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1、Plagiarism: How to Prevent, Catch, and Punish ItDr. Emily HeadyGraduate Writing CenterPlagiarism at LULiberty Universitys Plagiarism Policy may be found at /studentaffairs/index.cfm?pid=1324, or under “Liberty Way” on the Student Affairs tab.Many departments have a plagiarism policy that further exp

2、lains the universitys position.If your department does not have a discipline-specific explanation of the plagiarism policy, please lobby for one: it will protect you, it will protect the students, and it will make your life much easier.cont.If necessary, write your own explanation of the universitys

3、 policy. Put it in your syllabus, on Blackboard, or in some other easily accessible location.Ideally, plagiarism policies should contain the following: LUs definition of plagiarism, an explanation/application of this definition, and description of the punishment for plagiarism.More extensive explana

4、tion of plagiarism is necessary for less advanced students; less is fine for older students.The English DepartmentEnglish X requires documentation of external sources used in student essays, and each student should know that plagiarism encompasses more than the use of printed sources without giving

5、proper credit. It means handing in writing from one student that another student has composed, revised, edited or proofread. Penalties for plagiarism will be severe: an F on an assignment without opportunity to do it again and an F for the course.1. Any fact not common knowledge, any idea, phrase, o

6、r paraphrase which is taken from a printed source, from a lecture, sermon, or radio broadcast must be documented.cont.2. Any work submitted in English X will be understood to be the work of the student submitting it and his work alone.3. If a student has availed himself of the services of a tutor, o

7、fficially or unofficially designated by the college, it will be understood that the tutor will confine his services to helping after a paper or assignment has been evaluated by the instructor.4. If the student submits a paper typed by someone other than himself, it will be understood that the typist

8、 has not changed anything from the students script or rough draft. The student may not blame the typist for errors not corrected on the draft given to the instructor.Preventing PlagiarismDiscuss what plagiarism is on the first day of class. Do NOT diminish its seriousness. Make your plagiarism polic

9、y available in writing and have students sign it.Tally how many times you have caught plagiarists; use it to scare students.Before major papers are due, remind students not to plagiarize and that academic honesty is a spiritual issue.Write SPECIFIC assignments that require a response to issues dealt

10、 with in class (do NOT say “Write five pages on a topic of your choice”).cont.Do not recycle the exact same essay questions or prompts in consecutive semesters/years.Consider requiring multiple drafts, outlines, abstracts, or annotated bibliographies.Check citations rigorously, especially early in t

11、he term.Allow students to show you drafts, and ask them to self-confess if they have any worries that they might be plagiarizing.If you do catch a student in an obvious act of plagiarism (and this student has not approached you for help), enforce your policies. Obvious Warning Signs Font shiftsSuspi

12、ciously high-level vocabularyProfessional-level researchSudden brilliance or idiocyObviously aged paperHandwritten or corrected name at the topImproper citation formatting (APA instead of MLA, for instance, or footnotes instead of in-text citations)Less Obvious Warning SignsA sudden shift in paper t

13、opicToo much or too little outside researchA paper only tangentially related to the classA paper that has a paragraph that seems out of placeA paper in which citations disappear mid-way throughAnxious behavior on the students partFailure to meet paper requirementsInability to discuss the subject mat

14、ter of the paper with knowledge and/or excitementA missing or extremely late draft, outline, abstract, or bibliographyUse Your Judgment in These CasesOver-quoting (probably not plagiarism, but grounds for a serious downgrade)Parroting back your lecture (perhaps plagiarism, but more likely a lack of

15、originality)Recycling an old paper (probably not plagiarism, but definitely grounds for a rewrite or 0 on the assignment)Citing the source on the bibliography but not in the in-text citation (probably just an oversight, but grounds for a serious downgrade and/or rewrite)Legitimate misunderstanding o

16、f the rules (This is rare. Beware: when confronted, students will often claim they do not understand!)Tools for Plagiarism-HuntersGoogle (do an exact word search, then keyword search)MS Word and your mouses right button (will generate alternatives for exact word searches)Turnitin (available through

17、Blackboard)Department listservsYour colleaguesDiscipline-specific databasesF, G, S, Wikipedia, S (blocked by LU but available at the Drowsy Poet, Panera, or another hot spot)Copies of sourcesGuilty! Then What? First, Build your case:Mark the portions of the students paper that are plagiarized and no

18、te in the margin which source(s) the student failed to cite. NOTE: You cannot accuse a student of plagiarism (and win an appeal) unless you have the source he/she plagiarized from and/or an admission of guilt.Write a brief summary of the charge and attach it to the draft. Attach your sanction (in al

19、most all cases, this should be failure for the course). If you would like to request that the standard reprimands be reduced or increased, offer an explanation.Make three copies, one for yourself, one for the Department Chair, and one for the student.The Next StepCall a meeting with the student with

20、in one week of learning of the infraction.Steel yourself for tears, dishonesty, stammering, and general awfulness.An initial prayer would be a VERY good idea.In this meeting, lay out your case to the student.Show the student the draft with your annotations.Call up LUs web page on plagiarism and/or y

21、our own policy.Show the student the mandatory penalty for plagiarism.cont.If the student fails to offer a satisfactory explanation (which should only happen rarely, if at all), give the student a copy of your report and tell him/her that the final decision is up to the Office of Student Affairs. Do

22、not leave room for further argument.Explain the appeals process to the student.To close, let the student know that you want him to take this lesson and move on to become a model Christian scholar. Offer your assistance in future writing projects, etc., as he/she may need it.Submit your report to the Office of Student Affairs (Dean of Men or Women). The rest is up to them.The Appeals ProcessThe student may submit a written appeal of the charge to the Department Chairperson. T


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