1、目 录 Contents1. 工艺设备Process Equipment 11.1. 塔Column 11.1.1. 板式(bnsh)塔和填料塔Plate Column and Packed Column 液流型式(xn sh)Liquid Flow Patterns 泡罩(帽)塔盘Bubble Cap Trays 浮阀塔盘Valve Trays 筛板塔盘Sieve Trays 穿流式塔盘和喷射(pnsh)型塔盘Dual Flow Trays and Jet Trays 塔盘
2、的支承Supports of Tray 塔底结构及重(再)沸器Bottom Structures and Reboilers 进料和抽出Feed and Draw Off 填料Packing 液体分配(布)器,再分配(布)器及填料支持版Liquid Distributors, Redistributors and Support Plates 塔附件Tower Attachments 楼梯(梯子)和平台Stair and Platform 151.1.2. CO
3、2吸收塔CO2Absorber 161.1.3. 再生塔/CO2汽提塔Regenerator / CO2 Stripper 171.1.4. 造粒塔Prill Tower (造粒塔)总图及造粒喷头组装图General Assembly and Prill-Spray Assembly 造粒塔扒料机Prill tower Reclaimer 201.2. 反应器Reactor 221.2.1. 氨合成塔Ammonia Converter 221.2.2. 聚合釜Polymerizer 241.2.3. 电解槽Cell 隔膜电解槽D
4、iaphragm Cells 水银电解槽Mercury Cells 271.3. 贮罐Storage Tanks 281.3.1. 浮顶罐Floating Roof Tanks 301.3.1.1. 浮顶型式Floating Roof Types 321.3.1.2. 浮顶罐的密封形式Seal Types of Floating Roof Tank 341.3.2. 内浮顶罐Covered Floating Roof Tanks 351.3.3. 低温贮罐Refrigerated Storage Tanks 361.4. 蒸发器Evaporators 371.5. 换热器
5、Heat Exchangers 381.5.1. 换热器的名称Nomenclature of Heat Exchanger 401.5.1.1. 换热器部件Components of Heat Exchanger 401.5.1.2. 固定端头盖(或管箱),壳体及后端头盖型式Types of Stationary Head, Shell and Rear End Head 421.5.1.3. 管板Tube sheets 431.5.1.4. 管子管板连接,膨胀节及其他零件Tube-Tube Sheet Joints, Expansion Joints and Other Parts 441.
6、5.1.5. 横向折流板和纵向折流板Transverse Baffles and Longitudinal Baffles 461.5.2. 套管式换热器和刮面式换热器Double-Pipe Heat Exchanger and Scraped-Surface Exchanger 471.5.3. 套管式纵向翅片换热器Double Pipe Longitudinal Finned Exchanger 481.5.4. 板式换热器Plate-Type Exchangers 491.5.5. 蒸汽表面冷凝器,凝汽器Steam Surface Condensers 501.5.6. 空冷器,空气冷却
7、器Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers 511.5.6.1. 空冷器的组合形式Bay Arrangements of Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger 521.5.6.2. 管束和头盖(管箱)的典型结构Typical Construction of Tube Bundles and Headers 531.5.6.3. 空冷器的驱动装置Drive Arrangements for Air Cooler 541.5.6.4. 翅片Fins 551.5.6.5. 空冷器的温度控制Temperature Control of Air Cooler 561.5.7.
8、冷却塔,凉水塔(1)Cooling Towers() 57冷却塔,凉水塔(2)Cooling Towers() 581.6. 工业炉Furnace 601.6.1. 管式加热炉Pipe Heater 601.6.1.1. 管式加热炉型式Types of pipe Heaters (pipe Still Heater) 601.6.1.2. 加热炉Heaters 621.1.6.3. 燃烧器,烧嘴Burners 631.1.6.4. 炉管,联管箱和回弯头Tube, Headers and Return Bends 641.1.6.5. 管架Tube Supports 651.6.2. 转化炉Re
9、formers (Reforming Furnaces) 661.6.3. 二段转化炉Secondary Reformer 671.6.4. 变换炉Shift Converter 681.6.5. 热回收和废热锅炉Heat Recovery and Waste Heat Boiler 691.6.5.1. 热回收Heat Recovery 691.6.5.2. CO燃烧废热锅炉CO Firing Waste Heat Boiler 701.6.5.3. 第一废热锅炉Primary Waste Heat Boiler 711.6.5.4. 第二废热锅炉Secondary Waste Heat B
10、oiler 721.6.6. 火炬Flare Stacks 731.7. 混合设备Mixing Equipment 741.7.1. 搅拌器型式(1)Types of Agitator() 74搅拌器型式(2)Types of Agitator() 761.7.2. 混合(搅拌)槽Mixing Tanks 771.7.3. 管道混合器Line Mixers (Flow Mixers) 781.7.4. 静止混合器Static Mixers 791.7.5. 膏状物料及粘性物料混(拌)合设备Paste and Viscous-Material Mixing Equipments 801.7.6.
