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1、治理会计专业术语词汇AAbsorption costing A product-costingmethod that assigns all manufacturingcosts to a product: direct materials,direct labor, variable overhead, andfixed overhead.Absorption-costing (full-costing) incomeIncome computed using afunctionally-based statement. Cost ofgoods sold includes all vari

2、able manufacturingcosts and a portion offixed factory overhead.Accounting rate of return The rate ofreturn obtained by dividing the averageaccounting net income by the originalinvestment (or by average investment).Activity A basic unit of work performedwithin an organization. It alsocan be defined a

3、s an aggregation ofactions within an organization usefulto managers for purposes of planning,controlling, and decision making.Activity analysis The process of identifying,describing, and evaluating theactivities an organization performs.Activity attributes Nonfinancial andfinancial information items

4、 that describeindividual activities.Activity budgeting The process of estimatingthe demand for eachactivitys output and assessing thecost of resources required to producethis output.Activity capacity The number oftimes an activity can be performed.Activity dictionary A list of activitiesdescribed by

5、 specific attributes suchas name, definition, classification asprimary or secondary, and activitydriver.Activity drivers Factors that measurethe consumption of activities by productsand other cost objects.Activity elimination The process ofeliminating nonvalue-added activities.Activity flexible budg

6、et The predictionof what activity costs will be asactivity usage changes.Activity inputs The resources consumedby an activity in producing itsoutput (they are the factors that enablethe activity to be performed).Administrative costs All costs associatedwith the general administrationof the organizat

7、ion that cannot bereasonably assigned to either marketingor production.Advance pricing agreements (APAs)Agreements between the Internal RevenueService and a taxpayer on theacceptability of a transfer price. Theagreement is private and is bindingon both parties for a specified periodof time.Aesthetic

8、s A quality attribute that isconcerned with the appearance oftangible products (for example, styleand beauty) as well as the appearanceof the facilities, equipment, personnel,and communication materials associatedwith services.Allocation Assignment of indirectcosts to cost objects.Annuity A series o

9、f future cash flows.Applied overhead Overhead assignedto production using predeterminedrates.Appraisal costs Costs incurred to determinewhether products and servicesare conforming to requirements.BBalanced Scorecard (See Strategicbasedresponsibility accountingsystem.)Base period A prior period used

10、toset the benchmark for measuring productivitychanges.Batch-level activities Activities thatare performed each time a batch isproduced.Benchmarking An approach that usesbest practices as the standard forevaluating activity performance.Best-fitting line The line that fits a setof data points the best

11、 in the sensethat the sum of the squared deviationsof the data points from the lineis the smallest.Binding constraints Constraintswhose resources are fully utilized.Break-even point The point where totalsales revenue equals total costs;the point of zero profits.Activity output The result or producto

12、f an activity.Activity output measure The numberof times an activity is performed. It isthe quantifiable measure of the output.Activity reduction Decreasing the timeand resources required by an activity.Activity selection The process ofchoosing among sets of activitiescaused by competing strategies.

13、Activity sharing Increasing the efficiencyof necessary activities by usingeconomies of scale.Activity volume variance The cost ofthe actual activity capacity acquiredand the capacity that should be used.Activity-based cost (ABC) system Acost system that first traces costs toactivities and then trace

14、s costs fromactivities to products.Activity-based costing (ABC) A costassignment approach that first usesdirect and driver tracing to assigncosts to activities and then uses driversto assign costs to cost objects.Activity-based management (ABM) Asystemwide, integrated approach thatfocuses management

15、s attention onactivities with the objective of improvingcustomer value and the profitachieved by providing this value. Itincludes driver analysis, activityanalysis, and performance evaluation,and draws on activity-based costingas a major source of information.Activity-based management (ABM)accountin

16、g system An accounting systemthat emphasizes the use ofactivities for assigning and managingcosts.Activity-based responsibility accountingA control system defined bycentering responsibility on processesand teams where activity performanceis measured in terms of time, quality,and efficiency.Actual co

17、sting An approach that assignsactual costs of direct materials,direct labor, and overhead to products.Adjusted cost of goods sold The costof goods sold after all adjustmentsfor overhead variance are made.G l o s s a r y68183_glossary_849-860.qxd 1/22/04 2:27 PM Page 849Budget committee A committee r

18、esponsiblefor setting budgetarypolicies and goals, reviewing and approvingthe budget, and resolving anydifferences that may arise in the budgetaryprocess.Budget director The individual responsiblefor coordinating anddirecting the overall budgetingprocess.Budgetary slack The process ofpadding the bud

19、get by overestimatingcosts and underestimating revenues.Budgets Plans of action expressed infinancial terms.CCapital budgeting The process ofmaking capital investment decisions.Capital investment decisions Theprocess of planning, setting goals andpriorities, arranging financing, andidentifying crite

20、ria for making longterminvestments.Carrying costs The costs of holdinginventory.Cash budget A detailed plan that outlinesall sources and uses of cash.Causal factors Activities or variablesthat invoke service costs. Generally, itis desirable to use causal factors asthe basis for allocating service co

