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1、选修六Unit 4 Global warming 高二英语备课组 范勤 陶稀 宋书帆类别课 程 标 准 要求 掌 握 的 项 目话题Global warming; pollution; the importance of protecting the earth词汇consume graph random phenomenon subscribe fuel quantity tend per data trend catastrophe flood oppose opposed mild consequence state range glance steadily tendency wide

2、spread average existence outer advocate commitment pollution growth electrical casual motor can circumstance microwave refresh educator contribution presentation nuclear disagreementcome about subscribe to quantity of go up result in be opposed to even if keep on on the whole on behalf of put up wit

3、h so long as and so on功能1 同意与不同意Exactly Youre right. I agree. Thats correct/true/rightIm afraid I disagree with you. Im afraid not.2 责备与抱怨 Im sorry to bring this up, but?Im sorry to have to say this, butThey shouldnt have done it.They are to blamePerhaps/Maybe they should/ought toWhy dont you do som

4、ething about it?语法it 的用法It is human activity that has caused this global warming.Period 1 Warming Up & Reading-PreparingTHE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMING BUT DOSE IT MATTER?Step 1Who among the four is the author?A. Sophie Armstrong B. Charles Keeling C. Foster D. George HambleyWho found out the amount o

5、f carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957to 1977?A. Sophie Armstrong B. Charles Keeling C. Foster D. George HambleyWhat are the graphs and quotes for?To attract readers attention B. To introduce the topic of global warmingTo give some examples D. To suppose the opinion and make it more convincing

6、What is the purpose of the last paragraph?To make readers disappointed with the problem. B. To make readers think about the problem.To show the authors opinion on the problem. D. To begin some discussion about the future.The author probably agrees that _actually global warming is good for man. B. We

7、 should do nothing about the global warmingCatastrophes will happen it the global keeps on warmingA lot remains to be found about the effects of global warming.Step twoRead the text and then match the main idea of each part.Part 1 (Paragraph 1)Part 2 (Paragraph 25)Part 3 (Paragraph 6)Part 4 (Paragra

8、ph 7)Its up to readers to think and decide whether people should do something about global warming or notList two different attitudes among scientist towards global warming.Illustrate how global warming comes about.Introduce a debate over the issue of global warming.Listen to the tape and then find

9、out the main idea of the text.The _ have different ideas on whether it _when the earth is becoming_.Step Three All scientists 1._to the view that it is human activity that has caused the global warming. This activity is burning fossil fuels, to produce energy. As a result, a natural 2._called the“gr

10、eenhouse effect”has come 3_.Without this phenomenon, the earth would be about thirty-three Celsius cooler 4_it is. So, we need those gases. However, the global temperature will rise when we add huge 5_of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. We know that the level of extra carbon dioxide have in

11、creased greatly 6_the last 100 to 150 years. The attitude of scientists 7_this rise is completely different. Some think that the trend would be a catastrophe while some are 8_to this view, and they believe that any warming will be 9_with few bad environmental 10_.What can we do about global warming?

12、. Scan the text and then choose the best answer.1. What is the main idea of the text? A. How to write a letter of advice. B. How to deal with global warming. C. Go to help people in need. D. People just wait and see what will happen. 2. What project is Ouyang Guang doing at school? A. What we can do

13、 about global warming. B. What is happening around us. C. Who is going to give a speech. D. When the meeting will begin. 3. What can we do with pollution?A. We should put up with it . B. We should know the danger of it.C. We should listen to the teacher. D. We should pay more attention to what we do

14、 every day. 4. Which is NOT one of the suggestions Earth Care gave?A. Dont be casual about your electrical appliances. B. Walk or ride a bike rather than drive a car if we can. C. Buy things not using plastic bags. D. Be an educator and encourage others to focus on global warming. 5. What will the e

15、arth be like if we do our best to protect it?A. It will be dirty. B .It will be clear and clean. C .There wont be pollution any longer. D. It will remain the same as it is. .Work in pairs or groups .Fill in the blanks below according to the text (P30)WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING?OuyangGuangso

16、pinionsIndividuals can have little effect on the 1._problems.Everyone should advacate2._in the way we use energy.EarthCarestoviewsIndividuals can 3._to the environment. The growth of 4._,carbon dioxide in the air is closely related what we do in our daily life. EarthCaresSuggestionsSave energy in ou

