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1、安全生产标语中英文口号大全希望对您有帮助,感谢安全生产口号中英文导读:本文是关于口号大全的文章,假如感觉很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、提升安全意识,建设文明工地。Improve safety awareness and build civilized constmctioiisites.2、隐患到处有,安全不时记。There are hidden dangers everywhere. Keep a safe diaiy.3、同创安全工地,共享美好生活。Create safe constniction sites and s ha re a good life.4、事故不长眼,你严他就远。If

2、the accident is not long-term, he will be far away if youare strict.5、认真精心专心,质员永保满意。Care fill and meticulous. the quality will always be satisfactory.6、安全知识,让你转败为胜。Safety knowledge, let you nini a nsk mto a disaster.7、正确使用它、事故就少了。Use it correctly and there will be fewer accidents.r8、安仝在我心中,生命在我手中。Sa

3、fe tv is in mv heart, life is in my hands. -1.J9、清廉高效建设优良交通工程。Clean and efficient constniction of high-quality traflic e ngme eruig.10、人人讲安全,家家保安全。Eveiyone talks about safety, and home is safe.11 生命是个宝、健康最重要。Life is a treasure, health is the most important.12、关注校园安全,成立人文友善。Pay attention to campus sa

4、fety and build hunianistic hannonv.13、宁愿事先检查,绝不事后返工。Better check beforehand than re work a fte iwa rd s.14、上班一走神,事故敲你门。Wlien you lose vour muid at work, the accident knocks on vour door.15、绳索断在细处,事故出在松处。The rope broke in detail and the accident happened in loose place.16、自检互检保证产品零缺点。Self-uispection

5、and mutual uispection ensure zero defect.17、安全部是于警惕,事故出于麻痹,Safety is about vigilance. Accidents anse fiom paralysis.18、弹拨安全弦,奏响太平曲。Play the safety chord and play the peace music.19、生命最难得,安全第一位。Life is the most precious, safety first.20、人人讲安全,家家保安全。Eveivone taIks about safetv, and every family is saf

6、e. ,/J,21、宁愿歇工停产,绝不违章蛮干。It is better to stop work and stop production than to go against the niles and regulations.22、完美质量系统、增强工程质量。Improve quality system and strengthen enguieering quality.23、疾病从口入,事故由松出。Diseases come from the mouth and accidents comefrom the loosenuig.24、不怕千日紧,只怕一时松。Not a fra id o

7、f tight days, only a fra id of temp ora ly loosenuig.25、安全你一人,幸福全家人。Safe you, happy family.26、质量标准化,安全创水平。Quality standardization, safety leve 1.27、企业是我家,环境靠大家。Busuiess is my home, the envuonment depends on eveivone.28、过马路要眼观六路,耳听八方。When crossing the road, one should look at six roads and listen to

8、all duections.29、抓好安全生产促进经济发展。We should do a good job in safety production and promote economic development.30、只有麻痹吃亏,没有警惕被骗。Only paralysis suffers losses and no vigilance is fooled.31、当心无大错,粗心铸大过。Care fill is not a big mistake, careless is a big mistake.32、内强职工素质,外树交通形象。Strengthen the quality of st

9、aff and workers niside and build up the unage of traffic outside.33、安全牢记心安全永伴你。Safety, remember that safety is a Iwa vs with you. , “ “ ,34、时间就是金钱,效率就是生命。Tune is money, efficiency is life.35、坚持标本兼治,重在治本。Adhere to both the root causes and the root causes.36、安全就是节约,安全就是生命。Safety is economy, and safety

10、 is life.37、安全创建幸福粗心带来难过。Safety creates happuiess and neglect brings paui.38、安全万事兴,麻痹人财空。Eveiythuig is safe and prosperous, paralyzmg peoples wealth.39、只有防而不实没有防不胜防。There is no defence but defence.40、安全一万天,事故一瞬时。Safety 10.000 days, accident uistantaneous.41.事故猛于虎,隐患是豺狼。Accidents are worse than tiger

11、s. The hidden danger is jackals.42、辛辛苦苦取代不了规章制度。Hard work cannot replace niles and regulations.43、致富千日功,失事当天空。Make a fbiliine for thousands of days, the day when the accident happened.44、拒绝违规操作,保护生命安全。Refiise illegal op era tion and protect life safety.45、高快乐兴上班,平安全安回家。Happy to go to work, safe and

12、sound home.46、坚持安全发展,成立友善社会。Adhere to safe development and build a hannouious society.47、我们的承诺不做不良品。Our promise is not to make bad products.48、甜蜜的家盼着您安全回来。Sweet home is lookuig fbrward to your safe renini.49、安全规程高于上司命令。Safety regulations are higher than supenor orders.50、优化生产工序,提升生产效率。Optunize production process and unprove production efficiency, r51、落实应急方案,增强事故防备。Imp le me nte me rge ncy pla ns a nd s tre ng thenaccidentprevention.52、治病耍趁早,安全耍抓小。We should treat the disease as early as possible and take care of the safe tv.53、为安全投资是最大的福利。hivestuig in safety is the greatest


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