1、威尼斯商人是莎翁早期的喜剧作品,并因其塑造的贪婪残忍的商人形象 夏洛克而堪称经典。夏洛克被认为是一个站在正义对立面的小丑。他心胸狭隘、 吝啬、自私,是传统意义上的反面人物。本文首先介绍二元对立论和解构主 义理论的特点以及他们在文学批评上的应用;然后结合威尼斯商人中的选 段,分别从两种理论角度来分析夏洛克的形象;并从三个方面即故事发生的社会 背景,夏洛克的自身性格因素和莎士比亚的创作观分析,探索夏洛克多面性格的 原因。本文旨在解构单一负面的夏洛克形象,展现其能言善辩、机智、热爱家庭 的另一面,从而在读者心中重建一个更加丰满生动的夏洛克。1 . IntroductionAs an importan
2、t means of Literary Criticism and an anti-traditional thought, Deconstruction has been widely used in criticizing the text. The main feature of Deconstruction is to prove that so-called two oppositions in structuralism such as men and women, homosexual and heterosexual, bad or good are actually inse
3、parable and there is inbetween in the two extremes. That is to say the two oppositions can neither be completely separated nor strictly divided to two categories. So the usual conclusion is that these categories are actually not fixed or exists in any absolute form.The Merchant of Venice has been re
4、cognized as an early Shakespeares representative works among his comedies, and it is full of social satire. In this work, the author creates a new series of distinct images of humanism. As a negative character, Shylock arouses interest of readers and critics for his complex personality. Since Marx h
5、ad such comments on the theme of the drama that the play reflected “the contradiction between capital and loan-sharking” 85, for a long time Shylock has been defined as a typical usurer who is mercenary and ruthless. Even in some dictionaries, Shylock has become a noun to describe the unscrupulous m
6、iser.However, these comments are somewhat partial, such as John Gross said, “If Shylock is merely a typical image, he can not occupy the stage over 400 years. ”2273 There are still certain positive aspects in his personality. Then in recent years, people have begun to get away from the influence of
7、stereotyped bias on Shylock and give Shylock a fair and objective evaluation.The paper here is intended only to reverse the term of “binary opposition”,use the theory of deconstruction to analyze Shylock, and study the real Shylock through the interpretation of Shylocks language, action and psycholo
8、gical description . In this paper, three sections can be identified: the study of theories of “binary opposition” and Deconstruction, the analysis of Shylocks image from the perspectives of these two theories, and the various factors influencing the formation of Shylocks image.Review of “Binary Oppo
9、sition” and DeconstructionBinary thought often appears in peoples minds. People like to look at the problem from the perspective of binary opposition because of the relatively simple way of thinking. Deconstruction, corresponding to binary opposition, is a pluralistic analysis approach, and similar
10、to the multiple results of the mathematical analysis.Theory of “Binary Opposition”Structuralism is one of the most frequently used methods to analyze the language, culture and society in the second half of the twentieth century. As the core of Structuralism, “binary oppositions” provides us with an
11、effective method of comprehending such a critical approach 3i28. In critical theory, a binary opposition is a pair of theoretical opposites. It is often seen as a fundamental organizer of human philosophy, culture, and language 4i.from/The most classic example of “binary opposition” is rational and
12、emotional, while in western philosophy, rationality has always enjoyed higher evaluation than sensibility. Another example is presence and absence. Similarly, the former position in the Western philosophy is much higher than the latter. The similarity of “high concept” is regarded as the impact of t
13、he l ogical centralitys western philosophy.The reasons why people tend to look at the problem in the perspective of binary opposition are the influence of empiricism in addition to the simple way of thinking. Empirical approach is to use the direct impact of the self-experience and imagination to ju
14、dge or determine the nature. The simplest qualitative ways are the ones like: good or bad, I like or I do not like, like me, or do not like me, you can believe or not believe. Usually peoples thinking is qualitative. Binary world may exist in only two parts, and usually the two are absolute and oppo
15、sed. Briefly, it is hard for people to avoid the dualistic way of thinking in fact, because people used to grade or think about things according to their experience.2.2 Theory of DeconstructionThe emergence of the term of “binary oppositions” helps people get away from the chaotic living appearance