17、r house _5._the electrical appliance if it is not used.6._or ride a bike instead of taking motor vehicleRecycle things which can be used again and buy things from 7._materials.Buy things that are 8._with energy. Plant 9._.Educate the people around you about 10._.KEYSStep One 1.A2.B3.D4.B5.D Step Two

18、 Careful Reading Part 1:D Part 2:C Part 3:B Part:4 A scientists matters warmerStepThree :Summary 1.subscribe 2.phenomennon 3.about 4.than 5.quantities 6.over 7.to/toward(s) 8.opposed 9.mild 10.consequencesKEYS1.B2.A3.D4.C5B 1.environmental 2.improvements 3.make a difference 4.the greenhouse gas 5.tu

19、rn off 6.Walk 7.recycled 8.economical 9.trees 10.global warmingPeriod 2 Language Points about Reading【重点单词及短语】1. So how has this come about and does it matter? 那么,这种温度的增长是怎么产生的呢?会产生什么影响呢? come about 出现;发生 How did it come about? 这件事是怎么发生的?Please tell me how the accident came about. I am still in the

20、dark! 请告诉我这起事故是怎么发生的,我还蒙在鼓里呢! 【拓展】 come across 偶然遇到/碰到; come to 恢复知觉;总共,共计; come out 显露;出版,发行; come round 恢复知觉;醒过来; come along 出现;进步,进展; come back 回来;(旧事)在记忆中出现; come through 经历任然活着,安全度过come into being 形成,出现; come on 块,走吧;加油; come up with 想出,提出(计划等); come back to life 复活;【注意】以下”发生”的单词和短语均不能用被动语态:tak

21、e place 多指预料中或按计划要发生break out 多指战争、火灾、瘟疫等的发生happen 偶然地发生 【练习】Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.A. came over B. came out C. came about D. came up 答案:C2. random adj. & n. adj. 随意的,任意的,胡乱的It is a random killing of innocent people. 这是对无辜者的随意杀戮。The

22、information is processed in a random order. 信息是按随机顺序处理的。 n. 随意 at random 随意地,胡乱地 randomly adv. 随意地,任意地She opened the book at random and started reading. 她随意的翻开书就读了起来。Names were chosen at random from a list. 名字是从名单中随意点的。 【练习】The lucky fans _ (将会被随意的挑选出来) rather than chosen beforehand to perform with

23、the singer during the party. (random) 答案:will be picked out at random3. All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earths temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. 所有的科学家赞同这种观点:人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料(如煤,天然气和石油等),从而引起了地球温度的升高。 subs

24、cribe to 同意,赞成(vt.) 订阅,订购(vi.) Why didnt you subscribe to his view? 你为什么不同意他的观点? Do you subscribe to his opinion about economy? 你同意他的经济观点吗? Which journals does the library subscribe to? 图书馆订有哪些报刊? ( subscriber n. 订阅人,订购者 subscription n. 订阅费,订阅款;订购) increase n. & v. n. 增加;增大;增多 搭配:on the increase 不断增

25、大,正在增长中 Homelessness is on the increase. 无家可归者越来越多。 v. 增加;增大;增多 My wages have increased this year. 今年我的工资增加了。 His employer has increased his wages. 他的雇主增加了他的工资。【练习】If their marking plans succeed, they _ their sales by 20 percent. A. will increase B. have been increasing C. have increased D. would be

26、 increasing 答案:A4. It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up. 这意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起全球温度上升 tend v. ( tendency n. 倾向,偏好 tender adj.温柔的,亲切的) 往往会,常常会(后接动词不定式) Women tend to live longer than men. 女人往往比男人长寿。 趋向,走向,倾向 His views tend toward

27、towards the extreme. 他的观点趋于偏激。 Prices have tended upwards over recent years. 今年来物价趋于上升。 照料,照管,护理 Doctors and nurses tended the injured. 医生和护士护理受伤者。 招待,侍候,照顾 He had a job tending bar in San Francisco. 他在旧金山做酒吧服务员。go up 上涨;涨价 Prices have gone up again. 物价又上涨了。 建造 New buildings are going up everywhere.

