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1、 PAGE 页码 18 / NUMPAGES 总页数 18三年级北师大英语下学期期末学业质量监测复习提升练习班级:_ 姓名:_ 单词拼写1. 写出下列大写字母的小写字母。(1)A _(2)G_(3)H_(4)I _ (5)J _(6)M _(7)N_ (8)Q_ (9)P _2. 将单词和图片配对。并抄写一遍,注意书写。Ayacht Bzebra Ctaxi Dzip3. 先把单词补充完整,再写出它们的汉语意思。(1)fml(2)Cnd(3)arpntr4. 根据提示,写出单词,把句子补充完整。(1)Amy cant rfast. So the boy is the winner.(2)We

2、can go to the sfor an ice cream.(3)Can I ha drink, please?(4)Lets ma cfor mum and dad.5. 根据图片和句子中字母提示补全单词。1_hin_( )A.c; AB.C;aC.C; A2dr_v_r( )A.I; eB.a; eC.I; a3t_cher( )A.eaB.aeC.ee4b_s( )A.aB.iC.u5pl_( )A.geB.cyC.ay6. 将下列句子抄写在正确的图片下。AHer finger hurts. BHis shoulder hurts.CHer foot hurts. DHer leg

3、hurts.ETheir heads hurt. FMy stomach hurts.1. 2._ _3. 4._ _5. 6._ _7. 单词拼写。1_heep羊2c_w奶牛3f_rm农场8. 先想想本学期所学的“a, e, i, o, u”的读音规律,然后看图用“a, e, i, o, u”完成单词。1c_t 2d_g3d_ck 4c_p5b_x 6 l_g7m_lk 8 d_sk填空题9. 读一读,补全句子。1Where are you from?Im from_(英国).2Whos that man?Sarahs_(祖父).3Where is my pencil?Its_(在你的书下面

4、).4Do you like watermelons?_(不,我不喜欢).5_(多少)crayons do you have?Ten.10. 看图,选择适当的单词或短语完成句子。(填序号)A. swims B. walks C. goes fishing D. flies a kite1. In spring, Tim_in the park.2. In summer, Ann_in the lake.3. In autumn, John_under the tree.4. In winter, Mary_in the snow.11. 填空题。1你想询问“我的小汽车在哪儿?”应该这样问:2书

5、的位置在3铅笔的位置在4Is it in your bag?Yes,5你想表达“它在椅子下面。”用英语应该这样说:6你找不到你的帽子了。用英语你应该问:7同桌帮你找到了你的文具。用英语你应该说:8Where is my pencil box?中文的意思是:9同学邀请你一起逛书店,你愿意和他一起去。用英语你应该说:12. 选词补全句子。name song1.Whats your_?Im Sam.2.Whats your favourite_?Its the ABC song.13. 看图选一选。man who he sister family she brother1Whos? _is my f

6、ather.2Whos? _is my mother3Whos that_? Hes my.4Whos? Shes my_.5Whos? Hes my_.6_is? Hes my grandfather.7Whoseis this? This is my_.14. 按要求写单词。1. one的序数词 2. two的序数词3. is的过去式 4. worry的形容词5. are的过去式 6. there的对应词15. 选择正确的单词或词组填空。1Look at_(my/I) skirt.2Dont_(listen to/listen) the parrot.3Its_(my/me) rubber

7、.4Helen,_(come/go) in.5I would like_(a/an) robot.16. 选词填空。1Whose trousers_(is; are) these?They_(is; are) my trousers.2Its my fathers car._(Her; His)car is white.3_(Is; Are) this Liu Zhao yangs skirt.No. It_(is; are) Alices.4What color_(is; are) the socks?They_(are; is)blue.选择题17. 选出不同类的一项:( )A.ball

8、B.kite C.cat18. _ this your schoolbag? ( )_, it isnt.A.Its; No B.Is; No C.Is; Yes19. Dannys hand is _. ( )A.blue B.green C.black20. Would you like some tea? ( )_.A.No, thanks B.Yes, thank C.No, please21. Can you sing? ( )_A.Yes, I am. B.Yes, I do. C.Yes, I can22. Is it in your desk? ( )_.A.Yes, it i

9、s. B.No, it is C.Yes, is it.23. _ am very thirsty. ( )A.You B.Your C.I24. _ are you? ( )Im fine.A.How old B.How about C.How句型转换25. 按要求回答句子。1. This isa pencil. (根据句子意思提问)2.我十岁了!(汉译英)3.祝你生日快乐!(汉译英)4. Heres your cap, Sam.(英译汉)26. 句型转换。We are big.(1)反义句:_(2)缩写句子:_(3)疑问句:_(4)肯定回答:_(5)否定回答:_27. 句型转换。1. Do

