1、Go for it七年级下学期1-12单元(期末复习)句子翻译专练及答案句子翻译 Keys:(答案):Unit11.你的笔友是哪里人? Where is your _ _ _? ( pen , pal , from ) 2.他是澳大利亚人. He is _ _. (is, from, Australian)3.他住在哪里? Where _ he_. (does , live)4.他住在悉尼. He _ _ _. ( lives, in, Sydney)5.她来自多伦多. She _from _. ( is , Toronto ) 6.我们能说一点英语. We can _ _ _ _. ( sp
2、eak , a , little, English )7.她讲什么语言? _ _ does she _. ( What , language , speak )8.你最喜爱的科目是什么? _ your _subject? ( Whats , favorite )9.他有一个法国的笔友.He _ _ pen pal _ _. ( has, a, in France )10.体育很有趣,我非常喜欢体育. P.E._ _,and I _ _very much. ( is, interesting, like , it )Unit2向右拐,沿着汤姆森街前行._ _ and go _ _ Thompso
3、n Street. ( Turn right, straight down) 2.你得走过三个街区.You will _ _ pass three blocks. ( have to)3.如果你想快些到医院,你最好乘出租车去. If you want to get to the hospital earlier, youd better _ _ _. (take, a , taxi)4.沿着中心街走,直到看见你的左边有一个大公园为止.Go along Cebter Street _you see a big park. ( until )5.邮局在超市与图书馆之间.The post offic
4、e_ _the suapermarket _the library. (is, between, and)Unit31.我想先完成作业. I wnat to finish my _ _. ( homework, first)2.你只考拉很伶俐.This koala _ _ _. (is, very smark)3.你还喜欢其他什么书吗?_ _ books do you _. (What other books like)4.他总是在白天睡觉,晚上起来工作. He usually sleeps _ the day,but he _ _ and works _ _. ( in, gets up ,
5、 at night)5.我觉得有点冷.I feel _ _ cold. ( kind of)6.George 喜欢玩雪.George likes_ _ _snow. (playing with the )7.Laura通常每天要睡12个小时.Laura _ sleeps twelve hours _ _.真的不掉线吗?、? (usually, every day)8.长颈鹿生活在非洲.Giraffes _ _ _. ( live in Africa)9.这头大象7岁了.This elephant _ _ _. ( is, seven years old)10.Jim为什么要先看考拉?因为它们可
6、爱. _ _Jim want to see koalas _._they are _. (Why, does, first, because smark)Unit41.他想成为译名电影员演. He _ _ _a film actor. ( wants to be)2.我害怕看牙医. I _ _ _seeing a dentist. ( am afraid of)3.Mary的妈妈是干什么工作的? _ _ Marys mother _? (What , is , doing)4.坐在这儿很无聊. Sitting here is rather_. ( boring)5.我的工作很有趣,但有些危险.
7、 My job _ _but _ _ _. (is, interesting, kind of dangerous)6.我妈正忙于做饭。My mother _ _cooking. (is, busy)7.你想当警官吗? _ you _ _be a police officer? (Do , want , to )8.Sam想干什么工作? _job _Sam _? (What , does , want)9.他为一家电脑公司工作. He _ _ a puter pany. ( wants to be )10.他在与Tom谈论那场足球比赛.He talks _Tom _the football g
8、ame. ( with, about)Unit51.他的确很友好._ _ _friendly ( He, is really)2.你叔叔是个什么样的人?他很能干._your uncle _?He _very smart. ( Whats , like, is)3.他喜欢在学生游览室看书. He likes reading _ _ _reading-room. ( in the students)4.那个长着一头棕色卷发又高又瘦的男人是谁? _the _,_man _brown curly hair? (Whos, tall,thin,with)5.我不在的时候有没有人打电话给我? _anyon
9、e call _me while I was _? ( Is , for, away)8.他们有些什么别的爱好呢? _other hobbies _they _? (What, do , have)9.Mark想成为一名中国的流行歌手. Mark _ _ _ _pop singer _China. (wants to be a ,in)10.我与我的同学关系都很友好.I _ _ _my schoolmates. ( am friendly with)Unit6 1.广东的天气怎么样? _the _in Guangdong? ( Hows , weather )2.到学校有多远?真的不掉线吗?、
10、? _ _ _it from the school. (How far is)3.Mary正在玩电脑游戏. Mary _ _puter_. (is , playing, game)4.喂!波伯,你好吗?还可以. Hi,Bob._ it _?Not_. (Hows, going, bad)7.天气晴朗而且干燥. The _ is _and _. (weather , sunny, dry)9.在晴天时,我能看见长城. I can _the Great Wall _ _ sunny. (see, when, its)10.我想他们戴头巾是因为天气太热了. I _they _a scarf_its_
11、hot. ( think, wear, because, too)Unit71.Paul,这里是Cathy的兄弟. paul,_ _ _ brother Jim. ( this, is, Cathys )2.那个人中等个子,短发. That person _ medium _ _short hair. (is, height, with )3.Peter看上去像他父亲. Peter _ _ his father. (looks, like)4.你的女朋友长得什么样子? _ _ your girlfriend_ _? (What ,does ,look, like)5.他是一个体格健壮的运动员.