28、 到处都在兴建新的大楼。 爆炸;烧毁 The whole building went up in flames. 整座楼房在大火中焚毁。 【拓展】 go around 传扬,传播; go by 消失;经过; go down 下降;下沉;坠落;降价; go in for 参加(考试);应试; go over 视察;查看,查阅;复习; go through 经历;经受;遭到; go on (= go along)发生;前进;【练习】Do you think that housing price _ (将会持续上涨) in the years to come? (go) 答案:will keep g

29、oing up5. result in 导致,引起,起因于 = lead to (其后接结果)The accident resulted in three people being killed. 这起事故造成3人死亡。 result from 由产生 = lie in (其后接原因)Three people being killed resulted from the accident. 这3人的死亡是由这起事故造成的。【练习】His failure in the first shooting match _ his nerves. A. resulted in B. resulted fr

30、om C. is resulted in D. is resulted from 答案:B6. Others who agree with her think there may be a rise of several meters in the sea level, or predict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases and the disappearance of species. 同意他的观点的其他科学家认为,全球变暖会导致海平面上升好几千米;也有人预言会出现严重的风暴、洪涝、干旱、饥荒

31、、疫病和物种的灭绝。 severe adj. ( severely adv. 严格地;激烈地 severity n. 严肃;严格;严重;激烈) 十分严重的;极为恶劣的 He is suffering from sever mental disorder. 他有严重的精神病。 His costly mistake resulted in sever loss. 他的严重错误导致了重大的损失。 严厉的;苛刻的;严格的 Dont be so sever to her - she couldnt help it. 别对她太严厉,她也是没办法。 flood n. & v. ( flooded adj.

32、淹没的 floodgate n. 防洪闸门 floodlight n. 泛光灯) n. 【C, U】洪水,大水 Many houses were washed away by the flood(s). 很多房子被洪水冲走了。 n. 大量,大批 What a flood of rain! 好大一阵雨! v. 淹没,使泛滥 The houses were flooded. 这些房子被洪水淹没了。 v. (人、物)涌到某场所;(光、声音等)充满 flood in / into / out of sth. 大量涌入,蜂拥而出 Letters of thanks flooded in. 感谢信大量涌至

33、。 flood sb. / sth. With sth. 大量涌至,拥满,挤满 a room flooded with sunlight 充满阳光的房间7. in the air 在空中 There are five kites in the air. 空中有5只风筝。 广泛的,流行的 Excitement was in the air. 到处充满了兴奋之情。 不确定的;未决定的 Our plans are still in the air. 我们的计划仍悬而未决。 【拓展】 on / off the air (无线电或电视)广播/停播 give oneself airs ( = put on

34、 airs ) 摆架子8. consequence n. 结局;结果This decision could have serious consequences for the future of the industry. 此项决定对该行业的未来可能会产生严重后果 重要性,价值 Is it of any consequence to you? 那对你重要吗? 【拓展】 in consequence 因此,由此 as a consequence 结果,因此 take the consequences ( of ) 承担(的)后果 in consequence of 由于,因为的缘故 answer

35、 for the consequence of ones action 自食其果9. range n. & v. n. 种类 These are our new range of hair products. 这些是我们的新的美发产品。 n. 范围,幅度 There will be an increase in the range of 0 to 3 percent. 将会有0到3个百分点的增长幅度。 n. 一系列 The hotel offers a wide range of facilities and services. 酒店提供一系列设施和服务。 v. 变化,变动 The price

36、 of the shirts ranges from 150 to 500 yuan. 衬衫的价格从150元到500元不等。 【拓展】in / within range ( of sth.) 在可及的范围内;在视觉/听觉范围内 range over 范围涉及 range from to 在到范围内变化 range between A and B 在A和B范围内变化 【练习】This restaurant has become popular for its wide _ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets. A. division B. area

37、 C. range D. circle 答案:C【重点句型】1. There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. 毫无疑问,地球是在变暖,而地球变暖正是人类活动导致而成的,并非是一种无规律的自然现象。 本句中that the earth is 及that it is 为doubt的同位语,即that 引导同位语从句;后面

38、it is that 为强调句型。There is no doubt that 意为“毫无疑问, 是毫无疑问的”。There is no doubt that he can come in time. 他能按时来是毫无疑问的。There is no doubt that radio and television are important measures of communication. 毫无疑问,收音机和电视机试信息交流的重要方式。2. Some byproducts of this process are called “greenhouse” gases, the most impo

