



1、高中英语新教材精选外刊语法填空211 Medal of the Republic11- a series which moved people to tears功勋-又一部主旋律电视剧让人热泪盈眶A drama series 1(name) Medal of the Republic has aroused enthusiastic 2(discuss) on Chinese social media. The series tells heart-warming 3(story) about the first group of eight recipients of the Medal o

2、f the Republic, the countrys 4(high) honor for those 5 have made great contributions to the 6(develop) of the Peoples Republic of China.Among the recipients are combat heroes Li Yannian and Zhang Fuqing, nuclear physicist Yu Min, farmer Shen Jilan, satellite expert Sun Jiadong, father of hybrid rice

3、11 Yuan Longping, nuclear scientist Huang Xuhua, and pharmacologist Tu Vouyou.The series is centered 6 these heroes* devotionto their careers and 7(continue) efforts to improve Chinese peoples lives. Through the patriotism (爱国精神) and the never-yielding spirit 8(show) by these heroes, the series hope

4、s 9(inspire) the younger generation.According to the series chief director Zheng Xiaolong, compared to most documentaries that show the whole life of the featured individual, this series focuses 10(specific) on the individuals most shining moments. Keys:1 named 2 discussion 3 stories 4 highest5 who

5、6 development 7 continuous8 shown 9 to inspire 10 specifically2”熬夜熬到停不下来,到底是为什么?Extreme night owls: HI cant tell anyone what time I go to bed” 极品夜猫子: 我都不敢跟人说自己几点睡的“Jenny Carter, 27, an NHS co-ordinator, is 1 extreme night owl”,one of an estimated 8.2% of the population 2 natural inclination is to fa

6、ll asleep well after midnight.Left to her own devices, shed prefer 3( go) to bed around 3am and wake up about noon.Why do night owls exist? There is no single 4(universal) accepted theory, but evolutionary biologists think that communities with more variation in chronotypes may have been more likely

7、 5(survive).Another theory is that variation is simply how genetics works. Colin Espic, professor of sleep medicine at the University of Oxford, says this mirrors 6(difference) in hair, eye and skin colour, or height.Natural night owls are fundamentally different to insomniacs (失眠者)or people who sta

8、y up until the early hours because 7 family or work circumstances. Being a night owlisnt a problem.But this isnt always well understood. Jessica Batchelor is a medical writer who feels most 8(product) at 11pm. HI cant tell anyone when I went to sleep, woke upz showered, or ate a meal without being j

9、udged,” she says. HI struggle with feelings of guilt and shame.11This mentality 9(root) in our agrarian past, when farm work had to begin at dawn.Our culture mistakenly associates sleeping little and rising early with virTue(品质).It is often extolled as a habit of successful people: for instance in t

10、he fascination with Margaret Thatchers four-hour rest, or articles about sleepless-elite” CEOs who start their days with a 4am jog.Yet this belies a glaring inconsistency: around eight hours of good-quality sleep is essential for 10(good) health for almost everybody.Keys:1 an 2 whose 3 to go 4 unive

11、rsally 5 to survive6 differences 7 of 8 productive 9 is rooted 10 better3 千年之后,欧洲最后的守夜人The last Night Watchmen of Europe 欧洲最后的守夜人For 33 years, from 22:00 to 02:00, Renato Haeusler has gazed out at the view from Lausanne Cathedral and wondered 1(vague)(隐约地):Who is on the streets below? Where are they

12、 going? And does anyone realise he is high above them, squirreled (藏)away inside the belfry(钟塔)?Haeuslerz 61z is one of the worlds last Night Watchmen and probably the 2(close) thing we have in the modern age to a real-life character from The Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones.The last in a long l

13、ine of watchmen, 3 have been manning this post since November 1405, he steadfastly maintains a longstanding medieval tradition - pure and simple to safeguard the citys 4(culture) heritage.工ronically(讽 刺地),he has not worn a watch for more than 40 years yet copes stoically with his decades-long nightl

14、y vigil.have to stop when Im 65, but Id prefer not 5(think) about that, he said. Itll be too painful. Too emotional.11Another Night Watchman adhering to tradition is Horst Lennen in Bavaria, Germany. 6(fulfill) a childhood ambition to become tower keeper of Nordlingen 10 years ago, the retired journ

15、alist maintains a half-hourly shout of So Gsell so (Hey, buddy, hey!).Of course, Lenner has moved beyond his first adolescent Sword in the Stone11 fantasies and he is now a 7(represent) of the city and extended arm to the tourist office.In unprecedented(史无前彳列 的)days like these, one question lingers: Who do the last Night Watchmen watch when no one needs 8(watch)? To a remarkable extent, the cities of Lausanne and Nordlingen have stuck 9 the pastat the height o


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