10、 you like snow? (作肯定回答)2. Is it hot? (作肯定回答)28. 对句子提问。1Theres onlyone childin the classroom._there in the classroom?2The jacket on the rightis Monicas._is Monicas?3Emmascoat is expensive._coat is expensive?4Jim is inRow Five._is Jim in?5My father issixty._your father?29. 按要求完成句子。1My name isPeter.(对句

11、子提问)_is_name?2How are you?(对问题进行回答)_, thank you.3There arefivecandles. (对句子提问)_candles are there?4Whats that?(用elephant回答)Its_.5Imsix years old.(对句子提问)_are you?30. 按要求改写句子。1I dont like basketball.(改为肯定句)2Amy doesnt like noodles.(改为肯定句)3I like table tennis.(改为否定句)4My favourite season iswinter.(就句子提问)

12、5Have you got a new sweater?(作否定回答)6Were you on the first floor?(肯定回答与否定回答)31. 根据提示完成句子。请看黑板,同学们。Please_atthe_,class.2.让我开窗。_me_thewindow.3.Closethewindow,please.(否定句)_thewindow,please.4.Dontrunaway,Helen.(肯定句)_away,Helen.5.Wouldyoulikeasweet?(否定回答)6.Standup,please.(反义句)_,please.7.ThatismyEnglishboo

13、k.(一般疑问句)_that_Englishbook?32. 句型转换。1Do you like watermelons?(作肯定回答)2Do you like apples?(作否定回答)3You can have some bananas.(变一般疑问句)_I_some bananas?连词成句33. 连词成句。1at, Look, birds, the (.)2many, do, pears, see, How, you (?)3apple, The, is, red, one, an (.)4The, are, beautiful, so, kites (.)34. cat , a ,

14、 it , is , red (.)35. does, what, Linda, at, today, school, have (?)36. areyouHow (?)37. my is sister this (.)(只写序号)38. to blackboard Point the (只填序号)_.39. you fromWhere are40. 连词成句。1friend, my, too, He, is (.)2is, Yang Ling, She (.)3Tina, is, This (.)4John, you, Are (?)5Im, No, not (.)6sister, is,

15、She, my (.)阅读理解41. 阅读短文,判断正误。This is Jims bedroom. Its new and nice. A bed and a chair are in it. A desk is on the floor. Some flowers are on it. A bookshelf is behind the bed. Some English books are on the bookshelf. A picture is on the wall. Some people are in the picture. The man is his father. T

16、he woman is his mother, who is the boy? Do you know?( )(1)Jim has an old and nice bedroom.( )(2)Some flowers are on the bookshelf.( )(3)The man in the picture is Jims brother.( )(4)The boy in the picture is Jim.42. 阅读对话,然后判断句子的正误 。Chen Jie : Oh, youre so tall.Amy : Yes, Im tall. Youre short.Chen Jie

17、: Look. I have a cat. Its small.Amy : I have a pig. It has a short tail.Chen Jie: I have a rabbit, It has long ears.Amy : I have a panda, it has big eyes.Chen Jie: Haha! How lovely!( )(1)Amy is tall.( )(2)Chen Jie is short.( )(3)Chen Jie has a cat and a panda.( )(4)The pig has a long tail.( )(5)The

18、panda has small eyes.43. 阅读,完成问答。My name is Kitty. Im nine years old. Im a girl. Im tall. My teacher Miss. Zhao is short. But she is beautiful. Colin is short and Li Shan is tall. We are in Class 2, Grade 3. We are good friend.(1)Who am I?(2)How old am I?(3)Whos my English teacher?(4)Is Miss Zhao ta

19、ll?(5)Is Colin short?44. 阅读判断。Im Lucy.Amy and I are good friends.I like apples very much.But I dont like oranges.Amy likes watermelons and pears.She doesnt like grapes.( )(1)Amy is Lucys good friend.( )(2)Lucy likes pears very much.( )(3)Lucy doesnt like oranges.( )(4)Amy doesnt like oranges, either

20、.( )(5)Amy likes watermelons.45. 读对话,在表中相应的食物下面打“”。: Can I help you? : Id like some juice and bread.: Id like some milk . : Id like some fish.: Im hungry. Id like some rice, a cake and an egg.: Here you are. : Thank you!46. 阅读下面的对话,然后判断正误。Jack and Tom: Happy birthday to you, Lucy!Lucy: Thank you.Jac

21、k: How old are you?Lucy: Im nine.Jack and Tom: Here you are, two bags and some dolls(玩具娃娃)Lucy: Thank you. How many dolls?Tom: Four dolls.Lucy: Lets eat the cake.Jack and Tom: Great!1Today (今天)is Lucys birthday.( )2Lucy is ten. ( )3Lucy has(有) threebags. ( )4Jack and Tom give(给) Lucy five dolls. ( )5Lucy, Jack and Tom will(将要) eat the cake.( )47. 阅读理解。Hello, Im Peter. Im a boy. I like playing basketball. I play basketball on Saturdays. I go to school on Mondays. I have lunch at school. I like meat and I


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