11、 固体混合机械Solids Mixing Machines 821.7.7. 双螺杆连续混合机Double Screw Continuous Mixer 831.8. 萃取器Extractors 841.8.1. 连续萃取设备,连续抽提设备Continuous Contact (Differential Contact) Equipments 841.8.2. 浸提设备Leaching Equipments 861.9. 旋风分离器、沉清器、过滤器和离心机Cyclone, Decanter, Filter and Centrifuge 871.9.1. 旋风分离器(1)Cyclone Sepa
12、rators () 87旋风分离器(2)Cyclone Separators () 881.9.2. 气体洗涤器Gas Scrubbers 901.9.3. 沉降罐,澄清器Gravity Settlers (Decanters) 921.9.4. 过滤机Filter 931.9.4.1 压滤机Pressure Filters 931.9.4.2 叶滤机Pressure Leaf Filters 941.9.4.3 袋式过滤器Bag Filters 951.9.4.4 转鼓真空过滤机Rotary-Drum Vacuum Filter 961.9.5. 离心式分离机Centrifugal Sepa
13、rator 971.9.5.1. 双鼓真空离心过滤机Double-Bowl Vacuum Centrifuge 971.9.5.2. 离心机Centrifuges 981.9.5.3. 静止叶片型离心式分离器Stationary Vane Type Centrifugal Separators 1001.10. 干燥器Dryers 1011.10.1. 间接干燥器Indirect Dryers 1011.10.2. 直接干燥器Direct Dryers 1021.10.3. 喷雾干燥器Spray Dryers 1041.10.3.1. 雾化喷头,喷雾嘴,雾化器Spray Nozzles (At
14、omizers) 1051.10.4. 气流(气动)输送干燥器 Pneumatic Conveyor Dryers 1061.11. 其他 Miscellaneous 1071.11.1. 石油炼制中的流化过程 Fluidization Processes in Petroleum Refinery 1071.11.1.1. 流态化 Fluidization 1081.11.1.2. 流化床分布器 Distributors for Fluidized Bed 1091.11.2. 破沫器及其应用 Demister and Its Applications 1101.11.2.1. 破沫网的安装
15、和纤维除雾器 Installation of Mesh and Fiber Mist Eliminator 1111.11.3. 设备的支座和封头 Supports and Heads of Equipments 1121.11.4. 立式容器的外部保温 External Thermal Insulation for Vertical Vessel 1132. 泵 Pump 1142.1. 各种型式的泵(1)Various Types of Pump () 114各种型式的泵(2)Various Types of Pump () 116各种型式的泵(3)Various Types of Pum
16、p () 117各种型式的泵(4)Various Types of Pump () 1182.2. 离心泵(1) Centrifugal Pump() 119离心泵(2) Centrifugal Pump() 120离心泵(3) Centrifugal Pump() 1212.3. 管道泵 Inline Pump 1222.4. 双作用蒸汽往复泵 Duplex Acting Steam-Driven Reciprocating Pump 1232.5. 双作用活塞式往复泵 Double Action Reciprocating Pump, Bucket Type 1242.6. 混流泵Mixe
17、d-Flow Pump 1262.7. 计量泵 Metering Pumps 1272.8. 喷射泵 Jet Pumps 1282.9. 喷射装置 Ejector Units 1292.9.1. 喷射器的结构 Ejector Structures 1303. 压缩机、鼓风机和风机 Compressors Blowers and Fans 1313.1. 螺杆压缩机 Screw Compressors 1313.2. 旋转式螺杆压缩机 Rotary Helical Screw Compressors 1323.3. 活塞式压缩机 Piston Compressors 1333.4. 往复式压缩机
18、 Reciprocating Compressors 1343.5. 低密度聚乙烯(超)高压压缩机 High Pressure Compressor for Low Density Polyethylene Process 1363.5.1. 高压气缸和中心型组合阀 High-Pressure Cylinder and Central Valve 1383.5.2. 卸荷阀并及其他阀 Unloading Valve and Other Valves 1403.6. 水平剖分式离心压缩机 Horizontally Split Centrifugal Compressor 1423.7. 鼓风机,