12、 He is a player _ strong build. ( with )6.我想我认识他. I _I_him. (think, know)7.我父亲总是不停地工作. My father _ _working. (never stops)8.那个老师很受学生们的欢迎. The reacher _very _ _ the students. (is, popular, with)9.老师来了,我们别讲话了. Lets_ _.The teacher _ _in. ( stop talking, is ing)10.有些人不喜欢他的新形象. Some people _ _his new_. (
13、dont like , look)Unit81、你想要什么种类的面条? _ _ _ _ would you like? (What kind of noodles)2、你想要多大碗的稀饭? _ _ _ _ _ would he like? (What size bowl of noodles)3、你想要小碗面条吗? _ you _ a small _ of noodles? (Would , like , bowl )4、我想要一个中碗的羊肉马铃薯饺子。 I _ _ a _ bowl of _ and _dumplings. (would , like, medium, mutton and
14、potato )5、你的地址是什么? _ your _? (Whats , address)6.我想订一个大比萨. Id like _ _ a _pizza. (to, order, large)7.你想看什么样的电影?真的不掉线吗?、? _ _ _movies would you like? (What kind of )8.你想要多大码的鞋子? _ _shoes would you like? (What size)9.请告诉我你的地址和电话号码. Please _me your _number and your_. (tell, phone, address)10.Jack想要一杯加了牛
15、奶的咖啡. Jack would like _cup _coffee _milk. (a, of, with)11.我想于你一起共进晚餐. I _ _to have dinner _you. (would, like ,with)12. 在我们饺子店,我们有一些很好的特色饺子。 _, we _ some _ _. (In our dumpling house, have, special dumplings)13、特色饺子一是牛肉和洋葱馅,15个仅售10元。 Special 1 _ _ and _, and _ just _ 10 _15. (has, beef, onion, is ,RMB
16、, for)14、橙汁饮料仅售2元。 Orange juice _ are only RMB 2. (drinks)15、饺子配汤的特色午餐是10元。 The_ and _ lunch special is RMB 10. (dumpling , soup )16、今天就来吃饺子。 _ and _ your _ today. (e, take , dumplings)17、他喜欢橙汁和绿茶。 He _ orange _ _ green _. (likes, drinks , and , tea)18. 我不喜欢牛肉和西红柿。 I _ like _ _ _. ( dont , beef, and
17、, tomatoes)Unit91.我们星期一有两节英语课. We_two English_ _ _. (have, classes, on Monday)2.他们圣诞节期间留在了那儿.They _there _Christmas. (stay , on)3.我今天早上没吃早饭.I_ _ breakfast_ morning. ( didnt have, this)4.Ben,你周末过得怎么样?好极了!_ _your weekend, Ben?_ _ _! (How , was, It was great)5.他昨天夜里回到了家. _night, he _ back to his home.
