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1、中英文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)摘要:自从一万村 庙场项目开展以来,连锁超市就开始在农村地区发展起来。 物流和分配是连锁超市运作过程中的纽带,在超市的平稳运作中起到重要作用。 本土超市涌现出的很多问题,现在逐渐成为超市发展的瓶颈。 在这篇论文中,作 者将会分析现今存在于中国农村超市的物流和分配方面的问题,然后提供一些相应策略解决这个问题。关键词:农村地区,货品分配,策略规划,物流,连锁超市。1介绍自从一万村 丽场项目开展以来,连锁超市作为一个新的运作系统及销售模 式,开始在广阔的农村地区发展。这些连锁超市带领农民提高消费水平、 缩小城 乡差异、提升农村地区和农村市场现代流通的发展。 连锁

2、超市在农民中很受欢迎。 然而,物流和分配是连锁超市的核心,却仍非常薄弱。分配的优势是超市运作成 本、利润及相关合伙人附加利润的关键。 在当前经济危机的形势下,解决农村超 市物流及分配方面的问题,对农村市场的发展、经济的发展以及建设一个社会主 义新农村都非常关键。农村连锁超市物流及分配的一些概念和特点分配是一个经济活动,是企业家基于消费者需求,用最有效的方式在分配中 心或其它地点储存货物,并且把这些货物运送到在合理经济框架内的其他客户。 它包含购买、储存、分类、货物处理、递送及其它活动。它是一个物流活动的方 式,结合了特别的、完整的业务流程。在农村地区,农民和农产品独特,所以, 与城市物流分配相

3、比,有着一些不同的特点。农村地区的主要物流和分配问题A.低均匀分布率和高运作成本根据商务部调查,自从一万村 庙场项目开展以来,农村连锁超市的覆盖率 已经达到超过60%,但是分配率却只有 40%。这个数字不仅低于国内连锁超市 60%的平均运送率,也大大低于国外连锁超市高于 80%的运送率。均匀分配有利 于统一采购。商店不能得益于连锁。这就会导致高物流成本。B.不合理的物流和分配模式,导致信息读取效率不高最近,农村连锁超市的物流和分配渠道主要由分配中心、 农产品和供应市场 合作社、第三方物流和分配系统组成。事实上,这三种分配方式也同样面临着高 物流成本的问题。许多连锁超市没有建立自己的分配中心,

4、因而不能满足分配服 务的需求。即使一些连锁超市建立了自己的分配中心, 也仍然存在很大问题。大 多数农村超市规模较小,缺少建立分配中心的资金,因此,一些分配中心不能满 足超市分配的需求。农村连锁商店分布较广,单个的连锁超市分配还是比较有限。 收入比分配中心的建立和运作成本还要低。C.分配中心的延后建立、低下技术水平、低分配水平农村连锁超市的分配中心改造和扩大都是基于原来的仓库,这并不能满足连 锁超市的服务需求。这些分配中心只能用来当仓库、 储存及运输,缺少了深层的 货品加工容量、信息加工以及反馈功能。这些基础设施不够,也缺少了机械化的 检测、加工、冰冻、冷藏、包装及其它设备。电脑信息管理系统也远

5、远不够,导 致了不能及时进行与供应商、总部以及分部的数据交换。很难有效地管理物流信 息,所以所有功能的协作及整合程度仍然非常低。D.不充分的信息共享系统农村连锁超市的信息系统构建是相对落后的。电子订货系统、电子数据互换 系统以及增值网络系统都还没有使用。决策和信息管理系统也远远不够。很难在 连锁超市、分配中心和供应商之间进行信息交流。 所有这些都导致了不及时的采 购及补充,进而导致供应缺口。很难在总部和分部之间得到及时的运作指引、 销 售、管理、货物运送和调动。止匕外,关于产品和服务的信息不能及时得到反馈。没有体现当地特色和农民需求的产品配送可能会影响连锁超市的发展。E.小规模企业,缺少主导企