19、压气机 Blowers 1443.8. 风机 Fans 1463.9. 典型的空气压缩机装置 Typical Compressor Installation 1484. 输送机和提升机 Conveyor and Elevator 1494.1. 垂直提升(输送)机 Vertical Elevator (Conveyor) 1494.1.1. 斗式提升机 Bucket Elevator 1494.1.2. 垂直提升输送机和箱类提升机 Vertical Rising Conveyor and Case Elevator 1504.1.3. 双带提升机 Twin Riser 1514.2. 带式输送
20、机 Band (Belt) Conveyor 1524.2.1. 带式输送机示意图 Band Conveyor Sketch 1524.2.2. 输送机系统 Conveyor Systems 1534.2.3. 带式输送机 Band Conveyor 1544.2.4. 中心距超过600英尺的单轮传动带式输送机用的张紧装置 Take-up Unit for Single Drum Drive Belt Conveyor Exceeding 600 Feet Centers 1554.2.5. 双轮传动带式输送机的张紧装置 Take-up Unit for Dual Drum Drive Bel
21、t Conveyor 1564.2.6. 拼装式皮带运输机和移动式皮带运输机 Pre-built Sectional Belt Conveyor and Mobile Belt Conveyor 1574.3. 螺旋输送机 Screw Conveyor 1584.4. 吊挂式链输送机和振动输送机 Chain Trolley Conveyor and Vibrating Conveyor 1594.4.1. 吊挂式链输送机部件 Units of Chain Trolley Conveyor 1604.5. 辊子输送机 Roller Conveyors 1624.6. 惰轮(托辊)型式 Types
22、 of Idlers 1634.6.1. 托辊(惰轮)结构 Construction of Iders 1645. 破碎和筛分设备 Crushing and Screening Equipment 1665.1. 颚式破碎机 Jaw crusher 1665.2. 颚式冲击破碎机 Impact Jaw Crusher 1685.3. 回转球形破碎机 Gyrasphere Crusher 1695.4. 盘式回转破碎机 Tray Type Gyratory Crusher 1705.5. 液压锥形破碎机和冲击式破碎机(叶片破碎机) Hydraulic Cone Crusher and Impac
23、t Crusher (Impeller Breaker) 1725.6. 辊子粉碎机 Roller Mill 1735.7. 双轴锤击破碎机 Double Shaft Hammer Mill 1745.8. 球磨机 Ball Mill 1765.9. 干燥粉磨机 Dryer-Pulveriser 1775.10. 返混设备布置 Layout of Back mixing Equipment 1785.11. 振动筛 Vibrating Screen 1795.12. 分级机 Classifiers 1806. 塑料和橡胶加工成型机械 Forming Machine For Plastics a
24、nd Rubber 1816.1. 挤压机 Extruder 1816.2. 螺杆注塑机 Screw Injection Molding Machine 1826.3. 聚氯乙烯辊压机生产线 Calender Line for PVC Production 1836.4. 四辊辊压机 Four-Roll Calender 1847. 给料机,称量器和包装机 Feeder, Weighing and Bagging Machine 1867.1. 振动给料机 Vibrating Feeder 1867.2. 电振动给料机 Electric Vibrating Feeder 1887.3. 板式给
25、料机 Apron Feeder 1897.4. (粉末)均匀自动给料机 Smooth Auto-Feeder 1907.5. 带式计量秤 Dosing Belt Weigher 1917.6. 定量给料秤 Constant Feed Weigher 1927.7. 自动装袋系统Automatic Bagging System 1938. 汽轮机 Steam Turbine 1948.1. 汽轮机的分类(1) Classification of Steam Turbines () 194汽轮机的分类(2) Classification of Steam Turbines () 1968.2. 汽
26、轮机的循环 Steam Turbine Cycles 1978.3. 汽轮机供汽方式 Methods of Steam Supply to a Turbine 1988.4. 单级汽轮机 Single Stage Steam Turbine 1998.5. 冲动式汽轮机 Impulse Turbines 2008.6. 汽轮机轴封 Turbine Glands and Gland Sealings 2028.7. 汽轮机的润滑 Lubrication of Steam Turbine 2048.8. 汽轮机调速器及调速 Governors and Governing of Steam Turb
