1、润滑油之及处理Storage and Handling of Lubricants润滑油之Storing Lubricants桶装反罐装润滑油在可能范围内应於仓库内,以免受气候变化影响。小罐装及已开用任何包装的润滑油都必须於仓库内。Packages containing lubricants should, whenevossible, be stored under cover where they willnot be exed to the action of the weather. Small packagech as tins should always be kept incov
2、ered storage, as should any package, whatever its size, once icontents partially used.s been opened and its油桶以卧放较为适宣,每排桶之两端均须用木楔,以制止真滚动。此外,应经常检查泄漏反视察桶面上之标志是否清楚明晰。如必须将桶直放时,桶倒置使桶栓向下,否则应将桶略为倾斜,以免雨水聚积於桶面而淹盖桶栓。水对任何润滑油均有不良之影响。表面看来,水份似乎不易渗透完整之桶栓而进入油桶内,然贮於户外之油桶,日间曝晒於烈日之下,夜间则因天气较凉,热胀冷响桶内空间空气之压力;日间高於大气压,夜间则略近
3、真空。此日夜间压力之转变产生一种有如呼吸之抽日即作用,以致日间部份空气被压出桶外,而夜间则空气被抽回桶中。如桶栓受浸於水中,则水份不免於夜间跟随空气进入桶内,日积月累,则混积於油中之水自然相当可观。Oil drums should preferably be stored on their sides. The drums at each end of a stack must besecurely wedged to prevent movement. Regular inspection should be carried out wiview tothe detection of lea
4、ks and to make suret identification markings remain clear and legible. If,for any reason, drums have to be stored on their ends, they should be stored upside down (i.e.,with the bungs at the bottom). Failing this, they should be titled sot rain water cannot collectround and submerge the bungs. Water
5、 contamination is undesirable, whatever the grade oflubricant, and it is not always realizedt moisture can enter a drum through what appears to berfectly sound bung. A drum standinghe open ibjected to the heat of the day and, ofand contraction of the contents with bjected, during the day, to slightl
6、y highercourse, cools down again at night. This results in expanthe effectt the airhe space above the oil level in atmospheric prere and, at night, to slight vacuum. These changes in prere may besufficiently great to cause a pumdrum during the day and drawnaction, known as breathing, in which air is
7、 forced out of theo it at night. If, therefore, the bungs through which thisbreathing takes place are surrounded by water, some of this water may be suckedo the drumand, in course of time, quite considerableties may accumulate.取油之法,应将油桶卧置於一适当高度之木架上,在桶面之小栓配以龙头放油,其下并置一盛接浅盘以防溅滴。或可将油桶直放,以手摇泵自大桶栓油桶取油。Dru
8、ms of oil should be placed on their sides on wooden cradles of convenient height and the oildispensed by means of a tap under which a drip tray is placed. Alternatively, a drum may bestood on id and the oil withdrawn by means of a hand pump, the pumpake being insertedo the large bung-hole.散装油油柜内不免有凝
9、结水份和污杂物渗入,结果聚积於缸底而成一层淤泥状物质。润滑油因而受染污,所以柜底设计以窝碟形或倾斜为宣。并需装有排泄旋塞,以便按时将排出。在可能范围内,油柜应按期加以。For oil stored in bulk, it is probablet water of condensation will accumulate and dirt finds itswayo thewith the resultand leads,t, eventually, a layer of sludge-like material builds up at theime, to contamination of
10、 the oil. Consequently, it is advisable tobottom of thehave storagefitted with dished or slobottoms provided with drain cocks, which willenable dregs to be drawn off periodically. Where practicable, bulk storageperiodically cleaned out.should be温度对润滑脂较对润滑油影响为大,长期於高温(例如:热带阳光)可使.润滑脂中所含油类分离,故润滑脂桶应於仓库内,
11、以桶口向上竖放为宜。Grease is more susceptiblen oil to the effects of temperature, and prolonged exure toeven moderay high temperatures (e.g. tropical sunshine) may cause oil to separate out. It isalways advisable to store grease drums on their ends with the openings at the top and under covered storage.盛放润滑脂
12、的桶口较大,污物与水更易渗入,取用后应将桶紧密盖好。Grease drum must, of nedid and water, it is importantsity, have a large opening and, to avoid as far assible the entry oft the lid or cover should always be replaced firmly and securely assoon as requirements have been taken.太低或太高的温度皆对润滑油有不良的影响,因而不宣将润滑油长久於过热或过冷之处。Extremes o
13、f temperature are not good for lubricants, which should not be stored in any undulywarm place; equally, it is not wise to leave them for long periods in conditions of extreme cold.润滑油之处Handling Lubricants除必须注意受污染,润滑油的各项要点外,谨慎的处理,也不应忽略。如润滑油.由室至机房途中遭期间即使如何,也将前功尽废。小量润滑油和补给用的盛器, 必须有盖并经常.保持清洁,按时洗净,以布抹乾然后
14、使用。漏斗及其他润滑用器皿均需同样处. 理,且经常保持清洁。抹拭时宜用破布,切不可用易於遗下的废棉纱或嫩,因后二者之,将自器皿传至机器内,进入润滑系统中,以致阻塞润滑油。The benefit of good, clean storage can be largely nullified if a lubricantes contaminated intransit from the store to the machines. The containers used for transporting lubricants and for thestorage of small working
15、ties must be kept clean and should be provided with lids to preventthe entry of dirt. They should be washed periodically, care being taken to mop out and dry thembefore using them again. Similarly, funnels and othieof apparatus must always be keptclean, rags of wipers being used for this pure. Cotto
