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1、SUPER FLOOR SYSTEM激光整平地坪施工方案 施工制作单位:昆山万筑涂料涂装工程有限公司 编制日期: 2015年6月26日 改制日期: 2015年10月15日目录1. 企业介绍2. 工程状况3. 计划投入设备4. 裂缝控制5. 打磨抛光设备6. 激光整平施工工艺7. 质量控制与计划8.工程案例9.计划工期公司简介企业介绍Company Introduction 万筑涂料(昆山)有限公司是加拿大VOKOR化学公司在中国大陆注册投资的独资公司,专业生产多种地面涂装保护材料,并提供相应的施工及技术服务。自建厂以来,先后承接了上海大众(发动机二厂)、上海通用汽车(上海、烟台、沈阳工厂)、上

2、汽通用五菱、苏州GE航空、苏州梅西埃航空、上海延锋汽车饰件系统有限公司、上海华虹NEC,菲利浦、日本精工NSK、苏州松下半导体、ALPS、昆山统一、康师傅食品、苏州罗技电子、佰电(苏州)有限公司、上汽集团,奇瑞捷豹路虎常熟工厂,普洛斯(昆山,常熟)库,嘉里(广州,上海,昆山)项目,上海圣戈班研发中心、杭州娃哈哈集团等并深受好评。 Vokor Paint (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise invested and registered in the Chinese mainland by Canadian VOKOR

3、 Chemical Company, specializing in the production of a variety of floor coating and protective materials and rendering the related construction and technical services. Since its inception, the company has undertaken the floor construction for our customers and received well comments from them, inclu

4、ding Shanghai Volkswagen (Engine Factory B), Shanghai General Motor (Factories in Shanghai, Yantai and Shenyang), SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile Co., Ltd., GE Aviation Systems(Suzhou) Co.,Ltd, Messier-Dowty Suzhou Co. Ltd, Shanghai Zhixin Transformer Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yanfeng Visteon Automotive Trim Sy

5、stems Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huahong NEC Electronics Co., Ltd., Philips, Nippon Seiko-NSK, Suzhou Matsushita Semiconductor Co., Ltd., ALPS, Uni-President (Kunshan), Master Kang Food, Logitech Electronic (Suzhou), Benchmark Electronics (Suzhou),Saint Gobain R&D Center(Shanghai) and Wahaha (Hangzhou) etc

6、. 公司地址位于昆山经济技术开发区内。内设技术部、工程部、生产部等多种职能部门,拥有高素质的专业技术人员、专业施工人员及严密的公司管理体系。先进的实验室设备及生产设备,充分保障了公司的新产品开发能力及日生产产品的品质。The company is located at the Kunshan Economic and Technical Development Zone,It has several functional departments such as Technical, Engineering and Production, with high-caliber profession

7、al technicians and construction workers as well as rigorous management system. Advanced lab facilities and production equipment can sufficiently ensure our R & D capacity of new products and quality of our daily products.2002年,万筑涂料(昆山)有限公司相继取得了新加坡普利美国际(Polymer International)有限公司、英国汇亨在中国华东地区的代理权,我们致力

8、于将世界上最优秀的地坪材料提供给中国的广大用户。In 2002, Vokor Paint (Kunshan ) Co.,Ltd had successively became an agen in East China of companies including Singapore Polymer International Co.,Ltd.and British Flowcrete Co.,Ltd.We are aimed at providing the worlds most excellent coating material to Chinese consumers2. 工程状况项

9、目名称:苏州斯奈克玛航空项目地点:苏州工业园区总包单位:南通四建集团有限公司施工制作单位:昆山万筑涂料涂装工程有限公司建筑名称:新车间施工面积:约3500平方承载类型:土承地坪计划施工工期: 设备投入计划图 单盘磨光机Walk-behind towel双盘磨光机Ride-on towel切割机Soft cut手动整平器Bump cutter隔离缝设置4.1 施工工艺 裂缝控制墙边隔离缝控制柱边裂缝:柱角设加强钢筋,单边412,单根长1m,垂直于裂缝开张方向设置; 柱边混凝土采用菱形切割,边长1m1.5m。柱子加强与切割4.2 施工工艺 裂缝控制加强筋摆放位置 由于越早切割越能有效地控制混凝土的

