1、学号班级(A 卷)经济学原理 I(2006 年秋季学期)期中测验 1(A 卷)(2006/10/25)学术部温馨提示:此处为仅有题目版本,适合对照完全版中使用。可以将此版本打印并配合答题纸实况。一、判断题(判断并简明理由,必要时可以用图形。每题 4 分,共 28 分)1、某宿舍的打水方案原来是“个人打水,自己使用”;后来改为“集体打水,集体使用”。这会导致用水量的增加。2. If a certarade is good for one, it cant be good for the other one.3、只有富国之间才存在贸易的可能性,因为只有他们才拥有剩余产品消费量小于产出量。4、大量关
2、闭地方小煤窑未必导致煤炭销售量下降;因为当煤炭价格上升后,其他企业的供给量会增加。5、在房地产市场上,成立。看到,房价在不断上升,而销售量不降反升,这说明需求定律不6、的辑是某著名经济学教科书的销售,他认为,由于允许学生将旧的教科书再次出售,损害了的利益。某著名化学家对此建议,可以使用一种他本人发明的印刷墨水,当教科书使用半年后,这种墨水自动褪色,使得书页变成空白。如果辑接受这议,其结果是必然导致新书价格上升和增加。7、某国在其特有的农产品丰收之后组织的庆祝活动中,将这一农产品大量销毁而不是卖掉。这显然会导致农民收益下降。二、选择题(每题 3 分,共 36 分。每题只有一个正确。)1. Mik
3、e has spent $500 purchasing and repairing an old fishing boat, which he expects to sell for$800 once the repairs are complete. He discoverst he needs an additional repair, which willcost $400, in order to complete the repairs. He can sell the boat as it is now for $300. What shouldhe do?He shouldcut
4、 his losses and take the $300. He should never sell something for lessA.B.C.D.n it cost.He should complete the repairs and sell the boat.It doesnt matter which action he takes; thee is the same either way.2、某大学原来给每位老师上课的酬金是每小时 100 元。每个老师的年平均数为 144 小时。现在,该大学规定:凡是上课数超过 144 小时的,超过部分每小时酬金 300 元;凡是低于 144
5、 小时的,部分每小时减去酬金 300 元。这一政策实施的是:A BC几乎没有影响;因为上 144 小时的课和以前拿同样多的钱只有原来上课144 小时的才会因为担心被罚而增加授课量只有原来上课超过 144 小时的才会因为酬金倍增而增加授课量D所有教师都会增加授课量,因为授课的边际收益增加了3、中国的“道路交通安全法”将机动车与行人之间交通事故造成的损害由机动车与行人分担,改为机动车全部承担。这导致机动车与行人相遇时,机动车驾驶员的谨慎程度;行人的谨慎程度;“最终导致机动车与行人之间交通事故的可能性。A B CD提高;提高;降低。降低;降低;提高。提高;降低;可能提高可能降低。降低;提高;可能提高
6、可能降低。4. Adam Smith s promote the publicA. individual whoest led by the invisible hand of markets, what kinds of individual canerest effectively?ends to promote the publicerestB. individual who knows how much he is promoting the solerestC. Boand BD. individual whoends only his own gain5、人类社会由清洁的环境与高收
7、入水平的权衡取舍的生产可能性边界。假定技术的进步提高了收入水平(但没有导致零收入水平下更清洁的环境)。以下说法正确的是:A B CD这使得清洁环境的机会成本增加了,必然使得人们选择更不清洁的环境这使得人们有可能同时获得高的收入水平和更清洁的环境因为技术进步提高了收入水平,则必然带来环境污染的加剧既然技术进步了,人们必然选择更清洁的环境,即使收入因此下降了6、 A B CD有时会出现意见不一致,这是因为:经济学还不是科学会犯逻辑推导的错误强调权衡取舍,之间的价值观或者科学判断的不同7、1793年,英国派特使马噶尔尼来中国,想和这个巨大的东方“做生意”。但皇帝却对这位特使说:无所不有,原不管外洋货
8、物一通其无。”了这议。运用经济学原理对此加以评论,正确的说法是:A B C D更好。如果中国真的能够生产所有外国人生产的东西,确实没有贸易的必要。的话没有中国的生产率已经远远于外国,所以必须进行贸易。主要是担心贸易使得中国的物品大量流失,这种担心不无道理。没有只要各国在生产不同物品上具有不同的相对优势,贸易就可以让双方都8. Marand Stewart are married. They spend their time performino favorite activities,knitting scarves and making meatballs. Martakes 2 hours
9、 to knit a scarf and 1 hour to make adozen meatballs. Stewart takes 3 hours to knit a scarf and 2 hours to make a dozen meatballs. IfMarand Steward trade with each other, who will trade away scarves in exchange for meatballs?The price of a knit scarf can be expressederms of dozens of meatballs. What
10、 is the highestprice at which a scarf can be traded price?A Steward; 2; 1.5t would make both spouses better off? What is the lowestBMar; 2; 1.5CSteward; 2; 2DMar; 1.5; 1.59. Over the past 20 years, technological advanhave reduced the cost of computer chips. Howdo you think this affected the market f
11、or computers? For computer software? For typewriters?A computers price fell and sales rose; softwares price fell and sales rose; typewriters price fell and sales roseB computers price fell and sales rose; softwares price rose and sales rose; typewriters price fell and sales fellcomputers price rose
12、and sales fall; softwares price fell and sales fell; typewriters price rose and sales rosecomputers price fell and sales rose; softwares price fell and sales fell; typewriters price roseand sales rose10. Two drivers Tom and Jerry each drive up to a gas sion. Before looking at the price, eachplaan or
13、der. Tom says, “Id like 10 gallons of gas.” Jerry says, “Id like $10 of gas.” What isToms price elasticity of demand? And Jerrys?A B CD0; 0-1; -10; -1-1; 011. Several years ago, flooding along the Missouri and Mississippi rivers destroyed thousands ofacres of wheat. Supe the demand for wheat is inel
