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1、CARGILL领导力模型 1Execution Capacity执行能力Behaviors行为能力Knowledge知识Learning Capacity学习能力IntegrityConviction Courage正直、诚信信念勇气Know知道Understand理解Apply应用seen2 Objectives 目标To understand了解为什么重要:“Why”To understand:理解领导力模型“ what”build common understanding of leadership model (heart/4 capabilities) - Learn to appl

2、y 学以致用“ How” Apply the model in leadership behavior应用至日常领导行为中 3Think about Good leaders, what common characteristics/capability do them have?想一想你所知道的优秀领导人,他/她们所具有的特征/能力?Keep these characteristics in mind as we talk about leadership at Cargill and the Cargill Leadership Model. 54Leadership in a new c

3、ontext新概念下的领导力Leadership is not a position领导力不是一个职位Leadership is not private reserve of a few charismatic person. It is a process ordinary people use.领导力不专属少数超凡领导人,我们每个人都需要发挥领导力.Leadership is about getting result thru influencing others领导力是关于通过影响他人而获得结果。 领导力是一種“技能”,用來“影響”別人,讓他 們全心投入,為達成共同目標而奮戰不懈Isnt

4、 it so important to you?5Leadership in CARGILL领导力 6 Key Leadership Messages领导力关键词In Cargill, the Senior Leaders define leadership with three key messages. These messages underscore strong and effective leadership.Making choices作出抉择as leaders, we have to be ready to make choices, even when they are d

5、ifficult or in situations that are uncertain. 作为领导,必须随时准备好做抉择,包括困难的和不确定情况下的抉择。ieHaving relentless determination具有坚韧的决心as leaders, we need to focus on the end goal and overcome obstacles, no matter how big and unfamiliar 作为领导,应专注于克服障碍实现最终目标,无论目标多么远大ieEngaging employees使员工乐业as leaders, we have to know

6、 what motivates us, engage employees who may work for us, help engage our peers in difficult times, and find ways to stay engaged. 作为领导,必须明白如何激励自己,使员工乐业,帮助同事在困难时仍保持积极性并始终乐业。 ie7Leaders领导: Demonstrate unyielding commitment to ethics and integrity 坚守道德准则、正直、诚信Have high degree of motivation, deep knowl

7、edge in specific areas, desire to learn continuously, capacity to execute plans and deliver results善于自我激励,专业知识深厚,主动学习,有能力执行计划并取得成果Are able to adapt to new circumstances 能够适应新的环境Have responsibility for their own learning 对自己的学习负责Value differences and use them to build a competitive advantage珍视差异并且以此来

8、建立竞争优势Create and lead change创造和领导变革 Cargills Leadership Principles嘉吉领导力原则 The Leadership Statement sets the foundation for the Cargill Leadership Model8CARGILL领导力模型 The Cargill Leadership Model identifies the capabilities needed by leaders at all levels in the organization in order to achieve Strate

9、gic Intent.嘉吉领导力模型清晰定义出各级领导者所须具备的各项能力 以实现嘉吉战略目的9Each of us has an opportunity to provide leadership, regardless of position whether it is 无论职位高低,每个人都有机会发挥领导力Task leadership 任务领导Thought leadership 思考领导Team leadership 团队领导 Strategic leadership 战略领导People leadership 人员领导Who will use itCLM和谁有关 10How wil

10、l we use it?嘉吉领导力模型将运用在.Leadership at all levels is essential to achieve our strategic intent ,The Leadership Model is increasingly becoming the framework for our people-related processes领导力模型正逐渐成为人力资源流程的基础Selection 选才Leadership Talent Management 领导人才管理Development 育才Performance Management 绩效管理11PMPP

11、MP中的重要组成部分- Elements主要工作成果Key Results Area技能发展Skill DevelopmentExecution CapacityBehaviorsKnowledgeLearning CapacityIntegrityConviction Courage12What does CLM mean to you ? 13 Objectives 目标To understand了解为什么重要:“Why”To understand:理解领导力模型“ what”build common understanding of leadership model (heart/4 c

12、apabilities) - Learn to apply 学以致用“ How” Apply the model in leadership self-development 用以提升自身的领导力14 2006 Cargill Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.15CLM HistoryCLM历史1999: Created as part of Strategic Intent 建立并作为战略目的的一部分behavior2000-2001: Created four quadrants 建立四个能力象限(behavior+knowledge+execution

13、+learning)2002: The heart of leadership was added 加入领导力核心(to emphasize integrity/conviction/courage)2006: Model is refined 模型更新16正直、诚信信念勇气CARGILL领导力模型- 组成部分领导力的核心Heart of Leadership每位领导人不可或缺的特质 Non-negotiable四个能力象限 Four Quadrants of Capabilities应用这些能力的方式,以及每种能力需要的胜任程度因人而异,视你的角色、业务挑战等因素而定。 17Integrit

14、yConvictionCourageIntegrity 正直、诚信Conviction 信念Courage 勇气Heart of Leadership领导力核心18正直诚信是你的价值观与行动的一致表现。它展现如下: -忠于你的信念,有与Cargill指导原则相一致的强烈的道德准则 -对人诚实与真挚 -言出必行 -值得信赖正直诚信建立在你所持有的个人价值观与信念的基础之上。它支持Cargill所定义的价值观,对高效领导力的发挥至关重要。正直诚信造就信任。信任是成功领导人的重要特质,它包含真挚、能力与可信赖度。正直、诚信Integrity19信念是引发行动的坚定信仰或念头。它展现如下: 将信念转化

