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1、NCE BOOK 3LESSON 24A skeleton in the cupboard“家丑”skeleton n.骷髅;骨骼a skeleton in the cupboard/closet: a shameful family secret 家丑,隐私 Its time to bring the family skeleton out of cupboard.-该是公开家丑的时候了。Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard. 家家有本难念的经。I dont have skeleton in my closet. 我没有什么不可告人的秘密。s

2、keleton at the feast(宴会)令人生厌、扫兴的事Eg. Never talk about a dangerous thunderstorm with a sailor before he begins a new voyage at the sea, which will be thought of as a skeleton at the feast.reduce to a skeleton 瘦得皮包骨, 骨瘦如柴Eg.He has had nothing to eat for a couple of days so he has been reduced to a ske

3、leton.skeleton key 万能钥匙seemingly adv. 表面上地seemingly sincere 貌似诚恳seeming adj. 表面上的a seeming good-tempered man 一个表面脾气好的人a seeming friend 一个表面上的朋友seemly adj. 合适的,适宜的seemly conduct / modesty 适宜的举止 / 适度的谦虚eg. It would be more seemly to tell her after the wedding. 婚礼后告诉她更合适。respectable adj.体面的,雅观的; 恰当的;受人

4、尊敬的Eg. She looked perfectly respectable in this dress. 她穿着这套衣服看上去非常文雅。respectable people 受人尊敬的人respectful adj.(to / towards sb.) 表示尊敬的,有礼貌的eg. A respectable person is respectful to others.受人尊敬的人也会尊敬别人respective adj.分别的,各自的Eg. All the students returned to their respective classrooms.respecting prep.

5、关于(书面语)Eg. Respecting the salary, we shall come to a decision later.conceal v.隐瞒,隐藏conceal sth. from sb.对某人隐瞒conceal oneself 潜伏,埋伏Eg. The house was concealed from the road by a small wood. disguise v. 掩藏,隐瞒Eg. She disguised her sadness with a happy smile. a blessing in disguise(乔装,伪装) 因祸得福Eg. Not ge

6、tting into university may be a blessing in disguise.没能上大学焉知非福 He has to travel in disguise. vivid adj. 生动的,栩栩如生的,活泼的; 鲜明的, 鲜艳的(光线、色彩等) a vivid color 鲜艳的颜色 / vivid blue 碧蓝色a vivid imagination 丰富的想像力She gave the police a vivid description of the accident. 比较级 more vivid / 最高级the most vivid lively adj.

7、 生动的,栩栩如生的,活泼的A lively imagination A lively account of her adventuresdramatic adj.令人激动的, 扣人心弦的(戏剧性的, 生动的)at some dramatic moment 在某个戏剧性时刻The dramatic scene is still vivid in his mind. His opening words are dramatic. 他的开场白扣人心弦。dramamusical drama; radio drama; silent drama哑剧striking adj.引人注意的, 显著的, 惊人

8、的ruin vt.破坏,毁灭; 破产; 使变成废墟; n.毁灭,灭亡; 废墟,遗迹; (灭亡)的原因,祸根; ruin 表示“毁坏”、“毁灭”,指彻底的毁坏,破坏的原因通常是自然现象、年龄、疏忽等,现多用于比喻用法中,在真正具体地摧毁或破坏某座建筑物时,通常不用ruin。The storm ruined the crops. He ruined his prospects(前景,希望) by carelessness. The fire ruined the castle. The company is facing ruin. ruin ones reputation; in ruins 成

9、为废墟ruin 有时还可指一般意义的弄坏或损坏,此时与spoil 同且常可换用,语气比spoil 稍强。这两个词有时还可用于美好经历或有用东西的损坏(此时不能用damage 或destroy)。如:My new dress is ruined spoiled. This unpleasant man with his endless complaints ruined spoiled my journey. 这个不讨人喜欢的家伙,牢骚满腹,使我这趟旅行很不愉快heroine n.女主人公;女英雄 hero 英雄;男主人公heroin 海洛因fiction n.小说(虚构, 编造)- 集合名词,

10、 小说的总称, 不可数science fiction 科幻小说;popular fiction 通俗小说; eg. The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred(adj. 模糊的,难辨的).novel n.小说, 长篇故事(某一部具体的小说)varying adj.不同的;正在变化的;可变的 vary vi.vt.改变, 变化 vary in size / style / price Eg.The weather varies from day to day. 天气一天天变化。work with varying degrees of