10、早期干燥收缩引起的裂缝,因此选择在混凝土初凝后,最早时间内进行切割。 切割完后,立即用吸尘器将产生的浆水吸干,避免泥浆污染施工缝边混凝土,造成色差,影响外观。4.3 施工工艺 裂缝控制切割切割过晚早切割+使用薄膜保湿养护使用无纺布保温养护 切缝结束之后,立即铺塑料薄膜进行养护; 视天气情况,前5-7天进行洒水养护; 如气温低,还应做适当的保温养护,形成高强度高质量的地坪。4.4 施工工艺 裂缝控制养护 Finishing 刀片抛光; 进行抛光,使表面变得光滑; 提高平整度; Floating 圆盘打磨; 因使用大型圆盘打磨,对平整度不会造成影响; 消除混凝土表面的气泡及结团的砂浆颗粒5. 施工

11、工艺 打磨抛光产生35mm 强化层 提高地面平整度 提高表层混凝土密实度和耐磨性 施工速度快激光整平施工工艺(一)混凝土激光整平施工工艺: IConstruction Process for Laser Concrete Screeding: 1、施工前准备: 1. Pre-construction Preparation (1)施工前将基层杂物、积水清理干净,并确认在混凝土地坪下没有任何可压缩层或膨胀物质且水位线不会污染底面基层物质。(1) Clean away debris and ponding on the base before construction, and confirm t

12、hat no compressible layer or expansion material is under the concrete floor and that the water line will not pollute the base material on the concrete floor. (2)要特别注意浇注块的边,尤其是升降平台、挡土墙和类似部位,以保证材料被充分压实,底板已达到要求的厚度,成形的表面无大石子和其他不应出现的物质。(2) Pay special attention to the edge of pouring blocks, especially a

13、t the lifting platform, retaining walls and similar parts, to ensure that the material is fully compacted, the bottom plate has reached the required thickness, and the formed surface is free of large pieces of gravels and other substances unexpected. (3)在最后修整底面基层上,不得有任何阶差或标高的突然变化。基层必须夯实充分,轧棍平整,建议垫层为

14、大于10cm厚的混凝土,且在混凝土搅拌车和其他车辆下不会产生变形。(3) No any sudden changes in gradient or elevation should occur on the of the finished underside base. The base must be fully compacted and leveled through rolling and it is suggested that the cushion be concrete of more than 10 cm thick with no distortion under a co

15、ncrete mixer truck and other vehicles. (4)对所有设备进行检查,并根据测量基准及地坪完成面标高调整激光整平机初始控制标高。(4) Check all devices and adjust the initial control elevation of the laser screed according to the measurement basis and the finished surface elevation of the floor. (5)地坪施工前,应确保厂房处于全封闭状态,门窗等未封闭洞口需采用临时围封措施,整个浇注块应在封闭的环境

16、中进行。(5) As the entire pouring blocks should be conducted in a closed environment, it has to be ensured that prior to floor construction, the plant is completely closed, and temporary enclosure measures has been taken for unclosed openings such as doors and windows. 施工工艺(6)地坪施工前,所有中间柱方型基础用模板包围起来,模板上端

17、与地坪标高水平或略高于地坪标高。(6) Before the construction of the floor, all the square basis of middle columns should be enclosed with formwork, with the upper end of the formwork flushed with or slightly higher than the floor elevation. (7)在地坪施工前,对原有墙边采用10mm厚泡沫聚氨脂板隔离。(7) Before the construction of the floor, the

18、 original wall 1 shall be isolated through 10 mm thick foam polyurethane board. (8)厂房施工时,应留有砼罐车、泵车和整平机出入通道,通道可容罐车和整平机通过即可。(8) During the construction of the plant, access paths can accommodate concrete tankers, pump trucks and leveling machines should be reserved. (9)分仓设置:根据S240镭射激光整平机摊铺、整平能力及本工程的特点

19、,采用分仓施工,平均每天施工一仓,每仓平均面积2000-3000m2(可协商具体工作量),施工时采用跳仓施工工艺,相临仓浇注间隔时间至少2天。(9) Sectional construction setting: according to paving and leveling capabilities of S240 laser screed and characteristics of this project, the sub-warehouse construction method shall be adopted, with the average construction rat

20、e of one section per day and the average area of 2000-3000 m2 per section (the specific work amount is negotiable), and during the construction, interval section construction process shall be applied, with an interval of at least two days among pouring of adjacent sections. 施工分仓缝避开通道位置设置,并考虑柱网分布情况及浇

21、筑通行路线,施工缝处设置传力杆,纵、横方向设置切割伸缩缝,切割缝间距根据中间柱的分布位置设置,间距不大于6m。The path location should be avoided during construction section seam setting, with the column grid distribution and pouring traffic routes considered, construction joints should be provided with dowel steel and in longitudinal and transverse dir