15、成行动 用信念激发他人的行动领导力由信念所激发。如果领导者有着对更好未来的憧憬,他们就会有实现它的强烈欲望。如果只有信念,而没有引发承诺和行动,那么信念将失去其意义。只有坚定的信念,并而伴以承诺和行动,才能感染他人。信念Conviction20勇气是指主动面对并战胜恐惧的意愿,依据个人的价值观、信仰及为实现承诺(commitment)而不惧风险并采取行动。它展现如下: 体现勇敢、战胜恐惧、不屈不挠、具有坚强意志。 不惧困难、风险、阻逆与不确定性,努力达成目标。勇气是促使你以决心面对危险与困难的心态。勇气并不只是不害怕,而是面对恐惧依然采取行动。真正的领导者有信心和勇气独立做出艰难的决择。勇气C

16、ourage21Activity - Heart of Leadership领导力核心Your examples Discuss examples of how conviction, and courage are demonstrated with peers and/or customers. Discuss the impact.讨论对同事和/或者客户表现出信念和勇气的例子并讨论其影响。22Activity - Heart of Leadership领导力核心Part 1: 15 minutes (table groups)Discuss examples of how convict

17、ion, and courage are demonstrated with peers and/or customers. Discuss the impact.讨论对同事和/或者客户表现出信念和勇气的例子并讨论其影响。Part 2: 10 minutes (large group) Discuss a few examples from table discussions. 从小组讨论中选出几个实例讨论23正直、诚信信念勇气领导力的核心Heart of Leadership每位领导人不可或缺的特质 build trust enhance employee engagement sustai

18、n and nourish a culture of ethics. contribute to sustainable results. These traits support all other leadership behaviors and, when used appropriately, will enhance a leaders effectiveness in each of the four quadrants of capabilities这些特质若能运用得当,则可强化领导者在以上四个方面发挥领导能力的效果。正直诚信、坚定的信念与勇气是四个方面所有行为展现的核心原则。2

19、4Execution Capacity执行能力Behaviors行为能力Knowledge知识Learning Capacity学习能力IntegrityConviction Courage正直、诚信信念勇气25Learning Capacity学习能力LCurious passion to learn more than taught 求知欲-期望主动学习甚于被动教导Adaptable, nimble 适应力强,灵活 Broad perspective 开阔的视野 Conceptual strength 理性思维 our business is rapidly growing and cha

20、nging; therefore, we have to be open to learning about new customers, markets and technologies. We need to respond to change, letting go of traditional ways of doing things (e.g. old practices, ideas). We need to broaden our perspective in an expanding world. Leaders also need to create visions for

21、the future.26Learning Capacity学习能力L工作中的应用/examples27Execution Capacity执行能力ELKeen sense of priorities 敏锐的优先顺序判断力 Relentless determination & courage to make things happen 志在完成目标的坚定决心和勇气Motivate for high performance & excellence 追求高绩效和卓越Develop others 培养他人 Optimistic 乐观Compelling/authentic communicator

22、 具说服/真诚地沟通能力 Resilient 极强的反弹力Leaders need to be able to prioritize what needs to be done, the importance and urgency, making decisions as to which ideas to pursue, taking a vision and translating it into results. We must drive for results and priorities, take initiative. We also must motivate, inspi

23、re and engage others to work toward a vision. Leaders must maintain a positive outlook in difficult times and situations; instill the belief that aggressive goals can be achieved. We must communicate in a compelling, authentic way, be open to others ideas, and display integrity. Leaders must seesitu

24、ations as new challenges or opportunities 28Execution Capacity执行能力EL工作中的应用/examples29Knowledge 知识Deep & practical business acumen 深刻而实际的商业眼光 Grasp of macro economics & political trends 对宏观经济和政治趋势的把握Change leadership 变革领导Various functional knowledgeLeaders need to understand the relationships and dyn

25、amics between external factors and internal areas, they need to understand the impact of economic and political changes on the business, understand how to effectively introduce significant change and achieve desired results. In addition, they need to have knowledge of various functional areas. The d

26、epth of knowledge and mastery needed will depend on each of your roles EL30Knowledge 知识EL工作中的应用/examples31Behaviors 行为LEBKDiscuss, decide, champion 讨论、决定、 拥领Demonstrate respect, candor & commitment 尊重、坦率、承诺Develop and leverage deep customer knowledge & insights 对客户的深刻洞察力 Pursue & reinforce collabora

27、tion 寻求并加强合作Hold self and others accountable 让自己和他人承担责任Challenge, innovate, change 挑战、创新、变革Value differences 重视多样性32Behaviors 行为LEBK工作中的应用/examples33Execution Capacity执行能力Behaviors行为能力Knowledge知识Learning Capacity学习能力IntegrityConviction Courage正直、诚信信念勇气Which quadrant is the most important one, why?34

28、 2006 Cargill Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.35 2006 Cargill Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Questions?36 Objectives 目标To understand了解为什么重要:“Why”To understand:理解领导力模型“ what”build common understanding of leadership model (heart/4 capabilities) - Learn to apply 学以致用“ How” Apply the model in leadership self-development 用以提升自身的领导力37How will you use i


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