1、室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollution2022/7/27室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionINDOOR AIR QUALITYIndoor air quality(IAQ) is a term which refers to theair qualitywithin and aroundbuildingsandstructures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionINDOOR AIR QUALITYIndoo
2、r air quality is influenced by:Outdoor air pollution: vehicles and industrial plantsSecondhand tobacco smoke Fuels used for heating and cookingConfined and poorly ventilated spacesOvercrowded homes and insufficient living spaceCustoms, habits, traditionsLevel of economic development: Industrialized
3、developing countries室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionADVERSE HEALTH EFFECTSIrritation of the mucous membranes (eyes, nose, throat)Cough, wheeze, chest tightnessIncreased airway responsiveness to allergensLong-term exposure decreases lung growthImpairment of pulmonary functionIncreased susceptibility to chron
4、ic obstructive lung diseasesAcuteChronic室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTIONIndoor environments also reflect outdoor air qualityIndustrial or agricultural activitiesTreatment of industrial effluents and domestic residuesTrafficSolid waste managementCottage industriesChemical incidents a
5、nd spills 室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTIONIndoor air pollution also affects outdoor air quality室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionINDOOR AIR POLLUTANTParticulate matterCarbon monoxideSecondhand tobacco smokePesticidesVolatile organic compoundsBiological pollutants- Mites- Allergens- MouldsRado
6、n Asbestos室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionPARTICULATE MATTERCoarse particles (2.510 micrometres) deposited in the upper respiratory tract and large airwaysFine particles (1000 g/m3 (24 hr mean)Can reach 10 000 g/m3 PM10EPA: 50 g/m3 PM10 annual meanWomen and young children have greatest exposure 室内空气污染INDOOR
7、AIRpollutionSMOKY COOKING FUELSAge distribution of global burden of disease attributable to solid fuel use Age group (yrs)Attributable mortalityAttributable DALYs0456835140015595860+389Young children at high risk due to: Lung immaturity High exposure to IAP: nearly 1 million children under 5 yrs die
8、 every year due to solid fuel use! 室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionCARBON MONOXIDE THE SILENT KILLERA COMMON CAUSE OF ACUTE AND LETHAL POISONINGColourless, odourless gas formed by incomplete burning of carbon-based fuelsCOs affinity for Hb is 240270 times greater than oxygenFetal Hb has higher affinity for
9、COCO causes a leftward shift of the oxyhaemoglobin (OHb) dissociation curve Intoxication results in tissue hypoxiaMultiple organ systems are affected室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionCARBON MONOXIDESOURCESGas, kerosene, wood stoves and coal Fires, fireplaces, furnaces Leaking chimneys and ventsRoom and water
10、heaters Vehicle exhaust in closed garageTobacco smoke室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionCARBON MONOXIDESymptoms: Headache, dizzinessNausea, vomitingIrritabilitySleepiness, confusionUnconsciousness, comaDeathIncreasing COHb室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionSECONDHAND TOBACCO SMOKEINCREASES RISK OF:Respiratory tract illne
11、ssAsthmaMiddle ear effusionsPrenatal complications and low birth weightFire-related injuriesSudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)Cancers (childhood leukemia and others)室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionSECONDHAND TOBACCO SMOKE 70% more respiratory problemsPneumonia and hospitalization in year 1 is 38% higherInf
12、ant mortality is 80% higher20% of all infant deaths could be avoided if all pregnant smokers stopped by the 16th week of gestation 5 times higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)Children whose mothers smoke:OR室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionPESTICIDES Spraying pesticides indoor: Higher concentrat
13、ions near the floor Persistence in some surfaces (carpets, soft toys) Overuse and misuse室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionPESTICIDESClasses commonly used:PyrethroidsNeurotoxicantsInsect repellents (DEET)Mosquito coilsHealth effects:Acute poisoning Allergic and general symptoms Household use in Africa, Asia, S
14、outh America室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionVOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDSAlkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, ketonesSources:Solvents, fabric softeners, deodorizers and cleaning productsPaints, glues, resins, waxes and polishing materialsSpray propellants, dry cleaning fluidsPens and markersBin
15、ders and plasticizersCosmetics: hair sprays, perfumes室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionVOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS HEALTH EFFECTSAcute:Irritation of eyes and respiratory tractGeneral: headache, dizziness, loss of coordination, nausea, visual disordersAllergic reactions, including asthma and rhinitisChronic:Dam
16、age to liver, kidney, blood system and central nervous system (CNS)Some may cause cancer in humans (formaldehyde)室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionVOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FORMALDEHYDEIndustrialized countriesHousehold cleaners and deodorizersGlues and resinsTobacco smokeCarpetingFurniture and dyed materials
17、Pressed wood productsUrea formaldehyde insulating foam (UFFI)OthersDeveloping countriesUse of solid fuels indoorsMosquito coilsFurniture (pressed wood)室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionVOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FORMALDEHYDEHEALTH EFFECTSIrritation of eyes, nose and throatBreathing difficulties Skin rashAsthm
18、a and other allergic reactions May be a sensitizerMay cause cancer 室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionBIOLOGICAL POLLUTANTS Animal dander, dust mites, moulds, infectious agents, pollenSources of biological agents:Water-damaged surfaces and materialsHumidifiers and stagnant waterWater vapour from cooking and sh
19、oweringAir conditioning systemsMattresses, upholstered furniture and carpetsDirt室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionBIOLOGICAL POLLUTANTS DUST MITESFeed on human danderPrefer warm, humid environmentsSources: bedding, carpets, upholstery, soft toys室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionBIOLOGICAL POLLUTANTSANIMAL ALLERGENSBird
20、sDog danderCockroach parts and faeces Cat dander (most allergenic)室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionBIOLOGICAL POLLUTANTSA frequently undetected environmental problemOccur in damp indoor areasAllergies and nonspecific symptoms are common, but infections are rare MOULDS室内空气污染INDOORAIRpollutionBIOLOGICAL POLLUTANTSAirway and conjunctival irritationHeadacheDifficulty in concentratingHypersensitivity reactions: asthma, rhinitisSystemic infections (immunosuppressed child)Acute exposure associated with pulmonary haemorrhage in infants MOULD-RELAT
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