6、业农村市场的消费潜力是巨大的,但是农民的购买力却有限。他们不会在短时 间内接受设计好的产品。同时,也存在很多问题。比如,需求分散、农村物流运 作的高成本、小规模、设施不够、资金欠缺、没有主导企业。很难达到物流、分 配、管理以及经济规模效应。分配中心缺少专业的人才,尤其是那些熟悉中国农 村市场的物流专业人才。雇员总体素质较差,大多数操作员对物流不了解,对物流的运作原则、业务分部接口、运作流程、行 业标准、服务标准和现代信息技术运用更是知之甚少。在这种背景下,物流人才 在农村地区尤其稀缺,迫切需要培养懂农村、农民,并且能抓住当代农村物流发 展特征的物流人才。1.3农村连锁超市的物流和分配策略A.选

7、择合适的分配方式连锁超市的物流和分配有四种方式:自己运送、第三方物流、公共运送以及 供应商运送。由于农村地区、农民及农产品的特殊情况,中国零售业的发展和未 来合伙重组的开展联系在一起。因此,对农村连锁超市来说,采用公共运送模式 更合适。近年来,连锁超市建立了各自的的分配系统来有效利用物流资源,第三方物流和第四方物流逐渐发展起来。因此,复合型分配模式对中国农村连锁超市 更合适。中小型超市由于资金欠缺,建立自己的分配系统有一些困难。 即使他们 有能力建立自己的分配系统,也很难产生规模效应。薄弱的连锁超市应该通过融 资联合建立分配中心,管理连锁超市的所有分配业务。这样不仅能达到物流资源 的最有配置,

8、提高物流运作的效率,也能减少投资成本。它可以提供联合采购。同时,超市也应该把更多注意力放在与第三方物流公司的合作上。对于那些鲜活商品、冰冻商品,超市可以不统一分配。分配中心可以外包给第三方物流公司, 以此达到快速反馈及及时运送。有分配中心的超市可以通过委员会和委托人发展 公共运送。如果他们购买少量商品,他们应该委托分配中心给予共同运送。 大型的资金雄厚的连锁超市,为了追求物流和分配的高效,可以建立自己的分配中心, 达到每个分部的具体需求。他们可以接受中小型连锁超市的佣金,来实施共同运 送。诚然,大型连锁超市有时也有大量的物流业务, 即使他们有自己的分配中心 和分配系统。他们仍需要和第三方第四方

9、物流公司在一些运作方面进行合作,尤其是在长距离运输、地区仓库及其它业务区域。外包的优势很明显,不仅可以解 决供应链的库存、运输问题,同时也可以解决采购问题,管理超市和供应商之间 的关系。B.加强分配中心的构建以达到现代化决定分配中心的规模。不同分部产品的数量和类型不同,因此,要综合分析 物流市场以及未来发展需求,全面预测物流容量大小、物流中心合理的大小及规 模,然后优化分配中心的规模、地点和功能。完善分配中心的功能。分配中心有 许多服务功能,比如仓库、运输、采购、装卸、分配加工、分配、信息加工以及 反馈。农产品和其它商品可以和其相应信息一起加工。 信息来源于农民,他们可 以提供大量高质量产品,

10、保持不同功能的和谐。加强硬件和软件的建设。在硬件方面,自动化仓库、自动化分类机器、电子货梯、智能化输送机、数 据收集装置及其它现代物流设备都应该逐渐使用,以达到加工运作的机械化及自动化。为了满足一些鲜活商品、易腐烂商品的分配需求,分配中心也应该加快运 送速度,提高效率,减少物流成本及采用有冰箱和保存功能的仓库。 在软件方面, 我们必须注意物流信息系统的构建,以提高信息水平。分配中心应该建立电脑化 的管理信息系统,包括电子自动化订货系统、电子数据互换、销货点系统和信息 反馈系统。同时,也需要建立互联网联系供应商、分配中心和实体店之间的生产、 供应和营销,这样一来,总体的购买、分类、加工、包装、储

11、存、运输和其它分 配运作才能紧密结合,保证物流分配中心的正常运作。这些方法都会带来管理上 的信息化和科学化。C.提高规模,建立严格的评估系统。通过回顾、评估和分析财务状况、业务场所、人员素质、运作地位,没有能 力或是有假冒伪劣商品行为的农村商店将不允许加入农村连锁超市。满足标准的商店必须订立合同。主导企业优先加入合同。在合同中,分配率不能低于一个确 切百分比。如果一个农村商店的分配率一年中连续四个月或五个月都低于65%,其名单就会在特许经营资格书上剔除。同时,为了提高连锁超市的整体分配率, 每个农村商店的分配率必须达到某些要求。D.确立农产品基地,保证农产品供应的安全农产品易坏,季节性强。为了

