1、Chapter 11 circulatory system1医学PPTBasic anatomyHeart Blood vesselsLymphatic system2医学PPTHeart anatomy3医学PPTBlood vessels4医学PPTLymphatic system5医学PPTCommon roots and affixesHema/o-Sanguin-Phleb/o-Sphygm/o-peniaAngi/o-6医学PPTHaem/o-,haema-,hem/o,hema-,hemat/o- bloodhemorrhage5hemEridV出血hemoagglutinin7
2、hi:mEuE5lu:tinin血红素凝结素Hemobilia hi:mEu5biliE 胆道出血, 胆血症,血胆症 hemoclip血管夹 7医学PPTsanguin- (L.sanguis) bloodsanguinivoroussANwi5nivErEs食血的,吸血的sanguinopoieticsANwninEupCi5etik生血的,造血的sanguinarin7sANwi5nZEri:n血根碱 8医学PPTphleb/o- (Gr. Phleps) bleood vessel,veinphlebitisfli5baitis静脉炎phlebalgiafli5bAldViE静脉痛 ph
3、lebangioma7flibAndVi5EumE静脉瘤9医学PPTsphygm/o- (Gr.sphugms) pulsesphygmogram5sfimE7rAm脉搏描记,脉搏曲线Sphygmocardiograph7sfimE5kB:diEurB:f心动脉搏描记器sphygmometer 脉博计10医学PPT-penia lack of, insufficiencyLymphocytopenia 7limfE7saitEu5pi:niE淋巴细胞减少(症)Ant. lymphocytosisNeutropenia 7nju:trEu5pi:niE(嗜)中性白细胞减少(症)thrombocy
4、topenia 7WrCmbEusaitEu5pi:niE血小板减少(症)11医学PPTangi/o- vesselangioataxian5t 血管紧张失调angiosarcoma9AndVIEJsB:kEJmE血管肉瘤angioplasty5AndVIEJ7plAsti血管成形术12医学PPTconditionsAneurysmArrhythmiaBleeding DisordersBacteremia and sepsisHodgkins DiseasePulmonary hypertensionThalassemiaThrombophlebitisVaricose Veins13医学P
5、PTAneurysmCerebral aneurysmAortic aneurysmabdominal aneurysm Thoracic aneurysmVentrical aneurysm 14医学PPTArrhythmia ITachycardiaAtrial fibrillation心房颤动Atrial flutter心房扑动Supraventricular tachycardia(SVT)室上性心动过速Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW)吾-巴-怀三氏综合征/pre-excitation syndrome (预激综合征 )Ventricular f
6、ibrillation心室颤动Ventricular tachycardia室性心动过速Long QT syndromeQT间期延长综合征15医学PPTArrhythmia IIBradycardiaSick sinus syndrome病态窦房结综合症Conduction block 传导阻滞 (atrioventricular conduction block 房室传导阻滞 )Premature heartbeat早博16医学PPTBleeding disordersPT (Prothrombin Time)凝血酶原时间 (11-15s)ACT (activated clotting ti
7、me)活化凝血时间aPTT/PTT (activated partial thromboplastin time)活化部分凝血激酶时间 (37s)coagulation factors 凝血因子platelet count血小板计数17医学PPTBacteremia and SepsisBacteremia 7bAktE5ri:miE菌血症the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream; Sepsis 5sepsis脓毒病, 脓血症a bacterial infection in the bloodstream. 18医学PPTHodgkins Dise
8、aseHodgkins disease, sometimes called Hodgkins lymphoma, is a cancer that starts in lymphatic tissue, including the lymph nodes and related organs that are part of the bodys immune and blood-forming systems. Its named after Dr. Thomas Hodgkin who first recognized it in 1832. The cancer cells in Hodg
9、kins disease are called Reed-Sternberg cells, after the two doctors who first described them in detail. Hodgkins disease is a malignant lymphoma. There is no benign (noncancerous) form of Hodgkins disease. 19医学PPTThalassemialE5si:miE珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血,地中海贫血,库利氏贫血an inherited disorder sometimes called Medite
10、rranean anemia, von Jaksch anemia or Cooleys anemia, named after the physicians who first diagnosed it 20医学PPTThrombophlebitis7WrCmbEufli5baitis血栓(性)静脉炎inflammation due to a blood clot occurs in a vein, usually occurs in the veins of the legs 21医学PPTVaricose veinsgnarled, enlarged, thus visible vein
11、s mostly occurring in the legs and feet, which may be caused by incompetent valves within the veins. The word varicose comes from the Latin root varix, which means twisted.22医学PPTA Quiz before we move onMatch each specific disease in column B with its type in column A. Column A Column BHeart valves
