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1、PAGE 第 PAGE 7 页,共 NUMPAGES 7页 六年级毕业考试英语试卷(满分100分,答卷时间80分钟)亲爱的同学们,英语书写很重要,认真书写也是学习英语的好习惯,答题时别忘了把字写好哟。如果你的字写得整洁、规范、美观,可以得3分呢!同学们,加油噢!Come on!题目听力部分读写部分书写分总 分得分(一)Listening Test(听力部分)(共25分)得分评卷人.Listen and choose(选择所听内容,将其字母序号写入括号内)(5分)( ) 1.A.IAGRJB.RIJAGC.IRJAG( ) 2.A./ klmi:t /B./ hedra /C./ dnr/( )

2、 3.A.11:45B.12:15C.12:45( ) 4.A.go on an outingB.Bank of ChinaC.National Day( ) 5.A.Which season in New York do you like best?B.Ben and Jim often go home together after school.C.Did you visit your relatives and friends last Spring Festival?得分评卷人.Listen and number(根据录音排列图片,将数字序号写在对应图片下方的括号内)(5分)6.( )

3、7.( )8.( )9.( )10.( )得分评卷人.Listen and choose(听录音,找出合适的应答句)(5分)( ) 11.A.It means Danger!B.Yes, they do.C.They mean Be quiet!( ) 12.A.I was at the camp.B.I am at home.C.We were on the farm.( ) 13.A.In December.B.In September.C.In October.( ) 14.A.Cold and snowyB.Hot and rainy.C.Cool and windy.( ) 15.A

4、.Skiing and singing.B.I like dancing.C.Yes, we do.得分评卷人.Listen and choose(根据所听对话及问题,选出正确的答案,将其序号写入括号内)(5分)( ) 16.A. A student.B. A teacher.C. A driver.( ) 17.A. Eleven.B. Twelve.C. Thirteen.( ) 18.A. Mid-Autumn Festival.B. Spring Festival.C. Dragon Boat Festival.( ) 19.A. Growing flowers.B. Taking p

5、hotos.C. Collecting stamps.( ) 20.A. At a camping site.B. On a farm.C. In a zoo.得分评卷人.Listen and fill in the blanks(听录音,填入所缺单词,每空一词)(5分)Long live the Chinese Communist Party! (中国共产党万岁!)It is 21 and hot these days. My family are all very happy, 22 the Chinese Communist Partys birthday is coming. Its

6、on the 23 of July. Dad and Mum are busy. They are 24 ready for the singing contest in their school. My 25 help clean the streets every day.21._22._23._24._25._(二)Written Test(读写部分)(共72分)得分评卷人. Pronunciation(语音)根据单词写音标或根据音标写单词(2分)26.glad/ /27./ eprl /B.找出划线部分发音与其余三项不同的一项,将其字母序号写在括号内。(4分)( )28.A.bowlB

7、.windowC.brownD.yellow( )29.A.bookB.afternoonC.roomD.food( )30.A.pearB.hearC.whereD.bear( )31.A.pickedB.watchedC.listenedD.helped得分评卷人.Translate(翻译短语和谚语)(10分)32.步行_33.on duty_34.寻找他们_35.dress up_36.擅长英语_37.make noise_38.在她前面_39.by the way_40.参加_41.A young idler, an old beggar. _得分评卷人.Read and comple

8、te (完成句子) A. 根据句意和提示完成句子,每空一词(5分)42._ is the second day of a week.43.Nancys dress is red. _(I) is white.44.Ron goes to school _(early) than Ben.45.Nancys _(uncles children) look the same.46.-_(who) gloves are they? -Theyre my fathers.B. 用所给动词的正确形式填空(5分)47.Hes a good football _ (play).48.Look, Su Yan

9、g. The boys _ (run).49.-Would you like _ (join) us? -Yes, Id love to.50.I _ (have) a big lunch with my family last Spring Festival.51.I do my homework before supper, Gao Shan _ (finish) his homework after supper.C. 将单词和标点连成通顺的句子,注意书写格式(5分)52. pencil a what box nice (!) 53. up as get Helen as I late

10、(.)54. like is in weather what autumn the (?)55. a to draw the show how circle students (.)56. oranges on of farm did pick you a the lot (?)得分评卷人.Read and choose (选择最合适的内容,将其字母序号写在括号内) (10分) ( )57. My mother says Jimmy _ her child. A. also isB. is alsoC. is too( )58. 单词“remember”有_个音节,第_个音节重读。A. 2;

11、2B. 3; 1C. 3; 2( )59. He is talking _ his mum_ Bens birthday.A. to; aboutB. about; toC. about; about( )60. 在书写单词“insect”时,第一笔是 _.A. B. C. ( )61. -What do people usually do _ May Day? -They go to parks.A. atB. inC. on( )62. The Chinese Communist Party founded in(诞生于)_.A. 1927B. 1921C. 1949( )63. -How