11、 enthusiasm 工作热情忽高忽低to varying degrees 在不同程度上various adj.不同的, 各种各样的various kinds of 各种各样的for various reasons 因为种种理由at various times 在不同的时期medicine n.医学 guestroom n.(家庭中的)来客住房 unpack vt.(从箱中)取出drawer n. 抽屉stack v.(整齐地)堆放, 排放 stack up 堆放The housewife is stacking up the clothing.Stack the books up agai

12、nst the wall. be stacked with sth. 堆满The floor was stacked with boxes.n.摞, 叠, 大堆, 堆栈 a stack of papers 一摞报纸 a stack of books 一大堆书pile up 堆放(比较整齐地)heap up 堆放 (杂乱地)underclothes n.内衣underclothing n.内衣, 贴身衣裤 underwear n.内衣裤petrify v.使惊呆She stood there, petrified with fear. 她站在那里,吓得目瞪口呆。petrified adj.感到震

13、惊的 petrifying adj.令人震惊的I was petrified at the news. dangle v. 悬挂,垂挂,摆动(上面常有两个固定点); 追求The leaves dangled in the wind.He dangled the bone in front of the puppy.I dangled my feet in the clear blue water. dangle about sb. 追求某人dangle round sb. / sth. 追求某人;希望得到某物 Eg. She had several young men dangling rou

14、nd her.sway v. 摇摆(常指来回轻轻不规则摇摆);支配;影响sway back and forth( =from side to side)前后左右摆动sway gently 轻轻地摇摆sway the minds of people 动摇人心sway deeply / strongly 深刻地影响Eg. The wind swayed the branches.His resolution(决心) never sways.swing v. (以某固定点为中心,来回幅度相同)摆动,转动,挥舞 n. 秋千Eg. The were swinging their arms. unsymp

15、athetic adj. 不表同情的feel unsympathetic for sb. be sympathetic to / towards sb.offer sympathy to sb.sympathy letter 慰问信in sympathy = sympathetically medical adj. 医学的TEXTWe often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers

16、for years.How引导宾语从句has some terrible secret = has a skeleton in the cupboard = has a skeleton in the closet 家丑which引导的定语从句修饰secretseemingly adv.表面上地(= from appearance) - a seemingly respectable person 表面上受人尊敬的人The English language possesses a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation.possess =

17、 own = have gotto describe this sort of situation 来描述这种场景(做定语用来修饰saying)- The English language possesses a vivid word to describe her beauty. At some dramatic moment in the story, the terrible secret becomes known and a reputation is ruined.Some 某一个(修饰单数可数名词)= a certainRuin vt.毁坏, 毁灭(泛指概念, 表示毁坏的过程不是

18、一下完成的)= spoil vt.搞糟, 宠坏 v.扰乱- The rain ruined my holiday. = The rain spoiled my holiday.Destroy vt.破坏, 毁坏 v.消灭, 摧毁(完全摧毁, 不可修复)- To tell the patient the truth is to risk destroying his hope.- The earthquake destroyed almost the entire city. Damage vt.损害, 损坏, 使受损失(可以被修复)- The car is damaged and it is

19、be repairing now. The readers hair stands on end when he reads that the heroine, a dear old lady who , poisoned every one of ones hair stands on end 某人感到毛骨悚然 = sb. feel horrified (adj.带有恐怖感的, 惊骇的)- My hair stands on end. 我感到毛骨悚然set/make ones hair stands on end 使某人感到毛骨悚然- horrid adj.恐怖的, 令人讨厌的, 可怕的-

20、The horrid film really make my hair stands on end. in her youth 在她年轻的时候everyone (单独用every和one连在一起) every one of (与of搭配every和one要分开) It is all very well for such things to occur in fiction.It is all very wellbut 好到是好, 但是- It is all very well for you to suggest taking a few days rest, but how can fini

21、sh our work in time?- It is all very well for them to ask me to do it, but I am too busy.Occur vi.发生, 出现(某个事件出乎意料的、偶然的发生)- 比happen更正式- When did the accident occur?It occurred to me to do / It occurred to me that- It occurred to me to open the window.Happen vi.发生, 碰巧, 偶然(某个事件出乎意料的、偶然的发生)- When did th

22、e accident happen?Take place v.发生, 举行(事件根据安排而发生、举行)- When will the wedding take place? To varying degrees, we all have secrets which we do not want even our closest friends to learn, but To varying degrees 从不同的角度来讲Which引导定语从句, 修饰secret。Learn 得知、了解某个事实 / 学习某种知识、技能- She is learning computers. 她正在学习电脑。