12、保障质量和运送容量,它们的运输、包装和加 工都会更加困难。连锁超市可以通过与某一地区的政府部门合作, 建立农产品加 工基地,解决高质量农产品和附带当地产品。 对农民来说,农产品的分配渠道可 以优化农村经济结构和产品结构,以此提高他们的经济收入。对超市来说,不仅 能减少购买成本,保障农产品质量及安全,也能从当地分部得到产品信息,与农 民建立良好的合作关系,逐渐提高产品质量,发展特殊产品,并且深度开发农村 市场。建立一个现代的农业生产基地对解决超市购买农产品来说是个不可避免的 选择。E.培养物流人才当前,由于农村连锁超市缺乏物流专业人才,发展农村物流业人才至关重要。 引进高素质人才可以解决这个问题

13、, 但是对已有员工的培训教育更重要。 连锁超 市可以建立自己的员工教育培训中心,也可以把员工送往专业的物流公司或大学 深造,提高他们的专业素养及水平。通过这些方法,分配中心可以提高效率。F.配置特殊产品,发展自有品牌配置价格低廉的产品需要基于当地情况, 考虑农民的消费心理、消费习惯以 及消费水平。价格低廉的产品和自有品牌产品可以定位。 对于有着密集人口和便 利交通的农村连锁超市来说,他们可以根据产品类型选择每天每月需要的产品。 对于在乡镇的超市,人口相对分散,他们应该选择适合农村消费水平的生活必备 品。他们必须实施严格的食品质量检测, 防止假冒伪劣产品流入市场,以保证食 品安全,创造一个舒适的

14、消费环境,满足农民消费者的最大需求。他们同样需要 发展和培养自我品牌产品优势,扩大市场份额,提高服务质量和水平,来提升企 业的竞争力。The Study on Logistics and Distribution Strategy of China s Rural SupermarketsAbstractSince TenThousand Villages market project was carried out, the chain supermarketshave been developing in therural areas. Logistics and distribution

15、, the tie to various operating of chain supermarkets, play an important role on the smoothly operation of the supermarket.A lot of problems, which are from local markets, now is becoming the bottleneck of the development of supermarket. In this paper, the author analyzed the problems present in curr

16、ent logistics and distribution of Chinas rural supermarkets, and provided some strategies to the problem.Keywords-rural areas; distribution of goods; strategic planning; logistics; supermarket chains.I. INTRODUCTIONSince the TenThousand Villages market project was carried out, the chain supermarket,

17、 a new operating system and sale model, has been developed in the wide rural areas. These chain markets are guiding farmers to increase consumption, narrow the gap between urban and rural, promote the development of modern circulation inrural areas and rural market. It has been welcomed by farmers.

18、However, logistics and distribution, the core of the chain supermarkets, are still very weak. The strength of distribution is the key to the super market operating cost, profit and related cooperator s profit plus. Under the current situation of economic crisis, the answer to solve the problems of t

19、he rural chain supermarkets logistics and distribution is important to develop the rural markets, develop the economics, and build socialist new countryside.THE CONCEPTS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF RURAL CHAIN SUPERMARKETSLOGISTICS AND DISTRIBUTIONDistribution is an economic activity, that enterprises ba

20、sed on user needs reserve goods in the distribution centers or other locations by the most effective way, and send the goods to users in the region within the reasonable framework of economic,. It includes the purchase, storage, sorting, cargo handling, delivery and other activities. It is a logisti

21、cs activities way which combine with the special, integrated business flow and logistics. Because rural areas, farmers and agricultural products are unique, they have some different characteristics compared with urban logistics distribution. Frequent orders for the rural chain supermarkets, many sto

22、res, high frequency of purchase orders, strict time limits for delivery; agricultural products are perishable and seasonal, which transportation, processing, preservation have high requirements for the logistics and distribution technology; It is lack of market demand in rural areas, farmers consume

23、r environment and awareness have not yet mature, the Infrastructures of logistics are still poor, the store layout is fragmented, regional span is large, distribution paths are tortuous and long, therefore, the distribution is difficult; rural commodities are replaced frequently; many products of th

