1、Stylistic markers of syntaxObjectives: To acquaint students with the stylistic knowledge on the syntax levelSyntaxSyntax refers to the rules for ordering and connecting words into sentences. It allows various possibilities to be exploited for effective linguistic communication.A systematic descripti
2、on of syntactic style should includeIntersentence relationshipSentence typeClause typePhrase typeWord classesWord orderBasic structure of clause clauseSubject verb (object) (complement) (adverbial)NP VP NP NP AdvPNCl NCl AdjP PrepP NCl AdvCl NP Clause type (1)SVSVOSVCSVOOSVOCClause type (2)In terms
3、of the structure of verb phrase :Finite clauseNon-finite clauseVerbless clauseFinite clauses are clauses in which the verb is a finite form.Improve (improves, improved, has improved, may have been improved, etc.)Mrs. Marlows health has been improving since she quit smoking.Non-finite clause is a cla
4、use whose verb is non-finite form.-ing, -ed, to doVerbless clause are clauses which contain no verb element.They are regarded as clause because they function as finite or non-finite clause.78 Passengers have been killed in the air crash, many of them holiday makers.Whether right or wrong, Michael al
5、ways comes off worst in an argument.Clause type (3)In terms of function in a sentence, clauses can be classified into independent and dependent (subordinate) clauses.An independent clause is one that is not subordinate to another clause.His nervousness is obvious.Everyone could see that he was nervo
6、us.Subordinate clauses are those which constitute part of another clause and function as its clause elements, or part of a phrase within a clause.Classification of subordinate clauses:Nominal clauseRelative clauseComparative clauseNominal clause: that-clause, wh-clause, to-infinite clause and ing cl
7、ause.What made him so nervous is a mystery.Toms ambition is to be a pop singer.Relative clause, functioning as post-modifier.The lung-cancer risk doubled for non-smoking women whose husband smoked 20 cigarettes a day at home.Comparative clauses resemble adjectives and adverbs in their modifying func
8、tion.I love my country more than I can express in words.Mary knows more English grammar than most of her classmates.Clause type (4)In terms of meaning, clauses can be viewed as means of representing patterns of ones objective and subjective experience in the world. They can be categorized into a num
9、ber of situation types. agentive Dynamic action Situation non-agentive type event (by external force) of perceptionStative mental states of cognition situation of attitude/emotion type attributing relational states identifyingEach situation is composed of three componentsA state or action, realized
10、by a VP;Participants (involved in the action/state) realized by NPsCircumstances (ssociated with the action/ state)realized by AdvPs, PrepPs, SdvCls, and NPs.Systemic-Functional approach of HallidayIdeational function transitivityInterpersonal function moodTextual function themeThree functionsIdeati
11、onal functionIdeational function is to organize the speakers or writers experience of the real or imaginary world, I.e. language refers to real or imaginary personal things, actions, events, or states, etc.Six processesMaterial (physical world: doing)Mental (world of consciousness: sensing)Relationa
12、l (word of abstract relation: being)Existential (existing)Verbal (saying)Behavioral (behaving) Transitivity A choice between three main process that can be represented in a sentenceA. a physical processB. a mental processC. a relational processRelated to this choice of process isA. the choice of par
13、ticipants(involved in the process)B. the choice of circumstanceFurther choices associated with transitivity would be which roles the participants had in a process and how process, participants, and circumstances are combined.Types of verb meaningClassification of situation types is based on the mean
14、ing types of the verb. Roughly we may distinguish between stative meanings and dynamic meanings of verb.Stative meaning refers to the situation that is conceived as existing, rather than happening, and as being continuous and unchanging throughout its duration.Dynamic meaning refers to a happening o
15、r occurrence, which has a definite beginning and end. Stative verbsVerbs referring to a relationship, or a state of being (be, belong to, contain, consist of, have, own, possess, resemble, stand for)Verbs referring to states of perception (feel, hear, see, smell, taste), state of cognition (believe,
16、 forget, imagine, know, suppose, think, understand), and states of emotion and attitude (dislike, fear, love; want, intend, wish)Dynamic verbsVerbs referring to actives having duration (play, read, talk, walk, work, write)Verbs referring to processes or transitions (become, deteriorate, get , grow,
17、improve, turn, arrive, die, drown, leave, stop)Verbs referring to momentary acts (hit, jump, kick, knock)Dynamic verb can be divided into:Agentive Non-agentiveAgentive situation refers to the action performed by an animate entity, which intentionally and responsiblely uses its own force or energy to
18、 bring about an action.Non-agentive situation refers to (i) an unintentional, involuntary action by an animate entity; (ii) the situation where an external force becomes the unwitting cause of an event.John opened the door with a key.(agentive, transition)The wind opened the door.(non-agentive, tran
19、sition)John walked along the street.(agentive, durative action)John stumbled and knocked his head against the wall.(non-agentive, momentary action)It should be noticed that the same verb may have a dynamic or stative meaning, depending on the context, the tense or aspect of the verb.I feel that I wa
20、s wrong.(state of cognition)I could feel something hard under my pillow.(state of perception)I felt for the watch under my pillow.(dynamic action)Simple Simon is a fool.(simple present, relational state)You are being a fool.(progressive aspect, dynamic action, you are acting like a fool)Participant
21、roles(1)Relational states can be subdivided into two types: attributive and identifying, each involving two participant role.Attributive:Tom is hardworking/ a teenager.Tom is in the lab.The board meeting is on Monday.Identifying:Tom is the head of our team.The lab is on the second floor.The writing
22、must be Toms.Participant roles(2)All mental states potentially involve two participate roles: a sensor and a phenomenon. A sensor is one that senses, and a phenomenon refers to that which is sensed.I feel something hard under my pillow.I thought that I was wrong.Mary likes swimming.Everyone was shocked by the information. Participant roles(3)The possible participant roles in dynamic situation are as follows:Agentive role John stopped the car near the gate.External force. The wind opened the door.Recipient role john has given Cathy a kite. Participant r
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