高三英语培优外刊阅读 博物馆话题 学案_第1页
高三英语培优外刊阅读 博物馆话题 学案_第2页
高三英语培优外刊阅读 博物馆话题 学案_第3页




1、高三英语培优外刊阅读班级:学号:姓名:外刊精选I身临其境的博物馆,疫情下完成逆袭一沉浸式展览是近年很火爆的一种文化现象,强调给与参展者创造一种身临其境的艺术体 验,曾经在上海、东京等地举办过的国际“雨屋”展,吸引了一大波年轻人争相前往体验“科 技雨”。疫情之下,很多传统博物馆面临着生存窘境。在这种情况下,还是有不少投资者, 以赌徒心态投资沉浸艺术领域,看好这一行业的未来。沉浸式展览曾经有哪些爆款?是什么 想让投资者放手一搏?专业人士对此持有怎样的不同看法?Entrepreneurs Bet Big on Immersive Art Despite Covid-19By Zachary Smal

2、lEven as the pandemic takes its toll on tourism, immersive museums are expanding to new cities and wooing investors willing to gamble on the future of the emerging industry.Fotografiska opened in December 2019, welcoming visitors to view photography exhibitions in a boozy clubhouse atmosphere comple

3、te with midnight D.J. sets. The coronavirus pandemic has brought an end to the party, but not to the Swedish companys dreams of dotting the world with its for-profit museums.While traditional museums are discussing closures and mergers, the for-profit industry around immersive art is investing hundr

4、eds of millions of dollars into a business that currently has no audience because of the pandemic.Its a gambit that has surprised market watchers, who see this gamble on the previous triumph of experiential art - Random Internationafs Rain Room, which had thousands waiting for hours to experience a

5、technology-generated rainfall 一 as a difficult sell in a pandemic environment.Art is a risky enterprise, and in a period of distress, its exactly the wrong time to expect more investment/* said William Goetzmann, a professor at Yale University. nIf you are a nonprofit, you can appeal to donors to sa

6、feguard cultural heritage. If you are a for-profit company, an investor expects a return thats commensurate with the risk.”【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1 .entrepreneur ( D ntropro n3 : (r) n.mmersive i m3 : si v adj.woo wu: vt.boozy bu: zi adj. plete with.dot do t vt.; n.for-profit fa pro fl t adj.gambit

7、 gsembl t n.triumph tral A mf n.generate dj enorei t vt.distress di stres n.to appeal to sb. to do sth.donor dou no(r) n.【词块学习】请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。.(在某事上)下赌注.A对B产生了负面影响.下赌注.新兴行业.与. 相称拓展练习 阅读理解Across all four walls of a vast hall, Oscar Claude Monefs Three Pots of Tulips begin to swing. They bloom gen

8、tly at firsts then more violently, as the music gradually increases. Visitors to Immersive (沉浸式的)Monet”, now sit or stand in socially distant circles on the floor of a former music hall in San Francisco, their bodies bathed in the glow of these animated laser projections (投影).On Americas other coast

9、, visitors will be amazed more when a new exhibition space covering 50,000 square feet opens on April 22nd. At Superblue Miami they will be able to touch the blossoms winding across a huge wall, and doing so makes the artwork move and change. A Whole Year per YearJ-a digitally projected work by team

10、Lab, a Japanese art group, is a lightening cycle of the seasons in which visitors, hands cause plants to bloom and fade, petals (花 瓣)scattering in a balletic display. No two visits are ever the same.Immersive art“ experiences are on the rise, not just in America but across the world. Tens of thousan

11、ds of people have walked completely dry through a “Rain Room“ of streaming water in Shanghai, Melbourne and Shaijah. Others have visited a mirrored Infinity room“ in New York. More and more, the experience of contemporary art is just that: a novel experience.These displays share a common trait: an u

12、rge by artists to create-and audiences to enjoya space in which visitors participate and play. Its a bit like going into the museum and being in the picture J says Florian Ortkrass, co-founder of Random International, an art organization which has followed its amazing work “Rain Room with other exhi

13、bits that explore the relationship between human bodies and technology. If this kind of world is done well, it engages people emotionally, it lifts them out of their everyday routines, adds Hannes Koch, Random IntemationaPs other co-founder.What can we learn about immersive art“ described in the pas

14、sage?A.It can urge artists to create and audiences to enjoy.B.There is nothing to do with technology in Immersive Art.C.This form of art need no interaction between the exhibit and the audience.D.Every visitor can enjoy the same wonderful experience in “A Whole Year per Year”.Which of following word

15、 can replace the underlined word in Paragraph 4?A. tradeB.characteristicC.interestD. benefit.What does Hannes Kochs words mean?A.The development of immersive art makes people work harder for life.B.The development of immersive art can strengthen our physical power.C.The development of immersive art

16、can free us from the dull life.D.The development of immersive art can promote the relationship between body and technology外刊精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1 .entrepreneur , D ntropro, n3 : (r) n.企业家,创业者mmersive i m3 : si v adj.沉浸式的.woo wu: vt.招揽,取悦;求爱.boozy bu: zi adj.酗酒的 plete with有(某物)才完整.dot do t vt

17、.分布,分散;n.小圆点.for-profit fa pro fl t adj.盈利的.gambit gaembi t n.开局让棋法;一招险棋,一个险招.triumph trai A mf n.巨大成功;胜利.generate enorei t vt.生成,产生.distress di stres n.悲伤;消沉.to appeal to sb. to do sth.呼吁某人做某事.donor dou no(r) n.捐赠者【词块学习】请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。.to bet on sth.(在某事上)下赌注.A takes a toll on B A对B产生了负面影响.to g

18、amble on sth.下赌注.emerging industry 新兴行业.A is commensurate with B 与相称【全文翻译】尽管疫情犹在,创业者们仍想在沉浸艺术领域下大赌注尽管疫情对于旅游业的负面影响还在,但沉浸式博物馆却正在向新城市扩张,努力争取 让投资者为这一新兴行业的未来下赌注。2019年12月,纽约的福托格拉菲斯卡摄影博物馆面向公众开放。这里的展厅像一个弥 漫着酒气的午夜俱乐部,甚至还有DJ现场表演,参观者们就在这样的气氛中观展。疫情给 这场狂欢划上了休止符,但是这家瑞典公司的梦想并未就此终结它希望自己的营利性博 物馆能普及全世界。眼下,传统的博物馆大多在考虑停业或并购。疫情之下,沉浸式艺术也受众寥


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