21、sts.Centralized decision making A systemin which decisions are made at thetop level of an organization and localmanagers are given the charge to implementthem.Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) Aperson who has passed a comprehensiveexamination designed to ensuretechnical competence and has twoyears ex

22、perience.Certified Management Accountant(CMA) A person who has passed arigorous qualifying examination, hasmet an experience requirement, andparticipates in continuing education.Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Aperson who is permitted (by law) toserve as an external auditor and whomust pass a nati

23、onal examination andbe licensed by the state in which heor she practices.Continuous replenishment A systemwhere a manufacturer assumes the inventorymanagement function for theretailer.Contribution margin Sales revenueminus total variable cost or price minusunit variable cost.Contribution margin rati

24、o Contributionmargin divided by sales revenue.It is the proportion of each sales dollaravailable to cover fixed costs andprovide for profit.Control The process of setting standards,receiving feedback on actualperformance, and taking correctiveaction whenever actual performancedeviates significantly

25、from plannedperformance.Control activities Activities performedby an organization to prevent or detectpoor quality (because poorquality may exist).Control costs Costs incurred fromperforming control activities.Control limits The maximum allowabledeviation from a standard.Controllable costs Costs tha

26、t managershave the power to influence.Controller The chief accounting officer;supervises all accountingdepartments.Controlling The managerial activityof monitoring a plans implementationand taking corrective action asneeded.Conversion cost The sum of direct laborcost and overhead cost.Core objective

27、s and measures Thoseobjectives and measures common tomost organizations.Cost The cash or cash equivalentvalue sacrificed for goods and servicesthat are expected to bring a currentor future benefit to the organization.Cost assignment The process of associatingthe costs, once measured, withthe units p

28、roduced.Cost behavior The way in which acost changes in relation to changes inactivity usage.Cost center A division of a companythat is evaluated on the basis of cost.Coefficient of correlation The squareroot of the coefficient of determination,which is used to express notonly the degree of correlat

29、ion betweentwo variables but also thedirection of the relationship.Coefficient of determination The percentageof total variability in adependent variable (e.g., cost) that isexplained by an independent variable(e.g., activity level). It assumes avalue between 0 and 1.Committed fixed expenses Expense

30、sincurred for the acquisition of longtermactivity capacity, usually as theresult of strategic planning.Committed resources Resources thatare purchased in advance of usage.These resources may or may not haveunused (excess) capacity.Common costs The costs of resourcesused in the output of two or mores

31、ervices or products.Common fixed expenses Fixed expensesthat cannot be directly tracedto individual segments and that areunaffected by the elimination of anyone segment.Comparable uncontrolled pricemethod The transfer price most preferredby the Internal Revenue Serviceunder Section 482. The comparab

32、leuncontrolled price is essentially equalto the market price.Compounding of interest Paying intereston interest.Constraint set The collection of allconstraints that pertain to a particularoptimization problem.Constraints Mathematical expressionsthat express resource limitations.Consumption ratio The

33、 proportion ofan overhead activity consumed by aproduct.Continuous budget A moving twelvemonthbudget with a future monthadded as the current month expires.Continuous improvement The processof searching for ways of increasingthe overall efficiency and productivityof activities by reducing waste, incr

34、easingquality, and reducing costs.850 68183_glossary_849-860.qxd 1/22/04 2:27 PM Page 850Cost formula A linear function, Y _F _ VX, where Y _ Total mixedcost, F _ Fixed cost, V _ Variablecost per unit of activity, and X _Activity level.Cost measurement The act of determiningthe dollar amounts of dir

35、ectmaterials, direct labor, and overheadused in production.Cost object Any item, such as products,departments, projects, activities,and so on, for which costs are measuredand assigned.Cost of capital The cost of investmentfunds, usually viewed as a weightedaverage of the costs of funds from allsourc

36、es.Cost of goods manufactured The totalcost of goods completed duringthe current period.Cost of goods sold The cost of directmaterials, direct labor, and overheadattached to the units sold.Cost of goods sold budget The estimatedcosts for the units sold.Cost-plus method A transfer price acceptableto

37、the Internal RevenueService under Section 482. The costplusmethod is simply a cost-basedtransfer price.Cost reconciliation The final sectionof the production report that comparesthe costs to account for withthe costs accounted for to ensure thatthey are equal.Costs of quality Costs incurred becausep

38、oor quality may exist orbecause poor quality does exist.Cost-volume-profit graph A graph thatdepicts the relationships among costs,volume, and profits. It consists of atotal revenue line and a total cost line.Currency appreciation When onecountrys currency becomes strongerand can purchase more units

39、 of anothercountrys currency.Currency depreciation When onecountrys currency becomes weakerand can purchase fewer units of anothercountrys currency.Currency risk management A companysmanagement of its transaction,ment and, consequently, disappear ifthe segment is eliminated.Direct labor Labor that i

40、s traceableto the goods or services being produced.Direct labor budget A budget showingthe total direct labor hoursneeded and the associated cost for thenumber of units in the productionbudget.Direct materials Materials that aretraceable to the goods or services beingproduced.Direct materials budget