22、ections, cut expansion joints are to be set, the spacing among which, no more than 6 m, shall be set according to the distribution position of middle columns. 施工工艺2、施工工艺(美国神龙S240精密型激光整平机)2. Construction Process (USA Somero S240 Precision laser screed) 现场条件准备(基层清理) 测量定位放线 模板系统安装 模板标高复测 铺设塑料薄膜 铺设钢纤维混凝

23、土 砼摊铺浇筑 精密型激光整平机整-手持式整平设备精平 播撒耐磨粉驾驶型磨光机砼面层磨光及抛光 切缝砼养护及成品保护Site conditions preparation (cleaning up the base) measurement, positioning and setting out formwork system installation re-measurement of formwork elevation laying the plastic film laying the single layer steel mesh concrete paving pouring p

24、recision laser screed fine leveling through handheld leveling equipment wear-resisting powder spraying concrete surface grinding and polishing through driving-type polishing machine joint cutting concrete curing and finished product protection 1、施工前:首先进场前须与甲方、总包及监理方等就施工工艺及工期等进行协调、交底,排定每天的混凝土地坪浇筑量,根据

25、施工面积和工期确定施工设备及人员的安排。1 Pre-construction work: firstly, make coordination and disclosure with Party A, the general contractor and the Supervisor on issues such as construction process and duration, then determine the daily scheduled concrete floor pouring amount and make arrangement of the constructio

26、n equipment & personnel according to the construction area and duration. 2、铺设1mm厚塑料布,尽可能避免在铺设过程中造成塑料布的损坏,同时在塑料布搭接处,须重叠10cm左右,以保证地坪的防潮效果。2. Lay the plastic sheeting of 1 mm thick, during which process avoid damage to the plastic sheeting as much as possible, and meanwhile, at the overlap joint of the

27、 plastic sheeting, an overlapping of about 10 cm should be provided to ensure the damp-proof performance of the floor. 施工工艺3、现场保护:对重点部位的钢柱及墙体等用塑料布等进行围护,并做好醒目标记,防止在浇筑地坪时碰撞,同时对地面已有的预埋管线及滚床基础和轨道等进行标记,同时在施工过程中固定人员现场指挥、保护,避免压坏。3. Site protection: provide enclosure with plastic sheeting for steel columns

28、and walls and other building parts at key positions and make obvious marks to prevent collision during the floor pouring, also mark the embedded pipeline, the roller machine base and track, etc. already in the ground, and arrange specially assigned personnel for on-site guidance and protection in th

29、e construction process, so as to avoid crushing damage. 4、施工准备:设定浇注区域、支设模板,安装传力杆,地坪基层平整度及标高检查,规定浇注顺序。并对砼塌落度检验:控制在冬天 12-14cm,夏天16-18.4. Construction preparation: set the pouring area, erect the formwork, install the dowel steel, check the base floor flatness and elevation, and specify the pouring seq

30、uence. Also test the concrete slump which should be controlled within 12 14 cm. 5、精密型激光整平机整平及混凝土振捣:在激光平机伸缩臂有效范围内,从左到右,先用人工将混凝土大致摊铺开来,然后由激光整平机一次性完成振捣、压实、整平工作,振捣时配合使用手提式振动棒振捣,确保混凝土密实度。5. Leveling through precision laser screed and concrete vibration: within the effective telescopic boom range of laser

31、 screed, with a sequence of from left to right, manually and roughly spread the concrete first, and then complete the vibration, compaction and leveling work through the laser screed, during which process the hand-held vibrating spear shall be used in combination for compaction, to ensure the densit

32、y of the concrete. 6、手动整平:使用手动式整平器进行再次整平,把浮游物,表面气泡等清除后刮平,可以提高地坪的平整度。6. Manual leveling: carry out re-leveling with a manual leveling device, to scrape the surface smooth after clearing away the floats and bubbles, and thus improve the floor flatness. 施工工艺7、平整度调整(或施工硬化剂耐磨地坪):混凝土初凝后,在进行表面磨光的同时,高荷载双盘磨光

33、机能给混凝土表面以最大限度的压力,使平整度的误差减少到最低。7. Flatness adjustment (or curing agent for wearable floor): after the initial setting of concrete, at the same time of surface polishing, the high-load double-disc polishing machine applies pressure to the concrete surface to the maximum degree, minimizing the flatness

34、 error. 8、平整度检测:地坪磨光一结束,立即检测地面的平整度和水平度,以达到平整度的要求。8. Flatness detection: detect the flatness and levelness of the ground immediately after the floor polishing is finished, in order to achieve the requirements of flatness. 9、切缝,地坪表面处理结束后立即进行切割,并随用塑料薄膜保养, 切割采用干式切割机,切缝长度不大于6米,缝宽5mm,深度不小于60mm。9. Joint cu