18、(Last, came)6.你认为每个人的周末都会过得很好吗?_you _everyone_ _weekends? (Do, think, has, good)7.他站在树下,什么事也没做.She _under the tree_ _ _. ( stood, and, didnt do)8.他在10分钟之前给我打了电话.He _me _ten minutes_. ( rang, up, ago)9.她死于一次交通事故.She was killed_a traffic_. ( in, accident)Unit101.你在哪儿遇见她的? _ _you meet her? ( Where , di
19、d)2.Sally去哪儿度假的?真的不掉线吗?、?Where did Sally _ _ _? ( go, on vacation)3.你好,马克,周末过得如何?Hi,Mark._ _your weekend? (how, was)4.他们在暴风雪中迷了路.They _ _ _the snowstorm. ( lost, way, in)5.她要孩子们在吃东西前洗手.She made her children _their_ _eating. (wash, hands before)6.我从6点钟一直等到9点钟,但她没来.I waited _six _nine,_she _e. (from,
20、to, but, didnt)7.我们决定下午去打篮球.We _ _play basketball this_. (decided , to, afternoon)8.写出下列词组的英文:去年_;刚才_;上周五_;前三天_;前天_;昨天晚上_( last year, just now, last Friday, three days ago, the day before yesterday, last night) Unit111.我受不了这些噪音.I_ _these noises. (cant, stand)2.你觉得这场足球赛如何?_ _you_ _the football. (How
21、, do, think of)3.我来的早了点,希望你别介意.I _a little bit earlier. I hope you _ _. ( came, dont , mind)4.谢谢你参加我们的晚会.Thank you _ _us at our party. ( for joining)5.听点古典音乐如何?How _ _ _some classical music? ( about , listening , to)6.-今天下午我想去游泳.-我也想去.-I_ _swim this afternoon.-I_,_. (want , to , do, to )9.我才不在乎年轻人怎么
22、看我呢.I_ _ _young people _ _me. (dont, mind, what think, of)10.Ada着装亮丽因为她希望自己年轻漂亮. Ada wears_clothes_she wants_ _young _beautiful.(colorful, because, to , be, and )Unit121.我在上学时的晚上不能看电视. I_watch TV _ _ _. (cant , on ,school, nights)2.星期日我得到少年宫去练钢琴。I _ _go to the_palace _learn the piano ao Sunday. (hav
23、e , to, Childrens, to )3.赵培每天得整理床铺打扫房间。Zhao Pei _ _ _her bed and clean _room_ _.(has, to ,make, her, every, day)5.离开房间时关灯。_ _the lights_leaving the room. (Turn on , before)6.这件事我们不要对任何人说。Lets _tell anyone_it. ( not, about)7.决不许那样对你母亲讲话!_speak_ your mother _that! (Dont, to , like)8.我们可以在自助餐厅里吃饭,但不能在教
24、师里吃。We _ _in the cafetria,_we _ _in_ _. (can eat, but ,cant, eat, the, classroom)9.我得睡会儿,我太累了。真的不掉线吗?、?I_ _get some _.I_too_. (have , to, rest, am, tired)10.你不必要今晚写完作文。You _ _ _finish_position. ( dont , have, to , the)Unit7121.为什么不看中央电视台的新闻呢?_ _you watch CCTV news? (Why, dont )2.有三个孩子在湖边照相.There _th
25、ree_ _photos by the lake. (are, children, playing)3.你们必须照管好你们的东西.You must_ _your things well. (look, after)6.你们家乡春季的天气怎么样?_the weather like _spring_your hometown? (Whats, in, on)7.下课了,你们可以回家了。Class is _.You _ _home now. (over, can, go)8.他决定买一台电脑。He_ _buy a puter. (decided, to)9.我们发现一个男人躺在地下。We found
26、 a man _ _the ground. (lying , on)10.我不想你们任何人迷路。I dont want any of you to _ _. (lose way)真的不掉线吗?、?荷兰学校名单为帮助自费出国留学人员正确选择国外学校 教育部公布33个国家学校名单(新闻稿) 一、基本情况荷兰的高等教育机构包括研究型大学、应用科学大学、国际教育机构。研究型大学, 通常称为University, 以教学和科研为主。 目前,全荷兰共有13所公立研究型大学。应用科学大学, 通常称为Hogeschool或University of Applied Science, 以培养应用型人才为主,学生
27、经四年的专业学习,可取得学士学位。一些应用科学大学还设置硕士学位课程,一般使用英语授课,学制一年左右,国外申请者一般要求具有学士学位或相当水平的学位。国际教育机构,通常称为 International Education Institute,招生对象主要为外国学生,一般用英语授课,主要开设硕士研究生课程,学习期限为一至两年。要求申请者具有学士学位或同等学历。有些国际教育机构与荷兰的大学合作,为获得硕士学位后的学生提供继续攻读博士学位的机会。荷兰对外国学生入学通常都要求具备良好的英文基础。荷兰的英语语言中心很少,学费比较昂贵。外国学生也可以先攻读荷兰语,然后选择以荷兰语开设的课程。荷兰高等教育体
