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1、The Dream TeamUnit 6Be a Champion!单词闯关1.defeat_(近义词)2.n.金;黄金制品;金色 adj.金色的_3.medal_4.影响;作用_gold战胜;打败 winLesson 35The Dream Team课前自主预习奖牌;勋章influence单词闯关5.Brazil_6.diving_7.badminton_8.教练;辅导教师_(复数)跳水巴西羽毛球coach coachesLesson 35The Dream Team短语互译1.give up _2.not onlybut also_3.梦之队 _4.对有影响 _5.多次;反复;不断地 _6

2、.尽某人最大努力 _放弃不但而且dream teamhave an influence ontime after timedo ones bestLesson 35The Dream Team句型在线1.梦之队被认为是在它的领域内最优秀的队伍。A dream team_ _ _ _ the greatest team in its field.2.梦之队不仅有最优秀的运动员和教练,而且有最好的团队精神。A dream team has _ _ the best players and the best coach, _ _ the best team spirit.is considered

3、to benot only but alsoLesson 35The Dream Team 词汇点睛 课堂互动探究 1defeat v. & n. 战胜;打败观察 At the 1992 Olympics, the US. basketball team defeated all the other teams and won the gold medal.在1992年的奥运会上,美国篮球队打败了其他所有队,赢得了金牌。Lesson 35The Dream Team 探究 defeat意为“_”,和beat同义,常可互换,只是 defeat 比 beat 更正式,其后的_通常是比赛或战斗的对手

4、。战胜;打败拓展 win意为“赢得”,其宾语通常是比赛、游戏或奖牌等,而不是对手。宾语Lesson 35The Dream Team活学活用 1The general has drawn up a plan to _ the enemy. AwinBlose Cget DdefeatDLesson 35The Dream Team 词汇点睛 2influence n. 影响;作用观察 They had a great influence on people everywhere他们对各地的人都有很大影响探究 influence作名词时,常与_ (定冠词/不定冠词)搭配使用。常见搭配:have

5、an influence on/upon,意为“对有影响”。例如:My father has a great influence on me.我的父亲对我有很大影响。不定冠词Lesson 35The Dream Team活学活用 22017陕西“一带一路”产生了巨大的社会影响。 The Belt & Road Initiative has had a great _influenceLesson 35The Dream Team1Time after time, these teams have won gold medals for China. 这些队已经多次为中国赢得了金牌。例如,奥运会

6、的标语由主办城市创造,它反映了奥运会的精神。句型透视探究 time after time意为“多次;反复;不断地”,其中time意为“_”,和again and again 为同义短语。次数Lesson 35The Dream Team 拓展Lesson 35The Dream Team活学活用 1I told you _ not to do that. Atime before time Btime after time Ctime on time Dtime in timeBLesson 35The Dream Team2A dream team has not only the best

7、 players and the best coach, but also the best team spirit. 梦之队不仅有最优秀的运动员和教练,而且有最好的团队精神。句型透视探究 not onlybut also意为“不但而且”,用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,其中also可以省略。例如:He can speak not only French but also English.他不仅会说法语,而且会说英语。Lesson 35The Dream Team 拓展 (1)not onlybut also连接两个并列成分作主语时,其谓语动词与邻近的主语保持一致,即遵循“就近原

8、则”。(2)not onlybut also与bothand意思接近,但后者连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。Lesson 35The Dream Team活学活用 22017咸宁What have you learnt after three years study in China, Maria? I was taught _ knowledge _ good manners. Aeither; or Bnot only; but also Cneither; nor Dnot; but BLesson 35The Dream Team 【解析】eitheror意为“或者或者”;not onl


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