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1、Unit 3 ProjectDoing research on the Internet BrainstormingIn what ways can we get information?ways we can get information:reading newspapers or magazineswatching TV programs/ listening to the radio surfing the Internetcommunicating with othersWhat are the steps you should keep in mind, when using th

2、e Internet to do research?Step one: choosing a search serviceStep two: searching for information/how to searchStep three: using your informationFast-readingStep one: choosing a search serviceAsk and answer :What are the two search services mentioned in this brief guide?What do they both give us?Can

3、you give us some examples of search engines?Search engines & subject directories. L7 They both give us direct links. L7Google, Yahoo, and Baidu. L18Reading:True or false questions:Search engines are a type of computer program.Search engines present evaluated contents because the information has been

4、 checked by a person.3. You need to be patient when using subject directories because the links go to the full articles or pages.4. The links of the search engines are not classified by subject.The information in subject directories is not only relevant and correct, but also up to date. T L10F L13-1

5、4F L15-17T L10-11F L28-29unevaluatedhasnt beensearch enginesnot alwaysSearch enginesSubject directoriesA type of_ . program Built by .Search the Internet based on the_ you type inThe results of search are divided into _subject puterhumansComparison between the two search serviceskey word(s)specificP

6、resent the full _or _.Present a bunch of _of articles or pages and, sometimes, a short . Present_or unchecked contentsPresent_,_ and correct information, but not always up to datearticlespagestitlessummaryunevaluatedevaluatedrelevantStep two: searching for informationThere are several things to take

7、 into consideration when you are searching:1. Information gets old!2. People put information on the Internet.3. The way you type your key words makes a difference.Find the right answer:Where will many sites state the date they were last updated?In the middle of the page.At the bottom of the page.At

8、the front of the page.Usually on the right side.2. According to the passage, why do we usually need to check the source of the information we find?A. Because the date is too old.B. Because we cant surf on personal web pages.C. Because not everyone will proofread their own writing and correct errors

9、that they made.D. Because we are afraid of virus.3. Which of the following web pages is much better for doing research on the Internet?Personal web pages.Pages managed by organizations and companies you trust.Government pages.Both B and C.4. According to the passage, if you want to learn about sport

10、s but you dont want any information about swimming, you should type_.A. sports swimmingB. “sports”- “swimming”C. “sports”+ “swimming”D. sports-swimmingStep three: using your informationTo copy the words just as you found them is not only cheating, but also illegal. So remember to:Write an _of the in

11、formation you have found.Use your own _and making your own _about what it means._a list of the _ you got your information from.outlinewordsdecisionsAttachwebsitesSummary: fill in the blanksThe internet is the fastest growing s_ of information in the world at present. However, when you use it to do r

12、_ on the internet, we should keep some things in mind. Before we search, we should choose asourceresearchsearch service between search engines and subject directories. Make use of subject directories if we want find something in s_ subject categories. On the other hand, use search engines if we want

13、 something that is l_ to the topic and read the information patiently. specificlinkedWhile we are searching, we should pay attention to check the dates of the sites you find in case they are out of date. Second, check the source of the information you find. Choose some formal pages rather than p_ on

14、es. If you are not surepersonalabout the information, use the skill called c_. Third, pay attention to the way you t_ your words which will save you much time. After we get what we want, we should always a_ a list of the sites we get our information from.typeattachconsiderationFollow these tips, you

15、r time spent doing research on the Internet will be much more w_.worthwhileWork in groups and debate about this topic:Does using Internet have more advantages or disadvantages?DebatePro: gain more information; build social ties broaden our horizons more convenient to communicate; save money and time

16、Con: full of traps and unhealthy materials (uncontrolled information )2. be addicted to games3. do damage to our health4. affect the Chinese language5. put movie industry in a rough situation Work in groups to discuss the followingquestions. You should choose a topic to research on the Internet and

17、then dividethe work among the group members.Doing research on the InternetWhat kind of search service will you use?2. How will you check your information?3. How will you organize your poster?4. What topic will your group research?5. Who will do the research?6. Who will write up the information?7. Wh

18、o will design and draw pictures for the poster?8. Who will present the poster to the class?1 对做研究2 记住,牢记3 根据被分类4 要求某人做某事5 与有关6 被分成7 大量标题8 对有益9 考虑,考虑到useful phrases:1. do research on2. keep. in mind3. be classified by4. require sb. to do 5. be linked to6. be divided into7. a bunch of titles8. be usef

19、ul to9. take into consideration10 在的底部11 一般情况下12 对有把握,很肯定13 有关系,有影响14 搜索15 某物属于某人16 做关于的决定17 附一张关于的清单18 遵循这些建议useful phrases:10. at the bottom of11.as a general rule12. be sure about13. .make a difference14. search for15. sth. belong to sb.16. make a decision about17. attach a list of18. follow thes

20、e tips1 terminal t:minl L3 名词 n. C1). 末端;终点;极限 a computer 2). (火车,巴士等的)总站,终站 a railway/bus/ferry 形容词 a. 1)末期的,晚期的He is suffering from terminal cancer. 2)末端的;终点的;极限的We got off at the terminal station. 3)不可救药的;无可挽回的The industry is in terminal decline.Language points2 Lets start by looking at the two s