28、系中没有预科。所有预科班都不是进入大学的直接渠道。经批准,外国学生在荷兰学习期间可以有条件打工,在当年9月到次年6月上课期间,学生每周打工时间不得超过10小时。真的不掉线吗?、?二、名单研究型大学Erasmus University Rotterdam, EURRadboud University NijmegenRijksuniversiteit Groningen, RuGTechnische Universiteit Delft, TUDTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven, TU/eUniversiteit LeidenUniversiteit Maast
29、richt, UMUniversiteit Twente, UTUniversiteit Utrecht, UUUniversiteit van Amsterdam, UvAUniversiteit van Tilburg, UvTVrije Universiteit Amsterdam, VUWageningen Universiteit, WUR高等职业教育学院AKI, Academy for the Visual Arts Amsterdam School of Arts Christelijke Agrarische HogeschoolChristelijke Hogeschool
30、EdeChristelijke Hogeschool Noord-Nederland, CHNChristelijke Hogeschool WindesheimDesign Academy EindhovenFontys HogescholenGerrit Rietveld Academie Haagse HogeschoolHanzehogschool, Hogeschool van Groningen 真的不掉线吗?、?HAS den Bosch Hogeschool INHOLLAND AlkmaarHogeschool Avans Hogeschool INHOLLAND Delft
31、 Hogeschool Drenthe Saxion HogescholenHogeschool INHOLLAND HaarlemHogeschool INHOLLAND DiemenHogeschool Leiden. Hogeschool Zuyd Hogeschool Rotterdam, HRO Hogeschool van Amsterdam, HvA. Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, HAN. Hogeschool van Beeldende Kunsten, Muziek en Dans Hogeschool van Utrecht, HU
32、Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, HvK Hogeschool voor Economische Studies Amsterdam, HES AmsterdamHogeschool Zeeland Hogeschool INHOLLAND Rotterdam Hogeschool Muziek en Theater RotterdamVan Hall Larenstein NHTV Internationale Hogeschool Breda Noordelijke Hogeschool Leeuwarden, NHLRK Technische Hog
33、eschool RijswijkRotterdamse Mode Academie STOAS Internationale Academie Fysiotherapie国际教育研究机构IHE (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering)IHS (Institute for Housing and Urban development Studies)ILRI (International Institute for Land Reclamation and Impro
34、vement)Institute for Medical Technology AssessmentIPC Agro (Agricultural Innovation and Training Centre)ISS (Institute of Social Studies)ITC (International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Science)KIT (Royal Tropical Institute)真的不掉线吗?、?LIAC (Larenstein International Agricultural College)MEDI
35、A-GN (Centre For Emergent Media)MSM (Maastricht School of Management)RNTC (Radio herlands Training Centre)Van Hall Institute Hogeschool voor Voeding,Milieu en Landbouw真的不掉线吗?、?After Dubai迪拜过后A financial sandstorm金融沙尘暴Nov 30th 2009 | DELHIFrom Economist.The global consequences of Dubais debt problems
36、迪拜债务问题波及全球FOR years, Dubai strove to capture the imagination of the financial world, projecting its young financial centre as a “global gateway” for capital. Last week it succeeded in grabbing attention. Its announcement that it would delay repayment of the debts of Dubai World, a vast government-ow
37、ned conglomerate, swept through global markets like one of the blinding sandstorms that occasionally afflict the emirate, obscuring the gleam of its skyscrapers.多少年来,迪拜把年轻的金融中心打造成资本的“全球通道”,绞尽脑汁来激发金融界的想象。上周,它成功吸引了世界的眼球。宣布暂停偿还大型国有集团迪拜世界债务的消息,像沙尘暴一样横扫全球市场,迷人双眼。沙尘暴在这个迪拜时有发生,湮没摩天大厦的熠熠光彩。Like those storms
38、, Dubais announcement was so damaging because it reduced visibility. Investors had assumed that the Dubai government was willing to rescue the indebted conglomerates it sponsors, and that Abu Dhabi, its well-heeled neighbouring emirate, was willing, in turn, to rescue Dubai. In particular, they had