12、 does Miss Li spend _ weekends? -She often watches TV.A. hisB. herC. your( )64. 在读“run as fast as Ben ”时,我们要注意做到_.A. 连读B. 辅音浊化C. 失去爆破( )65. -_ there any fruit trees on the farm? -Yes, there were.A. WereB. AreC. Was( )66. 单词“fax, next, far, glue”在英语字典中的先后顺序是“_”.A. glue, fax, far, nextB. next, glue, f

13、ar, faxC. far, fax, glue, next得分评卷人. Dialogue and passage (根据要求完成对话和短文)A在右栏中找出与左栏句子对应的内容,将字母序号写入括号(5分)( )67.Is that Nancy? A.Peter.( )68.What day is it today?B.Yes, speaking.( )69.Whats wrong with you?C.Childrens Day.( )70.What holiday is in June?D.Its Wednesday.( )71.Who do you want to write to?E.I

14、ve got a bad cold.B找出短文每行中的一处错误,在下面划上浪线,在横线上改正, 短文意思不变(5分)This morning, I and Mum went to the supermarket by bus. We sat at the back of the bus. Soon the bus stoped and some people got off. The bus started again. Suddenly I saw a walkman under the seat beside me. I picked up it. Everybody on the bus

15、 said it wasnt his. I walked to the driver and asked he to take it to the police station.72._73._74._75._76._得分评卷人.Read and complete(阅读短文,完成后面的题目)(15分) 根据短文选出最合适的内容,将其字母序号写在括号内。One day, a farmer went to see his son by train. On the train he found a seat. But there was a big bag on the seat. So he as

16、ked the woman beside the seat, Is there anyone here? Oh, yes, of course! He will be back soon! The woman answered. The farmer was very tired. He sat down and said, I will sit for a while until he comes back! Fifteen minutes later the train started! Oh, the poor man. He missed his train but he cant l

17、ose(丢失) his bag. The farmer said. After these words, the farmer threw the bag out of the window quickly. No, no, its my bag! The woman shouted. But it was too late.( )77.A farmer wanted _ on the train.A.his sonB.a big bagC.a seat( )78._, so he sat down.A.The woman asked the man to sit downB.The man

18、was too tiredC.The seat was empty( )79._ threw the bag out of the train.A.The farmerB.The womanC.The man( )80._ put the bag on the seat.A.The womanB.The manC.The farmer.( )81.The Chinese meaning of the word threw is _.A.取B.扔C.抓住B. 判断句子与短文内容是否一致。一致的,在括号内写T,否则,写F。It is Saturday morning. Mike and his b

19、rother, Joe, are taking a walk along the road. There are many public signs nearby. They mean different things. Mike knows a lot about the signs. But Joe doesnt. Some people are riding bikes on the road. Some are driving cars. A car turns right at a crossing. Mike and Joe see a policeman stop the car

20、. The driver gets out of the car. The policeman takes out a note, writes something on it, then gives it to the driver. Cant you see the sign? Fine 50 yuan. The policeman says. Joe cannot understand why the policeman stops the driver and gives the note to the driver. Whats the matter with the driver,

21、 Mike? Joe asks. Look, that sign means the cars can not turn right here. Ah, I see. Joe says.( )82.Mike and Joe are riding bikes on the road.( )83.They both know a lot about public signs.( )84.Theres a sign near the crossing.( )85.The sign means the cars cannot turn right at the crossing.( )86.The p

22、oliceman doesnt like the car, so he stops the car.Long long ago, there was a big black bear, called Beibei. His tail(尾巴) was beautiful and big. He always showed it off at any time. It was winter. Beibei went out for food. On the way he met a fox with some fish in her hand. Where did you catch these

23、fish? asked Beibei. I fished with my tail in the small river over there. said the fox. Beibei believed and ran to the frozen(结冻的) river quickly. He dug a hole with his claws and put his tail into the frozen hole. He sat on the ice and waited for a fish to bite the hook. But no fish got on the hook(鱼

24、钩). His tail was frozen in the ice. At last Beibei couldnt wait any more. He pulled his tail upward with all his strength. The misfortune happened. His beautiful tail was broken into two(断成两半). Dear friend, you can go and look at the black bear at the zoo. The bear there has only a short tail or not.( )87.The bear met a fox with some fish in her hand.( )88.The fox caught(catch过去式) her fish with her tail.( )89.The bear fished with his tail and got a lot.( )90.The bears beautiful tail was broken into two.( )91.The fox fooled(糊弄) the be


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