21、ervices you can choose between to assist you in your search: search engines and subject directories. (L6-7)让我们先看看搜索时可选择的两种服务:搜索引擎和主题目录。 该句中 you can choose between是定语从句,修饰two services。 注意, 介词between 不能省略。3. This means that the information has never been checked it could be reliable, true information

22、or false information written by a person without qualifications or someone who does not have the solid facts. (L13-15) 这意味着(搜到的)信息从未被核实过它可能是可靠、真实的信息,也可能是由没有资历的人或没有掌握确凿事实的人撰写的错误或虚假的信息。1) 句子结构分析:在这个复合句中,it指的是information,破折号后面的句子用来进一步解释说明the information has never been checked。2)句中reliable, true informa

23、tion和false information并列,用作be的表语。过去分词短语written by为false information的后置定语。3)solid 意为“确凿的, 可靠的”The police have got solid evidence to prove Jack is guilty of murder.4. comb kum L22名词 n. C1). 梳子;(羊毛等的)毛刷,马鬃刷2). 女人头发上梳状的饰物3). (用梳子)梳理My hair needs a good comb. 我的头发需要好好梳理一番。 及物动词 vt. 1). 用梳子梳理The mother co

24、mbed the childs hair. 2). 彻底搜查,仔细搜寻(+for)We combed (through) the city for our lost dog. 5. Just as you might look at when a book was published, you must also check the dates of the websites you find. (L32-33)1) 句子结构分析:在这个复合句中有一个比较状语从句Just as you might look at when a book was published;主句为you must al

25、so check the dates of the websites you find。2) 语言知识分析:just as . 意为“就像一样” ,表示对所做的两件事进行比较。此外,just as也可意为“正在时候,正当的时候”,表示事情发生的时间。6 relevant relvnt a. L28 relevant to sth/sb紧密相关的,切题的;Do you have the relevant experience?有价值的,有意义的Her novel is still relevant today.7 bother L37 vi, vt烦扰,打搅I cant bother him w

26、ith my little affairs. Do you want me to wait for you? Dont bother.2)使烦恼、难受 Dont let this small thing bother you.3) 为操心 Dont bother about uswe will join you later.4) 花费时间、精力(做某事)He didnt even bother to say thank you.Dont bother making the bed Ill do it later.常见用法:bother sb. (to do sth.)bother about(

27、not) bother_/ to do sth.练习:1)那个问题已经困扰我几个星期了。The problem has been bothering me for weeks.2)要不要我帮你洗碗? Shall I help you with the washing up? 不用麻烦了,我等一会儿洗。 Dont bother; Ill do it later. 8 consult L421) vt. 请教,咨询,找商量,查阅e.g. Im going to consult my best friend on the matter. 这件事我要征求我最好的朋友的意见。 I need to con

28、sult a dictionary. 我需要查字典。2). vt. 尊重,考虑,顾及e.g. A good teacher consults the interests of his pupils. 一个好老师会顾及他的学生的兴趣。3). vi. 交换意见,商议e.g. He consulted with his partners before taking action. 他行动前和合伙人进行了协商。 拓展 consultant n. 顾问, 高级顾问医师, 会诊医师 consultation n. 咨询, 磋商;就诊; 查阅,查看请翻译下列句子。1. 我有几个问题向您请教。 I wish

29、to consult you on a few questions.2. 我得先查阅飞机时刻表。 Ill have to consult the plane timetable first.3. 你最好马上去看医生。 Youd better consult a doctor at once.9 acknowledge knlid L57 vt.“承认,认可” 后接名词、从句、复合结构、代词及acknowledge sb. as/to be他们拒不承认失败/他们被打败/自己被击败。They refused to acknowledge defeat.They refused to acknowl

30、edge that they were defeated.They refused to acknowledge themselves beaten.他的批评很中肯/公平,我承认这一点。His criticism is just. I acknowledge that.格林先生是全国公认为这门学科的专家。Mr. Green is generally acknowledged to be /as expert on the subject.2) 就.表示谢忱候选人挥手对大众的欢呼表示感谢。 The candidate waved his hands to acknowledge the chee

31、rs of the crowd. 根据句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语注释,写出各单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)。1. On the whole, the prices are quite r_.2. Its too early to p_ the result now. We will have to wait until later.easonable redict 3. Thank you from the b_ of my heart.4. I would rather fail than c_ in the examination.5. The research project has

32、only been under way for three months, so its too early to e_ its success.ottom heat valuate 6. Millions of people use search e_ on the Internet every day.7. Men in the post office c_ letters according to their destination.8. In real life, its not so easy to d_ people into goodies and baddies.nginela

33、ssifyivide9. We all _ (钦佩) her for the way she saved the children from the fire.10. The residents in the neighborhood all _ (赞成) the decision to close the small paper factory.admire(d)applauded11. Please give the problem your careful _ (考虑).12. Please _ (确认) your telephone message by writing to me.13. Can you say


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