39、looked forward to the full and timely repayment of a $3.5 billion Islamic bond issued by Nakheel, a Dubai World subsidiary, on December 14th.迪拜此次宣告模糊了人们的视线,危害堪比沙尘暴。投资者本以为迪拜政府会愿意出手干预,拯救自己赞助的集团,而腰缠万贯的酋长邻国阿布扎比也愿意助一臂之力。他们已经打好了如意算盘,认为迪拜世界子公司棕榈岛集团35亿美元的伊斯兰债券定会赶在12月14日前到账,数量分毫不差。Dubais failure re-awakened
40、a number of dormant fears in investors. Some worried about banks that had lent heavily to the region. Others wondered if Dubai was carrying far more than the $80 billion or so in debt that it has owned up to. The announcement reminded investors 真的不掉线吗?、?that tacit sovereign guarantees may be worthle
41、ss. Earlier in November, for example, Ukraines state railway firm, Ukrzaliznytsya, failed to repay part of a syndicated loan, and its energy firm, Naftogaz, restructured its debt.迪拜跌倒,投资者心中诸多已经睡去的恐惧被重新唤醒。有人对向迪拜地区慷慨借贷的银行忧心忡忡,还有一些人怀疑,迪拜背负的债务可能远远高于800亿美元的上限。投资者如梦初醒,发现就算合法如主权债券,也可能是废纸一叠。就在不久前的11月,乌克兰铁路公
42、司无法偿还部分辛迪加贷款,而能源集团乌克兰国家石油天然气公司也进行了债务重组。More fundamentally, Dubais wobble raised the spectre of a sovereign default. Dubais government is not technically on the hook for Nakheels debts. But the governments hesitation in saving its national champions noheless demonstrates its fiscal limits.更重要的是,迪拜的动摇
43、燃起了人们对主权债券的恐惧。理论上迪拜政府同棕榈岛的债务并无致命干息。但既然政府拿不定主意是否要出手援助国家先锋,它的财政限度就展露无遗。Elsewhere, governments have emerged from the crisis burdened by debt. Both Greece and Ireland are carrying heavy public liabilities denominated in a currency (the euro) that they cannot print. Doomsayers worry that the world has es
44、caped from the financial frying pan into a fiscal fire.放眼其他地区,政府摆脱危机,却负债累累。希腊和爱尔兰都身背沉重的欧元公共债务,而本国却无法印刷这种货币。悲观人士担心,世界好容易脱离了金融煎锅,又跳入了财政大火。These wider fears are easy to exaggerate. Despite its self-aggrandisement, Dubai is not yet important enough to bring down the global financial system. Its troubles
45、 moved markets last week partly because so many traders were on holiday. Other investors were looking for cues to sell after the long rally in markets since the spring. By Monday November 30th, the principal stock indices were shaking off the dust and venturing upwards again.上述恐惧一经煽风,马上蔓延。迪拜政府虽自命不凡,
46、却还不至于重要到拉垮全球金融系统。上周,迪拜问题震动市场,也有许多贸易商度假的原因。还有一些投资商,春天股市回升过后,就一直在寻找售出迹象。截至11月30日(周五),主要股票指数都开始抖去沙尘暴的灰尘,再次窜上。But the damage Dubai has done to itself is no passing storm. An emirate that has spent so much money and hired so many flaks to cultivate its image and inspire confidence saw much of that work u
47、ndone in a single 200-word statement announcing the debt standstill.但迪拜对自己的伤害可不比沙尘暴,过后即结束。为了塑造形象催生信心,这个酋长国家投入了太多的金钱,打出了太多的广告;而一纸200字宣告自己债务陷入停顿的声明,却让多年的心血化作乌影。Had it announced the restructuring a few months earlier, with the ground properly laid, investors might have taken it in their stride. 真的不掉线吗?
48、、?Those who lent to Dubai World at a premium can have no plaints if the risks for which they were pensated turn out to be real. And a standstill may buy time for the deeper restructuring that Dubai World undoubtedly needs. It is better to weed out the bad businesses within the group rather than cros