12、diseasestrokeCoronary diseasehemophthalmia Bleeding disorderhemophiliaCerebrovascular diseasenodular sclerosis Lymphatic diseasethrombophlebitisInflammationsaortic stenosisHemorrhagesmitral insufficiency 23医学PPTTests Blood test seriesAngiographyABIDuplex ultrasound24医学PPTBlood test seriesCardiovascu
13、lar Risk Profiletotal cholesterolHDL cholesterol LDL cholesterol triglycerides cholesterol/HDL ratio glucose25医学PPTBlood test seriesLiver Function: AST天冬氨酸转氨酶ALT丙氨酸转氨酶LDH乳酸脱氢酶total bilirubinalkaline phosphatase GTP谷氨酰转肽酶26医学PPTBlood test seriesBlood Protein Levels: AlbuminGlobulinAlbumin/globulin ra
14、tio 27医学PPTBlood test seriesKidney Function BUN (blood urea nitrogen)血尿素氮Creatinine肌酐Uric acid28医学PPTBlood test seriesComplete Blood Count (CBC) red blood cell count white blood cell count mean corpuscular volume (MCV)平均红细胞容积mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)红细胞平均血红蛋白量mean corpuscular hemoglobin conc
15、entration (MCHC)红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度hemoglobin hematocrit血细胞比容platelet count basophils eosinophils neutrophilslymphocytes monocytes 29医学PPTAngiography血管造影术The radiographic visualization of blood vessels following introduction of contrast material, or through CT scanning or MRI Catheter angiographyCT angiogra
16、phyMRA Magnetic Resonance Angiography30医学PPTCatheter Angiography31医学PPTCT angiographyComputerized tomography scanning, also called CT or CAT scanning, is a test that uses x-rays and computers to create detailed images of the internal structures of the body. 32医学PPTMagnetic Resonance AngiographyWhen
17、MRI is applied to the blood vessels, it is also sometimes referred to as MRA (magnetic resonance angiography). 33医学PPTAnkle-brachial index (ABI)臂-踝指数Measurement and comparison of the blood pressure in the ankle and in the arm 34医学PPTDuplex Ultrasound双功能超声仪 Duplex ultrasound combines Doppler and conv
18、entional ultrasound to allow physicians to see the structure of the blood vessels. Duplex ultrasound shows how blood is flowing through the vessels and measures the speed of the flow of blood.35医学PPTTreatmentsThrombolytic TherapyVenous AccessSurgical BypassSurgical Aneurysm RepairFoot CareEndovascul
19、ar StentingEndarterectomy36医学PPTThrombolytic therapyThrombolytic therapy is a treatment used to break up dangerous clots inside the blood vessels by injecting clot-dissolving medications into a blood vessel. ischemic stroke Pulmonary embolismDVT (deep vein thrombolism / thrombosis)37医学PPT38医学PPTVeno
20、us Access静脉通道Venous access allows the physician to deliver medicine directly into the bloodstream without repeatedly puncturing blood vessels. In venous access, a long, thin tube, called a catheter, acts as a kind of artificial vein. One end of the catheter is placed in a vein in the arm, neck, or c
21、hest. The other end exits the body so that the physician can deliver medicine. This end may be connected to a circular device called a port under the surface of the skin. 39医学PPT40医学PPTSurgical BypassSurgical bypass treats the narrowed arteries by creating a bypass around a section of the artery tha
22、t is blocked. 41医学PPTSurgical Aneurysm RepairIn surgical aneurysm repair, the vascular surgeon repairs or removes an aneurysm through an incision in the skin 42医学PPTFoot Care Foot care is important if patients have leg artery disease (peripheral arterial disease or PAD). In PAD, the blood vessels in the limbs become blocked because of hardening of the arteries. 43医学PPTEndovascular Stent Graft a fabric tube that reinforces a weak spot in a blood vessel, such as an aneurysm typically used to treat abdominal aorti
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