24、e chain supermarkets in rural areas are big package supply based on individual store distribution center to dismantle zero and sorting.THE MAIN PROBLEMS OF LOGISTICS AND DISTRIBUTION OF RURAL SUPERMARKETSThe lower rate of uniform distribution and higher operating costAccording to the commerce depart

25、ment survey, the coverage of rural chain7supermarkets has reached more than 60% since TenThousand Villages market project was carried out while the distribution rate is just 40%.This is not only lower than 60% of the average delivery rate of domestic chain supermarkets, but also much lower than the

26、rate of foreign chain supermarkets which is more than 80%. .Uniform distribution leads to unified procurement. The stores can t get advantages of chainsThis will lead to the high logistics cost.The unreasonable logistics and distribution patterns of reading information efficientlyRecently, our rural

27、 chain supermarkets logistics and distribution channels are mainly consists of distribution centers, rural food and supply-marketing cooperatives, third-party logistics and distribution system. Actually, these three kinds of distribution ways are facing to the same problem of high logistics costs. M

28、any chain supermarkets have not established their own distribution center and could not met the needs of the distribution services. Even though some chain supermarkets have established their own distribution centers, there are still many problems. Most rural supermarkets are small and lack of funds

29、to build distribution centers, therefore a number of distribution centers can not meet the demands on supermarket distribution. The rural chain stores spread widely and the limited amount of single chain supermarkets distribution. The income is less than the cost of distribution centers construction

30、 and operation.Delayed construction, poor technology, low distribution level of distribution centersThe distribution centers of rural chain supermarkets are transformed and expanded mostly on the basis of the original warehouse, which can not meet the service needs of chain supermarkets. These distr

31、ibution centers can only be used for warehousing, storage and transportation. They are lack of deep processing capacity of goods, information processing and feedback functions. The basic facilities are inadequate and lack of mechanized equipments and testing, processing, freezing, cold storage, pack

32、aging and other equipments. Computer information management systems are also far from perfect which lead to the weakness of timely exchange of data with suppliers, 8headquarters and branches. It is difficult to manage the logistics information effectively, so that the level of all functions coordina

33、tion and integration is still verylow.Inadequate information-sharing systemThe information system construction of rural chain supermarketsis relatively backward. Electronic ordering systems, electronic data interchange systems and value-added network systems have not been used. Decision-make and inf

34、ormation management systems are far from perfect. It is difficult to communicate information among chain supermarkets, distribution centers and suppliers. All these lead to the untimely procurement and replenishment, resulting in supply gap. It is difficult to get timely operational guidance, sales,

35、 management, goods delivery and transfer between head office and the branches. In addition, information on products and services can not be feedback in time. Distribution products that do not reflect local characteristics and farmers need will be afgcthe development of chain supermarkets.Small-scale

36、 enterprises, lacking of leading enterprisesWhile the consumption of the rural market is potential, farmers spending powis poor. They do not accept designed products in the short time. Moreover, there are a lot of problems such as dispersion demand, high cost of rural logistics operation, small-scal

37、e, inadequate facilities, insufficient funds and without leading enterprises. It is difficult to achieve in logistics, distribution, management, and economies of scale.Distribution center with unqualified personnel, lack of logistics talents who are familiar with the rural market Distribution center

38、 came out late in China and was lack of professionals. The qualities of employments are generally low. Most operators do not have enough logistics knowledge with understanding little about operation principles , business segment interface, operating processes, industry standards, service standards a

39、nd modern information technical application. In this background, logistics talents are specially lack of in rural areas. There is an urgent need to develop enough talented persons who understand rural, farmers and grasp the features of modern rural logistics.THE LOGISTICS AND DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY O

40、F RURALCHAIN SUPERMARKETSSelecting the appropriate distribution waysThe logistics and distribution of chain supermarkets have four distribution ways which are self-delivery, third-party logistics, common delivery and supplier delivery. Because of the special properties of rural areas, farmers and ag

41、ricultural products, the development of Chinas retail industry is bound to carry out corporate restructuring in the future. Therefore it is more suitable for rural chain supermarkets to adopt a common distribution model. The third-party logistics and fourth-party logistics have been developed greatl

42、y in recent years, while chain supermarkets build their own distribution system in the use of logistics resources. It is important to learn to utilize third-party logistics and fourth-party logistics services. Therefore, mixed-distribution model is more suitable for Chinas rural chain supermarkets.