16、and expose the integrity of the hidden structure. However, in post-structuralism, the categorization of binary oppositions is “often value-laden and ethnocentric”,with an illusory order and superficial meaning 536. It simplifies the results. Because there are a variety of positions located between t
17、hese two extreme positions. In fact, many arguments about the structuralism are trying to clarify the mentioned problems.In a word, facing the complex research questions, structuralism takes evasive attitude rather than a positive attitude to overcome difficulties and press ahead despite difficultie
18、s. This is negative.In 1967, the publication of a French philosopher Jacques Derridas Of Grammatologymarked the birth of the theory of deconstruction. Deconstruction” is derived from Heideggers Being and Time, and the original meaning is decomposition, digestion, revealing and so on. The word Heideg
19、ger used means decomposing or disassembling the structure, and then exploring the meaning out.Deconstruction is also called post-structuralism. Post-structuralism encompasses the intellectual developments of certain continental philosophers and sociologists who wrote within the tendencies of twentie
20、th-century French philosophy E】13.The criticism of binary opposition is not simply to reverse the oppositions, but in essence, the deconstruction doesnt tend to any arm of binary opposition. Deconstruction is the “event” or moment” at which a binary opposition is thought to contradict itself, and un
21、dermine its own authority t41.Generally, deconstruction attempts to demonstrate a discrete text contains several patchy contradictions; therefore that any text has one more interpretation; the text itself is inextricably linked to the interpretation; these irreducible interpretations is not compatib
22、le; and thus that an interpretative reading cannot go beyond a certain point. J. Hillis Miller has described deconstruction this way: “Deconstruction is not a dismantling of the structure of a text, but a demonstration that it has already dismantled itself. Its apparently-solid ground is no rock, bu
23、t thin air.”734.Analysis of Shylocks image from the perspective of two theoriesFrom the perspective of “Binary Opposition”,Shylock is defined as a ruthless mercenary miser, all the hateful aspects gathered in his personality. This is stereotyped unitary Shylock. However, in terms of Deconstruction,
24、Shylock is not a simply-defined anti-hero. Deconstruction will reveal a complex multifaceted Shylock with some positive characteristics.Stereotyped unitary Shylock in terms of “Binary Opposition”According to this term, we know that according to “binary opposition”, everything has two sides. For exam
25、ple, in The Merchant of Venice, it reflects the conflicts between the capitalists and usurers at the beginning of the capitalist society. The theme of this play is to praise kindness, friendship and love, so the evil aspects can be found in the play.In this play, Shylock and such Antonios are opposi
26、tions. Antonio is the embodiment of friendship. In order to help Bassanio marry Portia, Antonio can sacrifice anything no matter it is money or life. His merit is to be admired. Bas sanio is the embodiment of love. He is very brave to pursue his own true love. In process of love pursuit, he is witty
27、, intelligent and courageous. As the heroine this play, Portia is the embodiment of wisdom and beauty. She focuses on morality instead of wealth, family status, and uses her intelligence and wisdom to fight against Shylock. We can infer these conclusions from the following excerpts.Antonios friendsh
28、ipExcerpt Scene one, Act oneANTONIOI pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it; And if it stand, as you yourself still do, within the eye of honour, be assured, my purse, my person, my extremest means, lie a ll unlockd to your occasions.ANTONIOYou know me well, and herein spend but time to wind about
29、my love with circumstance; And out of doubt you do me now more wrong in making question of my uttermost than if you had made waste of all I have: Then do but say to me what I should do that in your knowledge may by me be done, and I am prest unto it: therefore, speak.From the conversation, we can in
30、fer that Antonio treasures his friend very much. In his opinion, Bassanio plays a more important way than his wealth or even his life. Although finally he is nearly framed to death by Shylock, he doesn t blame Bassanio for owed money. He helps Bassanio without any ulterior motives, just for his frie