35、tting: implement joint cutting immediately after the floor surface treatment is finished and provide maintenance with plastic film at any time; the joint cutting shall be done with a dry type cutter, forming a cutting-joint of not greater than 6 m in length, 5 mm in width, and not less than 60 mm in

36、 depth. 施工流程图示如下: The construction process is illustrated below: 标高调校及卸料 模板安装及标高测量 Formwork Installation and Elevation Measurement 砼塌落度检验砼浇筑(采用罐车直接浇筑) Concrete Pouring (direct pouring by tanker) 激光整发射架安装 激光整平施工Installation of Launcher Rack for Laser Leveling Laser Leveling Construction 施工进行中耐磨材料施工工艺

37、(二)产品名称:硬化剂耐磨地坪 (用量:5Kg/m2)Name: Hardener Floor (Dosage: 5Kg/m2)型 号 Type:vk-1适用环境:高强度、高频次、耐高度重压(有重型铲车、液压车等)的仓库区域等。Application environment: Applicable for warehouse area of high strength, high frequency, high loading resistance (heavy forklifts, hydraulic truck, etc) 施工流程 Process检查平整度去泌水第一次撒布耐磨材料机器打磨

38、 第二撒布耐磨材料机器打磨机器抹光涂抹地面养护剂Check contour Bleeding Spread wear-resisting material 1st time Grinding Spread wear-resisting material 2nd time Grinding Polishing Paint curing agent 2. 施工步骤 Steps1) 检查平整度Check Contour混凝土施工完毕的地面进行平整度检查,采用水平检测仪,测量其表面平整度是否达到要求。平整度的要求:20003mm;Check the contour after the construc

39、tion of concretes with level detector to measure if it has reached the requirement. The requirement would be 20003mm.2) 去泌水在平整度达到要求后,在混凝土初凝前,应使用橡皮管去除多余泌水。Wipe the apocrine water off with rubber tube before the concretes begin coagulating.3) 第一次撒布耐磨材料在混凝土初凝时,去除浮浆后按规定用量60%耐磨材料均匀 撒布在混凝土表面。When the conc

40、rete begin coagulating, remove floating slurry, spread the wear-resisting material for 1st time evenly with 60% prescribe dose.4) 机器打磨等耐磨材料吸收一定水分后,进行至少二次加装圆盘的机械镘作业。Carry out the mechanical trowel on the concrete surface with loading disc at least twice.5) 第二次撒布耐磨材料等第一次耐磨材料硬化到一定程度,进行第二次撒布作业,其用量为规定用量的

41、40%。When the 1st spreading wear-resisting material is hardened, perform the second time spread with the rest 40% dose.6) 机器打磨第二次撒布材料后,待耐磨材料吸收一定水分,再进行至少四次加装圆盘的机械镘作业。机械镘作业应纵、横向交错进行。After the material absorbing enough water, carry out the mechanical trowel on the concrete surface with loading disc at l

42、east 3-4 times, which should be done in both length and breadth way.7) 根据地面的硬化情况,进行至少三次不加装圆盘的机械镘作业。机械镘的运转速度和铁板角度的变化应视地面的硬化情况进行调整,作业应纵、横交错进行。最终修饰是通过机械镘精加工完成。Carry out mechanical trowel without loading disc at least three times according to its hardening level. Its running speed and angle of iron plat

43、e should be adjusted according to floors hardening level, and it need to be done in both length and breadth way. The final modifying is done through the finish machining of mechanical trowel.8) 涂抹地面养护剂5-6 hours later, paint the curing agent to prevent the water evaporating too fast, to keep the stre

44、ngth stability of the material, and moreover, to protect from pollution. The maintenance period lasts 7 days.耐磨材料地面完成后5-6小时,采用在其表面涂敷养护剂的方法进行养护,以防止地坪表面水分的快速蒸发,保障耐磨材料强度的稳定增长,并起防止轻微污染的作用,养护期为7天。9)收缩缝的切割可以在耐磨材料完成后的第三天进行。The process of expansion joints should start in 3 days after the construction above.

45、质量控制计划EHS计划和质量控制计划EHS Plan and Quality Control Plan1. 施工工人进入现场前,办理相关的保险及体检手续,在施工过程中,工人严格按照产品安全技术说明书规范操作,主要操作人员定期体检。Before the workers go to the site, all the workers should do the insurance and health examination, during the application periods, the workers will comply with the MSDS requirement to do the application, and application workers will get health examination regularly.2. 本项目材料(主料及相关辅料)由万筑涂料(昆山)有限公司提供,该公司已通过ISO9000等国际体系认证,


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