27、ine 2068.9. 汽轮机调速器Turbine Governor 2088.10. 超速脱扣装置(保安器)Overspeed Tripping Device 2108.11. 汽轮机的安装Installation of Steam Turbine 2119. 锅炉Boiler 2129.1. 火管锅炉及水管锅炉的基本型式Basic Patterns for Fire and Water Tube Boiler 2129.2. 椭圆管板换热器Ellipsoidal Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 2139.3. 水冷管夹套换热器Cooling Tubes and
28、Jacket Heat Exchanger 2149.4. 蒸汽净化及锅筒内件(1)Steam Purification and Drum Internals () 215蒸汽净化及锅筒内件(2)Steam Purification and Drum Internals () 216蒸汽净化及锅筒内件(3)Steam Purification and Drum Internals () 218蒸汽净化及锅筒内件(4)Steam Purification and Drum Internals () 2199.5. 过热器Superheater 2209.6. 减温器Attemperators 2
29、219.7. 空气预热器Air Preheater 2229.8. 炉排Grates 2249.9. 下饲炉排Underfeed Stoker 2259.10. 喷燃器,燃烧器Burners 2269.11. 省煤器Economizer 2289.12. 抛煤机Spreader Feeders 2299.13. 磨煤机Pulverizers 23010. 机械零件Machine Element 23110.1. 万向节FUniversal Joints 23110.2. 联轴器Couplings 23210.3. 液力联轴器(1)Fluid Couplings () 234液力联轴器(2)Fl
30、uid Couplings () 23510.4. 轴颈密封,圆周密封Circumferential Seals 23610.5. 端面密封,轴封,轴端连接件Face Seals, Shaft Sealings and End Fittings 23710.6. 滚子轴承,滚柱轴承Roller Bearings 23810.7. 球轴承,滚珠轴承 Ball Bearings 23910.8. 加油机构Oiling Devices 24010.9. 紧固件Fastener 24110.9.1. 螺栓和双头螺柱Bolts and Studs (stud bolts) 24110.9.2. 螺钉的头
31、部和端部型式Heads and Points of Screw 24210.9.3. 螺母Nuts 24310.9.4. 非螺纹紧固件Non-threaded Fasteners 24411. 配管(管路)和管件Piping and Fitting 24511.1. 阀杆与阀盖结构Valve Stem and Bonnet Designs 24511.2. 阀门(1)Valves() 246阀门(2)Valves() 248阀门(3)Valves() 249阀门(4)Valves() 25011.3. 闸阀Gate Valve 25111.4. 截止阀Globe Valve 25211.5.
32、球阀Ball Valve 25311.6. 止回阀Check Valve 25411.7. 弹簧安全泄压阀Spring Safety-Relief Valve 25511.8. 液面控制浮球阀Pilot Operated Ball Float Valve 25611.9. 波纹管密封闸门阀Bellows Sealed Gate Valve 25711.10. 热膨胀阀Thermo Expansion Valve 25811.11. 阀门操纵机构Valve Operating Mechanisms 25911.12. 蒸汽疏水阀(器)和空气疏水阀(器)Steam Traps and Air Tr
33、aps 26011.13. 管道附件Pipe Line Fitments 26211.14. 法兰、法兰密封面及垫片Flanges, Flange Facings and Gaskets 26411.15. 填料Packings 26611.16. 管件Pipe Fitting 26711.16.1. 法兰管件Flanged Fittings 26711.16.2. 螺纹管件Threaded Fittings 26811.16.3. 钢焊接管件Steel-Welding Fittings 26911.17. 塑料压接管接头Plastics Compression Joints 27011.18
34、. 预制弯管与膨胀节Fabricated Pipe Bends and Expansion Joints 27111.19. 管子连接Joints in Tubing and Pipe 27211.20. 管道绝热Piping Insulation 27311.21. 管吊与管支架Pipe Hangers and Pipe Supports 27411.22. 急救冲洗和洗眼站Safety Shower and Eyewash Station HoseStation软管站 27612. 量测仪表Instrumentation 27712.1. 液位(面)计Level Gage 27712.1.