31、ndship.Bassanios loveExcerpt Scene two, Act threeBASSANIOPromise me life, and Ill confess the truth.PORTIAWell then, confess and live.BASSANIOConfess and love had been the very sum of my confession: O happy torment, when my torturer doth teach me answers for deliverance!But let me to my fortune and
32、the caskets.Compared with romantic songs, Bassanios short sentence-”Confess and love had been the very sum of my confession” transmits his deep love. It not only expresses the romance, but also shows the steadfast love.Portias intelligenceExcerpt Scene seven, Act twoPORTIAGo draw aside the curtains
33、and discover the several caskets to this noble prince. Now make your choice.PORTIAThe one of them contains my picture, prince: If you choose that, then I am yours withal.Here I choose this excerpt rather than the fighting against Shylock in the court. Maybe many readers will overpass it. Via the pro
34、cess of choosing her husband, Portia uses a novel way. Her wisdom helps her get a true love.Compared with these positive characters, as a negative character, Shylock can only be a selfish, abominable and greedy miser . In our textbooks, Shylock s image is defined by the traditional “binary oppositio
35、ns”.Excerpt Scene three, Act oneSHYLOCKAside How like a fawning publican he looks! I hate him for he is a Christian, but more for that in low simplicity he lends out money gratis and brings down the rate of usance here with us in V enice. If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the anc
36、ient grudge I bear him. He hates our sacred nation, and he rails, even there where merchants most do congregate, on me, my bargains and my well-won thrift, which he calls interest. Cursed be my tribe, if I forgive him!From these asides, we can infer that Shylock is narrow-minded. And he hates Antoni
37、o. He thinks it is his chance to get even with Antonio. His revenge plan is launched. Besides these, we know that Shylock is a usurer from the communication between Shylock and Antonio. People in the Venice who are Christians dont appreciate Shylock.Excerpt Scene three, Act threeSHYLOCKGaoler, look
38、to him: tell not me of mercy; This is the fool that lent out money gratis: Gaoler, look to him.ANTONIOHear me yet, good Shylock.SHYLOCKIll have my bond; speak not against my bond: I have sworn an oath that I will have my bond. Thou calldst me dog before thou hadst a cause; But, since I am a dog, bew
39、are my fangs: The duke shall grant me justice. I do wonder,Thou naughty gaoler, that thou art so fond to come abroad with him at his request.This is the core problem of the play. Shylock wants Antonio to pay the money back. If not, Antonio must cut a pound of his flesh. From this conflict people con
40、sider Shylock as a bloody grim usurer. E. F. C. Ludowyk also supports the idea that people consider Shylock a devil and Antonios dooml8】3。3. In the theory of Binary Opposition”, Shylock naturally becomes the villain. Greedy, cunning, cruel-all the evil aspects of the character of Shylock can not be
41、denied. Thus it can be seen that it is feasible and possible to use “binary oppositions” to the practice literary criticisml3】127.3.2 Complex multifaceted Shylock in terms of DeconstructionIf we analyze Shylock with the Deconstruction. We will find another Shylock who will be a man you may love.Firs
42、tly, Shylock is a wise businessman.Shylock is a usurer, which means he has a lot of primitive accumulation. He is a businessman who is always attempting to maximize benefits. Besides daily business, usury is one of his main income. It is excusable. Indeed with the exception of Portia, the character
43、of Shylock is the most valued in the play. He loves money and makes no secret of his passion by crying it out on the open market 934.Secondly, Shylock is a family loverExcerpt Scene five, Act twoSHYLOCKWell, thou shalt see, thy eyes shall be thy judge, the difference of old Shylock and Bassanio:-Wha
44、t, Jessica!-thou shalt not gormandise, as thou hast done with me:-What, Jessica!-And sleep and snore, and rend apparel out;-Why, Jessica, I say!LAUNCELOTWhy, Jessica!SHYLOCKWho bids thee call? I do not bid thee callIn the above scene, Shylock was anxious because Launcelot calls Jessicas name. On one
45、 hand, Launcelot is a servant with lowly status. Addressing his daughters name seems to shake Jessicas status; on the other hand, Launcelot is not upright, and is a Christian. Hearing “Jessica” words from his mouth, Shylock think s she is the apple of an insult.Though indeed Shylock loves money, the
