoke makes【解析】略Trees help【解析】略get up early【解析】略2 8.businessman writer【解析】略police officer【解析】略What does do【解析】答案第3页,共11页略factory worker【解析】略to be postman【解析】略I like squirrels.【解析】略How d

4、o animals spend winter safely?【解析】略Whafs your favourite animal?【解析】略They sleep for a long time in the winter.【解析】略They collect a lot of food in the autumn.【解析】略Have a guess.【解析】略You are right.【解析】略We ate sea food.【解析】答案第4页,共11页What did you do there?【解析】略Where did you go on your summer vacation?【解析】略

5、43 I went to Beijing on summer vacation.【解析】略Guangdong is in the south of China.【解析】略Shaolin Temple is in Henan province.【解析】略I went to Guilin Its in Guangxi.【解析】略Where did you go on your summer vacation?【解析】略What do you know about Canada?【解析】略This is Australia.【解析】略Toronto is a very big city.【解析】答案

6、第5页,共11页略What country is this?【解析】略Please look at this map.【解析】略53 You can also see the White House.【解析】略You can take photos of them.【解析】略Its in the east of the USA.【解析】略What do you want to do there?【解析】略I want to visit the museum.【解析】略Where do you want to go this winter vacation?【解析】略I want to see

7、the White House.【解析】略Many children like going to the Disneyland.【解析】答案第6页,共11页略The president lives there.【解析】略It has many beautiful beaches.【解析】略63 not much fridge【解析】略64. have to【解析】略65 more over there【解析】【详解】more表示“更多的”,在那边用over there”。isnt taller than【解析】【详解】比更高用be taller than,句型中用否定,应在be动词后加上not

8、。tall【解析】【详解】提问身高用“Howtall.?”。The book is a very good read.【解析】略The hero of the book is a boy.【解析】答案第7页,共11页略My favorite story is Spiderman.【解析】略a little at a time【解析】略like eating vegetables noodles【解析】略shouldnt too much【解析】略Are you going to bring some toys to the party?【解析】略What about The kings new

9、 clothes”?【解析】略What are you going to do at the party?【解析】略a lot of【解析】略need a lot of【解析】略I like butterflies.【解析】答案第8页,共11页What animals do you like?【解析】略They can climb trees.【解析】略They are insects.【解析】略They can fly.【解析】略What animals did you see at the zoo?【解析】略Very good.【解析】略I saw the monkeys.【解析】略Wha

10、t do monkeys like to eat?【解析】略Do you like monkeys?【解析】略They dont eat meat.【解析】答案第9页,共11页Elephants are mammals.【解析】略Elephants live in Africa and Asia.【解析】略What do elephants eat?【解析】略93 Elephants have two long, white teeth.【解析】略This is Li Bai.【解析】略What do you know about him?【解析】略He was Chinese.【解析】略Lo

11、ok at this picture.【解析】略He was a poet.【解析】略There was a new girl in our class.【解析】答案第10页,共11页略100. So I felt very proud.【解析】略答案第11页,共11页Mikein the morning.我们应该在早上和睡觉前都刷牙。We shouldin the morning and before bedtime.王兵在学校听他的老师的话。Wang Binghis teachers.这场比赛谁赢了?(汉译英)你能打扫一下房间吗?(汉译英)我帮你把书放好了!(汉译英)他们正在把垃圾扔到河里

12、。They arerubbishthe river.22 .你不应该那样做!Youthat!比利踩在香蕉皮上滑到了。Billythe bananaand.把它捡起来。它使街道变脏了。Pick it. Itthe street.汽车排放的烟雾使空气变脏。from carsthe air dirty.26 .树木有助于保持空气洁净。keep the air clean.我们应该早点起床。 TOC o 1-5 h z We should.一你的爸爸是一个商人吗?一不,他是一个作家。一Is your father a?一No, he is a.陈洁的妈妈是一个警察。Chen Jiefs mother

13、is a.他的妈妈是做什么的?试卷第2页,共7页his mother李明的姐姐是一个工厂工人。Li Ming*s sister is a32 .你想成为一个邮递员吗?Do you want我喜欢松鼠。(汉译英)动物们如何平安过冬?(汉译英)你最喜欢的动物是什么?(汉译英)它们冬天会冬眠。(汉译英)它们秋天收集很多食物。(汉译英)猜猜看。(汉译英)39 .你是对的。(汉译英)40.我们吃了海鲜。(汉译英)41 .你在那做什么了?(汉译英)你暑假去哪里了?(汉译英)我在暑假的时候去了北京。(汉译英)广东在中国的南部。(汉译英)少林寺在河南省。(汉译英)我去了桂林。它在广西。(汉译英)你在暑假的时候

14、去了哪里?(汉译英)关于加拿大,你知道些什么?(汉译英)这是澳大利亚。(汉译英)多伦多是个非常大的城市。(汉译英)这是什么国家?(汉译英)52 .请看这张地图。(汉译英)53.你也能看到白宫。(汉译英)54 .你能把它们照下来。(汉译英)它在美国东部。(汉译英)你想在那儿做什么?(汉译英)我想去参观博物馆。(汉译英)这个寒假你想去哪儿?(汉译英)我想去看白宫。(汉译英)许多孩子喜欢去迪士尼乐园。(汉译英)61 .总统住在那里。(汉译英)它有许多美丽的沙滩。(汉译英)试卷第4页,共7页冰箱里没有多少牛肉了。There isbeef in the.我不得不上学。Igo to school.那边有更

15、多恐龙。There aredinosaursLily 不比 Zhang Peng 高。LilyZhang Peng.Zhang Peng 有多高?Howis Zhang Peng?这本书是一本很好的读物。(汉译英)这本书的主人公是个男孩。(汉译英)我最喜欢的故事是蜘蛛侠。(汉译英)71 .他一次只吃一点甜食。He eatssweet food72.刘涛不喜欢吃蔬菜和面条。Liu Tao doesntor _73 .你不应该吃太多的肉。Youeatmeat.你打算带一些玩具参加聚会吗?(汉译英)皇帝的新装怎么样?(汉译英)在聚会上你打算做什么?(汉译英)我们吃许多面条。We eatnoodles

16、.我们需要很多大米。我喜欢蝴蝶。(汉译英)你喜欢什么动物?(汉译英)它们能爬树。(汉译英)它们是昆虫。(汉译英)它们能飞。(汉译英)你在动物园看到了什么动物?(汉译英)非常好!(汉译英)我看到了猴子。(汉译英)猴子喜欢吃什么?(汉译英)你喜欢猴子吗?(汉译英)它们不吃肉。(汉译英)大象是哺乳动物。(汉译英)大象生活在非洲和亚洲。(汉译英)大象吃什么?(汉译英)大象有两个长长的白牙。(汉译英)这是李白。(汉译英)试卷第6页,共7页关于他,你知道些什么?(汉译英)他(指李白)是中国人。(汉译英)看这张照片。(汉译英)他是一位诗人。(汉译英)在我们班有一个新来的女孩。(汉译英)所以我很自豪。(汉译英)参考答案:The desert is so great!【解析】 略Tom sang very well at college.【解析】略She jumped with joy whe


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