35、1. 就地安装直读液面计Locally Mounted Direct Reading Level Gages 27712.1.2. 浮筒式液面计Displacement Type Level Gages 27812.1.3. 液面调节器及液位开关Level Controllers and Switches 27912.2. 压力测量仪表Pressure Instruments 28012.2.1. 液体压力计Manometers 28212.2.2. 压力测量的新成果New Developments in Pressure Measurements 28312.2.3. 压力表的安装Insta
36、llation of Pressure Guage 28412.3. 流量测量元件Flow Measuring Element 28512.3.1. 速率式流量计Inferential Meters (Fluid Velocity Meter) 28512.3.1.1. 涡轮流量计Turbine Meter 28512.3.1.2. 漩涡流量计Vortex flow meter 28612.3.1.3. 漩涡流量计测量系统Vortex Flow meter Measurement System 28712.3.2. 一次流量元件Primary Flow Elements 28812.3.3.
37、容积式流量计Positive Displacement Type Flow Meters 29012.3.4. 可变面积(定压降)式流量计Variable Area Type Flow Meters 29212.3.5. 差压流量计的安装 Installation of Head Meters 29412.3.6. 面积式流量计及计量泵Area Meters and metering pumps 29612.3.7. 其他流量计(1)Other Flow Meters() 297其他流量计(2)Other Flow Meters() 29812.4. 温度计Thermometer 29912.
38、4.1. 热电偶Thermocouple 29912.4.2. 液体膨胀温度计及双金属温度计Liquid Expansion and Bimetallic Thermometer 30012.4.3. 电阻式温度计及热敏电阻Resistance Thermometer and Thermistor 30212.4.4. 压力式温度计Filled System Thermometer 30312.4.5. 辐射高温计Radiation Pyrometer 30412.4.6. 光学高温计Optical Pyrometer 30512.4.7. 电动指示调节器Electritic Indicati
39、ng Controller 30612.4.8. 气动指示调节器Pneumatic Indicating Controller 30712.4.9. 多点长图温度记录仪Multi-Point Long Chart Temperature Recorder 30812.4.10. 控制操作箱Control Station 30912.4.11. 记录纸Charts 31012.5. 变送器Transmitter 31112.5.1. 压力变送器Pressure Transmitter 31112.5.2. 差压变送器Differential Pressure Transmitters 31212
40、.5.3. 气动温度变送器Pneumatic Temperature Transmitter 31412.5.4. 物位变送器Level Transmitters 31512.6. 调节(控制)器Controller 31612.6.1. 液位调节器Liquid Level Controller 31612.6.2. 气动调节器Pneumatic Controller 31712.6.3. 弹簧管调节器Bourdon Tube Controller 31812.7. 调节阀Control Valve 31912.7.1. 薄膜及活塞执行机构Diaphragm and Piston Actuat
41、ors 32012.7.2. 调节阀阀盖Bonnets of Control Valve 32112.7.3. 调节阀阀体(1)Control Valve Bodies () 322调节阀阀体(2)Control Valve Bodies () 32312.7.4. 阀芯及笼式阀芯Valve plugs and Cages 32412.7.5. 阀内组件(组成)部分Components Valve Trim 32512.7.6. 调节阀的作用及导向Acting and Guiding of Control Valve 32612.7.7. 调节阀定位器Positioner of Control
42、 Valve 32712.7.8. 调节阀手动机构Handjack Assembly of Control Valve 32812.7.9. 气动活塞定位器Pneumatic Piston Positioner 32912.8. 氧分析器Oxygen Analysis Equipment 33012.9. 二氧化碳分析器Carbon Dioxide Analyzer 33212.10. PH计pH meters 33312.11. 粘度测量仪表Viscosity Measuring Instruments 33412.12. 比重仪表Specific Gravity Instrument 33
43、612.13. 速度测量与控制Speed Measurement and Control 33712.14. 仪表盘Instrument Panels 33812.15. 温度控制Temperature Control 34012.16. 信号系统 Annunciators Systems 34112.16.1. 集中式信号器Integral Annunciators 34212.16.2. 分离式信号器及半模拟式信号器Remote Annunciator and Semigraphic Annunciator 34312.17. 继动器Relays 34412.18. 仪表管件及仪表箱Ins