39、rtant one of which is carbon dioxide.这个升温过程的一些副产品就叫做“温室”气体,其中最重要的就是二氧化碳。 “名词/代词/数词+of+关系代词”引导的定语从句在此结构中,of 表示“所属”意义,其中of 前常用表示“部分”含义的名词、代词或数词,即构成“名词/代词/数词+of+关系代词”结构,of的前与后是部分与整体的关系。Both players, neither of whom reached the final, played well. 两名选手都打得很好,尽管谁都没有取得决赛权。【练习】English is a language shared b

40、y several diverse cultures, each of _ uses it somewhat differently. A. which B. what C. them D. those The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, _(其中大部分)are beyond our control. ( most ) It was a great joy to work with all these people, _(他们每一个人都是如此好的人). ( such ) This is the l

41、argest clock in the world, _ ( 它的分针) is six meters long. ( hand ) I picked up the apples; _ ( 有一些是坏的). ( bad)答案:A ;most of which ;everyone of whom is such a nice person ;the minute hand of which some of them【注意】“介词+关系代词+名词”也是定语从句中一个比较重要的结构,此结构在句中作状语,此结构可转换为“and +介词+that”或“this+名词”结构She suffered from

42、 illness, in which case her husband had to stay at home. = She suffered from illness and in that case her husband had to stay home.她生病了,在此情况下她丈夫不得不待在家。Tom spent 4 years in college, during which time he learned French. = Tom spent 4 years in college and during this time he learned French. 汤姆上了四年大学,在此

43、期间他学习了法语。【练习】Mr. Little, _(金先生在他的部门里工作), called at the hospital on the same evening. (department)He wont want to eat it unless he is really hungry, _(在这种情况下)hell eat almost anything. (case)I called him by the wrong name, _(对此错误) I should apologize. ( mistake )答案:in which department Mr. King worked ;

44、 in which case ; for which mistakePeriod 3 Language Point about Using Language【重点单词及短语】1. state vt.声明, 陈述 n.状况,情况;国家重点用法 state+名词/that从句/wh-从句 statement n. 声明, 陈述典例1) She is in a terrible state today. 她今天心情不好。2) the head of state国家首脑3) He has publicly stated his support for the policy. 他已公开声明他会支持那项政

45、策。练习 汉译英1) 合同清楚地叙述了那项工作应在何时完成。_2) 我听见那位官员说不接纳儿童。_Keys: 1) The contract stated when the work should be finished. 2) I heard the official state that they would not accept children. 2. average adj. 平均的;普通的 n. 平均;平均数The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 这个班男生的平均年龄为十五岁。It was an average p

46、iece of work.那是一件普通的作品。The average man is not interested in this subject. 普通人一般对这个题目不感兴趣。常用结构:on average 平均地;通常; above/below average 高于/低于平均数/水平; an average of . 的平均数; up to average 达到平均数The average of 4 and 8 is 6. 4和8的平均数为6。Two students are absent each day on average. 平均每天有两个学生缺席。高手过招选词填空(ordinary

47、/average/normal/common)Though she is CEO of a big company, she is a(n) woman in the eyes of her families.Relations between the two countries have been restored to . Its a bag, and you can find it in every store.Letterboxes are much more in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox inst

48、ead.答案: average normal common ordinary练习 汉译英1) 他在我们班处于中等位置。 _.2)这一地区农民的收入高于全省的平均水平。_.Keys: 1) He is an average student in our class. 2) The income of the farmers in this area is above the average of the province.3. blame v. 埋怨,责备常用结构:be to blame for 应受谴责,应负责任; blame something on sb. 把归咎于blame sb. fo

49、r sth./doing sth. 因而责备某人City residents also blame migrant workers for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate.城市居民还责怪民工造成了城市犯罪率的大幅度上升。They blamed the failure on George. 他们把失败归咎于乔治。Blame me if I dont. 我要是不这样做,随你怎么办好了。联想拓展blameful adj.该受责备的,有过错的; blameless adj.无可责难的,无过错的; blameworthy adj.该受责备的高手过招单项填空H

50、e deserved to his carelessness.A. blamed for B. be blamed for C. blame for D. be blame for解析:选C。be to blame应受谴责,应负责任,不能用于被动语态。4. existence n.生存典例1) Anything in existence is reasonable.所有的存在都是合理的。2) In the middle age, no one doubted about the existence of God中世纪时没人怀疑上帝的存在重点用法in existence存在; exist v.存