14、astic with regard to price. Then farmerswhose crops were destroyed by the floods wereBut farmers whose crops were not.destroyed were. Farmers as a group werebetter off, better off; better offworse off, better off; either better off or worse offworse off, worse off; worse offworse off, better off; be
15、tter off12、随着一国收入水平的提高,对电力的需求逐步增加。一开始时,电价不会明显上升,但发电量明显上升。但在一段时间之后,电价迅速上升,而发电量几乎不上升。出现这一现象的原因通常是:A B CD电力的供给在数量小时富于弹性,在数量大时缺乏弹性电力需求的增加随时间变得越来越快,而供给不变电力供给的减少随时间变得越来越快,而需求不变电力的需求缺乏弹性,而供给富于弹性三、问答题(共 4 小题,36 分)1. Comparative Advantage and multilateral trade (6 pos)An American worker can each produce 10 t
16、ons of grains per year. He or she c 4 aircrafts, or 100 shirts, or 50 tons of crude oil per year.so produce(1) A Chiworker can each produce 1 tons of grains, or 1000 shirts per year. Buthismoment we dont know Chiworkers productivity of aircrafts and crude oil. Can tradebetn the U.S. and China make e
17、ach country better off? If so, what should the U.S. importand what should it exporthis case? (2 pos)(2) A Saudi Arabia worker can each produce 1 aircraft, or 400 tons of crude oil per year. But wedont know their productivity of grain and shirts. Can trade betn the U.S. and SaudiArabia make each coun
18、try better off? If so, what should the U.S. import and what should itexport now? (2 pos)(3) Can the U.S. have comparative advantages both in producing grains and aircrafts? Do youthink the concept of comparative advantage is still useful foryzing moren 2 goods and(or) moren 2 countries? Explains. (2
19、 pos)2. Oil price and the world economy (8 pos)The price of crude oil has moren tripled withhe past three years. This is similar inscale to the price jumps of 1973-74, 1978-80, 1989-90, all of which were followed by worldwidereand rising inflation. Today, though, global GDP growth is well above tren
20、d, whileinflation remains low. This exercise helps us to understand why the world economy has fared socomfortably this time.(1)Draw the market demand and supply curve for crude oil. Label the equilibrium price andty of crude oilhe graph. (1 po)(2)he 1970s and late 1980s, an OPEC embargo reduced the
21、supply of crude oil. Show the effect of the embargo on crude oil market in your diagram. How would the price of crude oilchange? (2 pos)(3)Most countries of the world were importers of crude oils and used it as major inputs of many products. How did the embargo affect those product markets? Can you
22、explain why aneconomy-wide rehappen? (2 pos)(i.e., decreasedties) and inflation (i.e., increased pri) would(4) Today, what really happens ist global economy (esp. countries as China) has experiencedstronger growthn before. How the economic growth (esp.t of energy-consumingsectors) affects the demand
23、 for crude oil? Show the effect of economic growth on crude oilmarket in your diagram. How are economic growtime? (3 pos)nl price related to each other at this3、与(7 分)人们通常认为,一个地方人数的增加,会遏制从而减少率。然而,现实中往往观察到,一个地方的制。人数与率可能是正相关的。下面来分析这个问题的内在机(1)考虑人数增加对率的影响。假定是负的影响,以人数为横坐标,)。(1 分)率为纵坐标,表示出这一关系,姑且称为遏制曲线(表示
24、遏制(2)考虑率增加对人数的影响。这个影响通常是正的还是负的?在同一图形中,将这个关系表示出来,姑且成为适应曲线(表示分)对增加地适应)。(1(3)率与人数会处于图形中哪一点?(1 分)人们观察到的(4)一段时间,纽约市的率和人数相比其他城市都是较高的。而纽约的贫富差距也高于其他城市。一般认为,贫富差距会带来率提高,假定这一点是正确的,你能够解释为什么纽约市的两条曲线之一或同时的移动)(2 分)率和人数都很高吗?(提示:运用上述(5)纽“9.11”后,加强了对许多重点地区的,以防止。有表明,这一行动也减少了这些地区的普通率。这个有助于说明遏制曲线是负斜率(即增加能够遏制)吗?运用图形仔细说明。
25、(2 分)4、需求弹性与“单向”(15 分)“中华游”移动通讯公司原来对用户机通话实行“双向”拨机和接听均进行相同的(例如,每分钟 6 角钱)。现在,该公司决定将“双向”改为“单向”,即:对拨机的维持不变,但取消对接听的(实际上实行很低的,例如,每分钟 2 分钱)。暂不考虑固定对移动的替代作用。(1)假定的拨打者和接听者在消费上利益不相关,并且拨打者对接听者是否接听的预期不影响其选择拨打。你预计“单向者增加拨打的次数吗?解释之。(1 分)”的政策会使得拨打(2)通话的一种类型为“商务通话”。这种通话的接听者必须接听,无论高低。在“单向”实施之前,通讯公司从该类“通话”(拨打加上接听)当中赚取的每分钟收益是多少?“单向”改变了这一类通话的数量了吗?改变了通讯公司每分钟通话的收益了吗?你预计通讯公司从这类通话中获得的总收益是上升了还是下降了?(2 分
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