44、trumentation Tube Fittings and Housings 34612.19. 仪表图例符号及名称Instrumentation Symbols and Identifications 34812.20. 总体分散控制系统(1)Total Distributed Control System() 35012.21. 总体分散系统(2)Total Distributed Control System() 35112.22. 总体分散系统(3)Total Distributed Control System() 35212.23. 总体分散系统(4)Total Distribu
45、ted Control System() 35312.24. 总体分散系统(5)Total Distributed Control System() 35412.25. 总体分散系统(6)Total Distributed Control System() 35513. 电气工程Electrical Engineering 35613.1. 旋转电机Electrical Rotating Machine 35613.1.1. 直流电机Direct-Current Machine 35613.1.2. 直流发电机Direct-Current Generator 35713.1.3. AC换向电机
46、AC Commutator Machine 35813.1.4. 交流电动机Alternating-Current Motor 35913.1.5. 滑环式感应电动机Slip-ring Type Induction Motor 36013.1.6. 无刷同步电动机Brushless Synchronous Motor 36213.1.7. 同步电动机的无刷励磁Brushless Excitation of Synchronous Motor 36313.1.8. 线槽和绕组Slots and Windings 36413.2. 变压器Transformer 36513.2.1. 油浸式变压器正
47、视图Oil Immersed Transformer Front View 36513.2.2. 油浸式变压器侧视图Oil Immersed Transformer Side View 36613.2.3. 油浸式变压器外视图Oil Immersed Transformer Exterior 36713.3. 整流器和电池Rectifier and Battery 36813.3.1. 整流器Rectifier 36813.3.2. 原电池(1)Primary Batteries() 369原电池(2)Primary Batteries() 37013.4. 高压开关装置High Voltag
48、e Switchgear 37213.4.1. 金属封闭式开关装置Metal-Enclosed Switchgear 37213.4.2. 金属高压开关柜Metal-Clad High-Voltage Cubicle 37313.4.3. 六氟化硫断路器SF6 Circuit-Breaker 37413.4.4. T型断路器T-Breaker 37613.4.5. 电动机操纵机构Motor Drive 37713.5. 低压开关Low-Voltage Switches 37813.5.1. 限流空气断器Currentt-Limiting Air-Break Circuit-Breaker 37
49、813.5.2. 塑料外壳断路器Moulded Case Circuit-Breaker 37913.5.3. 控制开关Control Switches 38013.5.3.1. 按钮开关Pushbutton Switches 38213.5.3.2. 凸轮旋转开关Cam Switches 38413.6. 电磁设备Electromagnetic Apparatus 38613.6.1. 电磁机构和器件Electromagnetic Mechanism and Devices 38613.6.2. 电磁继电器Electromagnetic Relays 38813.6.3. 电压调整继电器Vo
50、ltage Regulating Relay 39013.7. 电气防爆Electrical Explosion-proof 39113.7.1. 危险场所内的电力和照明安装Power and Lighting Installation in Hazardous Location 39113.7.2. 防爆设备Explosion-proof Apparatus 39213.8. 供电系统Power Supply System 39413.8.1. 热电厂Thermal Power Plant 39413.8.1.1. 节能发电厂Energy Saving Power plant 39613.8
51、.2. 变电所屋内配电装置Indoor Installations of Electric Substation 39813.8.3. 铁塔及电杆Towers and Poles 39913.8.4. 静电除尘器Electrostatic Precipitator 40013.9. 内线Interior Wiring 40113.9.1. 电缆Cables 40113.9.2. 熔断器Fuses 40413.9.3. 连接器和端子Connectors and Terminals 40613.9.4. 灯泡Lamps 40713.9.5. 电热器件Electroheating Devices 4