41、 A budget thatoutlines the expected usage of materialsproduction and purchases of thedirect materials required.Direct method A method that allocatesservice costs directly toproducing departments. This methodignores any interactions that may existamong support departments.Direct tracing The process o

42、f identifyingcosts that are specifically orphysically associated with a cost object.Discount factor The factor used toconvert a future cash flow to its presentvalue.Discount rate The rate of return usedto compute the present value of futurecash flows.Discounted cash flows Future cashflows expressed

43、in present-value terms.Discounting The act of finding thepresent value of future cash flows.Discounting models Capital investmentmodels that explicitly considerthe time value of money in identifyingcriteria for accepting or rejectingproposed projects.Discretionary fixed expenses Expensesincurred for

44、 the acquisition of shorttermcapacity or services, usually asthe result of yearly planning.Double-loop feedback Informationabout both the effectiveness of strategyimplementation and the validity of assumptionsunderlying the strategy.Driver analysis The effort expendedto identify those factors that a

45、re theroot causes of activity costs.economic, and translation exposuredue to exchange rate fluctuations.Currently attainable standards Standardsthat reflect an efficientoperating state; they are rigorous butachievable.Customer perspective A balancedscorecard viewpoint that defines thecustomer and ma

46、rket segments inwhich the business will compete.Customer value Realization less sacrifice,where realization is what thecustomer receives and sacrifice iswhat is given up.Cycle time The length of time requiredto produce one unit of aproduct.DDecentralization The granting ofdecision-making freedom to

47、loweroperating levels.Decentralized decision making A systemin which decisions are made andimplemented by lower-level managers.Decision making The process of choosingamong competing alternatives.Decision model A specific set of proceduresthat, when followed,produces a decision.Decision package A des

48、cription ofservice levels, with associated costs,that a decision unit can or would liketo offer.Defective product A product or servicethat does not conform tospecifications.Degree of operating leverage (DOL)A measure of the sensitivity of profitchanges to changes in sales volume. Itmeasures the perc

49、entage change inprofits resulting from a percentagechange in sales.Dependent variable A variable whosevalue depends on the value of anothervariable. For example, Y in thecost formula Y _ F _ VX dependson the value of X.Direct costs Costs that can be easilyand accurately traced to a cost object.Direc

50、t fixed expenses Fixed costs thatare directly traceable to a given seg- 85168183_glossary_849-860.qxd 1/22/04 2:27 PM Page 851Driver tracing The use of drivers toassign costs to cost objects.Drivers Factors that cause changes inresource usage, activity usage, costs,and revenues.Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR

51、) System TheTOC inventory management systemthat relies on the drum beat of themajor constrained resources, timebuffers, and ropes to determine inventorylevels.Dumping Predatory pricing in the internationalmarket.Durability The length of time a productfunctions.Dysfunctional behavior Individual behav

52、iorthat conflicts with the goals ofthe organization.EEcoefficiency A view of environmentalmanagement maintaining thatorganizations can produce more usefulgoods and services whilesimultaneously reducing negative environmentalimpacts, resourceconsumption, and costs.Economic order quantity (EOQ) Theamo

53、unt that should be ordered (orproduced) to minimize the total ordering(or setup) and carrying costs.Economic risk The possibility that afirms present value of future cashflows can be affected by exchangefluctuations.Economic value added (EVA) A performancemeasure that is calculatedby taking the afte

54、r-tax operatingprofit minus the total annual cost ofcapital.Electronic business Any businesstransaction or information exchangethat is executed using informationand communication technology.Electronic commerce (e-commerce)Buying and selling products using informationand communicationtechnology.Elect

55、ronic data interchange (EDI) Aninventory management method thatallows suppliers access to a buyerson-line database.External failure costs Costs incurredbecause products fail to conform torequirements after being sold to outsideparties.External linkages The relationship ofa firms activities within it

56、s segmentof the value chain with those activitiesof its suppliers and customers.External measures Measures that relateto customer and shareholderobjectives.FFacility-level activities Activities thatsustain a facilitys general manufacturingprocess.Failure activities Activities performedby an organiza

57、tion or its customers inresponse to poor quality (poor qualitydoes exist).Failure costs The costs incurred by anorganization because failure activitiesare performed.Favorable (F) variances Variancesproduced whenever the actualamounts are less than the budgetedor standard allowances.Feasible set of s

58、olutions The collectionof all feasible solutions.Feasible solution A product mix thatsatisfies all constraints.Features (quality of design) Characteristicsof a product that differentiatefunctionally similar products.Feedback Information that can beused to evaluate or correct the stepsbeing taken to

59、implement a plan.FIFO costing method A process costingmethod that separates units inbeginning inventory from those producedduring the current period. Unitcosts include only current periodcosts and production.Financial accounting information systemAn accounting informationsubsystem that is primarily

60、concernedwith producing outputs for externalusers and uses well-specified economicevents as inputs and processes thatmeet certain rules and conventions.Financial budgets The portions of themaster budget that include the cashEmployee empowerment The authorizationof operational personnel toplan, contr


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