43、Small and medium-scale supermarkets have difficulty to establish their own distribution systems with the shortage of funds. It s also very difficult to produce economies of scale even if they are able to create distribution systems. The various forces of the weak chain supermarkets should be combine

44、d to establish distribution centers through cofinancing and manage all distribution businesses of all chain supermarkets. It can not only achieve the optimal allocation of logistics resources to improve the efficiency of logistics operations, but also reduce the investment burden or cost. It can be

45、provided for the joint procurement of materials. At the same time, supermarkets should also pay more attention on the cooperation with third-party logistics companies. For those fresh goods, frozen goods that supermarkets do not want to uniform distribution, The distribution center can be outsourcin

46、g to third-party logistics companies in order to achieve rapid response and timely delivery. The supermarkets which have distribution centers can develop the common distribution by means of commission and trustee. They could entrust the distribution center for co-distribution if they purchase fewer

47、goods. Large chain supermarketswith strong capital, in pursuit of the efficiency of logistics and distribution to enable to meet the specific requirements of each branch, tend to establish their own distribution centers. They can accept commissions of small and medium supermarket chain supermarkets

48、10to carry out a common distribution. Of course, large chain supermarkets sometimes have a huge amount of logistics business, even if they have there own distribution centers and distribution systems. They also need to cooperate with third party and fourth-party logistics companies in some operation

49、al aspects, especially in the long-distance transport, regional warehouses and other business areas. The advantages of outsourcing are obvious. Not only can solve the inventory of supply chains, transportation problems, but also help to resolve the issues of procurement, and manage the relationships

50、 between supermarkets and suppliers.Strengthen the construction of distribution centers to achieve the modernizationDetermine the size of distribution centers. With the number and types of the various branches goods, through a comprehensive analysis of the logistics market as well as future developm

51、ent needs, fully prediction of the size of the logistics capacity, the reasonable size and scale of distribution centers, then the size, location and function aspects of distribution centers will be optimized. Perfect the function of distribution centers. Distribution centers have many service funct

52、ions, such as warehousing, transportation, procurement, handling, distribution processing, distribution, information processing and feedback. Agricultural products and other commodities can be processed with the products and services information from farmers who are able to provide a wealth of high-

53、quality products, maintain low out rates and the harmonization of various functions. Strengthen the construction of hardware and software. On the hardware side, the automated warehouses, automatic sorting machines, electric lifts, automatic conveyors, data collection devices and other modern logisti

54、cs equipments should be gradually used to achieve the mechanization and automation of processing operation. To meet the distribution needs of some fresh perishable goods, the distribution center should accelerate the delivery speed, improve efficiency, reduce logistics cost and adopt a warehouse wit

55、h the functions of refrigerator and preservation. On the software side, we must pay attention to the construction of logistics information system to improve information level. Distribution centers should establish computerized management information systems, including electronic automated ordering s

56、ystem, electronic data interchange, point of11 sale systems and information feedback system. It is also need to be building an internet to connect with the production, supplication, marketing of the suppliers, distribution centers and shopping malls, so the whole purchasing, sorting, processing, pac

57、kaging, storage, transportation and other distribution operations can be closely integrated to ensure the proper functioning of the logistics distribution center. All these ways can bring the management to be informational and scientific. C. Increasing their sizes and chains, establishing a strict a

58、ccess system. Through the review, evaluation and analysis of farm shops financial strength, business premises, personnel qualities, operational status, the farm shops which have no power or behavior of operating fake and shoddy goods will be refused to join in the farm chain supermarkets, the farm s

59、hops to meet the standards can only join in the contract. Leading enterprises are preferential to join in the contract in which the distribution rate should not be less than a certain percentage, if farm shops distribution rate has been below 65% for four consecutive months or five months throughout

60、 the year, they will be canceled the franchise qualifications. In the same time, the distribution rate of each farm shop must be of certain requirements to improve the overall distribution rate of chain supermarkets.Establishing agricultural production base to ensure thesecurity of agricultural prod


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