52、0814. 施工设备和工具Construction Equipment and Tool 40914.1. 起重机械Hoisting Machinery 40914.1.1. 桅杆起重机,转臂起重机Derricks 40914.1.2. 安装起重机Erecting Cranes 41014.1.3. 起重设备Hoisting Devices 41214.1.4. 起重机(1)Cranes() 413起重机(2)Cranes() 414起重机(3)Cranes() 41514.1.5. 手拉葫芦和千斤顶Chain Hoists and Jacks 41614.1.6. 麻绳,钢丝绳,绳结和吊索H
53、emp Ropes, Cable Wires, Knots and Sling Chains 41814.1.7. 起重机用的起吊附件Lifting Attachments for Crane Use 42014.1.8. 叉式起重车的附属配件Fork-Truck Attachments 42114.2. 工具Tools 42214.2.1. 扳手Wrenches 42214.2.2. 活扳手及管钳Adjustable Wrenches and Pipe Wrenches 42314.2.3. 钳和剪钳Pliers and Nippers 42414.2.4. 刀具的柄部、套节及套筒Shank
54、s, Sockets and Sleeves 42514.2.5. 丝锥Taps 42614.2.6. 绞刀Reamers 42714.2.7. 麻花钻Twist Drills 42814.2.8. 木工工具Wood Working Tools 42914.2.9. 检测规Inspection Gages 43014.2.10. 量具Measuring Tools 43115. 焊接Welding 43215.1. 金属焊接Welding of Metals 43215.2. 焊接符号Welding Symbols 43415.3. 保护式电弧焊原理Principles of Shielded
55、 Arc Welding 43515.4. 焊接位置、接头形式及焊接形式Welding Positions, Types of Joints and Welding 43615.5. 坡口Grooves 43715.6. 坡口详图Detail of Grooves 43815.7. 焊接缺陷Defects of Welding 43915.8. 填角焊,角焊Fillet Welding 44015.9. 自动埋弧焊Automatic Submerged Arc Welding 44115.10. 气体保护电弧焊Gas-Shielded Arc Welding 44215.11. 金属极楕性气体
56、保护焊Gas Metal-Arc welding 44415.12. 金属极气体保护焊焊枪 Electrode Guns of Gas Metal-Arc Welding 44515.13. 普通电渣焊Conventional Electroslag Welding 44615.14. 熔嘴电渣焊Electroslag Welding by Consumable Guide Tube 44715.15. 电气焊Electrogas Welding 44815.16. 管状焊丝电弧焊Flux-Cored Arc Welding 45015.17. 气焊设备Gas Welding Equipmen
57、t 45115.18. 移动式乙炔发生器Portable Acetylene Generators 45215.19. 乙炔发生器的基本型式Basic Types of Acetylene Generators 45315.20. 塑料焊接(1)Welding of Plastics() 454塑料焊接(2)Welding of Plastics() 45516. 无损检验No-Destructive Testing 45616.1. 无损检验方法Non-Destructive Testing Method 45616.2. 探孔镜及显微镜Borescope and Microscope 45
58、816.3. X射线发生管及其线路X-ray Tube and Its Circuit 45916.4. 射线照相及电子照相Photoradiography and Electroradiography 46016.5. 轻便X射线机及透度计Mobile X-ray Unit and Penetrometer 46116.6. 超声波探伤方法及探头Ultrasonic Test Methods and Search Units 46216.7. 超声波发射探头及接受探头Ultrasonic Transducer and Refraction 46316.8. 配管焊缝的超声波探伤Ultraso
59、nic Testing of Weld in Tubing 46416.9. 液体渗透试验Liquid Penetrant Test 46516.10. 磁化法Methods of Magnetization 46617. 土建工程Civil Engineering and Building 46717.1. 地形图和土层剖面图Topographical Map and Subsoil Profile 46717.2. 土壤与基础Soils and Foundations 46817.3. 桩的形式Types of Pile 46917.4. 设备基础Foundations for Equip
60、ment 47017.5. 大型设备的锚固(1)Anchorage of Heavy Machine() 471大型设备的锚固(2)Anchorage of Heavy Machine() 47217.6. 道路和路面Road and Paving 47317.7. 屋顶的形式Types of Roof 47417.8. 薄壳屋顶Shell Roofs 47517.9. 钢筋混凝土结构Reinforced Concrete Construction 47617.10. 钢结构Steel Construction 47817.10.1. 钢结构连接详图Structural Steel Conne
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