46、re are things he values infinitely more, among other things his daughter; “Jessica, my child” H。】2。. Though he curses her in overwhelming and passionate anger, longing to see her death at his feet with the jewels in her ears and the ducats in her coffin, he loves her nevertheless more than all his j
47、ewels and his ducats. Thrust out of public life and Christian society into narrow limits of household joys, the poor Jew found himself entirely dependant on family ties. He would not have given away the turquoise ring once given him by his wife Lea for a “forest of monkeyg回 35.In view of this, Shylo
48、ck is a true family lover:Finally, Shylock has racial dignity:Excerpt Scene one, Act threeSHYLOCKHe hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and whats his reason? I am
49、 a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organsWhy, revenge. The villany you teachme, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.Obviously, this is Shylocks complaint against Antonie:From the above we can see that Antonio discriminated before: He discriminates S
50、hylock as moneylender and a Jewish:Then Shylocks unreasonable demands-to cut a pound of flesh, come into being: Why he would rather give up twice the fine than a pound of meat? Because he wants revenge: Long-term discrimination, depression, injustice and bitterness have no place to be taken out, so
51、once he has opportunities, he will clutch at straws as a life buoy: That makes the ridiculous scene:Shylock is discriminated and abused, not only by Antonio for their conflict of interest, but also by anyone who can insult:Excerpt Scene one, Act fourGRATIANOO, be thou damnd, inexecrable dog! And for
52、 thy life let justice be accused. Thou almost makest me waver in my faith to hold opinion with Pythagoras, that souls of animals infuse themselves into the trunks of men: thy currish spirit Govern,d a wolf, who, hangd for human slaughter,even from the gallows did his fell soul fleet, a nd, whilst th
53、ou layst in thy unhallowd dam, infused itself in thee; for thy desires are wolvish, bloody, starved and ravenous.Here, Gratlano curses Shylock mercilessly, however Shylock just replies: “Till thou canst rail the seal from off my bond, Thou but offendst thy lungs to speak so loud: Repair thy wit, goo
54、d youth, or it will fall to cureless ruin: I stand here for law.” Although there are sarcastic words, and even point of shame, at least there is no insult meant:Shylock loves his race, and he tried his best to protect his national dignity: So, as a Jew, Shylock is subjected to inhuman treatment: He
55、is a warrior to face the irrational system and unfair society.In short, in order to defend the dignity of his nation and individual, Shylock struggles unremittingly against Christian. He is brave and he deserves our sympathy, respect and admiration.Having deconstructed, the multi-faceted nature of S
56、hylocks image is revealed.The factors influencing the formation of Shylocks imageWith the increase of Shylocks research, the comments about Shylock also become various. We can see from the above analysis, Shylock is not only a mercenary usurer, but also a man deserves our sympathy. Of course, at the
57、 same time, more and more people begin to focus on the causes of his character. The paper here sum up three factors influencing the formation of Shylocks image.Social background in Shylocks ageWhen Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice, Britain was in the period of rapid development of capitalism
58、, and gradually expanded overseas. The accumulation of wealth was an important goal of national development. Although the usurers represented by Shylock had ever supported the economic development, they were finally overwhelmed by the rolling tide. Because the loan sharks did not create new wealth f
59、or society, they were only for personal interests. They were called parasites by the rising bourgeois. The businessmen such as Antonio became the typical emerging bourgeoisie with time going by. They were engaged in overseas trade, set up UKs image outside the territory, spr ead the impact of the UK
60、, and also brought wealth for the country to complete the primitive accumulation of capitalism. In such an economic context, Shylocks situation would have never turned out to a comedy. The fate of Shakespeares Shylock was predetermined by the tragic status of usueres based on such economic foundatio
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