51、在练习 汉译英1) 富裕和贫穷同时存在于这个世界里。_.2)人们认为他是这个世界上最好心的人。_.Keys: 1) Wealth and poverty exist at the same time in the world. 2) He is believed to be the kindest person in existence.5.refresh v.(使)精神振作, (使)精力恢复, 更新典例1) When tired, you can refresh yourself with a cup of tea困时喝杯茶提神2) Refresh storage battery in ca

52、se of being out of energy halfway.给蓄电池充电以免半路没电。3) The host refreshed our teacups. 主人又为我们斟茶。练习 汉译英1) 长时间工作后,一杯冰水使他精神振作。_.2) 有时一件小东西也会唤起人们的记忆_.Keys: 1) A cup of icy water refreshed him after a long times work. 2) Sometimes, a small thing all can refresh your memory 6.presentation n.陈述;介绍;演出 如:They wer

53、e all fixing their eyes during your presentation. 他们全神贯注的观赏你的演出。扩展:present vt.展示;演出; Give a presentation of 对作陈述高手过招单项填空So clear was his_ of the case that others had no more to say.A. attitude B. presentation C. comment D. remark Key: B7.on behalf of 代表一方【典例】1) My husband could not be here tonight,

54、but l want to thank you on his behalf.我丈夫今晚因故不能前来, 我代表他向你们致谢。2) We attended the global conference on behalf of our country.练习 汉译英1) 很荣幸在这儿代表我的学校演出。_.2) 那个英雄的妻子代替她死去的丈夫接受了这枚勋章。_.Keys: 1) Im greatly honored to put on performance here on behalf of my school. 2) The heros wife accepted the medal on beha

55、lf of her dead husband.8put up with 忍受;容忍【典例】1) Im not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦!2) We have to put up with her bad temper. 我们只得忍受她的坏脾气。3) Noise is coming to the point where we cant put up with it. 噪音快到我们无法忍受的地步。短语归纳 put aside 节省;put away储存;put down写下; put off 延期; put out 熄灭; put up 举起;【链接高模

56、】Tom would like to find somewhere to work because he can not _ the boss.A. come up with B. catch up with C. keep up with D. put up with答案与分析:D。考查词组辨析。根据所给语境可知他无法 “忍受”这个老板。A项表示“想出”高手过招单项填空What do you think of Andrew?There are some things that are not easy to , and his coldness is one. A. put aside B.

57、 put up with C. think of D. get along with解析:选B。答句句意为:他有很多方面难以让人忍受,冷酷就是其中的一个。put aside 储存;保留;put up with 容忍;忍受;think of想起;get along with 与相处。由句意可知,选B项。练习 汉译英1) 在这种情况下,我们不得不忍受不便之处._.2) 不允许拖延付清帐单._.Keys: 1) In that situation, we had to put up with the inconvenience. 2) We are not allowed to put off pa

58、ying the bills.9. so long as 只要【典例】1) As long as you dont betray me, Ill do whatever you ask me to (do). 只要你不出卖我,要我做什么我都愿意。2) As long as live, I will help you. 只要我活着,我都会帮助你。3) As long as you drive carefully, you will be very safe. 如果你开车小心,你就会很安全。4) I dont mind as long as it doesnt rain. 只要不下雨就行了。短语归

59、纳 on condition that 在的条件下练习 汉译英1)如果我挣到足够的钱,我就出国。_.2)只要你能给我们合适的原因,我们就会帮助你。_.Keys: 1) I will go abroad on condition that I earn enough money. 2) We will help you on condition that/as long as you can offer us the proper reason【重点句型】As Im not sure where to start with my project, I would appreciate any s

60、uggestions you may have.因为我还不清楚我该从哪里着手我的研究,所以我会感激你们提出的任何建议。Where to start with my project为“疑问词+不定式”结构。疑问代词who,what,which等和疑问副词when,where, how等后面跟不定式,构成“疑问词+不定式”结构,这种结构在句中可以作主语,宾语(用在 tell,show,understand,explain,teach,learn,advise,discuss,find out等后面),表语等。如:Whether to hold the sports meet next week h


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