23、(动态动词)Know 知道某个事实 / 具有某种知识、技能 / 了解某个人(状态动词, 不能用进行时)- She knows about computers. 她懂电脑 I once spent an uncomfortable weekend which I shall never forget at his house.Shall的用法: 1 (过去时should)(shall 可缩写为 ll , shall not 常缩写为 shant FB:nt, 美国人常用will代替)2 用于主语为第一人称单复数, 表示单纯将来 将要, 会- I shall be forty on my next

24、 birthday. 到下次生日, 我就满四十岁。- We shall be on holiday at this time next week. 我们将于下星期这个时候度假。- I shall ring you up as soon as I arrive. 我一到就给你打电话。3 用于陈述句第二、三人称, 表示说话者的意图、警告、命令、决心等, 主语的行动受讲话者支配 必须, 应, 可- He shall go. 他可以去。- You shall have an answer by tomorrow. 到明天你可以得到答复。- He shall have a bicycle for his

25、 birthday. 他可以得到一架自行车作为生日礼物。- She shall not enter my house again. 她不得再进我家。4 在问句中, 征 询对方对于主语行动的意见(提供帮助, 提出建议、要求给予指示和征求意见), 主要用于第一、三人称. 好吗? 要不要.?- Shall I carry your bag ? 我帮你拿手提包, 好吗?- Shall he come to see you ? 要不要他来看你?5 用于第三人称, 在条约、规定、法令等文件中表示义务或规定应, 必须- No reader shall remove a book from the libra

26、ry without consent of the librarian.非经管理员同意, 读者不准把书带出图书馆。- The National Party Congress shall be convened every five years .党的全国代表大会每五年举行一次。6 在表示意图、要求等的从句中 应该, 要- I wish that you shall stay at home tonight. 我希望今晚你留在家里。- You say you will not do it, but I say you shall do it.你说你不做这事, 但是我说, 你非做不可。7 用于将来

27、时态的间接引语, 与直接引语中的shall相应将- He says that he shall will be glad to see you. (=He says, “I shall be glad to see you.”) 他说他将乐意来看你。I opened the cupboard door and then stood in front of it petrified. stand in front of sth petrified 站在前, 目瞪口呆- We stood petrified as we felt the earthquake began.frighten vt.使

28、惊吓(在某个特定的场合受到惊吓)- I was frighten by a large dog.terrified adj.恐惧的, 受惊吓的(表示惊吓的程度非常强烈)- I was terrified when the tiger went towards me.afraid adj.害怕, 担心(表示一种状态, 永久性的恐惧)- The girl is afraid of mouse.The sudden movement of the door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to

29、 leap out at me.gave me the impression that 给某人以的印象 that引导同位语从句, 进一步说明impression的内涵。- He gave me the impression that he will help me every day.Be about to do sth 表示即将、就要(暗示动作即将发生)- I was about to go to bed when there was a knock at the door.- We were just about to leave when you telephoned.(多与when连用

30、)leap out at sb 跳出来扑向某人Oh, that, he said with a smile as if he were talking about an old friend. 语法:(L21)as if 引导从句的虚拟语气As if / though引导表从和方式状从分3种情况1)从句与现在事实相反,从句谓v.用一般过去时“did”(be过去时were)-她微笑着说一些事好像正在谈论一位老朋友。-She says something with a smile as if she were talking about an old friend.(方式状从)-She looks

31、 as though she were sick.(表从)2)与过去事实相反,从句谓v.用过去完成时“had done”-他谈论金字塔好像他真的见过一样。-He talked about pyramids as though he had really seen them himself.3)从句的情况将来发生可能性不大,从句谓v.用过去将来时“would do”-他说得好像他要出国似的。-He talks as if he would go abroad.注:as if/ though 后面从句也可用直陈语气,但表示的是可能发生的事或可能被设想为真实的情况-It looks as if ou

32、r side is going to win.分词的特殊表达方式:Even this was remarkable, considering that she had had so many delays.分词+(that)从句,如:considering that ( = since that既然); seeing that(=since that既然); supposing that (=if假如); granting / granted that (= though 尽管); allowing that(考虑到)Supposing there was a war, what would you do?Granting that he has made a mistake, he is not to blame, for he intended to help us.2. 不及物动词的分词+介词,如:judging from (由来判断); talking of(谈论到); allowing for(考虑到)等在某些表达方式中,分词短语的逻辑主语和句的主语不一致,但这已是约定俗成的,所以不认为错。在应用时,只需要记住以下这些表达方式即可。Allowing for


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