49、s-subsidise them to save face.如果迪拜早几个月宣告重组,在妥善做好准备,投资商可能能够从容应对。倘若如此,迪拜世界的溢价债主所受到补偿的风险真正出现,他们就不会抱怨连连。债务停顿,也能给迪拜世界时间进行更深层次的重组,而这无疑正是迪拜需要的。在公司内进行优胜劣汰,总好过交叉补贴来挽回颜面。But Dubai had led investors to expect that publicly traded instruments, such as sukuk, or Islamic bonds, would be honoured. And the governme
50、nt offered no satisfactory explanation for its sudden change of stance. Thus even as markets slumped, political speculation mounted. A week earlier, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, Dubais ruler, had sidelined three of the men who ran “Dubai Inc” in the boom years. Perhaps, then, the standstil
51、l was the result either of a power struggle within the ruling circles of Dubai, or between Dubai and its neighbour, Abu Dhabi.但是迪拜曾让投资者相信,如伊斯兰债券的上市文书理应得到推崇。为何会突然改变立场,政府也没有给出让人满意的解释。因此就算股市仍在暴跌,政治猜测也在迅速膨胀。一周前,迪拜酋长穆罕默德.本.拉希德.阿勒马克图姆将三位繁华年代迪拜公司的运作者排挤出局。造成债务停顿的原因,可能是迪拜统治圈里的权利之争,也可能是迪拜和邻国阿布扎比的明争暗斗。Abu Dhab
52、is conservative rulers have mixed feelings about their brash, go-getting neighbour. They may have asked why they should rescue Dubai from the consequences of its own prodigality. Or why they should resuscitate bankrupt Dubai firms that will pete with Abu Dhabis own national champions? At the weekend
53、, a senior Abu Dhabi official told Reuters that it would “pick and choose” which of Dubais entities to help.阿布扎比的保守派执政人士对于这个轻率无礼的邻居亦爱亦恨。他们可能问,凭什么迪拜自己挥金如土,却让我们来拯救?凭什么迪拜公司破产,我们去要把它们拉出泥潭,跟自己国家的领先企业竞争?周末,一位阿布扎比高级官员在接受路透社采访时说,他们会对迪拜企业“选择性”帮助。But many investors in Abu Dhabi bought into the Dubai boom. The
54、y will lose money if the bust turns into a protracted slump. And of the banks most exposed to Dubai, several have headquarters in Abu Dhabi. Thus the central bank of the United Arab Emirates has made it clear that it will provide liquidity to any bank, foreign or domestic, operating in the United Ar
55、ab Emirates. Dubai is not yet a gateway to the financial world. But it can open the door to all sorts of trouble in its neighbourhood.但迪拜之所以繁荣,许多阿布扎比投资商都是注入了银子。如果迪拜破产造成长期低迷,他们就亏了本。在迪拜负债累累的银行中,不少总部都是设在阿布扎比。阿联酋央行就已经挑明,他们会为任何在联合酋长国运作的银行提供流动性,本土外商一视同仁。迪拜现在还不能说是金融世界的通道,但是它却可以充当周围国家各种各样的麻烦的入口。真的不掉线吗?、?附件1
56、:2010年全国高级导游员考试大纲(浙江省试点) 全国高级导游等级考试分为笔试和面试两个阶段,第一阶段进行笔试,笔试合格者,方可进入面试阶段,笔试、面试成绩全部合格者被认定为通过。全国高级导游等级考试分为普通话和英语两个语种。第一部分 普通话高级导游员考试一、 笔试部分(一)考试参考内容1. 旅游政策与法规(1)掌握导游人员管理条例(国务院1999年第263号令)和全国导游人员等级考核评定管理办法(试行)(国家旅游局2005年)法规的基本内容;(2)熟悉国务院关于加快发展旅游业的意见(国发200941号)的基本内容,掌握其中关于旅行社业和导游素质要求方面的内容;真的不掉线吗?、?(3)熟悉国务
58、动或动乱等对旅游业的影响;(2)了解重大节庆活动(如世博会、奥运会等)对旅游业的影响。3. 旅游业态的发展状况(1)掌握旅游业在现代服务业中的地位与作用;(2)掌握特色旅游(如乡村旅游、低碳旅游、红色旅游、文化旅游等)的含义及实现方式;4导游知识 真的不掉线吗?、?(1)了解中国基本国情和国策,熟悉民族、宗教、外交、环保等政策;(2)掌握旅游资源知识:中国旅游资源的基本分类和区域特征;被列入世界遗产名录的物质文化遗产项目、5A级景区的基本情况;(3)掌握旅游者知识:从性别、年龄、职业、客源地、文化背景、组织形式、消费方式、旅游目的等角度对旅游者进行分类。5导游业务知识(1)熟悉旅游危机事件的基
60、、?定深度的分析,能够创作具有原创性、生动性和深刻性的导游词。(三)考试题型本部分的分值为100分,考试时间为3小时。1单项选择题:共40分,每题1分,40题;2论述分析题:共30分,2题中任选1题;3导游词创作:共30分,根据主题、情景创作1篇导游词(不少于600字)。二、面试部分(一)考试内容 1导游词即兴讲解 讲解景点:浙江省内5A级景区:杭州西湖、舟山普陀山、温州雁荡山、奉化溪口、淳安千岛湖、桐乡乌镇、横店影视城。2旅游争议处理 (1)旅游合同履行及变更责任争议;(2)零团费、负团费陷阱与争议;(3)航班取消引发争议;(4)旅游投诉案件管辖争议(5)门票优惠票费归属引发的争议;(6)“
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