16、n waste or woolen rags should not beused as they tend to leave behind fibres which will eventually find their wayimpair the flow of oil.o machinery and每种润滑油应有固定的盛器,真上注明盛载各润滑油的名称,以防混杂。It is advisable to have separate, clearly marked containers for each grade of oilrease sotcontamination ofinother doe
17、s not take place.废油或污油应用注明的器皿盛载,直到弃置为止。并应审慎确保废油与新油分开放置,以免新油被污染。Used and dirty oil should be puto spel containers and stored in separate, clearly labeledreceptacles until dised of. Every precaution must be taken to seet used lubricants are notallowed to contaminate fresh oils and grease.一般而言,有害杂质混入润滑
18、脂较混入油中更为严重。因油中之杂质可沉殿於油柜底或盛器底,而减混入机械润滑系统之机会。但当杂质混入润滑脂中时, 因杂质不会沉底,迟早必进入机械和润滑器中。In general, cleanliness precautions are even more important with greasen with oil. There isalways the chancet impurities in oil may sink to the bottom of theor container out ofo the grease is bound toharms way; with grease
19、this cannoppen and any dirt which getsfind its wayo lubricators and machinery sooner or later.机械润滑应由一专门负责执行, 并应为一例行工作程序。The lubrication of machinery should be supervised by a responsibleroutine procedure.and should be made a室内应存有一切润滑油分配数量的,而每机械也应有表,以便核查所有润滑油的消耗量是否正常,如发觉有显著的转变时,应即。消耗量的增加通常为机械需要修理的警号,
20、亦可能为润滑系统失灵而需调节的表示。反之,也可能因施用过量的润滑油,而致消耗量增加。As lubricants are dispensed, theroom records should show theties should be measured and a record maained. Storeties ied and records should be kept for eaachine orunit. By this means, regular check can be made on consumptions and any marked changes noted.Thes
21、e should be investigated at once. Increased consumption is quite often thesignt amachine is in need of repair, orit may mean over lubrication .t its lubricating system requires adjustments; on the other hand,工业卫生Industrial Hygiene由於接触石油提炼出之润滑油而引起之病症并不常见,如或发生病症,多因身体与油类长期接触,包括衣服经常被油渍渗透。Medical problem
22、s arising from contact with petroleum based lubricants are relatively infrequentand occur chiefly in circumstanwhere there is a considerable degree of bodily contact,including cases where clothing is regularly soaked with oil.假如能保持良好之卫生,短期与润滑油接触亦无妨。但润滑油在使用期间可被污染,故任何与润滑油接触Occa,划伤或擦伤处,宣特别注意。al short-t
23、erm contact with lubricants is relatively harmless, and provided good hygiene ispractised, no unusual dangers should be involvedheir use. However, they couldecontaminated during service and care should therefore be taken if anyone handling them has cutsor abras.长期接触可能号|致皮肤受剌况有时会较严重。如遵守良好之工作程序及卫生准则,通
24、常应可避免与润滑油长期接触。现将一般简易之预防方法列述如下:Frequent and prolonged contact may, however, cause skin irriion andsibly, veryoccaally, more serious conditions. The chanof such frequent and prolonged contact canusually be eliminated by the observance of good working practice and reasonable standards ofhygiene, and so
25、me simple precautions are summarized below:(一)内之一般预防方法A. General Precautions for Workshops1.具备保护性设备:例如机器上之防油飞溅保护罩,移去导轨上金属碎屑之装置与使用非渗透性围裙皮手套等,尽量避免与油类接触。Proviof protective devisuch as anti-splash guards on machines, impermeable apronsand gloves, implements to remove swarf and metal particks from machin
26、e-ways etc.toeliminate aInesary contact with oil.安装抽去微细之飞溅油或雾装置。2.Proviof arrangements for the extraction of fine sprays or oil mists.3.具备适当之洗涤设备;例如在邻近工作处装设洗手盆反供应肥皂,之手巾与中性洗洁剂。强碱性肥皂对皮肤有刺激性,应避免使用。在不能使用非渗透性手套之情况下,工作前可涂上护手霜,以方便稍后洗去油渍。但须知护手霜有不能防止皮肤吸收含铅润滑油中之铅化合物的缺点。洗涤后用面霜有助于减少皮肤之脱脂。Proviof adequate washin
27、g facilities easily acsible wash basins and an adequatesupply of soap, clean towels and non-hazardous, low solvent type cleaners. Harsh or stronglyalkaline soaps should be avoided as they can cause skin irriion. Barrier creams may be provided for use before starting work in order to assist removal o
28、f oil afterwards, but only whenimpermeable gloves cannot be used. Barrier creams do not prevent, for exle, theabsorption through the skin of lead compounds in leaded lubricants. Conditioning creams, foruse after washing, can help to counter undue de-greasing of the skin.4.具备适当之救伤设备及。Proviof-aid devi
29、ce backed up by adequate medical facilities.5. 应设专人负责,保证执行上述之措施及遵守下列之细则。Supervishould be maained to ensuret the above provis, as well as those under(B) below, are adhered to.(二)应遵守之细则B. Advice to Individual Workers1.在不能使用非渗透性手套时,可用适当之防油性护手霜。If impermeable gloves cannot be used, use suitable oil repellent type barrier creams where provided.2.穿著保护性衣服以避免接触油类;调整机器上防油飞溅保护罩至适当位置。Avoid unnesary contact with oil by using protective clothing and ensuring machineanti-splash guards are properly adjusted.3.不可将被油沾染之碎布置入袋中,特别是裤袋。Do not put oily ragso pockets, esp
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